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Old 16-02-2010, 11:45 AM
seronok seronok is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


thanks for such a pleasurable read. i cant wait for the next part. seems like we are getting closer to home =)
Old 16-02-2010, 03:45 PM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

TS bro, more updates pls.
Old 16-02-2010, 08:47 PM
Maosterz Maosterz is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Really enjoy reading from the 1st page.

Lucky bro here... waiting for more update.
Old 16-02-2010, 11:49 PM
wine wine is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

well done...bravo to you....update please.
Old 17-02-2010, 12:11 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Very good reading. Maybe I'm feeling alittle emo as still adjusting to singlehood after long term relationship, but your story damn power sia...

Looking forward to reading more!
Old 17-02-2010, 12:57 AM
katou katou is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

it such a nice experience where fate bring two together.. =)

It really nice tat june knows how you felt for her and hope tat things wouldn't turn sour for you Bro.
Cheers for you!!
Old 17-02-2010, 01:52 PM
timeagle timeagle is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

This is alot of emotional baggage handling just to have an affair. Talking kills sex bro. Just get it over with soon.
Old 17-02-2010, 02:12 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


June: " Do you know why I didn't stop you that night when you plant a kiss on my forehead?"
Me: " tell me?"

June: "hmmmmm...because I just want to feel it. ......The feeling was good. Don't mistaken me as a easy woman or trying to make cheap of myself. I have never enjoy such feeling for a very long time ever since I got to know my husband. Our relationship is merely just like a transaction, debt returning. No true feeling at all. As I have told you earlier on, we married because he felt obligated. I think I am stupid enough to accept this at that time. I just don't know why. I should say I have regretted very much to accept him. I can't think of divorcing him because of our daughter upbringing. I don't want her to suffer because of the unpleasance of the parents...... "

June added while I just pay full attention on her.

June: " I really enjoy all these days when I am with you honestly. In fact I really look forward to seeing you even if we did nothing. I think I have to be true to you.........I do have the liking for you too but......I hope you understand what I want to say."
Me: "Hmmm...I guess I know what you are thinking. Because of your martial status that's why you want to draw a clear line?"

June: "Precisely. I don't want to do fact I am scared. Firstly, I don't want people to have the wrong impression that I am a "chin chye" (Anyhow) woman. I am afraid people will think that I am vain. Secondly, because of my daughter. I want to provide her a good upbringing environment. I have seen alot of my friends kids, or even outside, kids misbehaving, mislead because of single parenthood......I am not totally against the idea of dirvocing but I think for a woman to do it it needs alot of courage. I am afraid that I might not be able to find someone who can accept my status as a once-married-woman. Or maybe I might find a worst than my 1st husband."
Me: "Well.....not everyone is the same. I guess you can find a better one."

June: "Sigh....who wants to get burn twice? Once is enough...... My mind has been wondering all this divorcing idea for quite sometime but I just think that my reasons will not be able to justify for separation. I don't want to separate just for the sake of it. I value marriage myself but it just doesn't come to me like a fairy tale.....sigh..."

June broke down from here.

Me: "June....don't cry. You shouldn't cry for him. He is not worthy of your tears."
June: "I know....I just feel miserable why I ended up like that....why I have to marry a husabnd like him....why I chose him..........."

Me: "Well.....that's life. Maybe yours abit harder that someone's but not as great as the unfortunate lots. Think positively. I feel for you....."
June: "Sorry that I broke down again but whenever my mind is filled up with this problem, I just can't help it."

Me: "Understand..... I am sure you have solution for it. I am sure you can resolve it eventually. I have confident in you."
June: "I guess so......."

June: "Sorry to spolit the night....... I am really comfortable with you."
Me: "You are flattering me....."

June: "I love the feeling to be pampered. It makes me feel that I am still young, back to the secondary school times when we were in puppy love..... It feels great to be loved, to be attended when you needed most. All this while I feel like a puppy being taken care of emotionally. I felt safe when I leaned on your shoulder. My mind was instantly cleared of all the problems....... You know something? ......I like to be with you........"

Me: "I am happy to know that you are comfortable with me June. To tell you the truth, I like you too. I want to be with you someday....hopefully. But I don't want to rush things among us. I am sure we are rational to know the situation. Though I am single but you are married. It won't be nice for me to come between you and your husband no doubt there are potential problems between you guys. Furthermore as what you have said I want to respect your decision to bring up your kid in a healthy environment. At this juncture, I think the most appropriate way is to solve the problems brewing between you and him. If situation allows, then we can think further in future."
June: "I understand."

Me: "June, I don't mean to disappoint you in anyway if you are think otherwise but I want to make sure you are in a sound mind to make the right decision. Who knows I may not be the right one for you or maybe the opposite. It is easy to start a relationship but the baggage maybe too difficult to get rid off if things turns sour.............. Right now both of us are attached to each other because of your problems but what will happened if all your problems are solved? ...........Will there be anything to bind us togther? For me I am willing to father your daughter but I want to make sure I am really for a serious relationship with you. I don't you to be hurt again."

June: ".......Maybe I am too fickle now that's why I am very emotionally attached to you now. I think we will let time and situation to answer our problem......"

To be continued.......
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 17-02-2010, 05:15 PM
jinxz89 jinxz89 is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

good good!
Old 18-02-2010, 12:51 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

waiting for nxt update
Old 18-02-2010, 07:25 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Good job! Keep it up!
Three humble pts to be given daily.

Please leave your nick and PM me. I will definitely return your favour.
Old 18-02-2010, 09:05 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


June: "Maybe I am too fickle now that's why I am very emotionally attached to you now. I think we will let time and situation to answer our problem......"
Me: "Rest assure that I won't ditch you especially at this point of time. Remeber what I've said to you? I will always try to be with you when you need it most...."

June: "....I know..... and I trust you to keep everything to yourself."
Me: "Hmmm.... of cse to myself. This thing is between you, me and your husband maybe. hahaha.."

June: "I hope thing won't change after we have reveal our feelings to each other."
Me: "Of cse not! Do you know that I have been bottling this feeling with me and it's like going to explode anytime. It's driving me crazy! There are so many things I wanna do just to reveal it to you but I just don't know what and how to start. Maybe it may not be appropriate too. But now at least I am feeling way much better for I know you have feelings for me."

June: " fact I have been wanting to say it to also. But I am afraid you might leave me, thinking that I am a loose woman."
Me: "I never think of you as a loose woman. All this while you have protrayed to me as a woman of class. Very elegant and of cse attractive."

June: "Am I? I never think so about myself. I always think I am a lousy woman, very emotional and love to cry alot."Me: "Well...indeed you cry alot but rest assure I won't let you cry beside tears of joy. From the very first time I saw you, you have captured my eyes since."

June: "So you are attracted to me because of my beauty lah?"
Me: "Hmmmm....I won't deny about it. You are indeed pretty and I am deeply attracted. But that is secondary. I came to realise that you are a very kind, gracious lady. You know what's right and wrong. And also most importantly I love woman with brains and you are those who possess this quality. You show a very strong and confident side yet inside you are a little bird, constantly needs to be attended and love. I just love somebody like you......"

June: "I thought of myself like that too. Alot of my friends said that I look confident but I am rather weak emotionally. Alot of them were negative about him and our marriage. They said that we are just a totally different world and he just doesn't suit me....... "
Me: "Pardon me....I am not trying to break you and him up but I did feel that way too when I saw him at the workshop that day. He was very rude and fierce towards you. I think he just didn't care about your feeling and show absolutely no due respect to you in front of strangers. I was think like "what the hell is this man shouting at his own wife like a mad dog infront of everyone!"......I felt sorry for you and that's why I interrupted him as to stop him from scolding at you furthermore."

June: "Yah....i remembered that! I was feeling damn lousy and I almost going to burst to tears!"
Me: "You should broke down at at that maybe the uncle won't want you to pay for the repair too."

June: "Yah.....yah.....if only."
Me: "Oh haven't pay for my car's repair."

June: "Yah.....I know and I just don't want to pay. I want you to buck at me so that I can have reasons to see you mah."
Me: " that's your ploy lah."

June: " lah. Joking only.....How much shall I pay you?"
Me: "'s to much for you to pay me. It's priceless."

June: "Oh...then I save a sum of money liao. thanks huh!"
Me: "You are welcome."

We left the restaurant about 1am. I finally got to hold her hands when we walked towards the carpark. All this while we were like a courtshipping couple. I have never felt so good on that occassion since I knew her.

When I reached her place.....

June: "You have a good rest yah. Sorry to let you stay with me till now since you landed. You must be dead tired."Me: "Hmmm...I am wearing out but it's worth it for I know the answer about us."

June: "Hmmmmwhat answer? I never give you any answer hor."
Me: " least I know where I am heading too, don't you."

June: "Hopefully...but I don't want to pin too much hope as I am afraid things might not be the way what we have wanted."
Me: "I know. That's why I don't wnat and never wnat to rush things. I also don't want to pressure you. Perhaps we shall stay as friends and let thesituation andtime to answer for us.No doubt it's a torture and long wait."

June: "Thanks for being so considerate. I think I better go now."
Me: "Ok.....June.....may i kiss you?"

June did not give me an answer. She just moved her head towards me and slowly closed her eyes.......

I planted a peck on her forehead and then another one on her lips....... then she returned another spilt second kiss on my lips.

June: "Thank you. Good night."
Me: "Horrrrr......good night dear."

To be continued..................
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....

Last edited by urger; 18-02-2010 at 09:19 AM.
Old 18-02-2010, 09:22 AM
jomblo jomblo is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

now onli i understand the power of william hung's song..

so lucky u....
i m in that kind of situation before....i mean not road accident but those kind of talk n talk n share heart feeling...

but in the end..still gone case.....
Old 18-02-2010, 09:24 AM
yen1978 yen1978 is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

camping for the next...
Old 18-02-2010, 05:11 PM
Eager2enter Eager2enter is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

waiting for further up date
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