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Old 06-01-2003, 12:51 AM
new_cummer new_cummer is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Meiji

Originally posted by cuntking
bro NC, service sure good one ... no good no need to pay .... I angpai you know .... bro doomas want me but I reject him so many times .... ha ha ha

So I will not get to see you at HQ so soon ....... back to your cave?
Bro cuntking....Yes, I know you are the angpai and I will gladly give you the angpai (red card) you are out...Bwahahaha

Don't can I forget my Ah Dis...anyway I don't want to be a caveman lah...must venture out to see the world mah. My reservist starts this coming friday...will try to sneak out in the evening to party...hope to see you all soon.
Old 06-01-2003, 01:08 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Meiji

Originally posted by new_cummer
Don't can I forget my Ah Dis...anyway I don't want to be a caveman lah...must venture out to see the world mah. My reservist starts this coming friday...will try to sneak out in the evening to party...hope to see you all soon.
No need sneak out.... I will capture ur dreamgals, abalones etc... and let u savour them whilst in the torments of ur camp.

Which one shall it be first?

Ah Di 007
The Hustler
Old 06-01-2003, 01:20 AM
ming ming is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Meiji

Originally posted by new_cummer
Bro cuntking....Yes, I know you are the angpai and I will gladly give you the angpai (red card) you are out...Bwahahaha

Don't can I forget my Ah Dis...anyway I don't want to be a caveman lah...must venture out to see the world mah. My reservist starts this coming friday...will try to sneak out in the evening to party...hope to see you all soon.
Bro new_cummer

Your reservist on the 10th? I also going reservist on that day.......You cannot be my buddy lah......because i am the oldest among them...........Old pitt pig liao.
Lies are always sweet n the truth will only hurts. Enjoys when we can.

Old 06-01-2003, 03:33 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Meiji

Wa liao kana rejected so sad ... boo hoo hooooo !

See you around ..... don't bring the real gun from your reservist hor, your personel one is enough to 'kill' in GL ... hee hee hee

Originally posted by new_cummer
Bro cuntking....Yes, I know you are the angpai and I will gladly give you the angpai (red card) you are out...Bwahahaha

Don't can I forget my Ah Dis...anyway I don't want to be a caveman lah...must venture out to see the world mah. My reservist starts this coming friday...will try to sneak out in the evening to party...hope to see you all soon.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 06-01-2003, 03:43 AM
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cuntking cuntking is offline
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Party Gals List from GL Party Joint as at 05012003

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at 1612. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AA - on leave
AA1 (Cat 80), AB, AC Milan, Ada, Agnes, Ah Cat, Ah Girl, Ai Lee, Ai Lin (Cat 80), Alice,
Altis - on leave till CNY
Angeline ava Zi Lin (Cat 80), Ann Ann WH Rd (cat 80), Ann Ann L16 (Cat 80), Annie, Annie (cat 80- old), Annie (cat 80- young),
Amanda - not working
Apple - not working

Baby1, Bai Her, Bai Lan Di ava Brandy (Cat 80), Bai Xue, Bess, BiBi1,
BiBi2 - on one month leave, back beg Jan 03
Blue Diamond, Blue Ice, Blue Kei, Blue Ocean, BM, Bo Bo (Cat 80)

Candy - elusive
Carol L18 (Cat 80 - sexy), Carol L20 (Cat 80, big boobs), Carol L22 (Cat 80- tall), Carol L14, Cartier, Casino, Castle, Cathy (malay Cat 80), Cefiro,
Celine - on leave till CNY
Chelsea, Cherry, Cherry (Cat 80), Chi Chi ava Jia Jia,
Chilli Padi, Ching Ching, Chivas, Chris, Chris 2, Civic,
CK - not working
CoCo L16, Coco1 L22 (Cat 80), Cola L16,
Cola L22 - on leave
Corolla, Crystal (Cat 80, SG), Crystal (Cat 150)

D24, Depola, Derby, Diamond, Diana, Dolphin, Dong Dong, Dong Fang (cat 80)

East, EL (Malay gal), Elaine,
Emelda - elusive
Eva, Evoane, Evon

Fang Fang, Fang Fang (Cat 80), Fang Ling,
Fanny - not working
Fanny (Cat 80), Faye ava Fei Fei, Fei Xue

GiGi, Gucci

Hai Chew, Hai O (Cat 80),
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan, Hai Yang, Happy, Happy1, Helen (Cat 80), Hello Kitty, Honey (Cat 80), Hong Hong,

Irene L16, Irene L28,
Iris - on leave till CNY
Italy (cat 80), Ivy (cat 80)

Jacky (Malay gal),
Jaguar - on one moth leave, back beg Jan 03
Jamie, Janet, Janet L20 (Cat 80), Jasmine L14,
Jasmie L18 - on leave
Jean - not working
Jenny (Cat 80), Jia Ling (Cat 80), Jia Xin, Jing Zhi (Cat 80), Joanne, JoJo L20, Jolin L20, Joyce L18, Joyce L20 (cat 80), June (Cat 80)

Kar Leng, Karen, Kelly, Kelly1, Kimi, Kinky, KISSME, KK L16, KK L20

Lai Lai (Cat 80), LE (Cat 80), Lee Chen, Lee Wen, Leeds, Lena, Lena (Malay), Li Zhen, Lilian, Lily L20, Lily L28, Lily (malay gal), Linda, Lisa MiMi (malay gal), LS, LV

Maggie L20, Maggie L22, Maybo,
Mei Hui - on leave back after CNY
Mei Ji - on leave till CNY
Mei Ting, Mei Yee (Cat 80),
MG - on leave
MG1 (Cat 80), Miao Miao,
Miki L16 - elusive
Miki L20, Miko2, MJ, Money Money, Mong Er, Mong Na (Cat 80), Mong Ting (Cat 80), Moon L20, Moon L22, Mun Mun (old)

Nicky, Nokia

OG WH06 - on leave
Orchid (malay gal) - not working

Peggy, Peh Peh (cat 80),
Pei Yi - not working
Ping Ping,
Pinky - on leave, back after CNY

Qian Hong, Qi Qi (Cat 80), Qiu Lian, Queen,
Queenie - elusive

Rena (malay gal) - elusive
Rose L14, Rose L24,
Ru Yi - elusive

Sakura - elusive
Salem - elusive
Sally, Sammei,
Sammi1 - not working
Sandra, Sandy (Cat 80),
San San - on leave till CNY
Seiko - on leave back aftr CNY
Sexy Yuki - elusive
Sharon, Small Ivy, Sony, Spore Ice, Star,
Sugar - on leave
Summer, Susan (malay gal), Sze Sze (cat 80)

T one, Teresa, Tian Tian, Tim Tim, Tong Tong
Tracy - elusive
Tze Yee

Vanessa, Violet, Vivian L16,
Vivian L28 - not working

Wei Wei5,
Wendy - on leave
Wine - on leave till CNY

Xiang Ping (Cat 80), Xiao Ling, Xiao Mei, Xiao Qing, Xiao Yin (Cat 80), Xiao Ying (Cat 80),
Xiao Yu - elusive
Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun Qua (Cat 80), Xin Xin, Xin Yee, Xin Zi, Xiu Wen

Ya Wen (Cat 80), Yan Er, Yan Zi, Yee Yee, Ying Ying (Cat 80), Yoki, Yoko L16, Yoko L28, Yuki, Yuki (Cat 80), Yvonne (Cat 80), YY1

Zhen Zhen L18, Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen, Zhen Zhen L28 (old), Zu Er,
Zu Er L20 - on leave till after CNY

On 05012003
New Party Gals

First Party Gal of the Day
Blue Ocean

Top Party Gal of the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 06-01-2003, 04:35 PM
new_cummer new_cummer is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Meiji

Originally posted by The_Hustler
No need sneak out.... I will capture ur dreamgals, abalones etc... and let u savour them whilst in the torments of ur camp.

Which one shall it be first?

Ah Di 007
The Hustler
Hehehe...very good Ah Di...providing catering service for Ah Hia huh?

Can I have all?...kekeke...good apetite lah...

Waiting to be served
Old 06-01-2003, 04:48 PM
new_cummer new_cummer is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Meiji

Originally posted by ming
Bro new_cummer

Your reservist on the 10th? I also going reservist on that day.......You cannot be my buddy lah......because i am the oldest among them...........Old pitt pig liao.
Hehehe...don't tell me we are camp mate?

Ah Di...I thought you call me uncle liao?
Old 07-01-2003, 01:44 AM
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cuntking cuntking is offline
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Party Gals List from GL Party Joint as at 06012003

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at 1612. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AA - on leave
AA1 (Cat 80), AB, AC Milan, Ada, Agnes, Ah Cat, Ah Girl, Ai Lee, Ai Lin (Cat 80), Alice,
Altis - on leave till CNY
Angeline ava Zi Lin (Cat 80), Ann Ann WH Rd (cat 80), Ann Ann L16 (Cat 80), Annie, Annie (cat 80- old), Annie (cat 80- young),
Amanda - not working
Apple - not working

Baby1, Bai Her, Bai Lan Di ava Brandy (Cat 80), Bai Xue, Bess, BiBi1,
BiBi2 - on one month leave, back beg Jan 03
Blue Diamond, Blue Ice, Blue Kei, Blue Ocean, BM, Bo Bo (Cat 80)

Candy - elusive
Carol L18 (Cat 80 - sexy), Carol L20 (Cat 80, big boobs), Carol L22 (Cat 80- tall), Carol L14, Cartier, Casino, Castle, Cathy (malay Cat 80), Cefiro,
Celine - on leave till CNY
Chelsea, Cherry, Cherry (Cat 80), Chi Chi ava Jia Jia,
Chilli Padi, Ching Ching, Chivas, Chris, Chris 2, Civic,
CK - not working
CoCo L16, Coco1 L22 (Cat 80), Cola L16,
Cola L22 - on leave
Corolla, Crystal (Cat 80, SG), Crystal (Cat 150)

D24, Depola, Derby, Diamond, Diana, Dolphin, Dong Dong, Dong Fang (cat 80)

East, EL (Malay gal), Elaine, Emelda, Eva, Evoane, Evon

Fang Fang, Fang Fang (Cat 80), Fang Ling,
Fanny - not working
Fanny (Cat 80), Faye ava Fei Fei, Fei Xue

GiGi, Gucci

Hai Chew, Hai O (Cat 80),
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan, Hai Yang, Happy, Happy1, Helen (Cat 80), Hello Kitty, Honey (Cat 80), Hong Hong,

Irene L16, Irene L28,
Iris - on leave till CNY
Italy (cat 80), Ivy (cat 80)

Jacky (Malay gal),
Jaguar - on one moth leave, back beg Jan 03
Jamie, Janet, Janet L20 (Cat 80), Jasmine L14,
Jasmie L18 - on leave
Jean - not working
Jenny (Cat 80), Jia Ling (Cat 80), Jia Xin, Jing Zhi (Cat 80), Joanne, JoJo L20, Jolin L20, Joyce L18, Joyce L20 (cat 80), June (Cat 80)

Kar Leng, Karen, Kelly, Kelly1, Kimi, Kinky, KISSME, KK L16, KK L20

Lai Lai (Cat 80), LE (Cat 80), Lee Chen, Lee Wen, Leeds, Lena, Lena (Malay), Li Zhen, Lilian, Lily L20, Lily L28, Lily (malay gal), Linda, Lisa MiMi (malay gal), LS, LV

Maggie L20, Maggie L22, Maybo,
Mei Hui - on leave back after CNY
Mei Ji - on leave till CNY
Mei Ting, Mei Yee (Cat 80),
MG - on leave
MG1 (Cat 80), Miao Miao,
Miki L16 - elusive
Miki L20, Miko2, MJ, Money Money, Mong Er, Mong Na (Cat 80), Mong Ting (Cat 80), Moon L20, Moon L22, Mun Mun (old)

Nicky, Nokia

OG WH06 - on leave
Orchid (malay gal) - not working

Peggy, Peh Peh (cat 80), Pei Yi, Ping Ping,
Pinky - on leave, back after CNY

Qian Hong, Qi Qi (Cat 80), Qiu Lian, Queen,
Queenie - elusive

Rena (malay gal) - elusive
Rose L14, Rose L24,
Ru Yi - elusive
Ruby - not working

Sakura - elusive
Salem - elusive
Sally, Sammei, Sammi1, Sandra, Sandy (Cat 80),
San San - on leave till CNY
Seiko - on leave back aftr CNY
Sexy Yuki - elusive
Sharon, Small Ivy, Sony, Spore Ice, Star,
Sugar - on leave
Summer, Susan (malay gal), Sze Sze (cat 80)

T one, Teresa, Tian Tian, Tim Tim, Tong Tong
Tracy - elusive
Tze Yee

Vanessa, Violet, Vivian L16,
Vivian L28 - not working

Wei Wei5,
Wendy - on leave
Wine - on leave till CNY

Xiang Ping (Cat 80), Xiao Ling, Xiao Mei, Xiao Qing, Xiao Yin (Cat 80), Xiao Ying (Cat 80),
Xiao Yu - elusive
Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun Qua (Cat 80), Xin Xin, Xin Yee, Xin Zi, Xiu Wen

Ya Wen (Cat 80), Yan Er, Yan Zi, Yee Yee, Ying Ying (Cat 80), Yoki, Yoko L16, Yoko L28, Yuki, Yuki (Cat 80), Yvonne (Cat 80), YY1

Zhen Zhen L18, Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen, Zhen Zhen L28 (old), Zu Er,
Zu Er L20 - on leave till after CNY

On 06012003
New Party Gals

First Party Gal of the Day

Top Party Gal of the Day
Fei Xue & MJ

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 08-01-2003, 01:28 AM
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cuntking cuntking is offline
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Party Gals List from GL Party Joint as at 07012003

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at 1612. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AA, AA1 (Cat 80), AB, AC Milan, Ada, Agnes, Ah Cat, Ah Girl, Ai Lee, Ai Lin (Cat 80), Alice,
Altis - on leave till CNY
Angeline ava Zi Lin (Cat 80), Ann Ann WH Rd (cat 80), Ann Ann L16 (Cat 80), Annie, Annie (cat 80- old), Annie (cat 80- young),
Amanda, Amy,
Apple - not working

Baby1, Bai Her, Bai Lan Di ava Brandy (Cat 80), Bai Xue, Bess, BiBi1,
BiBi2 - on one month leave, back beg Jan 03
Blue Diamond, Blue Ice, Blue Kei, Blue Ocean, BM, Bo Bo (Cat 80)

Candy - elusive
Carol L18 (Cat 80 - sexy), Carol L20 (Cat 80, big boobs), Carol L22 (Cat 80- tall), Carol L14, Cartier, Casino, Castle, Cathy (malay Cat 80), Cefiro,
Celine - on leave till CNY
Chelsea, Cherry, Cherry (Cat 80), Chi Chi ava Jia Jia,
Chilli Padi, Ching Ching, Chivas, Chris, Chris 2, Civic,
CK - not working
CoCo L16, Coco1 L22 (Cat 80), Cola L16,
Cola L22 - on leave
Corolla, Crystal (Cat 80, SG), Crystal (Cat 150)

D24, Depola, Derby, Diamond, Diana, Dolphin, Dong Dong, Dong Fang (cat 80)

East, EL (Malay gal), Elaine, Emelda, Eva, Evoane, Evon

Fang Fang, Fang Fang (Cat 80), Fang Ling,
Fanny - not working
Fanny (Cat 80),
Faye ava Fei Fei - on leave back after CNY
Fei Xue

GiGi, Gucci

Hai Chew, Hai O (Cat 80),
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan, Hai Yang, Happy, Happy1, Helen (Cat 80), Hello Kitty, Honey (Cat 80), Hong Hong,

Irene L16, Irene L28,
Iris - on leave till CNY
Italy (cat 80), Ivy (cat 80)

Jacky (Malay gal),
Jaguar - on one moth leave, back beg Jan 03
Jamie, Janet, Janet L20 (Cat 80), Jasmine L14,
Jasmie L18 - on leave
Jean - not working
Jenny (Cat 80), Jia Ling (Cat 80), Jia Xin, Jing Zhi (Cat 80), Joanne, JoJo L20, Jolin L20, Joyce L18, Joyce L20 (cat 80), June (Cat 80)

Kar Leng, Karen, Kelly, Kelly1, Kimi, Kinky, KISSME, KK L16, KK L20

Lai Lai (Cat 80), LE (Cat 80), Lee Chen, Lee Wen, Leeds, Lena, Lena (Malay), Li Zhen, Lilian, Lily L20, Lily L28, Lily (malay gal), Linda, Lisa MiMi (malay gal), LS, LV

Maggie L20, Maggie L22,
Maybo - elusive
Mei Hui - on leave back after CNY
Mei Ji - on leave till CNY
Mei Ting, Mei Yee (Cat 80),
MG - on leave
MG1 (Cat 80), Miao Miao,
Miki L16 - elusive
Miki L20, Miko2, MJ, Money Money, Mong Er, Mong Na (Cat 80), Mong Ting (Cat 80), Moon L20, Moon L22, Mun Mun (old)

Nicky, Nokia

OG WH06 - on leave
Orchid (malay gal) - not working

Peggy, Peh Peh (cat 80), Pei Yi, Ping Ping,
Pinky - on leave, back after CNY

Qian Hong, Qi Qi (Cat 80), Qiu Lian, Queen,
Queenie - elusive

Rena (malay gal) - elusive
Rose L14, Rose L24,
Ru Yi - elusive
Ruby - not working

Sakura - elusive
Salem - elusive
Sally, Sammei, Sammi1, Sandra, Sandy (Cat 80),
San San - on leave till CNY
Seiko - on leave back aftr CNY
Sexy Yuki - elusive
Sharon, Small Ivy, Sony, Spore Ice, Star,
Sugar - on leave
Summer, Susan (malay gal), Sze Sze (cat 80)

T one, Teresa, Tian Tian, Tim Tim, Tong Tong
Tracy - elusive
Tze Yee

Vanessa, Violet, Vivian L16,
Vivian L28 - not working

Wei Wei5,
Wendy - on leave
Wine - on leave till CNY

Xiang Ping (Cat 80), Xiao Ling, Xiao Mei, Xiao Qing, Xiao Yin (Cat 80), Xiao Ying (Cat 80),
Xiao Yu - elusive
Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun Qua (Cat 80), Xin Xin, Xin Yee, Xin Zi, Xiu Wen

Ya Wen (Cat 80), Yan Er, Yan Zi, Yee Yee, Ying Ying (Cat 80), Yoki, Yoko L16, Yoko L28, Yuki, Yuki (Cat 80), Yvonne (Cat 80), YY1

Zhen Zhen L18, Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen, Zhen Zhen L28 (old), Zu Er,
Zu Er L20 - on leave till after CNY

On 07012003
New Party Gals

First Party Gal of the Day

Top Party Gal of the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?

Last edited by cuntking; 08-01-2003 at 01:35 AM.
Old 08-01-2003, 10:05 AM
new_cummer new_cummer is offline
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new_cummer deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy

Bro cum the gal named Twin that bro zyxel mentioned...not in your list huh?
Old 08-01-2003, 10:12 AM
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Re: Twin?

Originally posted by new_cummer
Bro cum the gal named Twin that bro zyxel mentioned...not in your list huh?
bro NC,

I got Twin from Gwee's place. I have an FR on her in Gwee's thread. Go read it... quick....

Old 08-01-2003, 10:20 AM
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Re: Twin?

Originally posted by new_cummer
Bro cum the gal named Twin that bro zyxel mentioned...not in your list huh?
Maybe she has never been to 1612.....


Old 08-01-2003, 10:31 AM
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Re: Re: Twin?

Originally posted by Jang5556
Maybe she has never been to 1612.....


That's right. I asked her if she has been to 1612. She said she heard a lot abut that place, but never have a chance to go there, cos nobody called her from there. I told her I am also a regular there, so if she is good, I would call for her again when I am in 1612. Well, I would say can give a try, worth the money (in my opinion).

Bro NC, I believe your taste is quite close to mine lah....

Old 09-01-2003, 12:18 AM
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Re: Re: Twin?

bro jang, she went there but got rejected ..... so no party cannot be in party gal list. Each to his own hor.

I went to your 'hq' today, were you there?

Originally posted by Jang5556
Maybe she has never been to 1612.....


We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 09-01-2003, 01:27 AM
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SAF Golden Memories (Decoded FR)

FR on Red Alert (GL gal Violet) by Intelligence Officer lousytu

My schedule was rather tight on Friday, which meant that this would be a short escapade. As I began my journey to the rendezvous point, it started to rain, which got me drenched.

As I entered, T immediately offered me some hot tea to overcome the cold and commented that he didn't even know that it was raining. Well the rain was probably target at me cause it stop soon after. Saw the group of guys, (quite a few of them new to me). Soon, each one of us had chosen our target.

Like I said, my schedule was tight and wasn't picky. I noticed Red Alert and T told me that she was suitable for me. We went to the room and it was a rather cool start. We stripped while talking…. Her body was quite babelicious (not the type which look better with clothing on…. Know what I mean). The air-conditioner was switched off as we entered the shower and she cleansed me thoroughly, very thoroughly. All this while we were chatting.

I dried myself and sat on the bed while I watched her dry herself. Her eye shadow was a little too thick and shiny for my liking though. She began to kiss and lick me all over with some breaks in between while we french kissed. To be honest, the "kissing" was just not "there" …. It lacks passion and on so many occasions her tongue was stiff and motionless. Didn't really like it. But then it may because it was our first time together.

When she lowered he mouth on Mr Dick, whatever that was lacking in the kissing was soon made up for. Her BJ was fantastic; using her tongue she runs circles around the tip of Mr dick. The sensation is wonderful. It felt hot quite a few times. Loved it. For me, no one had ever made me cum by BJ before, Red Alert included, but she came close it, far closer than anyone else.

Maybe it was the tight schedule, maybe it was the excitement, but I took over and started to arouse her for the final action. I laid her below me, kissed and suck her nipples, which were rather non-responsive (slightly turned off). But she wanted to service me further and laid me on the bed facing her. I thought to myself, saying that she must have a certain procedure to follow and must have felt uncomfortable to deviate. Anyway, she performed AR on me (I had told her that she need not do anything she didn't like before we began…. So I guess she liked to do AR).

Shortly, she laid down on the bed missionary and ready for me. I mounted her and banged away. Her response was rather fake at first, but I knew one position that would get her. (it had worked every time). So I turn her to the side and lifted her right leg up and entered her. I could tell from the face when Mr Dick entered, that it was already hitting the right place. She was getting into it now… and so was I. Slowly, I lowered her leg and laid it across her, so that I could grab the hip to thrust her towards me. She didn't like this very much, 'cause before long she was in doggie position. It was exciting and I climax soon after.

She laid on the bed with her in my arms and talked for a while, showered and we were out. I noticed that we were a little fast this time round and a check of my watch confirmed it. I usually put my watch in the pants pocket…. I should leave it by the bed next time. For me, there are only 2 explanations for this, one she doesn't have a good sense of time and the other, she wanted to leave before time is up. In any case, I am in a hurry too ….. so heck.

* by the way, she cap with her mouth …… damn skilful …… but it was funny when she had problems tearing the packaging *
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
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