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Old 09-08-2005, 10:50 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - Happy 40th National Day!

Originally Posted by Frankieman12
Hi Fellow Shanghai Bro,

Happy National Day !

Dear Bro Frankieman12 & all bros,
A very very Happy 40th National Day to all of u here!
Wishing u all prosper & bloom like our homeland for the past 40 years & many more good years to come.................

Best regards & well wishes to all bros in their new endeavours,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 09-08-2005, 11:16 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear SH Bros,



Shanghai Papa
Old 09-08-2005, 11:45 AM
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
She went after me and wanted to create the same scene downstair to embarass me.
..... she was my best bed partner.

The moral of the incident is never to bring several credit cards with you, and never draw money in froint of the lady.
Dear Snr Bro PTR(UFO)

Not sure how to address you wif all the changes in the recent days ( even changed your avatar).
Similar incident happened to me in Fuzhou, wif a sales rep I met, she wanted to start a HC wif me and my mistake was to play along wif the idea( actually seemed like a good idea at the start) rather than say NO at the beginning. Ended up quarrelling in the hotel lounge over $$ when I rejected the whole proposal outright ( needed RMB 1 mil as a slush fund) as I felt there was no accountability to the cash.( all the jazz about lic fee etc. needed cash upfront). She started screaming , crying and threaten to hurt herself at the lobby.. damn paiseh man...everyone watching..and I am a regular at the hotel change hotel as I cannot face the recep people again.
Ended quite unpleasent as security was involved but.... I did not pay her anything to settle the issue...anyway not directly related to the investment plan, but the regular gifts and stuff. She too was the best in bed i have had to date ... perfect skill and uncanny muscle ability to twist her body while maintaining a constant rhythm...Hmmmm
Carry only what cash you need seems to be the best idea but it is difficult at times ( emergency) as in China it is hard to predict what will happen.Cash seems to be able to settle most "problems" , so carrying some extra seems to be the safe thing to do. Best of all to not be too flashy with your "wealth".

Just my idle (worthless chatter) opinion



Hope to have the previlege to meet up with you and the rest of the SB group in Shanghai.
Old 09-08-2005, 11:56 AM
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by bbbbb
no marnee return nebermind.. still can go CHEONG!! Wah kao!! Kiam people marnee still can cheong! Lidat also brudder ah????
Hi bbbbb( ??? are you aaaaa's relative by any chance)

Firstly, this kind of brother can only cheat you once, after that if he can con you again..then you realli kaki beh steady leh.... you only kena once ( something like James Bond.. You only die once....) If you see this kind of bro here please provide early warning to the rest so that we can avoid like the plague....Ehhhhh... worst than HIV positive.
Dun be too mad wif yourself...consider it as donation to the needy... NKF fund..opps sorri ...comm chest now preffered charity.


Old 09-08-2005, 12:00 PM
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by shanghian
Dear Snr Bro PTR(UFO)

Not sure how to address you wif all the changes in the recent days ( even changed your avatar).
Similar incident happened to me in Fuzhou, Cash seems to be able to settle most "problems" , so carrying some extra seems to be the safe thing to do. Best of all to not be too flashy with your "wealth".

Just my idle (worthless chatter) opinion



Hope to have the previlege to meet up with you and the rest of the SB group in Shanghai.
Dear Bro Shanghian,

Call me PTR as most people do. UFO and AVC are just added by me for fun.

Not doubt that we need cash to settle matters that appear unexpectedly. The question is how much is enough. Some would say 5K in the safe and 1-2K in your pocket. My bet is, when I have a lot of cash with me, I would put in the Hotel deposit box. In case you need to take out cash due to threat, the hotel security would be nearby when you approach the counter for accessing your safe deposite box.

What you have done was probably right, RMB 1M (close to $220,000) is not a small sum. Granted that you can afford it, but it is sitll your hard earn money. If you want to go into any venture, it is best to do it officially with a proper agent. I have just setup a Foreign Owned company in China, the process is tedious, I have engaged a lawyer and an agent to handle the application for me. It is safer that way. You need upfront US$140,000 in the bank during the time of application.

These PRC ladies (though not all) are the best actresses. They know we do not like to face ugly scenes in the public, and they are good at such things. It happened once to me on other matter, what I did was to shout back at her, and demanded to the hotel that I wanted to see the Security Manager to complain about something missing in my room and that I suspected that this girl might have taken it. He came, and I told him that we would like to speak in his office, which we did. If you are a regular in that hotel, they would oblige you and on your side. Finally, the Security Manager told us that he would call the gong an to investigate the matter as it was a theft case. At this point, the girl chickened out and claim that it was a misunderstanding and that she would settle privately with me. I was soft hearted and let her go. I do not generalise that all PRC ladies are the same, but when they have illed intention after your money, they would try all things on you. Stay cool and react appropriately. Do not be frightened by their shouting. China is not the same compared to early Nineties that Gong An will also try to extort you.

Like I always say, we can never be too careful.

My 2 cent worth.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 09-08-2005, 12:01 PM
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
I 'marnee' man....lah!
I dun spend on my 'cow' ....End up my cow usually is the one that buy makan and gifts for me leh.....
Bro SGP69,
You realli can man ..must agree that you are "THE MAN" as stated in earlier post. The concept of free milk......If you have free milk...dun buy the cow...




Happy National Day to all S'poreans . Majulah Singapura!
Old 09-08-2005, 12:09 PM
maverick72 maverick72 is offline
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Bro bbbbb,
I 'marnee' man....lah!
I dun spend on my 'cow' though but rather most of the time infront of them I would show the poorest side of me which is the true fact on me anyway,. End up my cow usually is the one that buy makan and gifts for me leh.....
As what Bro Maverick72 said lately, feels like a 'rabbit' u know leh....

wah lan bro..say me like a 'rabbit' like that...but actually i don't mind being a 'rabbit'...quite nice actually...but at times...u feel constraint because u cannot easily go fish for others...oh well, wat to do, just have to accept the fact of life...if u are paid to do the FJ, than do the best one can...i am talking nonsense...
anyways, wishing all the s'poreans in SB Happy National Day...Mari Kita Ya ....something...anyone kind enough to type out our S'pore pledge? a lot of us already forgotten about it...
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Old 09-08-2005, 01:31 PM
ultra88man ultra88man is offline
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by maverick72
wah lan bro..say me like a 'rabbit' like that...but actually i don't mind being a 'rabbit'...quite nice actually...but at times...u feel constraint because u cannot easily go fish for others...oh well, wat to do, just have to accept the fact of life...if u are paid to do the FJ, than do the best one can...i am talking nonsense...
anyways, wishing all the s'poreans in SB Happy National Day...Mari Kita Ya ....something...anyone kind enough to type out our S'pore pledge? a lot of us already forgotten about it...
here you go, bro ...

We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society
based on justice and equality
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
progress for our nation.
Old 09-08-2005, 01:33 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by maverick72
wah lan bro..say me like a 'rabbit' like that...but actually i don't mind being a 'rabbit'...quite nice actually...but at times...u feel constraint because u cannot easily go fish for others...oh well, wat to do, just have to accept the fact of life...if u are paid to do the FJ, than do the best one can...i am talking nonsense...
anyways, wishing all the s'poreans in SB Happy National Day...Mari Kita Ya ....something...anyone kind enough to type out our S'pore pledge? a lot of us already forgotten about it...
Bro maverick72,
Not saying u 'rabbit' but rather referring to what u said that night about feeling like a 'rabbit' lah! Like u said so, me too dun mind being a 'rabbit' as long as dun need to spend on our 'cow' though...kekekeke....Better still, they are the one who spend on us mah!....
The most we have to do is to 'excel' in our FJ to them lor...right bro?
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 09-08-2005, 01:37 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Singland National Pledge

Originally Posted by ultra88man
here you go, bro ...

We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society
based on justice and equality
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
progress for our nation.

Bro Ultra88man,
Clap..clap...hurray!...U r the man lah bro!
Just last night, Bro Maverick72 & me were asking one another who can remember the National Pledge!? hehehehe...sibeh paiseh & malu man...2 of us only managed to read out the initial part but not the rest though.....

U r indeed a true blood SGPorean bro! Well done....
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 09-08-2005, 01:40 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Unhappy Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by shanghian
Bro SGP69,
You realli can man ..must agree that you are "THE MAN" as stated in earlier post. The concept of free milk......If you have free milk...dun buy the cow...




Happy National Day to all S'poreans . Majulah Singapura!
Bro Shanghian,
U r only looking at the 'flip-side' of the coin lah!
Aiyah bro, me no 'marnee' so make up at other aspect lor....quite 'siong' in the other aspect to do 'servicing' as & when she wants it u know...sobb...sobb....sibeh cham u know.....

SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing
Old 09-08-2005, 02:52 PM
maverick72 maverick72 is offline
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by ultra88man
here you go, bro ...

We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society
based on justice and equality
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
progress for our nation.
My hats off to you bro's been a long time since i last read the pledge of s'pore...nice to see that even though u are a cheongster, u still have our home country at heart... friday nite got VIP? I don't think will have typhoon again...
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Old 09-08-2005, 04:17 PM
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Dear Bro Shanghian,
What you have done was probably right, RMB 1M (close to $220,000) is not a small sum.
These PRC ladies (though not all) are the best actresses.
Dear Bro PTR,
Wau, both of you are rich.
If the girl is asking for that sum of money, may be it would be better to discuss it over the bed first. If one day cannot settle then talk over it the next day..........
Why they are actress? Bcos bros like to "show" off, that is why they have to put up the "act".

Old 09-08-2005, 05:33 PM
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by shanghian
Dear Snr Bro PTR(UFO)
She too was the best in bed i have had to date ... perfect skill and uncanny muscle ability to twist her body while maintaining a constant rhythm...Hmmmm
Dear Bro,
May be becos both you and bro PTR have showed the girl enough cash, that was why both girls are very powerful on bed, so as to please you mah. No wonder me don encounter such thing leh....
No logic right? Sorry, young bro bored somewhere in Shangdong province.


Old 09-08-2005, 06:20 PM
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Re: Have Enough Cash with You, but Do not show

Originally Posted by shengge
Dear Bro PTR,
Wau, both of you are rich.
If the girl is asking for that sum of money, may be it would be better to discuss it over the bed first. If one day cannot settle then talk over it the next day..........
Why they are actress? Bcos bros like to "show" off, that is why they have to put up the "act".
Bro shengge,

You don't shuang me and Bro Shanghian okay! I did not show, but made a mistake by withdrawing RMB 1500 when I did not have cash. Unlike you, always have a "Da Qian Bao" with many "Hong piao". You cheong nao in Shangdong is it?


Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
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