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Old 24-08-2012, 07:29 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WarBird, please accept my most humblest apologies for this shit but it has been revealed to me that it's the same mother fucking low life piece of shit that was placed in hell previously who was release on SBF's 10th anniversary only to carry out the same low life fucking deed, so do not for a minute think this Istrike4D is an innocent victim, he's nothing but a mother fucking clone!

Originally Posted by Istrike4D View Post
No one is framing anyone. Just Dybj and his clones bullying people. I cannot even ask a simple genuine question. They zapped me and left the same grinning face behind. They are framing who?
No one framed anyone one la stoopid fuck.
Only got u fucking urself wahahahahaha lolzzzzzzzzz
So many yrs liao, still self snooking ur stoopid self knn how many time u wan me to tell u tat u BO NAO!
And to try to act innocent clone Istrike4D, work harder, the arrival of Clone King n u is of no surprise.
Continue being the grouch u r, cos other than that, u can be n will achieve nothing else in life!
Liao chor, more n more 6pointers killed!
Bros, pls lower ur dick head for a minute of silence for another 6pointer sent to oblivion
King Clone, ur ammo getting less liao how?

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
The nick is grouchycabi. the nick has been placed under moderation.

Originally Posted by DYBJ
Boss, I was just zapped 3 pts tonight but the funny thing is, nick listed on my zap does not tally wif zapped amount.
Picking up KTV gals... 23-08-2012 09:44 PM ISTRIKE4D

Boss, i just checked this nick tat was mentioned on my zap of 3pts but then, this nick is only 30pts n created 2011

No way he can zap me 3pts cos it wud be a 6pointer.
This is clearly a sabotage of an innocent samster.
Please action boss!
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Old 24-08-2012, 07:53 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Istrike4D View Post
No one is framing anyone. Just Dybj and his clones bullying people. I cannot even ask a simple genuine question. They zapped me and left the same grinning face behind. They are framing who?
Originally Posted by DYBJ View Post
Bro WarBird, please accept my most humblest apologies for this shit but it has been revealed to me that it's the same mother fucking low life piece of shit that was placed in hell previously who was release on SBF's 10th anniversary only to carry out the same low life fucking deed, so do not for a minute think this Istrike4D is an innocent victim, he's nothing but a mother fucking clone!

No one framed anyone one la stoopid fuck.
Only got u fucking urself wahahahahaha lolzzzzzzzzz
So many yrs liao, still self snooking ur stoopid self knn how many time u wan me to tell u tat u BO NAO!
And to try to act innocent clone Istrike4D, work harder, the arrival of Clone King n u is of no surprise.
Continue being the grouch u r, cos other than that, u can be n will achieve nothing else in life!
Liao chor, more n more 6pointers killed!
Bros, pls lower ur dick head for a minute of silence for another 6pointer sent to oblivion
King Clone, ur ammo getting less liao how?
Aiyo liao chor.........
Like I always say Kiang teo ho, mai geh kiang
But anyway 你活该......
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^


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Old 24-08-2012, 08:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by IwasApo View Post
hope your friend is not those thousand over points type
Not so much la but got half of tat. 522pts wor liao chorzzzzzz
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Old 24-08-2012, 11:20 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Istrike4D View Post
Anyway I am leaving this place for good. I have found better things to do like cheonging KTVs instead of talking cock here.
Smart move. It will give u a lot more free time to bed gals of ur type.

You may want to post ur FRs here at a later date on ur newfound sucess. But no flaming or use of profanity pls.

Originally Posted by DYBJ View Post
Bro WarBird, please accept my most humblest apologies for this shit but it has been revealed to me that......................................
Hi Bro DYBJ,

No problem, apologies accepted.

As u can see the flamer is leaving voluntarily...

Let bygones be bygones.


.................................................. ...............................

Good morning!

There has been a lot of flaming on this forum. One can feel the hatred, anger n emotional turmoils...n thoughts of revenge.

Most people believe that the best revenge is making big money. Perhaps.

IMHO, the best revenge in life is to bed the prettiest gals of ur type n making them addicted to YOU, haha.

I like to share "An Issue of Insecurity" w/ all bros here. I just received it a few days ago n it may be relevant to problems some of us encounter...

Hey Bro Warbird,

I received a very good email from a man with a question about

something that is making him feel insecure, something that makes

many men feel insecure.

Luckily, there is a simple solution to this his

question, and my answer below. Odds are you've had this issue at

some point in your life...I know I have.

Good day Mr XYZ,

I read your emails everyday, and let me tell you I always look

forward to them daily as it as really helped improved me as a man

all round. Keep it up.

I have a sticking point I have being working on for a while and

need your help. The problem is that currently I do not make as much

money as I would like to be making and sometimes this affects the

way I perceive myself in relation to people who are making more

money than me.

I often times feel bad about myself (as if am not good enough) when

am around people who are doing better than me. I know this is a bad

feeling to have that leads to insecurity and I want to get rid of

it. Please help me out. Thank you


Mr XYZ's reply:

Bro KO,

Thanks for the email, this is a really great question because

many men experience it. The first thing you should know is this:

everyone, even the richest man in the world has money problems at

some point in their lives. It is perfectly normal, and it's how

you deal with them that matters.

Secondly, no other subject brings with it as many emotional

hang-ups as money. Money is linked to the most primal human urge,

survival, and it unlocks powerful forces. As a result, people feel

inferior or superior because of it, they fib about how much they

make, they try to take it from others, label those truly successful

as evil due to jealousy and envy and so on.

The way to fight through this is to immerse yourself in the study

of money, so you understand what it really is, and how good it can

be, as well as how it can be misused. Understand this: you can

get rich no matter how much money you make if you live below your

means and put compound interest to work for you. Many people who

appear to make a lot of income are actually dead butt broke, living

paycheck to paycheck and are three months away from having

everything they own repossessed. Others are not always who they

appear to be.

When you start educating yourself about money, the getting of it,

the keeping of it, and the investing of it, you will start to feel

much better about yourself. That feeling of insecurity will

disappear because what is an ethereal unknown to people becomes a

known quantity to you. You'll see that getting wealthy is a simple

science, not something that just happens. Then you'll see how dumb

about money the people you once thought were smart really are.

This newfound knowledge and confidence is attractive, and when you

become more comfortable with money, you will also become more

comfortable with women. Where should you start?

The library is a good place, as is particularly the

Kindle marketplace where you can get good information at an

extraordinarily cheap price. So, educate yourself about money, use

the knowledge you gain, and never will you feel insecure about it




Yes, to get rich is glorious!

Good day,

Bro WB
Old 24-08-2012, 01:12 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

There has been a lot of flaming on this forum. One can feel the hatred, anger n emotional turmoils...n thoughts of revenge.

Most people believe that the best revenge is making big money. Perhaps.

IMHO, the best revenge in life is to bed the prettiest gals of ur type n making them addicted to YOU, haha.

I like to share "An Issue of Insecurity" w/ all bros here. I just received it a few days ago n it may be relevant to problems some of us encounter...
Bro Warbird, what you say is very true.

It is very true that there are many insecure people around, and it is no doubt they inhibit the forum as well. This does not mean the secure man will not lose a girl or two once in a while, or fail to bed a girl because of a miscalculated move. but the reaction of the secure man and the insecure man is vastly different.

The secure man is mission oriented. This is like a soldier having to complete a mission. His mission is to go from point A to B. The people he meet along point A to B either give him water and food, or try to kill him. The prettiest girls we bed are like the people that give the water and food. The soldier's objective is not to kill the people that tries to kill him. It is to go to the next refill point where there are food and water for him. But doing so, he is mission oriented and focus. His mind is strong, he knows constantly what he should do and shouldn't do. He cannot be taunted, and is cool and calm even in the most adverse of situation. And all the people that give him water and food wants him to stay with them, but he cannot because his goal is to go from A to B. He is a master of all the resource he has, and will take the route with the least obstruction, to avoid obstacles if he knows there will be obstacles there. A man like this will never be poor, and wealth will chase after the man. Everything he touch will prosper, because in his mind and soul he already lack nothing.

The insecure man has no focus, and no mission in life. They are like the dry up grass floating about in the wind. They are constantly seeking approval from man, and values the opinion of man. Their objective is to find someone to quarrel with, and make it as drama as possible. This is reflected in everything they do. Every attempt they make is to hide the empty shell that they are. These people are easy to taunt, easy to manipulate. They go through life unsuccessful, building unsuccessful relationship, put up a show of false bravery but are cowards. Even if they hold money in their hands, wealth departs from them quickly. In order to continue to live and exist, they need to create an imaginery victories and boast about this imaginery victories.

Even the Pope did this (no offense to any catholic bros), telling the people of Europe that Ghenis Khan has fallen on his knees to God and will reclaim the holy land for him in the early crusades. History says that this is actually a lie, and Ghenis Khan refused to form any further alliance with the crusaders. Even such a powerful man can be insecure.

What is more interesting is that the secure man and the insecure man in this example are playing in the same field. The secure man is fully concern about going from point A to B, and largely ignores whatever the insecure man says, because what the insecure man says have no bearing on what needs to be done.

The insecure man can make alot of claims, "there will be blood, we will kill this barbarian today" truth is he is afraid of the secure man. The insecure man can call the secure man many names "barbarian", "ugly long hair mongol" but everyday he wakes up, he wish he can live the life of the secured man. Such is the irony and agony of the insecure empty shells.

Bo lampa. Ask this guy ask that guy ask me out. Please fight me one to one, and show your brothers how you beat me up. I also want to see. Or get charboh to fight for you since you got no balls

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
Old 27-08-2012, 02:14 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Yes, to get rich is glorious!

Good day,

Bro WB
Bro WB Guru, time to catch up shall we?
Been quite a while.

If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5

All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above.

4 bros in queue.

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Old 27-08-2012, 04:14 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Bro WB Guru, time to catch up shall we?
Been quite a while.
goodnight or goodmorning
long time not see you
so "early" come out ready...
如果你曾經愛過一個人,但你們又不能相愛,如果你不能忘記他,就讓時間將他沖淡,因為時間是世上最好的止痛 藥
Old 27-08-2012, 07:50 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Bro WB Guru, time to catch up shall we?
Been quite a while.
Originally Posted by BulleYe View Post
goodnight or goodmorning
long time not see you
so "early" come out ready...
LDH - 2am... You
must be at some joints just back from supper!
walun a... sipeh ho cheong man!
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^

Old 27-08-2012, 11:16 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by IwasApo View Post
Bro Warbird, what you say is very true.

It is very true that there are many insecure people around, and it is no doubt they inhibit the forum as well. This does not mean the secure man will not lose a girl or two once in a while, or fail to bed a girl because of a miscalculated move. but the reaction of the secure man and the insecure man is vastly different.

The secure man is mission oriented. This is like a soldier having to complete a mission........................................... .........He is a master of all the resource he has, and will take the route with the least obstruction, to avoid obstacles if he knows there will be obstacles there. A man like this will never be poor, and wealth will chase after the man. Everything he touch will prosper, because in his mind and soul he already lack nothing.

The insecure man has no focus, and no mission in life. They are like the dry up grass floating about in the wind. They are constantly seeking approval from man, and values the opinion of man. Their objective is to find someone to quarrel with, and make it as drama as possible. ............................ In order to continue to live and exist, they need to create an imaginery victories and boast about this imaginery victories.

Even the Pope did this (no offense to any catholic bros), telling the people of Europe that Ghenis Khan has fallen on his knees to God and will reclaim the holy land for him in the early crusades. History says that this is actually a lie, and Ghenis Khan refused to form any further alliance with the crusaders. Even such a powerful man can be insecure.

What is more interesting is that the secure man and the insecure man in this example are playing in the same field. The secure man is fully concern about going from point A to B, and largely ignores whatever the insecure man says, because what the insecure man says have no bearing on what needs to be done.

The insecure man can make alot of claims, "there will be blood, we will kill this barbarian today" truth is he is afraid of the secure man. The insecure man can call the secure man many names "barbarian", "ugly long hair mongol" but everyday he wakes up, he wish he can live the life of the secured man. Such is the irony and agony of the insecure empty shells.
Hi Bro IwasApo,

Thank u so much for ur detailed n insightful analysis on the insecurity of men (and women).

IMHO, all humans r insecure. Some r much less insecure n some r very, very insecure. Only ancient sages n very rare modern humans r truly n completely secure.

If a human is ever angry, anxious, frustrated, fearful, shy or jealous, he or she is NOT truly secure.


Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Bro WB Guru, time to catch up shall we?
Been quite a while.
Hi Esteemed Bro LDH,

Yes, I would love to meet up w/ u m ur gang.


.................................................. ......

Good morning!

Bro IwasApo described the differences between the secure man n the insecure man.

But very, very few human beings can be truly secure n confident. We lived through infancy n early childhood when we were totally dependent on our parents n others for our very survival...n then when our brains got more mature n developed, we became aware of the cycle of birth, ageing, sickness n death.

We need to live in the eternal present moment, like some ancient sages.

I recall reading a book entitled "The Wisdom of Insecurity" by Alan Watts.

The author is a century ahead of his time.

I'll quote a few of his sayings here.

"For the animal to be happy it is enough that this moment be enjoyable." For man, we often miss this moment by trying to assure the next (eternal) moment will be as enjoyable.

Basically, we spend too much time planning and anticipating the future and too much time thinking about, lamenting and wishing to change the past. It's an exercise in futility n we miss the joy of living in the present entirely.

"But tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live. There is no other reality than present reality, so that, even if one were to live for endless ages, to live for the future would be to miss the point everlastingly."

"If happiness always depends on the future, we are chasing a will-o-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish in the abyss of death."

Cheers n hv a great day!

Bro WB
Old 27-08-2012, 11:23 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

alot of bros here with lots of black ink. thanks for all the sharing, be it the good quotes or bonking tips
don't pm me to exchange points. if you like what i post, up me and pm. if i like what you post too, i will return the favor. thanks
Old 27-08-2012, 06:52 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by K9696 View Post
LDH - 2am... You
must be at some joints just back from supper!
walun a... sipeh ho cheong man!
huh..... with customer hor
can't do anything much cards with them just back to hotel oni
BTW, still at KL
finish up these batch of stuffs here, should be back by tomorrow
如果你曾經愛過一個人,但你們又不能相愛,如果你不能忘記他,就讓時間將他沖淡,因為時間是世上最好的止痛 藥
Old 28-08-2012, 09:29 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Congrats congrats, as per earlier msg, dun forget to fill us in on ur FR ya
Dear Chairman,
I wish to report that I managed to bed her.
But it was really a mixed bag of feelings for me.
I will try to pen down a simple fr when I get the time.
Old 28-08-2012, 10:21 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by BulleYe View Post
goodnight or goodmorning
long time not see you
so "early" come out ready...
Wake up that early to catch 5am back to Singapore.

If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5

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Old 29-08-2012, 12:43 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Our bro LDH is Mr GangNam Style lolzzzz
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Old 29-08-2012, 01:56 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

alright I hope I am writing this at the right place.

I always wondered how does the KTV arena works. I haven't been to one but would like to give it a go. saw a few but just tt ain't sure what to do. girls look good and pretty. but before sth happens, could anyone tell me what to do and what's the procedure. I guess it's not like some kind of bar thing where you walk in and get a drink. if so, correct me if I am wrong.

looking forward to hear from you guys!
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