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Old 25-07-2008, 05:58 PM
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Re: China popular songs

Bro dee,
Welcome back. I am lousy in my mandarin but have great incentive to learn now as I travel to China more these days.

Keep up the good work

Old 25-07-2008, 08:01 PM
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Re: China popular songs

Originally Posted by john99 View Post
Bro dee,
Welcome back. I am lousy in my mandarin but have great incentive to learn now as I travel to China more these days.
Keep up the good work
bro john, i always remember that when i was first stepped into china, my han-yu-pin-yin was damn lousy and i cannot do the proper chinese typing neither on computer nor the cell phone sms, but now... i have became the expert and my chinese typing is as good as those china chinese... you just need time to improve...
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 25-07-2008, 08:09 PM
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Re: China popular songs

olympics is coming and there many singers presenting their olympics songs. personally i found those songs are very commercial, most of them try to include the words either "olympic", "beijing" or "2008" into the lyrics.

those songs are obviously for olympics purpose and i don't think they will become the classic song like hand-in-hand (1988).

i like this recent ktv popular song, where it is inspired and the lyrics are not very olympics-oriented… hope it will get more and more popular... by jay…

千山萬水 - 周杰倫

another nice and inspired song, again, not olympics-oriented lyrics, by my favorite singer andy... also my new frequent ktv song...

the full version of the mtv is very long, about 10 minutes, and the conversation is very meaningful...

Everyone is No. 1 - 劉德華

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 25-07-2008, 08:12 PM
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Re: China popular songs

andy's inspiration song reminds me about the singkapo production; jack neo has came out with the similar song long time ago...
maybe he should submit his song for olympics song title competition...

proudly present, the meaningful nice song that made in singakapo:

不要认为自己没有用 - 梁智强

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 25-07-2008, 08:17 PM
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Re: China popular songs

the popular and inspired old song during my father's time...

but the nice song is always last, even after decades.

and it was being sang by many singers, the lastest version was by my favorite, 靚靚, and to my surprise, joey also sang before... bro GD, the 3rd clip is for you!~

漫步人生路 - 鄧麗君

漫步人生路 - 張靚穎

漫步人生路 - 容祖兒

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 25-07-2008, 08:18 PM
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Re: China popular songs

another recent popular song, having the good ranking and rating... from a cute cute girl 范瑋琪.

一顆心的距離 - 范瑋琪

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 28-07-2008, 03:14 PM
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Re: China popular songs

many people familiar with justin's Men KTV, but in china, the mandarin version is more popular than the cantonese one; sang by the young china boy, 胡彥斌.

in the recent mp3 download, i found there is one version sings by both singers, quite fine... didn't manage to find the mtv for this, but there is the live performance version...

the mandarian lyrics could modify a bit so that it suits the cheong situation...

一堆男人下了班不回去 十几个人坐在KTV...; ==> 一堆男人下了班不回去 十几个人坐飞机去CP...

男人 KTV - 側田

男人KTV - 胡彥斌

男人KTV - 側田 & 胡彥斌

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 28-07-2008, 03:17 PM
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Re: China popular songs

another nice song by this china boy, and sang together with my favorite, stephy.

另一個自己 - 胡彥斌 & 鄧麗欣

One of the popular song in china since early this year...

婚禮進行曲 - 胡彥斌

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 04-08-2008, 02:14 PM
golddragon golddragon is offline
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Re: China popular songs

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post

the popular and inspired old song during my father's time...

but the nice song is always last, even after decades.

and it was being sang by many singers, the lastest version was by my favorite, 靚靚, and to my surprise, joey also sang before... bro GD, the 3rd clip is for you!~

漫步人生路 - 容祖兒

Thanks! bro 3dee ... Myself just came back from a trip to Chang ping and other part of China...

Mmm .. I did not manage to find a Joey Yung look alike PRC when I was at the JiaYi ktv. However I found and had a good session with a 20 year old PRC in one of the spa that looks exactly like sexy Jolin Tsai in the 30-40 second into the MV below. She was so sexy as she was wearing a white jacket , tight black mini skirt and thigh high shear black stocking . It was like my ham-sup wet dream came true and alive when she gave me an erotic dance , BBBJ and a FJ while she was still in her seductive office uniform..

Attraction of Sexy Lips 唇唇欲動 sung by Jolin Tsai 蔡依林

Old 04-08-2008, 02:31 PM
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Re: China popular songs

Here is a nice good song from last year.. . Nice to play this song in ktv and get PRC mei mei up for a slow cuddling romantic dance... Very nice indeed.

等一个晴天 sung by 蔡淳佳

The above song was originally a Japanese song...

かざぐるま Kazaguruma sung by 一青 窈 Hitoto Yo

Old 04-08-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: China popular songs

Check out this interesting MV from 元若蓝. She looks extremely cute in the MV as she walked around licking her lollipop! Quite a good song as well from her.... After watching this MV , you better not play play with PRC mei mei's feeling and heart.

绿袖子 sung by 元若蓝

Old 05-08-2008, 02:00 AM
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Re: China popular songs

Hey bros need to find out who is the male singer and title of a Chinese song I like very much. The chorus has the following lines. Thanks so much.

Old 05-08-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: China popular songs

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
Hey bros need to find out who is the male singer and title of a Chinese song I like very much. The chorus has the following lines. Thanks so much.


If you can recall the action scene in the MV for that song , we may be able to find it..
Old 05-08-2008, 10:21 AM
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Re: China popular songs

Ok! Here is a nice song to listen although the chorus is quite repeating all the time.. The background ktv scene reminds me of our drinking session with all the PRC mei mei in Chang Ping 's Jia Yi ktv last week...

斯琴高麗的傷心 sung by 斯琴高麗

She has another version of MV.. more moody. I still prefer the above ktv version..

斯琴高麗的傷心 sung by 斯琴高麗

Old 05-08-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: China popular songs

Originally Posted by golddragon View Post
Thanks! bro 3dee ... Myself just came back from a trip to Chang ping and other part of China...
Mmm .. I did not manage to find a Joey Yung look alike PRC when I was at the JiaYi ktv. However I found and had a good session with a 20 year old PRC in one of the spa that looks exactly like sexy Jolin Tsai in the 30-40 second into the MV below. She was so sexy as she was wearing a white jacket , tight black mini skirt and thigh high shear black stocking . It was like my ham-sup wet dream came true and alive when she gave me an erotic dance , BBBJ and a FJ while she was still in her seductive office uniform..
Attraction of Sexy Lips 唇唇欲動 sung by Jolin Tsai 蔡依林
yo yo bro, glad to see you back and great to hear that you have a wonderful summer holiday!~

wah, jolin!!?? my dream girl!!!
please pm me her contact and details if you don't mind...

hope you have enjoyed your summer, and having your summer fiesta by shaking your body like andy....

夏日Fiesta - 刘德华

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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