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Old 04-02-2015, 10:56 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Good morning!

Not getting enough sex from their wives is a common problem facing most married men.

The solutions?

1) Keep a mistress/lover/er nai/GF/FB on the side. Keep more than one if you can.

2) Visit Fls or GL gals

3) Give your wife PVO or copulatory orgasms, make her sexually addicted to you n she will beg u for sex.

4) Get Japanese inflatable dolls

5) Jerk yourself off

6) Take sex trips overseas

You can do one or all of the above. Have I missed any other solutions?

Don't become celibate, it's very bad for your health.

Dr Oz's best advice for men: Have sex 720 times a year. I couldn't agree w/ him more hahaha. I'm NOT making this up, google it.


Bro WB
Old 04-02-2015, 11:01 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Twice a year after having kids
Old 04-02-2015, 12:25 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

I think most of the problem lie with guys.

Never do a good job, just get things done and over with it, this might cause wife to slowly lost interest in sex.
Old 04-02-2015, 12:57 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Before marriage, sex was wonderful. almost every meet up end up having sex 1-2 times per day, in home or public. after marriage and kids, sex dies. maybe because works, stress or age. But recently keep trigger her interest back, make her tipsy, bought her sexy clothes, praise her body, more foreplay, watch sex video, lots and lots to keep her moving. Now she enjoys sex. but in return respect her, if she don't want then don't pester for it. Talk sex openly with her, see how she feels. it's might works for you cause it works on me.
Old 04-02-2015, 06:36 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by DemonicSS View Post
First off, I do apologise as I was not aware (well.. I didn't really read all the pages) that this tread was specifically for wives AFTER kids. I got lazy, sorry about that.

Now, actually, I do not agree with you at all with what you say. lol. Let's just put it as "we agree to disagree and that you disagree with what I say" before I continue further.

By kids, I meant around 18 and above - you could call them young adults. I often see parents trying to control their kids beyond that. They should be allowed to date and try around. It is their prime time where they are free to do those. I'd admit I do not have a daughter, but seeing how I met my wife, I'd be more insistent on her having such a life because through experience, she will know what she wants in her future husband in that aspect - not only just n character. I'd want her to enjoy her life with her partner in person and IN BED, like i do now. -You may read this with dismay and say "this is a load of bull". But I'd leave this to you That the outsiders are often the ones who see the bigger picture in your life as many do get entangled in their small little web. I do not say because it is in the end none of my business as the family is yours and not mine. The only reason why I say now is because of the veil of the internet.

You mentioned that sex should be enjoyed in marriage. So how can you enjoy something that you do not know? Yeah I know, you treat sex sacred. but that really defeats the purpose. It shouldn't be the case.

"Choosing a partner should be based on character compatibility, not sex". Ahhh, the biggest elephant in the room is mentioned. As I said, when you choose someone, you choose based on character compatibility AND sexual performance. The world didn't tell you that you could only choose one out of the two choices. So why do that? Wouldn't it have been alot better if you took the time to try out the sex as well yeah? We all like to be prepared cause the future is always uncertain, marriage is important, so closing one more door of uncertainty is definately better right?

Lastly about opening presents too early.. I didn't quite get that. I'm assuming something, but I figured I'd wait till someone explains later on.
Bro, thanks for the mature stance of agreeing to disagree. Sex is not sacred. It is to be enjoyed, meaning as often as one can. Within the confines of marriage.

I view character pursuits the only criteria. This is because I have 2 daughters. I teach them this aspect well. It is easier than finding a gun to shoot whatever guy they eventually date. When you are a father, you will understand this better. Its just too bad you are on the opposite side now and your motivation is to get them into bed. I can understand it.

Many who have premarital sex still find sex elusive after marriage. So I don't buy the argument of trying it out first so that one can have a better gauge of the future. The argument serves to only satisfy the boys raging hormones for their selfish reasons.

A girl brought up with self worth is a powerhouse. My wife is an example. She is a corporate high flier because she knows how to respect herself. She can entertain bosses and CEOs without losing herself and yet be a submissive wife at home. But you won't like her upbringing if you are the one trying to get inside her pants.

I rather teach my daughters this than defer it to their bfs to steer them into what directions they desire. Like you wisely opined, to each his own. You need search no further than this forum to know unwanted pregnancies is a real problem. Women carry the child, not the guys.

You didnt get my point on character. If character is discovered during dating, it will lead to sexual compatibility. I am saying talk it out. Not avoid talking, not suppressing. If you can't detect the sexual compatibility, you are not dating enough.

Lastly, if sex is a consideration for marriage then I ask, what happens when the sex disappears?

A marriage based on sex or with any consideration for sex, is just going to fizzle out in the long run. A marriage based on an unfettered desire to communicate and an unselfish desire to please one's partner, is stronger. Sex will be natural and frequent when this happens.

You probably opened your present before time.
Old 04-02-2015, 11:02 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by MoJoe313 View Post
Bro, thanks for the mature stance of agreeing to disagree. Sex is not sacred. It is to be enjoyed, meaning as often as one can. Within the confines of marriage.

I view character pursuits the only criteria. This is because I have 2 daughters. I teach them this aspect well. It is easier than finding a gun to shoot whatever guy they eventually date. When you are a father, you will understand this better. Its just too bad you are on the opposite side now and your motivation is to get them into bed. I can understand it.

Many who have premarital sex still find sex elusive after marriage. So I don't buy the argument of trying it out first so that one can have a better gauge of the future. The argument serves to only satisfy the boys raging hormones for their selfish reasons.

A girl brought up with self worth is a powerhouse. My wife is an example. She is a corporate high flier because she knows how to respect herself. She can entertain bosses and CEOs without losing herself and yet be a submissive wife at home. But you won't like her upbringing if you are the one trying to get inside her pants.

I rather teach my daughters this than defer it to their bfs to steer them into what directions they desire. Like you wisely opined, to each his own. You need search no further than this forum to know unwanted pregnancies is a real problem. Women carry the child, not the guys.

You didnt get my point on character. If character is discovered during dating, it will lead to sexual compatibility. I am saying talk it out. Not avoid talking, not suppressing. If you can't detect the sexual compatibility, you are not dating enough.

Lastly, if sex is a consideration for marriage then I ask, what happens when the sex disappears?

A marriage based on sex or with any consideration for sex, is just going to fizzle out in the long run. A marriage based on an unfettered desire to communicate and an unselfish desire to please one's partner, is stronger. Sex will be natural and frequent when this happens.

You probably opened your present before time.
I think you misunderstand me in some aspects. As I said, sex is important, but it is merely part of the grand scheme of things when choosing a partner. This is often ignored. People get unwanted pregnancies because of a lack of education - which schools are teaching abstinence rather than safe sex. Though personally, it should be parents that should teach this as opposed to leaving this to the govt. If this is taught, then unwanted pregnancies will be at the minimial. (please note, in all things, there will always be unwanted outcome, it is the percentage of undesired that is the goal.)

From what you describe about your wife, you view pre-martial sex as unbecoming. Though I'd like to point out to you that all females have self worth. That is nothing to do with sex, rather, it is what they accomplish in life that matters, not sex. So there is no need to confuse the two. Case in point, your wife could have been a player and a heart breaker till she met you, or she could have been a virgin till she met you. Now she's an accomplished person. See? no link. Having a sex life doesn't mean that you have to sleep with every male you see.

As for talking it out. I find it interesting how you talk about sex when both of you know nothing at all in that aspect. How are you going to talk about it? Its like any hands-on things you do, like cooking etc... you can only read and discuss so much, practice is required and with that, you will know what you like to do and not to do. Some like to cook more, some dont like cooking. All this cannot be talked about.

Sex fizzling? Now, why would it? the sexual appetite is in balance between the two. They will go up and down in tandem with each other as time goes. It will not be a situation where one drops, fizzles out, then your marriage is lost. This only happens if you married ONLY BECAUSE OF SEX and nothing more.

"A marriage based on an unfettered desire to communicate". Now this I agree with you, however, it is where your starting point is that I am trying to say my point. Imagine a marriage where the girl finds that she loves sex 100%, and the guy totally hates it 0%. A compromise is made in order to save the marriage. They have to bridge 99%. Wouldn;t it be better if communications start when you both are aware of your sexual appetite? Mine I would say is at 50%, my wife also is in sync with me at 50%. Over time, variations will appear slightly, but the difference will never be so great. Again, I would stress that this is the sexual component in a relationship. Do not treat it as the entirety of my argument.

This is a nice debate. You can call me a liberal. But I'm being more vocal now because as you said, there are many relationships on the rocks, mostly beccause they went the conservative way of choosing a relationship, and in Singapore, having a bad one is a very costly affair.
Old 05-02-2015, 02:12 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Career success and self worth are linked, unfortunately. It is very hard to explain it to you. Up there, people deal with people they like, not people they have to.

Saying all females have self worth is like saying all females have a conscience. Or as good as not saying. I like to imagine a prostitute's self worth as being praiseworthy.

Many marriages here are on the rocks because they went the "conservative way" of choosing a relationship?! Nothing can be further from the truth! It is precisely because they had premarital sex thats why they are comparing how great sex was before marriage, and now it sucks. What conservative way?! Man, you have a bad habit of not reading things here. And you are arguing for the sake of arguing, outwitting even yourself just to sound right.

Bros who had premarital sex think their marriage is on the rocks purely because there is infrequent sex after marriage whereas I was opining that communication, not sex should have been the crux if it was done the right way.

I count 99 bros here who complain their marriage is failing because of sex related issues. No sex at home, wife caught him having sex etc. Not a single one complained their marriage is failing because they did not communicate enough. Precisely my point that such marriages, because of premarital sex, is based on expectations of sex not communication.

You are not liberal. You just don't have a daughter. When you have one, all arguments for premarital sex is garbage boys use to lure your daughter into bed.

You are doing your job to argue girls into it. I am doing my job to stop mine from becoming prey. Peace, bro.

Last edited by MoJoe313; 05-02-2015 at 01:01 PM.
Old 05-02-2015, 03:42 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by MoJoe313 View Post
Career success and self worth are linked, unfortunately. It is very hard to explain it to you. Up there, people deal with people they like, not people they have to.

Saying all females have self worth is like saying all females have a conscience. Or as good as not saying. I like to imagine a prostitute's self worth as being praiseworthy.

Many marriages here are on the rocks because they went the "conservative way" of choosing a relationship?! Nothing can be further from the truth! It is precisely because they had premarital sex thats why they are comparing how great sex was before marriage, and now it sucks. What conservative way?! Man, you have a bad habit of not reading things here. And you are arguing for the sake of arguing, outwitting even yourself just to sound right.

Bros who had premarital sex think their marriage is on the rocks purely because there is infrequent sex after marriage whereas I was opining that communication, not sex should have been the crux if it was done the right way.

I count 99 bros here who complain their marriage is failing because of sex related issues. No sex at home, wife caught him having sex etc. Not a single one complained their marriage is failing because they did not communicate enough. Precisely my point that such marriages, because of premarital sex, is based on expectations of sex not communication.

You are not liberal. You just don't have a daughter. When you have one, all arguments for premarital sex is garbage boys use to lure your daughter into bed.

You are doing your job to argue girls into it. I am doing my job to stop mine from becoming prey. Peace, bro.
Dude, I already said that I didn't read the earlier ones earlier, so my argument are in a way irrelevant to the general topic at hand. Ricky was nice here and asked for an explanation to my reasoning so I merely clarified what I wanted to say. You saw what I wrote and you made a comment which kind of led into this area of discussion.So it was never about the general topic so your statistics can be tossed out of the window. But yet I see something interesting to discuss as your views of sex is one of derogatory in nature other than sex with your spouse - hence my discussion with you. My arguments that I was trying to make to you see is that sex is necessary as a part of why you chose your future partner, sex is not derogatory in nature, and lastly, that a women's self worth and sex are separate and totally irrelevant issues. You fear sex as a tool to harm women, I see sex as a tool to empower women. And by that, I do not mean for women to go loose and be a whore, spreading their legs at any and every guy. Its about knowing enough of what is needed to make better choices in relationships. Character compatibility is important, sexual compatibility is important as well. The more doors of uncertainty you close before marriage, the better the marriage will be.

Lastly, I see you as one of a group think mentality - because you have gone into your own little world without much consideration. Life to many is linear, studied when young, serve NS, work, find a gf to marry and have kids, grow old, and die. Some aspects were not thought of and it is without fault. 12 years ago I could have been the in the same situation and would have thought the same things, but things took a different turn for me and allowed me time to observe others in motion. I do not view myself greater than anyone - only that I am fortunate that I have time in an otherwise very busy and hectic world.

So, lets agree to disagree. As I said, I'm sorry for not reading properly what the contents of this thread is, my above statements are not of this topic but my views of the importance of sex before marriage.
Old 05-02-2015, 04:04 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Now to make bro MoJoe313 happy, let's go back to the main issue of discussion.

I understand where MoJoe313 made his statement where guys and girls have opened up their presents too early. As MoJoe313 explained, many experienced great sex before, and is now dull after.

I am thinking of something, but I cannot confirm. So, may I ask the floor for those affected, how many sexual relationships did you and your spouse have before marriage?
Old 05-02-2015, 09:57 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by MoJoe313 View Post
Bro, thanks for the mature stance of agreeing to disagree. Sex is not sacred. It is to be enjoyed, meaning as often as one can. Within the confines of marriage.

I view character pursuits the only criteria.......
Originally Posted by DemonicSS View Post
I think you misunderstand me in some aspects. As I said, sex is important, but it is merely part of the grand scheme of things when choosing a partner. This is often ignored.

This is a nice debate. You can call me a liberal......
Thank you very much to both bros for their time & effort contributing their interesting POVs on the matter under discussion between the 2 of them ...enjoyed reading their respective views frm 2 angles & i believe we are all the wiser & hv benefitted tremendously from their discussion...both hv got good & valid points in the situations they bros & sis here can read carefully & digest their views & where applicable form their own opinion & conclusions for themselves in the circumstances described by both bros...T.Q. for the healthy exchange of views from both sides of the coin, so to speak...Cheers to all !
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Old 06-02-2015, 08:08 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by DemonicSS View Post
Now to make bro MoJoe313 happy, let's go back to the main issue of discussion.

I understand where MoJoe313 made his statement where guys and girls have opened up their presents too early. As MoJoe313 explained, many experienced great sex before, and is now dull after.

I am thinking of something, but I cannot confirm. So, may I ask the floor for those affected, how many sexual relationships did you and your spouse have before marriage?
Ya, how did that spin out of control? LoL. Lets get back to the topic. How often wife give sex. TS, sorry for hijacking.
Old 06-02-2015, 08:19 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Wah... Power discussions here!
Thumbs UP!
Didn't follow all the posts... But I think more kids experimenting with sex at a younger age, compared to my time.
When they start young, they also end young?
Not sure how many will sustain until "till death do us apart"...
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Old 06-02-2015, 03:02 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by MoJoe313 View Post
Ya, how did that spin out of control? LoL. Lets get back to the topic. How often wife give sex. TS, sorry for hijacking.
i agree with what u say tho... the harsh arena of the daily grind of a marriage exposes every frailty in character compatibility flaws and un-honed communication bridges...

i think as a rare guy who get played out by girls before they wanted to settle down(down side of getting super serious with girls who are too young/not ready to settle down) i can share that.
Old 06-02-2015, 04:46 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by MoJoe313 View Post
Ya, how did that spin out of control? LoL. Lets get back to the topic. How often wife give sex. TS, sorry for hijacking.

So other than finding other means of sexual pleasure, do any guys here use the time to occupy themselves with hobbies or such?
Old 06-02-2015, 06:38 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Lucky me and my wife agree to have one son only... Hehehehe i still got 2 or 3 times per week... Recently, try to sweet talk to her to explore more fun and kinky activities and so far result is positive...
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