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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 14-02-2005, 01:14 PM
guzzler guzzler is offline
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Re: Legends 3

I was very suprised to read that coco is leaving so I gave her a call to get the scoop.

Her last day IS today. The good news is that it's not permanent. She's taking an indefinate break but she told me that she will be back. she needs a break.

She'll be missed for sure. I will definately look forward to her return...and try to get the first booking!
Old 14-02-2005, 03:36 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Hi Brother Shadow,

Legend atmosphere is very welcoming and relaxing. For paying $2 extra over BHC, you are treated to a brand new rooms and shower facilities. What's lacking is the pools and small size of the lounge.

I had tried 2 slim and young ladies by the names of Angel and Rachel. The looks and bodies department are close to DHC, BHC standards. It's worth a try! In fact, I prefer Legend to BHC unless I am meeting up with Stella and May in BHC.

I am a sucker for slim bodes, so Angel, Rachel and Samantha are the ones that I am targetting. The receptionist's recommendation on slim bodes also tally up with this thread. So, good luck.

Originally Posted by ShadowBro
damn.. i've not been to Legend before, and after hearing so much about L3 from the other threads, decided to take a look here.. but it was a pain reading thru all the 20+ pages...

I guess i must give this place at least 1 try, having been to so many other HCs, would be a pity if I give one of the best a miss..

however, having read thru the pages, most of the angpais seems to be relatively older.. being in the late 20 range... think i have been pampered by all those young gals, hope i won't be disappointed here...

will file a simple FR after i drop by the place.

Old 14-02-2005, 04:34 PM
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Unhappy Re: Legends 3

Saw the Hype on Legend3 so decided to check it out.....


On impluse after having woked up with exploding hormones due to a late night at zouk(velvet). Dangnit man, those girls are getting more and more sexy nowadays. Anyway back to the main track.

Took a cab to Allson hotel cuz i didnt know htf to get there. Walked around, passed by NTUC income and turned right. Voila!....Royal hotel Queens. Got a bit excited cuz its my first virging visit to HC and my third time cheonging(first was a prc at geylang called tian tian or something, second was a GL 150 L20 H6A i think)

Went up the lift to 4th floor, came out and saw Legends on the left. Went out thru the right Glass Door for a smoke. Whoot! saw a model-like girl smoking also. Was thinking...the standard that high??

Finally i mustered myself and went it. Quite classy as described. Talk to the counter auntie for a bit and she assigned me someone cuz i told her i didnt know anyone. Proceeded to room 6 and waited for 5 mins

The Door opened........and i went . In came a fairly plump woman with D tits tho. Talk a bit with her, she quite chatty and the proceeded to the massage. She got real strong hands! Her name is Daisy by the way. Nice command of English.

So after 10 mins, she fondled my balls and i got erected, blah i was erected the whole morning anyway and she pop the question. I took the full package but didnt managed to cum. But she damn pro, talks dirty and stuff and eager to please. Finally after 10 mins, i just ask her to hj me.


massage : 7/10
Looks : 5/10
Body : 4/10 (Not into plump girls, Big/firm D cuppers tho)
BJ : 6/10
HJ : 6/10
FJ : 5/10 (Lost interest and went limp halfway basically not my type)
Overall : 5/10

RTF : Not her maybe try another girl when i got spare dough

Maybe my expectations a bit high cuz my previous girlfriends can beat her hands down Anyway, a friendly and chatty girl but not my type

Old 14-02-2005, 07:09 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by guzzler
I was very suprised to read that coco is leaving so I gave her a call to get the scoop.

Her last day IS today. The good news is that it's not permanent. She's taking an indefinate break but she told me that she will be back. she needs a break.

She'll be missed for sure. I will definately look forward to her return...and try to get the first booking!
Hi bro.Guzzler,
I went down L3 today. Yes it's true. The legendary Miss Coco is leaving the scene to give her pussy a much needed rest. This gal has been working non stop for a long time and feeling the strain. Met her today which is incidentally her last and wish her the best. Got a peck on the check for that. No, I did not book her for a session. I'm still suffering from the "HC Withdrawal synchrome". Si bei jialat.....
L3 was packed today and only a handful of gals working. Was told most of them should be back by this Wed. Just went there to wishes the bosses "Kong Xi Fai Chai".
Old 14-02-2005, 07:35 PM
DeanPaul36 DeanPaul36 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Bro Dbono good of u start L3 poll! Clap!Clap!Clap!
Ya! my 2 votes oso 2 COCO.
Old 14-02-2005, 10:25 PM
NismoA33 NismoA33 is offline
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Gents - went there for the 2nd time today.. and had earlier pre-booked Jaime for the evening due to earlier posts. To all who thought that she was sub standard, there is something seriously wrong with judgement.

Started off with some pretty nice chat.. intro (since it was my first time).. got to know her little bit, talked about career interests, her love for animals, etc.. etc.. She turns out to be a pretty educated and soulful lady.. All the while she was squeezing my thighs as she spoke..

And then came the point where she said.. let's talk about sex.. and she asked when I last bonked.. She said she apologizes if she doesn't do too well today as she is dead tired from back to back sessions due to lack of girls at the venue..

My goodness, when she disrobed, it was the best brown sugar bodies I have ever seen. Her boobs were firm and taut, body lean & curvaceous. and possible the tightest rear end I hv seen in a while (how can any one say her ass was fat in earlier posts!!?) and my goodness, nice long legs..

Started off with teasing of my chest as she used her titties to "gelek" me letting out some moans along the way... Milked her with my mouth.. playing with her nipples.. As she moved on to my crotch, capped me and subsequently BJ.. BJ was strong and convincing and most importantly, "no teeth"... movements were also firm yet gentle... I had to stop her to prevent from premature cum...

Asked her to lie down and gave her a nice cat bath, exploring every square inch of her... Licked her pussy good and spent quite a lot of time there. Very clean shaven and pussy lips were totally erotic.. She didn't quite get wet as she mentioned again that she was really tired.. Stabbed her missionary and went about 40 pumps.. and then we went on sitting position... That was really nice as she held on to my body, got her in deep and pumped hard...
I blew my load without hesitation...

It was a bonk to remember for a long time... I see Jaime as my regular in future.. She's nice as a person, physically fantastic and with fuck slot to boot.. Coud perhaps have an even better time if not for her fatigue?

On the way out, chatted with the recep and she mentioned (young girl).. Wednesday is full force + some new girls... Wednesday onwards is good timing to come back!!

Have fun guys and have a great CNY!
Old 14-02-2005, 11:43 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Hi bro.Guzzler,
I went down L3 today. Yes it's true. The legendary Miss Coco is leaving the scene to give her pussy a much needed rest. This gal has been working non stop for a long time and feeling the strain. Met her today which is incidentally her last and wish her the best. Got a peck on the check for that. No, I did not book her for a session. I'm still suffering from the "HC Withdrawal synchrome". Si bei jialat.....
Well bro Zack... to be honest, I hope Ms Coco will suffer from the "HC Withdrawal Syndrome" too. That will ensure her speedy return to the HC scene for some more hot sex.
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Old 15-02-2005, 01:33 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by kilrein
Well bro Zack... to be honest, I hope Ms Coco will suffer from the "HC Withdrawal Syndrome" too. That will ensure her speedy return to the HC scene for some more hot sex.
Samster kilrein, care to enlighten me, whats 'HC Withdrawal Syndrome'???
Me blur like sotong lah...
Old 15-02-2005, 01:55 AM
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Re: Legends 3

HC idol- Legend HC; Legends of Legend. Voting begins !!

Happy belated Valentine Days Bros, time to vote for ya fav legend of legend HC NOW!!( or seems like bros, too buz wit their luv ones or empress dowager to cast ya votes today....)

HC Idol 2005- Legend HC; Legends of Legend; Votes for day ended 14th Feb05.(updated where possible)

Coco : +4 ( iceman X2, DeanPaul36 X2)

Miss Coco hv the honor of being the 1st name to be nominated by Bros, for her great services!(too bad heard she's goin on long leave now, else i'll surely go n chk her out meself!) Thanks Bros, iceman & DeanPaul36 for starting the ball rolling wit ya votes. Hope more bros will support this pageant real soon!!

Every1 allowed 2 votes(cos i noe every1 will hv 1 Fav queen & 1 princess; like wife n mistress...kekeke ), & 1 -ve vote; Bros mayb also cast 1 additional vote for Ex-LHC Queens. All votes casted can only be amended ONCE, so cast ya votes wisely bros!! Bros can cast ya votes for ex-LHC gals as well.The pageant will last for 16wks, till 4th June 05.
So bros here's ya time to support for ya fav gals!!

Disclaimer: This poll is done in the fun for Bros to support n vote for their fav gals, n to let bros gather info on the gals. Ps dun take this polls too serious as its all done in jest, n may not reflect wat the majority of cheongsters to LHC views are!! Hope this poll is not hving any adverse effects on the relationship btw the gals.(else me will be vry sorry) This poll is to reward them for their gd "service" n for them to gain some due recognition fm bros here.& may it motivate the gals to give maintain or better their "service".
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Old 15-02-2005, 05:55 AM
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Talking Re: Legends 3

HC Withdrawal Syndrome means cannot tahan the thought of being left out $$$ from you all, and the desire to bonk guys was too strong that she keep thinking of returning to HC scene.

But you must treat HC Ang Pai well, in order to entice her return..

Originally Posted by JumBoRock
Samster kilrein, care to enlighten me, whats 'HC Withdrawal Syndrome'???
Me blur like sotong lah...
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 15-02-2005, 08:10 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by DBono
HC idol- Legend HC; Legends of Legend. Let the voting begins !!

Bros, time to vote for ya fav legend of legend HC NOW!!

Every1 allowed 2 votes(cos i noe every1 will hv 1 Fav queen & 1 princess; like wife n mistress...kekeke ), & 1 -ve vote; Bros mayb also cast 1 additional vote for Ex-LHC Queens. All votes casted can only be amended ONCE, so cast ya votes wisely bros!!
AHA !! It has finally started - The LEGENDS pageant !!

Well, to show my suport... my first vote goes to

the ever-cutie Sammi.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 15-02-2005, 08:44 AM
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Re: Legends 3

One vote for Miss Coco for her excellent service and attitude! I'm reserving my vote for the other after sampling the other gems in Legends first. hehehe...
Old 15-02-2005, 10:19 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Vote for :

1) Joyce : excellene svc & friendly attitude. missed her erotic kisses around your ass & didi while u in doggy...though no AR but her erotic kisses realli make u shiok & didi hard like rod!

2) Fann : nice sexy long slim accomodating attitude...svc gd!
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Old 15-02-2005, 01:23 PM
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Question Re: Legends 3

Hi, any new girl worth trying since Coco is leaving the scene for a while?
Old 15-02-2005, 05:54 PM
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Re: Legends 3

no sure if HC allow customer to call 2 girls at the same time? Could any bro advise? thanks
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