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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 06-01-2012, 03:04 PM
robertchua robertchua is offline
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Re: Buddy Pleae give me advice

Originally Posted by danshui View Post
bro how about thaimistress ??? but thaimistress seldom reply email .....
anybody serve there before ?

or anybody try this before ?

pls advice ~
robert chua thanks your advice again shifu ~ haha
Bro danshui, unfortunately, I have never tried Mistress Midori and her dominatrix so cannot give you any advice. You can try emailing your interests to the various dominatrix and use their response as a gauge. If their reply is those standard template kind, they may not be really reading your email.

For instance, I have recently asked Mistress Nurie of Thaidomina for a session requesting that thigh high boots be worn for her visiting dominatrix (Mistress Jasmine and Nikki). It has been more than a week since my first email and I have sent another email but there is no reply from her at all. Not sure if other bros here have the same problem.
Old 06-01-2012, 03:08 PM
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Re: Buddy Pleae give me advice

Originally Posted by divinewind View Post
I was in BKK a couple weeks back and asked Midori for those Mistresses - she said all had left, some open spa shop some returned to home country like Pai Ling is from Burma. Midori said Ice and Tahn still around. Apparently Midori did not update her website.
Bro divinewind, that is sad news. I recall that Mistress Midori is one of the pioneers for BDSM in Thailand. If the dominatrix does not maintain her website, that is not a good sign either.
Old 06-01-2012, 03:13 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ggompong View Post
Had a great session with Mistress Sayako today. She looked as amazing as when I first met her 2 years ago.....(ok slightly older) but her body was magnificent as before....175 cm....6 pack.....she wore her black pvc catsuit, boots and opera leather gloves......she is very sensually dominant.....playful...yet always in command and control....intelligent and understood what i wanted....but kept to her "script".....and what and how she wanted....i got what i asked for......sensual domination......a little pain to keep me honest.....alligator nipple clamps....a little whipping (no marks for me).....she said that she had a few appointments the next few days....hope you Bro's enjoy equally good or better time.....Bro Dominion did you get confirmation? maybe you should email her again or sms her? details in her website
Bro ggompong, thanks to your post alerting us about Mistress Sayako coming to Sillypore, I managed to contact Mistress Sayako and quickly secured my slot. However due to work, I had to reschedule my session. Thankfully, Mistress Sayako's schedule was flexible for me to change.

I will post my FR on her once I meet her.
Old 06-01-2012, 03:16 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by dell_lee_2003 View Post
Here what its started.

I have waited for 10min to meet with Kathy beside the hotel. She was late due to traffic jam. But very worth while. 24 years old pretty model and very nice pedi with high heel who can make me crazy the whole session.

We checked in to the hotel. Inside the room, as usual I shower while she is resting on the bed. She never take out her shoe as its my job to kneel and take let her feet touch the air. I smell her feet for awhile and suck and lick her feet for a while. As usual, i put her feet in my mouth and start gagging while I was in kneeling position. Since the second meeting onwards, I never have to ask her to do next. She know what I want and what I craving for.

She start kicking my dick with her feet while her left one is inside my mouth. the best moment of my life. Gagged by pretty girl feet and on the other side, my dick was tortured. I moaned and moaned every single kick that she gave to me. We did this long time since we have more time to go. She slap my face occasionally which is requested in previous session. Every session, we did the same but we find a new way to torture me.

She then put out her feet inside my mouth. I wonder what is next. She just place her feet on the floor, take my dick and place it on her feet. I was wondering whether she will trample my dick already. I close my eye and I feel the slap. Oh my gosh, she is slapping my dick. She slap, I moan. I moan, she slap harder. I feel so shoik and so good. My mind is just dead. I dont want to do anything just want to feel her hard slap. My cock was so stiff and my mind was thinking of cumming. I beg her make me cum with her finger.

She sit on the chair (a small chair). I lie down on my back.
She then slide her feet inside my mouth, push to the end. Extreme gagged. my eye was pop out as I am having a difficult position. She hold the feet, and start torturing my dick with her hand. She used various way to torture my dick. Slap continuously with hand, tickle my dick with her nail (wow very shoik also) and squeeze, Hand job then slap again about 3 min. I know I am about to cum. She slap my dick every 1/2 second. How can I take it one feet gagged and my dick was tortured. I cum and cum during her slap.. Very excited and surprise. She also surprise, I cum during her slaps.

That's my recent experience bro. Hope you guys enjoy. I am wishing to meet her again before chinese new year.
Bro dell_lee_2003, glad to hear you had fun with Miss Kathy!
Old 06-01-2012, 09:52 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Finally had my session today . When she call up to mt in the lift , I was like : wow ... She looks better than her pics on her website standing at 1.75m . I am only staring at her breast level .

Wun go too much into the details , but when she chat with me in the room I was like wow friendly and beautiful mistress and she actually is not worry abt time as she enjoy chatting and warming up and although I only book for a 1 hr session , she actually not rushing to go into the session . We chat for ard 20 mins before she order me undress and the rest is history .

I find it a mind blowing experience . She verbal tease me while doin her thing and appears she clearly enjoying it . Yeah she is very good with the verbal teasing and god , she got six pac from her workout with her strap on dildo on her slave . She uses her slave for workout hahaha . And occasionally when I look down , she will give a few tight slap on my face , yes for not looking and amairing her beautiful goddess .

She wants me to looking at her so I I'll remember our session . Lots of eye contact and you can see her evil smile and sexy body while she is doing you. And her feet are nice to lick .legs is so long so fair smooth that doesn't seem to end . I am totally conqured by her .

Finally after 1 hr or so we end the session cause 4 pm another bro has booking . When I go down saw a bro waiting . Mr Robert? Hehe . This is my first mistress from NYC and I totally luv the things she do especially the eye contact teasing and her friendliness , she actually hug me 3 times before we parted . Yeah I know a 1.75m mistress hugging a 1.62 male . Sounds funny rite? But I guess will have to wait for her to return to Singapore again . Yes good news , she told me she may return for us slave here!

I told her her tribute is a bit high and not everybody can afford it . Thats why i only took an hour seasion.she says she focus on quality and not out to make fast bucks out of us . Towards the end of the session then I know every cents worth for her tribute .
And did I mention after I wash up , she is not in a hurry to shoo me off we sat on the bed with her smoking on her cigar . Manz ... Really fall in luv with mistress Sayako already .

Hope my report helps , she is a very open minded mistress and hope she ll return soon .
Old 07-01-2012, 08:53 AM
robertchua robertchua is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro raygoat, glad to hear you enjoyed your session with Mistress Sayako. That was not me you saw yesterday. I was a little late for my session and I smsed Mistress Sayako. She was not pissed off and I am grateful for that.

After I have reached her lobby, I smsed her again and she replied "coming". Although I knew how she looked like from her website, I hope I can recognize her. I recall my experience with Mistress Bella of Thaidomina last year and was rather disappointed when she finally appeared looking so ordinary and not like her website photos.

Back to Mistress Sayako, she appeared in a red long dress that showed off her fine figure. Unfortunately, she was wearing her sandals instead of her thigh high boots that I specifically requested for. She smiled at me and beckoned me to come into the lift while she used her key card to go to her level.

On the lift ride upwards, she asked me about the dominatrix I engaged when I was in USA recently (I did not bother posting the FR for this particular dominatrix as she will not be coming to Sillypore). She told me she does not know her personally but am glad that she will be my second dominatrix from USA that I will be serving. There was absolutely no airs from her and I felt more like a friend rather than a client. Compared to the various Thailand dominatrix I have tried so far, she really makes the effort to connect with me.

When we finally got to her room, she asked me to sit on the chair opposite her bed while she laid comfortably against the headboard and started asking me about my experiences engaging dominatrix. I told her that I have rather limited experiences engaging dominatrix and here in Sillypore, our choices are very limited. I told her I engage prostitutes to kick me and she was rather amused by the fact that some prostitutes find it liberating to kick a man in his balls. She confirmed with me that I wanted ball kicking and told me she will kick my balls really hard. All that talk made me hot and bothered and I cannot wait to try her kicks that will injure my balls.

After our small talk has ended, she told me to get undressed as that will please her. She took out a collar and collared me (my first experience of getting collar and this gives me a deeper appreciation of "collarme" as in the website). Next, she led me to the toilet door where she had already setup a series of hand and leg cuffs. She tied me and told me to admire her beauty - she was topless (yes, her breasts are real) and was wearing only a pair of black panties and her lovely black thigh high boots. Halfway through our session, she wore a pair of elbow length black leather gloves and this is a sight I will remember for a long time.

She also carried a whip in her hand (though I am not really into whipping) which she used on my cock. She also used a small metallic vibrator which she can set the intensity and placed it just below the cock head. It is an interesting experience getting my cock stimulated but she warned me not to cum as she dislike slaves cumming without her permission.

She started kicking my balls and told me to admire her in spite of the tremendous pain she is causing to me. She told me my hard-on is paying homage to her beauty and I totally agreed with her. Her kicks are deadly accurate and not before long, my right testicle started to bleed. She admired her handiwork and told me that it is now my left testicle's turn to get marks (I told her I can have marks on my cock and balls and not anywhere else).

This was when I had trouble taking her kicks as she aimed solely at my left testicle (interestingly, my left testicle is weaker than my right one - dun ask me why). I was left a quivering wreck and she laughed and giggled at my predicament. She released my right hand from the cuffs and asked me to cum while she keep on kicking me. This is another first for me and I must say it is another interesting experience.

Before I cummed, I asked if I could be released from the cuffs (I am not really into being tied up) so I can try her full force kicks while I am standing up. I added I wanted to be a mugger in NYC and try to mug her. She told me that she is trained in kickboxing and demonstrated a few kicks in the air. I smiled at this sight as the other dominatrix in USA also showed me how she would kick me in real life if I was a mugger.

Mistress Sayako released me from my restraints and I role-played as a mugger saying "give me all your money". Without a moment's of hesitation, she kicked me in my balls and I fell like a rock. I simply cannot take more than one kick in my injured state. I willed myself to stand up and before I could even stand straight, she kicked me in my balls again and I fell like a rock clutching my swollen and bleeding balls. She gave me some time to rest before I took the final kick of the day. By this time, the blood was flowing rather freely and my thighs were blood stained as well.

I asked her if I could lick her thigh high boots that have caused me so much pain (She shared with me the phrase "It hurts so good" and I totally dig it) and she asked me to lie beside the bed while I cum with her right boot trampling on my bloody balls while licking the left boot. I shot my load very quickly.

I washed up in her toilet and before I left, she gave me a big hug (yes, she was still topless). She told me she will return next year and hope to see me again. I am of course happy that she will be back.

I paid her her requested tribute (that is slightly higher than the other USA dominatrix) and left a tip as well (The culture in USA - dun ask me why). Though expensive, I must say trying a NYC dominatrix in Sillypore is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I am so happy I met Mistress Sayako!

I am nursing my poor swollen and bleeding balls even as I type this FR.
Old 07-01-2012, 09:36 AM
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Re: Buddy Pleae give me advice

Originally Posted by dell_lee_2003 View Post
wow. I just saw mistress pai ling is very pretty. I wish she can come to Singapore. if I have her email I will definitely suggest her to try out Singapore slaves.

I jus got info that mistress pai ling is pregnant.. will be back after she give birth..
Old 07-01-2012, 09:43 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
Bro raygoat, glad to hear you enjoyed your session with Mistress Sayako. That was not me you saw yesterday. I was a little late for my session and I smsed Mistress Sayako. She was not pissed off and I am grateful for that.

After I have reached her lobby, I smsed her again and she replied "coming". Although I knew how she looked like from her website, I hope I can recognize her. I recall my experience with Mistress Bella of Thaidomina last year and was rather disappointed when she finally appeared looking so ordinary and not like her website photos.

Back to Mistress Sayako, she appeared in a red long dress that showed off her fine figure. Unfortunately, she was wearing her sandals instead of her thigh high boots that I specifically requested for. She smiled at me and beckoned me to come into the lift while she used her key card to go to her level.

On the lift ride upwards, she asked me about the dominatrix I engaged when I was in USA recently (I did not bother posting the FR for this particular dominatrix as she will not be coming to Sillypore). She told me she does not know her personally but am glad that she will be my second dominatrix from USA that I will be serving. There was absolutely no airs from her and I felt more like a friend rather than a client. Compared to the various Thailand dominatrix I have tried so far, she really makes the effort to connect with me.

When we finally got to her room, she asked me to sit on the chair opposite her bed while she laid comfortably against the headboard and started asking me about my experiences engaging dominatrix. I told her that I have rather limited experiences engaging dominatrix and here in Sillypore, our choices are very limited. I told her I engage prostitutes to kick me and she was rather amused by the fact that some prostitutes find it liberating to kick a man in his balls. She confirmed with me that I wanted ball kicking and told me she will kick my balls really hard. All that talk made me hot and bothered and I cannot wait to try her kicks that will injure my balls.

After our small talk has ended, she told me to get undressed as that will please her. She took out a collar and collared me (my first experience of getting collar and this gives me a deeper appreciation of "collarme" as in the website). Next, she led me to the toilet door where she had already setup a series of hand and leg cuffs. She tied me and told me to admire her beauty - she was topless (yes, her breasts are real) and was wearing only a pair of black panties and her lovely black thigh high boots. Halfway through our session, she wore a pair of elbow length black leather gloves and this is a sight I will remember for a long time.

She also carried a whip in her hand (though I am not really into whipping) which she used on my cock. She also used a small metallic vibrator which she can set the intensity and placed it just below the cock head. It is an interesting experience getting my cock stimulated but she warned me not to cum as she dislike slaves cumming without her permission.

She started kicking my balls and told me to admire her in spite of the tremendous pain she is causing to me. She told me my hard-on is paying homage to her beauty and I totally agreed with her. Her kicks are deadly accurate and not before long, my right testicle started to bleed. She admired her handiwork and told me that it is now my left testicle's turn to get marks (I told her I can have marks on my cock and balls and not anywhere else).

This was when I had trouble taking her kicks as she aimed solely at my left testicle (interestingly, my left testicle is weaker than my right one - dun ask me why). I was left a quivering wreck and she laughed and giggled at my predicament. She released my right hand from the cuffs and asked me to cum while she keep on kicking me. This is another first for me and I must say it is another interesting experience.

Before I cummed, I asked if I could be released from the cuffs (I am not really into being tied up) so I can try her full force kicks while I am standing up. I added I wanted to be a mugger in NYC and try to mug her. She told me that she is trained in kickboxing and demonstrated a few kicks in the air. I smiled at this sight as the other dominatrix in USA also showed me how she would kick me in real life if I was a mugger.

Mistress Sayako released me from my restraints and I role-played as a mugger saying "give me all your money". Without a moment's of hesitation, she kicked me in my balls and I fell like a rock. I simply cannot take more than one kick in my injured state. I willed myself to stand up and before I could even stand straight, she kicked me in my balls again and I fell like a rock clutching my swollen and bleeding balls. She gave me some time to rest before I took the final kick of the day. By this time, the blood was flowing rather freely and my thighs were blood stained as well.

I asked her if I could lick her thigh high boots that have caused me so much pain (She shared with me the phrase "It hurts so good" and I totally dig it) and she asked me to lie beside the bed while I cum with her right boot trampling on my bloody balls while licking the left boot. I shot my load very quickly.

I washed up in her toilet and before I left, she gave me a big hug (yes, she was still topless). She told me she will return next year and hope to see me again. I am of course happy that she will be back.

I paid her her requested tribute (that is slightly higher than the other USA dominatrix) and left a tip as well (The culture in USA - dun ask me why). Though expensive, I must say trying a NYC dominatrix in Sillypore is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I am so happy I met Mistress Sayako!

I am nursing my poor swollen and bleeding balls even as I type this FR.
Way to go bro!!.. wah i didnt notice that mistress sayoko was in town! wasted opportunity!!.. I wan to be her slave!..
Old 07-01-2012, 10:52 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro Robert
I am very pleased that you and other Bro'S Had a good experience with Ms Sayako......she also told me that she will come back..........she did not want to rush with too many appointments only 3 max 4 app per day.....if only all Mistress are like her.....not rushing.....and genuinely wanting to give her clients a good time and experience......

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
Bro ggompong, thanks to your post alerting us about Mistress Sayako coming to Sillypore, I managed to contact Mistress Sayako and quickly secured my slot. However due to work, I had to reschedule my session. Thankfully, Mistress Sayako's schedule was flexible for me to change.

I will post my FR on her once I meet her.
Old 07-01-2012, 01:29 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro Robert , am glad you managed to catch a session with her. But , from your FR I can't imagine if mistress Sayako where to apply what she did to you exactly to me I would have turn white before the session end and may die of pain !

I can't help but saying : bro robert , you the man ! But pls take care while having yr sessions . Maybe its because i just finished my session with her , reading yr FR already I can feel the pain in yr session with her. Take care and thanks the bro who alert us on mistress Sayako visit . Can't up yr points though as not hit the 50 point mark yet . Cheers
Old 07-01-2012, 04:34 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro robert

Your FR sounds scary man...bleeding balls. Pls take care!

Were you serving Mistress Sayako on friday night ?

She looks damn slutty n bitchy when lying on the bed smoking, and wearing the black leather gloves. Felt like banging her then. I like and enjoy her beauty very much

I enjoyed but the only thing I wish she had done was paint her finger n toe nails. That would have added more excitement for me
Old 07-01-2012, 04:38 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Understand from Mistress Nurie that Mistress Jasmine has postponed her trip to Singapore. They are now planning for February visit.
Old 07-01-2012, 05:31 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by totolim View Post
Bro robert

Your FR sounds scary man...bleeding balls. Pls take care!

Were you serving Mistress Sayako on friday night ?

She looks damn slutty n bitchy when lying on the bed smoking, and wearing the black leather gloves. Felt like banging her then. I like and enjoy her beauty very much

I enjoyed but the only thing I wish she had done was paint her finger n toe nails. That would have added more excitement for me

Bro Totolim, you dream about making love to Mistress Sayako? Haha too bad all of us here dont have the opportunity. She has a bf back in America. That lucky guy has full access to her body. We can only worship her feet, at most her p**** and ass.

Another bro aslo mention Mistress Pai Ling is pregnant. Means another guy is lucky enough to cum inside her.

Any bro here fantasize cumming in Mistress's body?
Old 07-01-2012, 10:20 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Wow! What a session! I had the chance to have a session with mistress sayako today after a few attempts of arranging for a session. It was great with much feelings of connectedness. She is indeed tall, charming and friendly. As what other bros have mentioned, she is not a time watcher. In fact, my session lasted for 90min (cos a fair bit of conversation) and I paid for only 60min. Once in the room, mistress sat on the bed while I sat on a chair opposite trying to find out my interests and past experiences. We had a pleasant chat which reaffirms why I love bdsm especially bondage. I was then asked to remove my clothings and was bound in cuffs and collared. The tone used by mistress was seductive as well as dominating. I was helpless. I was told to focus on her so that I can dream of her. A whip was used on my cock and nipple clamps were placed. It hurts but I was very much willing to submit. I was later bound in different positions. A vibrator was placed in my anus and another on my penis. I got what I want-helplessness. Mistress actually took a lot of effort trying to loosen my anus which I very much appreciated cos it has failed with many other mistresses. We had conversations even then sharing our views and fantasies. It would have been unthinkable with others but not mistress sayako. I fully immersed myself to take whatever mistress wishes me to. Later she put on a very big dildo and I was made to suck. It was later inserted into me. I was told to masturbate myself. Listening to her was amazing and I cum loads. Even after the session, we continued our conversation. The tribute is a bit on the high side but the experience is rewarding and I left with no regrets. Hopefully she will be able to come back later in the year. Any bro have recommendations on other mistresses? Seems like there are not many fr on lexuan and bluesky, wonder how they are like cos I personally love bondage, ball gags n crossdressing
Old 07-01-2012, 10:55 PM
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Re: Buddy Pleae give me advice

Originally Posted by McWoof0 View Post
I jus got info that mistress pai ling is pregnant.. will be back after she give birth..
Oh bro.. That's a good new. So she went back to her country to give birth? Someone told that she is from burma? Not sure she is fair or she is tan. Usually burma people are tan i believe.
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