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Old 24-12-2011, 04:59 PM
28yearslater 28yearslater is offline
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Thumbs down Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Prositutes are normal women like the rest.

We can take them as wife if they truly repent.

How lovely
Old 24-12-2011, 05:11 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by cpaint69 View Post have avoided my golden question! If someone very close to you is selling her body for extra cash and for branded stuff, do you still feel the same towards her? We are not talking about ruby, boxing, manager, driver.....we are talking about selling the body! Can you still face your love ones the same if you find out she is selling her body for extra cash and for branded stuff? This is the question you should be asking yourself.
Haven't I already answered you? I won't recommend anyone to take up flesh trade, for the same reason as I won't recommend anyone to take up boxing/rugby/MMA...
Old 25-12-2011, 08:45 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
Let me ask this: if no one condones WLs' deeds (including themselves) and they all retire, then who do we have fun with? Stay at home and PCC?

As cheongsters we've benefited immensely from their invaluable services yet even we do not condone their deeds. Isn't this unsettling?
There is a difference between me enjoying a WL company and me condoning the act. Let me ask you. If you had a friend who is a drug addict, would you condone him/her doing ICE for example? I can enjoy a friend's company but is he/she your equal then?
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 25-12-2011, 08:48 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
Haven't I already answered you? I won't recommend anyone to take up flesh trade, for the same reason as I won't recommend anyone to take up boxing/rugby/MMA...
I fail to see the answer....You said you would not recommend anyone to take up the flesh trade; but that does not mean have answered the question if you would love the person less or more.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 25-12-2011, 08:51 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
In fact, aren't all of use "selling" some part of our body? Lots of us sell our brain for a living, athletes sell their legs/hands/muscles, DJs sell their vocal cord, etc etc...
There is a difference between "SELLING" and for "RENT".

EG, I rent a "pussy" which should be for the "quiet enjoyment" of a WL's SO; if and when the WL decides to get married. Get the point yet?
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 25-12-2011, 09:48 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
There is a difference between me enjoying a WL company and me condoning the act. Let me ask you. If you had a friend who is a drug addict, would you condone him/her doing ICE for example? I can enjoy a friend's company but is he/she your equal then?
Maybe we are different, but I won't enjoy anyone's company if he/she is a lesser human being, e.g. has done something horrible and can't be condoned.
Old 25-12-2011, 09:50 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
I fail to see the answer....You said you would not recommend anyone to take up the flesh trade; but that does not mean have answered the question if you would love the person less or more.
The discussion is about whether WLs are lesser human being than us, not about my love. I may or I may not, love is spontaneous and unpredictable
Old 25-12-2011, 09:54 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
There is a difference between "SELLING" and for "RENT".

EG, I rent a "pussy" which should be for the "quiet enjoyment" of a WL's SO; if and when the WL decides to get married. Get the point yet?
The "selling" in the context means "renting". You rent a WL's body parts (pussy...) on a timely basis. But your employer also rents your body parts (brain/muscles...) on a timely basis (assuming you're not a towkay). So what's the fundamental difference?
Old 25-12-2011, 12:52 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
There is a difference between me enjoying a WL company and me condoning the act.
I suppose you cannot condone your own act as well, because WLs and cheongsters are the two sides of the same coin. Without cheongsters, WLs sell to whom? If WLs' act cannot be condoned, then why can cheongsters' act be condoned?
Old 25-12-2011, 06:11 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by alex02 View Post
Nakamitchi, don't private me and threaten mi, I not the girl I not scare of u. The lady have no choice but to apology to u becos u go to the shop and complain. Since Wang Fei already apology, y u still want to make a live difficult for them. They only come here to work, if u don't like just chance girl. Don't bully the girl just becos u can go complain to AV. Complain to police say I say u are a fool loh. Don't private mi again, I don't wan to waste my time with u
This is the 2nd time i ask u,where r u u useless pcs of shit? Hide inside rubbish bin? I nvr scare of u too,nt pt hide behind the cyber world, if u r a man u come n face me......No need PM. me say i stupid or wat, i give u a chance to face me like a man,i believe u r just a pussy......u sure find excuse to avoid me ,at least i am nt a worksite man dat earn 3,4k per month n throw half the salary just to please the girl like u.U call yrself a regular ???For the past few wks i was there at least twice sessons per day or more whereas u only nt more than once per wk,u call yrself regular then i think i am V.I.P as compared....(Sorry to active bros out there),u r already 46,save yr salary for rainy days rather than playing hero.........Look at yrself,dont know wat u r thinking at 46......
Old 25-12-2011, 06:22 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

FR On Xiao Xue

Face: 7.25/10 (SYT, totally my type, though with minimal makeup i still find her alluring and attractive. She resembles HK TVB actress kate tsui from certain angle.)

Body: 7.2/10 (Very proportionate body build. Not much tummy fat. Neither very fair nor tanned. I like her body shape. Her body complexion is average. Overall looking at her naked body definitely can arouse my didi)

Boobs: 7/10 (Natural B cup with light brown nipples. I like her boobs. Her boobs cup size is compatible to her body build.)

Shower: 7/10 (Quite sop. She will use her boobs & body to rub against my soaped body. Then she will rub my penis against her butt crack. Shiok. To finish up the shower, she gave me a sensual BBBJ. During the shower I got a shock when she suddenly touch my ears, first time a wl touched my ears )

Catbath: 7.2/10 (Quite a decent catbath, I like the way she licked my neck, body and balls)

AR: 6.8/10 (Quite decent AR. Not as skilful as commando Jenny and Ella)

Frenching: 9/10 (Very passionate BF GF type of frenching with lots of tongue action, her saliva and breath smells and tastes nice)

BBBJ: 7.1/10 (Not bad. Not agressive type. I like her gentle way of licking my dick head, feels shiok)

FJ: 7.2/10 (Very accomodating and tried many positions. I like the missionary position where I frenched her passionately and pumping her at the same time feels good. Great moaning. Eventually i cummed in cow girl position. I like the pace and style she ride my dick.)

GFE: 7/10 (Not as strong KC as fei er but still quite chatty, perhaps that day she is not feeling well but she still provided me a top notch service level thumbs up )

RTF: Yes
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Old 25-12-2011, 09:43 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Forgot to mention in my above fr xiao xue is from 1654a.
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 25-12-2011, 10:34 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Er.. senior.
Mind explaining the meaning of WL ?
Old 25-12-2011, 11:56 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
The discussion is about whether WLs are lesser human being than us, not about my love. I may or I may not, love is spontaneous and unpredictable

The "selling" in the context means "renting". You rent a WL's body parts (pussy...) on a timely basis. But your employer also rents your body parts (brain/muscles...) on a timely basis (assuming you're not a towkay). So what's the fundamental difference?
You keep mentioning WL are not lesser human being than us and their job is just as similar to any normal jobs. Than let me ask you, should one day you go out with a GL WL and meet some friends on the street, are you going to say out loud that she is a GL WL selling her body as a job? The answer is obvious, even the WLs themselves do not want others to know what they are working as. This obviously tell you there is a difference and because of their job nature, they themselves feel inferior. So please do not generalize all the different kind of jobs and claim everything is the same.
Old 25-12-2011, 11:59 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

all the bloody fuckers here got a lot of stories to tell! Hello! Wrong topic lah! Here GL report de!!!
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