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Old 31-01-2011, 12:27 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

azalirahman: let me know when you fulfil your fantasy .. and for SCB .. yes, had that many year ago - apparently the employer concern and want to meet the maid's prospective

I said I just say hello and my intention not to fuck with the maid (I said it directly) and after a few second of silence, employer said "SORRY" and no more ..
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Old 01-02-2011, 05:12 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
REG: you the man - come on .. tell me, if it looks like shit, smells like shit, and give you thoughts of shit - is not Shit right ??

Maid = maid - and you are describing girls who are not maids .. and more of receptionist .. and then you fancy calling them maid ha ?? sorry, I am not experience like you ..

BTW, what is this "upper strata of SG society" thingy ???
Upper strata is the economic and or political ruling class of SG society.
Old 02-02-2011, 10:25 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Upper strata is the economic and or political ruling class of SG society.
So what you are saying is that the richer people can hire more intelligent and capable sexy young things who do domestic, administrative and sexual tasks for their employers?
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Old 03-02-2011, 01:46 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Upper strata is the economic and or political ruling class of SG society.
Thanks for clarifying it .. I am so dumb, unlike smart you ...

Time for some fun ...
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Old 03-02-2011, 12:10 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

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Old 06-02-2011, 07:55 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

I just approach a maid at Isetan supermarket a while ago. Managed to get her number , I get to find out she is off every Sunday as her employer is Ang Mo. She looks quite pretty and innocent looking . But who knows , maybe can get to up her... But still need to do some more talking.....and going out with her to ensure that she is comfortable with me.
Old 07-02-2011, 11:29 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

i have been reading abt bonking maids here... as in full time maid... anyone had any experince wif part time maid... those who we enagage to come our place for 4 hrs each week?

I have been hiring part time maid for the last 5 yrs... never thought of tis as e past ones r beyong lookable... but lately... my pt maid has to go back to her country n my friend recommended a new one to me...

she look pleasant and after awhile her looks does grow on u... my past maid i will give a average of -1 to 2 of out of 10 in terms of looks... but tis new one i will give 6.5.

Wondering anyone has bonk or attempt to bonk pt maids? me thinking how shd i tempt her. she is a bei du ma ma here wif her son...
Old 07-02-2011, 01:30 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by shua View Post
she look pleasant and after awhile her looks does grow on u... my past maid i will give a average of -1 to 2 of out of 10 in terms of looks... but tis new one i will give 6.5.

Wondering anyone has bonk or attempt to bonk pt maids? me thinking how shd i tempt her. she is a bei du ma ma here wif her son...
Chit chat, find out if she have BF, and if not, then ask her stay back - or order pizza when she finish (of course, make sure you pay the extra hour .. ) but then again, I learn the bad way - had one part time maid, used to iron / clean, and when she cozy up and decide to make me happy by sucking - her work quality drop off - so .. tough to say
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Old 07-02-2011, 01:38 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
but then again, I learn the bad way - had one part time maid, used to iron / clean, and when she cozy up and decide to make me happy by sucking - her work quality drop off - so .. tough to say
Ya, sometimes work and play cannot mix and the worst thing is she knows where you stay not so safe after all.
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:19 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by shua View Post
......she is a bei du ma ma here wif her son...
I've Upped 1 PDMM with a daughter once last year, she was very tight and good but after that one encounter she feels very guilty and dare not reply my SMSes. She told me she has never had any other guy before other than her husband

I've also decided not to persue her further as she's a very nice lady and I don't want her to feel more guilty towards her husband.
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:59 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by thomas88 View Post
I've Upped 1 PDMM with a daughter once last year, she was very tight and good but after that one encounter she feels very guilty and dare not reply my SMSes. She told me she has never had any other guy before other than her husband
true bro,
some pinoy like to treat u like ONS like that, got some also just lose contact and reject calls, they are hard to please la
Old 08-02-2011, 02:17 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Before u guys plan to screw a maid, READ THIS FIRST!!

A PREGNANT Indonesian maid took her own life when she became emotionally upset that her married boyfriend refused to break off with his girlfriend in Batam, a coroner's court heard.

Anis Dwi Rianawati had asked her 45-year-old Malaysian boyfriend to choose between her and his girlfriend in Batam hours before her death.

Her boyfriend requested time to think about it. During their long conversation at his place on Oct 24 last year, Rianawati, 29, had swallowed some health supplements belonging to her boyfriend, who stopped her and kept patting her back to get her to throw out.

Anis lost consciousness for a while and when she came to, he tried to stop her from leaving as he was afraid that she would do something foolish. But Anis managed to get a cab back to her employer's apartment block in Meyer Road. He drove there and called her down to talk things over. She again insisted that he call his girlfriend in Batam but he refused. She tried to call her but there was no response.

She then threatened to take her own life. Her boyfriend followed her into the lift and she threatened to jump when the lift reached the 20th floor. They got to the ground floor and she ran out.

When he found her near the guard house, she again asked him to call his girlfriend to break up with her, but he ignored her and left. That was the last time Anis was seen alive.

Old 08-02-2011, 11:48 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Happy Lunar New Year kengarou and all friends. kengarou, isn't it better to find Filipina maids in pubs in Lucky Plaza than random Filipina maids doing shopping in a supermarket? Because those in pubs are looking for company; they are more playable. Whereas those we meet in e.g. a supermarket, we have to 'see our luck'?

I have learnt a lot reading all your tips and hard won experiences.

Hi thomas88. Why don't you give your PDMM FB a hongbao to keep her interest?

Last edited by batty; 08-02-2011 at 11:48 AM. Reason: Amendments.
Old 08-02-2011, 11:48 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Thomas: the story of 'being guilty' is a very common story to shaft you so they can move to another guy .. but very rarely, it is true

Take it with a pinch of salt, when you hear "nobody other than husband touch"

I take that as challenge ..

And upped you for your posting ..
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Old 09-02-2011, 06:07 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

I like to share my experiences on this area...

I learnt that maids are like any of us. In fact, i think they are more "hungrier" than us because when we need to quench our urge, we know where to find release. But when they need to quench their "thirst" (and trust me they do have) where do u think they can find relief?

Will they go for their boss? Their boss' sons? Boss' fathers, uncles? Friends? Neighbours? Where to go? DIY?!!! Wa biang....

U know if after a long while they have not find release, they will be very very bua ta han.

I share this because recently, i was walking at Bishan blk 148 going up to one of the house. And down came this very pretty lady. I look at her and she smiled at me. Our eyes caught each other like you cannot siam and u cannot miss. I didn't plan to look for gals. But when i saw her, wa lou... its 9/10 for looks kind, and then i do a quick scan down her boobs is easily C kind and there goes my heart bimboo bimboo, and her bump oolala..... how to siam? Guess what i did?

Continue next time because its 6am now and me got to get some sleep...

If you are keen to know further developments, please indicate. Else i am happy to end it because what's the point of sharing a real-life story when no one is keen right or if the response is only to a handful right?

Thank u bros.
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