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Old 24-04-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Oh my, I just chanced upon this thread and I have to thank you bros for such great information. Bonked many Pinay FLs before and chionged many Pinay pubs, but never really set foot in the mainland. Now since got continously updated "LonelyPlanet" guide here, sure chiong on next payday!!!
Old 26-04-2009, 08:11 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by taxi69 View Post
After reading so much abt AC,wish 2 explore the place.
Planning 2 book around Aug'09(national day tat wk)
Have some questions,hope bros here can help.

1)Booking the air ticket frm Tiger airway website,it says 2 Manila(Clarke),is it Diosdado Macapagal International Airport?
2)Is it raining
season over tere?
Earlier part of the month no but later part yes.
3)Looking through the pages & some website site tat bros had recommend,Royal Amsterdam Hotel seems 2 be a better choice 4 a newbie like me 2 stay(Any other hotel tat bros would like 2 recommend,pricing range frm 1000p-1800p).
I personally recommend Tiger hotel.
4)Frm fields ave---perimeter rd,if taking a trike,how much will it be?
About 50 to 100 depends on the trike guy. Haggle before hopping in.
5)Beside SM mall,any other shopping place near AC tat bros can recommend?
There is also shoe mart and robinsons closer to casino filipino.
Sorry 4 asking so many questions,hope bros can answer my doubts here.
Tks in advance.

see the above. hope it helps!
Acehigh.... 2 legs good, 4 legs baaad...
Old 26-04-2009, 08:13 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by simnon View Post
Hi ! Bro

Just to check if it is raining season at this time of the year since you are going back for R & R

Its currently hot as hell and with sporadic showers right now. In fact its raining heavily at the moment...
Acehigh.... 2 legs good, 4 legs baaad...
Old 26-04-2009, 08:26 PM
mypleasuredom mypleasuredom is offline
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Good info. Hopefully got Manila one too.
Old 27-04-2009, 01:46 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Acehigh View Post
see the above. hope it helps!
1)Tks 4 clearing my doubts.

2)Luckily i'm going in the beginning of the mth.

3)I saw Tiger Hotel website too.Quite a nice hotel.But if i'm not wrong,it is situated at Perimeter Rd.Shld I stay near 2 Fields Ave better?Cos i'm going alone & 1st time tere.Btw at Perimeter Rd,tere is oso a few hotels tat i saw are quite nice,Phoenix Htl,Hana Htl,Marquis Htl(tis 1 i like),America Htl(tis 1 oso gd).

4)Note taken.

5)Tks 4 the infor.

Old 28-04-2009, 02:05 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Just stepped into my house from another week in AC and reading the past weeks posts on this thread, here are my observations:

Usually older girls or mothers or girls with lesser then 7/10 in looks are asked to be waitresses. New girls or girls without proper work ids will be asked to be doorgirls. And thats why you get good service and better GFE if you take the waitresses. Doorgirls are a touch and go case. Dancers are usually above 4/10 and feel they have higher value and so they are more demanding and "less hungry".

Its wet in AC in past few days and heavy rain in Subic. Wet means ocasionally light showers but it also means dirty wet roads that you will walk in and as such I recommend shoes and not open sandals.

Flights in and out of Clark are numbering about 50 to 120 in numbers and that's a 35% drop in passenger numbers. Worse was I was the only foreigner in the "International" queue at the Clark immigration on 21 April.

Crowd scene have changed much in past years.Now I see more Malaysians, especially Indians who walk the streets of AC and of cos at the moment The ANZAC exercise is still on and that means many marines in the bars.

I usually search out the hotels that provides different check in/out arrangements. I use the hotels that allows early check in when I arrive at 4-5am and I check in again into hotels that allow you full 24 hours stay when my departure is at 8pm. That way I can get my bonk just before rushing into the waiting taxi. Of cos in between hotels, I would check out at 1pm and leave my bags at the counter and then go barhop till its time to check in at next hotel. But if you got the money, then just PAY.

Just a few of my observations for your info. Cheers.

My next trip is May 6 for another week.
Old 28-04-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Acehigh View Post
Its currently hot as hell and with sporadic showers right now. In fact its raining heavily at the moment...
Hi ! Bro

Thanks for the update and looks like have to postpone my trip in June to the Nov instead.

Raining season makes strolling to casino filippino a hassle and likely to be soaking wet too.

Do not know if Paggor in the golden nile building is open or not, if open, will be easier to run across from Royal Amsterdam Hotel..

Old 28-04-2009, 09:55 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by taxi69 View Post

3)I saw Tiger Hotel website too.Quite a nice hotel.But if i'm not wrong,it is situated at Perimeter Rd.Shld I stay near 2 Fields Ave better?Cos i'm going alone & 1st time tere.Btw at Perimeter Rd,tere is oso a few hotels tat i saw are quite nice,Phoenix Htl,Hana Htl,Marquis Htl(tis 1 i like),America Htl(tis 1 oso gd).
It takes about 10 to 15 minutes walk from Tiger Hotel to Fields Avenue and this location is good if you want to try the street food like roast chicken, pork, etc.
Hotel in Fields Avenue such as Royal Amsterdam is more expensive at P1600 for the economy room, and more tourists on fields avenue instead of locals within the Tiger Hotel Area. Supermarkets and makan shops are closer to Tiger Hotel compared to Fields Avenue Hotels.
Since first time, suggest you stay in Fields Avenue for a day or two and walk around to familarise the places in the morning and do a check out to another cheaper hotel.
Another hotel to consider is Ramadan Hotel which is opposite Tiger, around the same price.

Enjoy your first solo trip....
Old 29-04-2009, 12:44 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Dear Bros,

Just a update if you have plans to venture AC from Aug'09 from Oct'09 if my memory did not failed me (memory seems getting bad nowadays...haiz)

I have read this Cebu Pacific promotions from the phillippines newspapers 2 days ago. From the past I have been taking Tiger Airways, so may try Cebu if the timings is right.
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Old 29-04-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by simnon View Post
It takes about 10 to 15 minutes walk from Tiger Hotel to Fields Avenue and this location is good if you want to try the street food like roast chicken, pork, etc.
Hotel in Fields Avenue such as Royal Amsterdam is more expensive at P1600 for the economy room, and more tourists on fields avenue instead of locals within the Tiger Hotel Area. Supermarkets and makan shops are closer to Tiger Hotel compared to Fields Avenue Hotels.
Since first time, suggest you stay in Fields Avenue for a day or two and walk around to familarise the places in the morning and do a check out to another cheaper hotel.
Another hotel to consider is Ramadan Hotel which is opposite Tiger, around the same price.

Enjoy your first solo trip....
Tks 4 the infor bro.

Originally Posted by Worldster View Post
Dear Bros,

Just a update if you have plans to venture AC from Aug'09 from Oct'09 if my memory did not failed me (memory seems getting bad nowadays...haiz)

I have read this Cebu Pacific promotions from the phillippines newspapers 2 days ago. From the past I have been taking Tiger Airways, so may try Cebu if the timings is right.
Will check Cebu Pacific promotion,but their flight 2 AC is in the wee hrs!How 2 check in hotel in tat hr?Unless pay 4 another day lah.
Anyway tks 4 the infor.

Old 29-04-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro Ziebart you travel more often than me to AC.

I am planning a trip there during end May 29.

I totally agree with you that if you are looking for GFE then look for girls who are working as waitresses. Dancers are hot only while on the dance floor. I dun deny that i have had my fair share of decent dancers who have given me a good time on the bed. I especially remember this 19yo dancer i met. She was hot. face not pretty but body to die for. She allowed me to come on face man. that was sensational.

otherwise you are right? its not the beauty that matters but the waitresses above aveerage ones give you fantastic service.

Do you guys think it will rain end may also?

Is tiger hotel really good? i have never stayed there?

Do you guys recommend any reasonably priced hotel at fields?

Lots of indian men around? How does it feel to be there amidst them? are they as welcome as us? or do we look like sore thumbs amidst them?
Old 29-04-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post

Do you guys think it will rain end may also?
Its anybodys guess as to whether it will rain or be hot end May, esp with the El Nino effect present. But my guess will be its gonna be hot.

Is tiger hotel really good? i have never stayed there?
I have stayed in Tiger last year and am quite pleased with it. So so location and price of about 1000p looks okie. Could be more now. YM them sstigerhotel and they will respond to you pronto

Do you guys recommend any reasonably priced hotel at fields?
Personally I stay at the Welcome Inn if you don mind non professionalism in hotel service at 1000p. Or you can try Bangkok Hotel or Walkabout Hotel which cost a bit more. Just do a search on the name and you will have the contact details

Lots of indian men around? How does it feel to be there amidst them? are they as welcome as us? or do we look like sore thumbs amidst them?
My regret to have introduced this observation cos personally I feel no reference should be made re race in our discussions. Can I ask that we not mention this matter from henceforth.My apologies.
Hope the above response is helpful. Cheers.
Old 29-04-2009, 01:55 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro Ziebart thank you very much for your replies.

Very professional.

Especially the last part where you say

"My regret to have introduced this observation cos personally I feel no reference should be made re race in our discussions. Can I ask that we not
mention this matter from henceforth.My apologies."

Kudos to you for the way you handled the question and brought an end to the discussion. Surely a PAP way of handling situations. (200% compliments)

I like the style "address the issue, apologise, request to close topic"

BTW i had to change my nick due to some guys who had zapped me previously.

Will reveal to you my nick at some time.

I will try Tiger then.

I have been to AC numerous times. However on each occassion the experience is different.


thanks for replying.
Old 29-04-2009, 02:09 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Bro Ziebart thank you very much for your replies.

Very professional.

Especially the last part where you say

"My regret to have introduced this observation cos personally I feel no reference should be made re race in our discussions. Can I ask that we not
mention this matter from henceforth.My apologies."

Kudos to you for the way you handled the question and brought an end to the discussion. Surely a PAP way of handling situations. (200% compliments)

I like the style "address the issue, apologise, request to close topic"
You make me at a loss of words by your comments. Anyway thanks.

I just bought another return ticket on Cebu Pacific for travel in August for $79 only. Offer is on now but travel Jun to Aug 09. Bros who are interested, Grab yr tickets now.
Old 29-04-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Was browsing the Ramada Hotel website. It says free pickup from Clark. Any bro stayed there before or know the place? Care to share your experience? Much appreciated
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