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Old 06-08-2019, 05:56 PM
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Re: 2033

Originally Posted by Billylai80 View Post
This guy is telling lies I dun think 2036 girls are not so bad. At least that the girls are pretty than others house
Hi bro Billy
Glad you are back. I recalled I send you a standard FR template and sought your help to post some FR recommendations for 2036 girls.
So far have not heard from you. I did take some time to prep that template.

To be honest, the term “not so bad” is actually relative. In a market where the supply is providing poor services, then average services is not so bad.

But in the thread “Rank your Top 5 Cat 150”,

There are many bros sharing about their top Cat150 and these WL spread across many houses. Looking at their FRs, they provide good services and some of the WL are pretty too (I went to try many of them). BUT Just could not find any girls from 2036 mentioned. I don’t believe all our brother cheongsters are so selfish to hide the pretty girls of 2036. Maybe you can share your top 5 Cat 150 and all of us can compare notes.

Anyway, last I remembered I tried XinEr called her from another house. Told OKT her svc so so and he acknowledge that the 203X PRC Cat 150 houses girls are not for service, well known among the other OKTs. She is a pretty girl, but not outstanding as GL do have other pretty girls too. I do want to up a pretty girl, but if the bonk is forgettable, I guess myself and many customers will just be 1 time. Will I beat myself silly to say I wasted that $150, maybe not, but I wish I could have gotten the money and time spent on a better WL that’s why I usually RTF regulars more often.

Anyway I think these 203X girls may have their own supporters too. Otherwise they would be swatting flies and going home very fast.

Just my humble opinion. If you can share some FRs, that will be great!
RTF Gals and working:
Old 06-08-2019, 10:21 PM
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Re: Most of the whores @ L2036 offer mediocre services

Originally Posted by Billylai80 View Post
What a big fuck who you think you are it's none of your fucking business and dun fuck around with me
Hahahaha! Still semi-retired!
Old 06-08-2019, 11:25 PM
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Re: Most of the whores @ L2036 offer mediocre services

Originally Posted by Billylai80 View Post
What a big fuck who you think you are it's none of your fucking business and dun fuck around with me
If you think I am a fucking nobody, why are u so workout and so damn agitated about what I uttered here? Obviously you see me a big threat and especially what I said here do carry weights, and therefore have impacted your shop business significantly .... 😝

Let me tell you, there is nothing much you could do to me except coming online barking like a wild dog ... I urge you to do something good to improve your shop business instead ... To reiterate, L2036 whores are relatively mediocre! Period! 😁
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 07-08-2019, 05:15 AM
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Unhappy Re: Most of the whores @ L2036 offer mediocre services

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
If you think I am a fucking nobody, why are u so workout and so damn agitated about what I uttered here? Obviously you see me a big threat and especially what I said here do carry weights, and therefore have impacted your shop business significantly .... 😝

Let me tell you, there is nothing much you could do to me except coming online barking like a wild dog ... I urge you to do something good to improve your shop business instead ... To reiterate, L2036 whores are relatively mediocre! Period! 😁
You just dun f around with me you also dun know who am I btw I asked some OKT about you and no one know you. Even they know you they only know you as a customer. What can you do to me you can only attack me online.
Old 07-08-2019, 07:14 AM
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Re: Most of the whores @ L2036 offer mediocre services

Originally Posted by Billylai80 View Post
You just dun f around with me you also dun know who am I btw I asked some OKT about you and no one know you. Even they know you they only know you as a customer. What can you do to me you can only attack me online.
Hey Domestic Helper of L2036!

Let me set the record straight, I didn’t attack you online but you were the one who first attacked me with vulgarities online ... actually I can’t be bother with a GL domestic helper like you as my objective of exposing you had already been met months ago. 😉

FYI, I would not stop commenting on whores of L2036 be it positive or negative. It doesn’t really matter if OKT knows me or not. In fact it is absolutely better this way. I love to stay as low profile as possible wherever I am in GL. 😁

Lastly, based on my intel, the whores from L2036 have poor attitude as well ... only walk in customers who were not samsters and/or punters who were oblivious to their mediocre whores would patronise L2036. I came across many punters went to L2036 but not to book L2036 whores ... they booked whores from L2062A whores instead ... Yue Ke and Yue Liang were frequently called over to that shop. 😝
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 29-08-2019, 06:53 AM
lopakolkata lopakolkata is offline
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Re: 2033

Made a mistake of trying a new girl at 2033.

Waste... why this house don’t try and train them a bit..😴
Old 29-08-2019, 09:23 AM
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Re: 2033

Originally Posted by lopakolkata View Post
Made a mistake of trying a new girl at 2033.

Waste... why this house don’t try and train them a bit..��
Actually for most new girls, they are really not inducted into GL system yet.
Back home or if they worked overseas, really their service is quick BJ get you up, hurry put in and get over with it. Some don’t even work in this line before.

Singapore customers requires more, SVC, GFE, DFK, AR, BBBJ, etc .... need orientation course. So normally first few customers will be the course instructors not the OKT, or their own house gals kind enough to teach. The OKT can only do theory and just talk, some don’t bother. Other better ones will try to get tarma sessions so newbie can learn from senior etc. so the house culture is also impt in this sense. The infamous 2033 and 2036 house gals cannot match 1654A gals services in general, though there may be outliers.

Why still got customers attracted to newbies?
- Fresh out of oven,
- afraid later long queue,
- feeling different if manage to get innocent girl (I am lucky to have one experience),
- being manly by being able to instruct them on sex skills,
- keen learning attitude inspiring,
- Not so commercial feel in beginning
- May suddenly go home, so not to miss out fking a gorgeous girl
- establish early KC
- excitement like gambling, you don’t know what you will get.
RTF Gals and working:
Old 09-09-2019, 01:49 PM
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Re: Most of the whores @ L2036 offer mediocre services

I cant stop laughing after i read the posts/replies from this guy on u.

TBH, now i dont think he is the promotor of 2036 (if u know what i mean) hahahaha

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Hey Domestic Helper of L2036!

Let me set the record straight, I didn’t attack you online but you were the one who first attacked me with vulgarities online ... actually I can’t be bother with a GL domestic helper like you as my objective of exposing you had already been met months ago. 😉

FYI, I would not stop commenting on whores of L2036 be it positive or negative. It doesn’t really matter if OKT knows me or not. In fact it is absolutely better this way. I love to stay as low profile as possible wherever I am in GL. 😁

Lastly, based on my intel, the whores from L2036 have poor attitude as well ... only walk in customers who were not samsters and/or punters who were oblivious to their mediocre whores would patronise L2036. I came across many punters went to L2036 but not to book L2036 whores ... they booked whores from L2062A whores instead ... Yue Ke and Yue Liang were frequently called over to that shop. 😝
Old 15-09-2019, 11:44 AM
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Re: 2033

The shop has closed already as the boss had pass away. RIP He is a nice man

Last edited by Billylai80; 15-09-2019 at 12:36 PM.
Old 15-09-2019, 12:30 PM
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Re: 2033

Rest in peace Uncle Ho
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 15-09-2019, 12:34 PM
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Re: 2033

Rest in peace...
Old 16-09-2019, 12:58 PM
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Re: 2033

Feeling sad... he was a good is short.

Hope someone continues his shop...
Old 16-09-2019, 05:03 PM
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Re: 2033

Yes! Uncle Ho Chuan was a jovial and fun guy, though not always smiling but if you kow him personally you would know he is very friendly and pretty genuine to say the least. Rather sad to hear he pass on. anyone knows what happened to him? I had saw him lately just before the 7 month festival celebration in GY and he actually went to have some fun in one of the casino day before the celebration as some shops close as a result of the whole street was used for the celebration dinner. Just curious what happened to him as he is a rather stout man and was kind of look healthy as he doesnt smoke or drink.

Old 16-09-2019, 08:33 PM
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Red face Re: 2033

Uncle Ho down with cancer
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 16-09-2019, 09:12 PM
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Re: 2033

Heard the house closed down permanently. My regular Mei Jia has stopped working, and will cut card this coming Wednesday. Didn't even get a chance to hug her one last time
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