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Old 12-02-2005, 11:35 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by fish76
So bro Knowntender and Hurricane, u guys interested to get hooked to Vietnam? And mayb we can meet up with the old birds of HCM, like Singviet?
I try to, but I doubt I can wait that long.....can't take the temptation and can't wait to fly over... seems that the Viet gals have distinguish themselves from other by having good attitude and famine touches. Well, I presume good look & figure (or quality if you were to call it) are essential attributes in this trade, so I don't consider this as anything special. In other words, they possess these "competitive advantages" that allow them command higher prices. That's quite enlightening.

Actually, I agree with Bro Knowntender and Bro SingViet having good attitude is very important. In fact, nowadays, when OKTs ask me what kind of gals I like, I will always say gals must have good attitude. But, I think this also depends on your luck. We can see from some posts that some of our Bros out there also didn't get good services.

Well, I think it's kind of difficult to discuss this on paper. Need to engage in some "real battles" to know how it feels. Nvm, I will be flying when Tigerair flies.....I will post my FRs here.
Old 12-02-2005, 11:44 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Need some advice from Bros here. I would like to travel to Phnom Penh from HCMC. Has anybody try crossing the Cambodian-Viet border?

Actually, I'm planning to travel to Bangkok, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and HCMC on a single trip. 1 stone shoot 4 birds. . I can fly in to BK and out from HCMC or vice versa. This is possible because Tigerair sell one-way ticket only (it's like open-jaw ticket). I heard that it's dangerous to get from BK to Siem Reap. So, I'm wondering how's the situation at the Cambodian-Viet border. It sounds okay on the But, do anybody have any first hand info on this ??

Old 13-02-2005, 12:03 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by knowntender
My impression on P4P in Vietnam is very good though. This is based on my cheonging experience in Hanoi. I have not been to HCM. The Viet girls I encountered in Hanoi were very eager to please and had excellent attitude in service. I also found the Viet girls very beautiful.

I am more familiar with sanuk scene in BKK. Nightlife in BKK have lots of variety, and P4P in BKK is cheaper than Hanoi. However, I found attitudes of the Viet girls much better than their Thai sisters in general and I would gladly shuffle some sanuk resource ( time, money and energy ) to Vietnam.
Actually, I think this really depends on your luck. I just recently came back from Hatyai where I found a gem there providing excellent services. She really treat me like bf. We went for movie holding hands, lots of hugging even on the street. So much so that sometimes I feel pai say when other ppl look at us (with envy of course). My first trip to batam was also very memorable. On the other hand, I have many bad incidents at these 2 places as well. Hence, I don't really attribute this to where these gals are from. It really varies from person to person.

All in all, I think I must really go there to see how they perform. No point for me to shoot blanks here. Thanks for your info !!
Old 13-02-2005, 12:16 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by SingViet
Bro Hurricane,

You are right to say that it is not cheap to cheong in HCM City. Some bros spent a few thousand dollars if they stayed here for around 2 weeks for the trip. US$100 for a night seems scary but often, bros fall for it when they see the quality of the Viet Gals. They are not that SUPER GOOD but they offer those femine touches that Singapore gals do not offer. As for communication, some working gals here speak either simple English or Mandarin. But simply saying, do you need to really communicate that much when you are about to BANG her? heheheh

Maybe you can fly here a few times and try out the PRODUCTS. You may stat thinking that US$100 is a sum worth paying.
Bro SingViet, I saw that you have lobangs at about 1 mil dongs, right? That should be about around S$100. That sounds reasonable. Besides, those FLs who fish customers from discos seems too "professional" for me. Could you please keep these lobangs for us? I think many of us here would also like to try them. Sad to say I never tried Sing gals before. But, anyway, I think many ppl would agree with me that their CBs are made of gold and hence I don't really want to waste my hard-earned $$$ and time on them.
Old 13-02-2005, 12:34 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Bro fish76, I don't mind to meet up, but the timing is not good for me. I don't forsee to travel to Vietnam in June.
Old 13-02-2005, 09:45 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Hurricane
Need some advice from Bros here. I would like to travel to Phnom Penh from HCMC. Has anybody try crossing the Cambodian-Viet border?

Actually, I'm planning to travel to Bangkok, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and HCMC on a single trip. 1 stone shoot 4 birds. . I can fly in to BK and out from HCMC or vice versa. This is possible because Tigerair sell one-way ticket only (it's like open-jaw ticket). I heard that it's dangerous to get from BK to Siem Reap. So, I'm wondering how's the situation at the Cambodian-Viet border. It sounds okay on the But, do anybody have any first hand info on this ??


Although i have personally not crossed the boarder to Cambodia, but i have heard from my business associates that its a breeze to cross the boarder. Not much trouble. Infact, the boarder is just a few hours drive from HCM City.
Old 13-02-2005, 09:47 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Hurricane
Bro SingViet, I saw that you have lobangs at about 1 mil dongs, right? That should be about around S$100. That sounds reasonable. Besides, those FLs who fish customers from discos seems too "professional" for me. Could you please keep these lobangs for us? I think many of us here would also like to try them. Sad to say I never tried Sing gals before. But, anyway, I think many ppl would agree with me that their CBs are made of gold and hence I don't really want to waste my hard-earned $$$ and time on them.

Yes i do have a few contacts that are offering at 1 million VND. At around SGD$100, i feel that its not that unreasonable. I will keep the lobangs for u. Give me a PM before u come to HCM City and i will pass u the contacts.

Old 13-02-2005, 10:08 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by SingViet

Yes i do have a few contacts that are offering at 1 million VND. At around SGD$100, i feel that its not that unreasonable. I will keep the lobangs for u. Give me a PM before u come to HCM City and i will pass u the contacts.

Thank you !!! I can visit you if you've the time to meet up. I'm travelling for leisure, so quite free and flexible.
Old 13-02-2005, 04:59 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Hurricane
Thank you !!! I can visit you if you've the time to meet up. I'm travelling for leisure, so quite free and flexible.


Sure. Give me a PM before u arrive and i will try to find time to meet up with you.

Old 14-02-2005, 09:25 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

For the Bros that i shared the contacts with, i hope that you can share the experience with the rest of the bros once u try these FL contacts. I hope that these 2 contacts can make your stay in VN a memorable one.
Old 14-02-2005, 11:05 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by SingViet
For the Bros that i shared the contacts with, i hope that you can share the experience with the rest of the bros once u try these FL contacts. I hope that these 2 contacts can make your stay in VN a memorable one.
You bet we will. Good things must share meh !!
Old 15-02-2005, 01:50 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by SingViet
For the Bros that i shared the contacts with, i hope that you can share the experience with the rest of the bros once u try these FL contacts. I hope that these 2 contacts can make your stay in VN a memorable one.
cool..bro...hopefully u will be de one i will contact if i ever step into my beloved soil of VIETNAM,,,esp. HCMC....cheers!
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Old 15-02-2005, 11:05 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by knowntender
Agree with Bro Hurricane that ST and LT rates in Vietnam are not cheap, and actually very unreasonable when considering the standard of living there.

My impression on P4P in Vietnam is very good though. This is based on my cheonging experience in Hanoi. I have not been to HCM. The Viet girls I encountered in Hanoi were very eager to please and had excellent attitude in service. I also found the Viet girls very beautiful.

I am more familiar with sanuk scene in BKK. Nightlife in BKK have lots of variety, and P4P in BKK is cheaper than Hanoi. However, I found attitudes of the Viet girls much better than their Thai sisters in general and I would gladly shuffle some sanuk resource ( time, money and energy ) to Vietnam.
well, the tip of the iceberg is call "your luck"

both in vn & nkk, i have gotten well FOC services from working gals, both are comparable in terms of attitude but the thais are better in bed. but in ging for a long haul relationship if ever, viets will be better as they can make sacrifices that the thais will not ......

in the north, bulk of the working gals are also southerners and price is generally cheaper compared to the south ...why i not sure ....
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Old 15-02-2005, 11:28 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by lament

both in vn & nkk, i have gotten well FOC services from working gals, both are comparable in terms of attitude but the thais are better in bed. but in ging for a long haul relationship if ever, viets will be better as they can make sacrifices that the thais will not ......

in the north, bulk of the working gals are also southerners and price is generally cheaper compared to the south ...why i not sure ....

U want another shit from me?? Wat u have in your mind to say she sacrifice more than she?? Dun because u bonk 1000 group A gers n 10 group B gers n declare this statement...
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 15-02-2005, 11:36 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by naemlo
U want another shit from me?? Wat u have in your mind to say she sacrifice more than she?? Dun because u bonk 1000 group A gers n 10 group B gers n declare this statement...
wat group A & B gals .... knn u still stone from your last nite drinking .....

wat sacrifice u toking about .......u never realli play the game rite bro ....
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