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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
The PRC side is being childish. They knew about the SAF training in Taiwan for years.
They obviously know about starlight since they offered spore training ground in China if spore leaves Taiwan . Actually it's better China seize the vehicles than in retaliation, they go seize some rsaf vessel. I feel sorry for ppl like you who accepts garbagements rubbish at face value . _______ Exchange points sorry ma |
No. 1 - Spores one China policy no problem wan. No. 2 - China for no reason seize vehicles. No way in international law can hong Kong can do that No. 3 - they never even explain why China seize. Like it's a misunderstanding or mistake . So those stoopid sporeans who only believe garbagement, their only conclusion must be China ki xiao n act like bandits anyhow steal things. No wonder sporeans are so damn stupid if they believe this shit And hong Kong even funnier. They said they're Investigating. Investigate LJ la There's no nuclear weapons, no chemical weapons n paperwork is either OK or not OK. If paperwork not OK then how. Can seize meh. Or hong Kong want shippers to go jail. Fucking weird So investigate wat ???? ________ Exchange points investigate ma Last edited by sadfa; 10-01-2017 at 09:36 PM. |
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Response in singapore style, follow the law and write more letters!
![]() Sad that the first contributors to our nation's defence skills and training are the israelis and it appears now that we didn't pick up their most distinguished feature. Nobody messes with the israelis because those who do can only expect a military response. They are a small country, but have the ability to do a surgical operation or strike, leaving no traces. But ensuring that everyone knows its them! ![]() Likewise, if we are daring enough, just launch a covert ops to destroy/scuttle the vehicles in HK port. Since we cannot get them back, logic dictates that we destroy them to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, right? One hit like that, then we sit back smugly and deny everything ![]() |
Don't teach ppl the wrong thing . Israel is fucking nuclear power OK. No one dare touch them. Even before that when all the Arab nations gang up, Israel also knock them down. And they've been carrying out covert operations since after ww2. Spore do terrorist act ? Sporeans too fucking by the book. Emasculated by garbagement too long so no balls Liao. If they're caught which Is likely, they'll be executed n they'll cry for garbagement to save them. But by then they'll realise garbagement is shit, spore is fake n sporeans worthless to garbagement. Even their families will get nothing cos boji garbagement disavow them _________ Exchange points disavow ma |
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
At the end of the day, if HK don't return these vehicles, what can Singapore do? We can do nothing. Absolutely Nothing.
So what International Law? So what if China break this International Law, ie the doctrine of sovereign immunity? China don't even bother about International Law. Remember the South China Seas issue and how did China react? Also, since China had broke International Law, who can enforce the penalty or punishment? NO country dare to. On a deeper understanding, this issue is all about Taiwan, ie one China pooicy。 Did China give the approval that we can train in Taiwan? It is also to fore wàrn Taiwan that don't play play and to punish Taiwan for calling Donald Trump. |
China is using it as a cover to seize the vehicles n garbagement take the ball n run n tcss to the max. So wats wrong with spore one China policy? Wat action did China take Against other countries who don't comply with one China policy according to China? How does it forewarn Taiwan? You think everyone is children meh. You think after this , spore will totally cut ties with Taiwan?? OF COURSE NOT! if spore do that it shows Everyone they're super pussy country. So in fact ties with Taiwan Will b stronger And how on earth punishing spore in any way punish Taiwan. Your point very weird. Taiwan ties with spore goes beyond starlight OK. Taiwan don't need the money for starlight la. N there are other areas of cooperation with Taiwan la You make the biggest mistake. You believe in garbagements rubbish. And no la. How can ask China for approval to train in Taiwan. Obviously they'll say no. No matter wat. Even if only Taiwan got space to train . And a sovereign country where got ask for permission to do things wan. If u want to trade with Palestine , u ask Israel for approval? Your posts n mentality needs improving And EVERYTHING I ALREADY SAID BEFORE LE. Even before garbagement tcss in Parliament about their fabulous action plan. Obviously u didn't do the requisite reading ______ Exchange points mistake ma Last edited by sadfa; 10-01-2017 at 11:43 PM. |
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Wah u really know everything. Next elections you dun become Prime Minister is kan sibei sayang.
I'll tell xi DA Da I can't give him garbagement as punishment cos they'll leak state secrets to China. But I can give him albino so they can brainwash him like how they brainwash aisin jioro puyi . After that xi DA DA will authorise IMMEDIATE return of vehicles. They'll even deliver the vehicles to spore personally Six months later xi DA DA will make his official visit to spore n call me the real ying xiong. N bring his gift of billions of investment like how they rewarded UK. Swee bo ________ Exchange points solid ma |
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
bro can share where did you read the effort to undermine and bypass singapore? i hear many pple say that but i have not read it myself yet please help, cheers ![]() |
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
[QUOTE=sadfa;15519278]On a deeper understanding , how can it b over one China policy?
China is using it as a cover to seize the vehicles n garbagement take the ball n run n tcss to the max. So wats wrong with spore one China policy? Wat action did China take Against other countries who don't comply with one China policy according to China? How does it forewarn Taiwan? You think everyone is children meh. You think after this , spore will totally cut ties with Taiwan?? OF COURSE NOT! if spore do that it shows Everyone they're super pussy country. So in fact ties with Taiwan Will b stronger And how on earth punishing spore in any way punish Taiwan. Your point very weird. Taiwan ties with spore goes beyond starlight OK. Taiwan don't need the money for starlight la. N there are other areas of cooperation with Taiwan la You make the biggest mistake. You believe in garbagements rubbish. And no la. How can ask China for approval to train in Taiwan. Obviously they'll say no. No matter wat. Even if only Taiwan got space to train . And a sovereign country where got ask for permission to do things wan. If u want to trade with Palestine , u ask Israel for approval? Your posts n mentality needs improving And EVERYTHING I ALREADY SAID BEFORE LE. Even before garbagement tcss in Parliament about their fabulous action plan. Obviously u didn't do the requisite reading Sad to say, your thoughts need some re-refinement and your insight needs to be more robust. Question to ask is: Why on earth does HK or China want to keep or confiscate these vehicles? You think they have nothing better to do. What is the MOST important thing or issue to China? Is it not face and respect? Which relationship is more important to us? With Taiwan or China? At this time and era, who dare to offend China?? So please think good and proper . |
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
One mountain always higher than another 青外青山,楼外有楼,一山更比一山高 Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy! 说话和放屁都是一样的,一口气而以,开心就好! Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life 别跟我谈理想,戒了,本少爷DJ想干嘛就干嘛去。。 正妹我最爱 DJ 妹妹 collection ![]() |
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Why at the first place we sending mens to train there? |
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