Hard for them to leave this trade, since they have no other skills. Low pay from other jobs as well. I have personally witnessed how a ML becomes older and older within a short period of time due to lack of sleep and exercise. Eventually I cut her off completely.
You can only take a woman out of Geylang, but not the Geylang out of her.
Ain’t in any position to judge though. Just that for anyone who is dreaming about a happy ever after ending with a WL has his work cut out for him.
You can only take a woman out of Geylang, but not the Geylang out of her.
Ain’t in any position to judge though. Just that for anyone who is dreaming about a happy ever after ending with a WL has his work cut out for him.
That’s why it is better to just pay and enjoy while the beauty still lasts. Hard for them to maintain coz their face always on make up and lack of sleep. Some of them look extremely old at the age of 25 or 26 which I find quite amazing. Coz most girls by right should be still at prime around that age.
Just wanna share recent story & somewhat of a coincidence today .. Met a ML last year around September last year, had alot of fun with her, frequented her around 4-8 times per month until January this year. Felt in love with her, sometimes I just buy her food and bring to her workplace during lunch hour just to spend some time together. Until the point sometimes pay for the time to just cuddle in the store, no hanky panky, no massage.
Then she decided to go back home, I guess this line of work took too much of a toll on her emotionally, glad that she went home and is currently doing something new, heard from her that she got no intention to come back SG anymore.
Fast forward to today, met another ML that looks so much like her that I had to ask if they knew each other, as fate would have it, they turned out to be biological sisters, had pics of them together and all. Personality was similar too.
Idk to feel happy I found someone that was so much alike her, or that her sister also had to step into this trade. Ironic to feel conflicted since I'm paying for this, but life plays you around sometimes.
Just wanna share recent story & somewhat of a coincidence today .. Met a ML last year around September last year, had alot of fun with her, frequented her around 4-8 times per month until January this year. Felt in love with her, sometimes I just buy her food and bring to her workplace during lunch hour just to spend some time together. Until the point sometimes pay for the time to just cuddle in the store, no hanky panky, no massage.
Then she decided to go back home, I guess this line of work took too much of a toll on her emotionally, glad that she went home and is currently doing something new, heard from her that she got no intention to come back SG anymore.
Fast forward to today, met another ML that looks so much like her that I had to ask if they knew each other, as fate would have it, they turned out to be biological sisters, had pics of them together and all. Personality was similar too.
Idk to feel happy I found someone that was so much alike her, or that her sister also had to step into this trade. Ironic to feel conflicted since I'm paying for this, but life plays you around sometimes.
Saw a video of a Chinese man lamenting how the current generation of Chinese youth is wasted. Male Uni grads become food delivery workers, female Uni grads become 网红. The guys donate their earnings to the girls, and the girls spend their earnings on food. Not sure how representative such view is, but the ML I dated which came back is now in her mid 30s. The rot is probably more extensive.
Saw a video of a Chinese man lamenting how the current generation of Chinese youth is wasted. Male Uni grads become food delivery workers, female Uni grads become 网红. The guys donate their earnings to the girls, and the girls spend their earnings on food. Not sure how representative such view is, but the ML I dated which came back is now in her mid 30s. The rot is probably more extensive.
Yeah I guess the lesson here is that just take it as renting a girlfriend, some of them really play the GFE level extremely high. Just have to remember that they are here just to make a living and its really just work.
Saw a video of a Chinese man lamenting how the current generation of Chinese youth is wasted. Male Uni grads become food delivery workers, female Uni grads become 网红. The guys donate their earnings to the girls, and the girls spend their earnings on food. Not sure how representative such view is, but the ML I dated which came back is now in her mid 30s. The rot is probably more extensive.
The economy is bad then more influx of SYT, but have to make sure you keep ur job secure also😉
Fast forward to today, met another ML that looks so much like her that I had to ask if they knew each other, as fate would have it, they turned out to be biological sisters, had pics of them together and all. Personality was similar too.
Very interesting thing. An ML I dated before and parted reappeared in SG recently, back in the old trade. I thought she would go back to a normal life. To see her back, and the raving reviews left for her by customers left a bit of a bitter taste and tinge of regrets. Better not be emotionally involved is still the wise thing to do.
It's harder to score with a ML that provides special, as they will be tempted with the extras they make
Aim for the ones working in clean joints. There are a few really beautiful ones with good figure and boobs in clean joints. If they have mutual feelings, they will likely be the ones who are looking out for long term relationship and marriages. Some are single or divorced with/without kids. For my case, I'm marrying one soon with a kid in China
Very interesting thing. An ML I dated before and parted reappeared in SG recently, back in the old trade. I thought she would go back to a normal life. To see her back, and the raving reviews left for her by customers left a bit of a bitter taste and tinge of regrets. Better not be emotionally involved is still the wise thing to do.
If they have any brain they would save all their earnings and buy property or index fund. Instead, most will squander it away on luxury goods which will only depreciate wit time. This is their one and only chance to utilize their youth and good looks( or can marry a rich guy). Once past their prime, they will have to compete wit younger ml/fl and its a downward hill from then on. And marrying working ladies is the mos stupid thing. They alrdy used goods and will have less and less value as time goes on.
If they have any brain they would save all their earnings and buy property or index fund. Instead, most will squander it away on luxury goods which will only depreciate wit time. This is their one and only chance to utilize their youth and good looks( or can marry a rich guy). Once past their prime, they will have to compete wit younger ml/fl and its a downward hill from then on. And marrying working ladies is the mos stupid thing. They alrdy used goods and will have less and less value as time goes on.
Yeah I dunno why she didn’t do something about her situation during this window after we parted. I could not recall she had especially difficult family circumstances so I could only surmise that she reckoned the money is easy in this line. Once you have that mindset, the mentality is set. Cheongster wouldn’t know how old these girls really are, unless they are so cui. The one I dated came back and advertised an age 10 years younger and she does look the part. So they continue to come here to milk.
It's harder to score with a ML that provides special, as they will be tempted with the extras they make
Aim for the ones working in clean joints. There are a few really beautiful ones with good figure and boobs in clean joints. If they have mutual feelings, they will likely be the ones who are looking out for long term relationship and marriages. Some are single or divorced with/without kids. For my case, I'm marrying one soon with a kid in China
Wow. Must be quite a journey. Are you bringing her kid over to SG too?