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Old 23-06-2003, 04:09 AM
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Originally posted by ming
Dont make others laugh....... I am still that new n blur to this sence.........alot more to learn.
You no more blur liao....alone and go from house to house....a nomad like me liao....

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Old 23-06-2003, 04:10 AM
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Originally posted by KID278
There might be a problem....he worry too much and keeping the gals to himself liao....hehehe.....

Thats why i am asking him to relax n just do it......hehehe
Lies are always sweet n the truth will only hurts. Enjoys when we can.

Old 23-06-2003, 06:04 AM
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KID278 deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Originally posted by ming
Thats why i am asking him to relax n just do it......hehehe
You think he'll listen, I dont think so....he'll continue to worry....hehehe......

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Old 23-06-2003, 06:46 PM
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Wink The Optimist

Originally posted by Kiddo

Once again thanks for the info! Read your "Availability of gals" thread and was cursing my luck. The sweet talking lass is number one on my that list. Oh well! Next time maybe!

It's just that the maximum potential of the benefits reaped would never materialised unless everyone were to share their infos! I guessed it's just frustration on my part.


my pleasure mate...gee wiz...did not know that she is #1 on that list, displaced the pink lady eh?!...don't worry though, think she sld be wking this week...PROVIDED she is in the mood!!...kekekekeke...

i understand where u r coming fm viz the lack of sharing of info mate...guess it is part of human nature...i tend to look at the cup half full rather than half when i hv the time & encourage ors to do likewise & hv some fun...real life's full of aggro, no need to add to it in here eh!...

all the best as always
Old 23-06-2003, 10:07 PM
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Re: The Optimist

Originally posted by omnia
my pleasure mate...gee wiz...did not know that she is #1 on that list, displaced the pink lady eh?!...don't worry though, think she sld be wking this week...PROVIDED she is in the mood!!...kekekekeke...
Oh well! Looks like her mood is like the weather today. Morning hot like hell and afternoon rain like mad. Luckily I called up before going down. She's off again! But I guessed it's all for the better as her service tends to deteriorate if you looked her up too often.

As for the scarlet lady, her service has expectedly dropped the last few times when I managed to get her. Before long, I'd expect her to hit the bottom of my darling list.

Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 23-06-2003, 11:57 PM
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Re: Re: Return of One of Yr "Darlings"

bro kiddo, don't have to curse your luck, she was around in Spore all the time (we kept in contact) but not working (except on one of the weekends) due to some matters back home. I will sms you when she works.

Originally posted by Kiddo

Once again thanks for the info! Read your "Availability of gals" thread and was cursing my luck. The sweet talking lass is number one on my that list. Oh well! Next time maybe!

It's just that the maximum potential of the benefits reaped would never materialised unless everyone were to share their infos! I guessed it's just frustration on my part.


We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 24-06-2003, 10:48 AM
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Re: FR on jaguar

Originally posted by PrinceCharming
Fr on Jaguar(dated 17/06/2003)

Ratings Jaguar:
Looks: 6.5
Boobs: B+
Body: white,smooth and silky skin with body structure suitable to her framework
Ar: short
FJ: 6.5 with exciting moans ,tight cunt as compared to other Gl girsl
Overall: 6.5 ( My sugesstion is that she is best if someone is really loooking for GF feeling,full worth of money)
Bro Prince, really appreciate your FR on Jaguar. Made me all itchy for her again.... slurp slurp....

Old 24-06-2003, 10:50 AM
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FR On Tong Tong (20 Jun 2003)

I tell you all hor, belly the itchy leh… want to have big neh neh, so asked for Tong Tong of 2060. Waited bely the long long, den finally come. From outside see ha…. Wah lan eh… buay tahan….. the neh neh standing out like want to explode like dat ah…. The last time I saw her hor is bely long liao….was when Tommy still in 1637 sometime in late 1999, before the world cup lah… don play play ah….

Now Tong Tong look bigger liao. She wear a purple gown. Inside the room ah… she bely friend friend one. Help me to take out my clothes leh…. Then she take out her gown…. Wah lan eh…… her neh neh like bigger like that leh…. But her body also bigger ah….. She put on many many weight ah…. But she said she already lose some weight liao. Been to the gym to exercise and also on the bed hehe….. Ok lah… I think she is not that bad lah….. A bit out of shape but still can do lah…..

In the sower, sop lah….. But I like to teh her neh neh… shiok man…..She the bely friendly one. We talk cok, but never sing song lah…. She always the smile smile one, always look happy happy like dat….. On the bed, she start the licking my body. Wah she look like putting a lot of effort like dat… Can see her body shaking and her face red red one, only licking leh….. then dat funny sound come out from her mouth, maciam like engine bolat like dat…. Psst… psst….. She lick lick lick until my legs wah bely slow and long and I want to koon liao……. She also like to suck my lampa chee…. Shiok shiok…..

Then she bbbj my didi….. straight standup ah…. Bely song ah….. then she rub my didi on her big neh neh…. Shiok ah……. Then she lift up my legs high high and lick my car-chng…. Wah lan eh…. Bely ngeow ngeow one…… buay tahan ah…… then she bbbj again…. I cannot tahan liao, so I push her to the bed and I attack her back. I lick and suck her neh neh and one hand squeeze the other neh neh…. Shiok man… she moan “ahh…. Ohh…..” We french kiss shiok shiok, hot hot…. I then use one finger and rub her clit and then insert inside the hole. Wah lan eh…. Bely the wet wet ah….. Can hear the sound “joot joot…..” shiok man….. then I turn sideway and lick her car-chng hole…. She lagi song….. at the same time, I rub her wet wet clit. She buay tahan liao. She quick quick take the lubber and put on my didi. Then bj one more time to make sure my didi is still hard. I slowly put my didi inside her love hole. Wah lan way…… buay tahan ah…. I pump up and down with me on top. We french kiss again, then I turn her sideway. I pump slow but hard…. She shiok shiok song song…. Then I buay tahan liao… I pump faster and faster and faster and faster and faster…..and “poom…!!!!” my little fish all swim out from my didi to her hole, but was held back by the fish net…..

Then she take out my lubber and put the toiler paper on my did, and she lie on my chest and we tok somemore cok, but still never sing song lah….. Then we have our sop sower and wear our clothes and she let me kiss her bye bye…..

Bely the good session!!!

My ratings (in my opinion):
Looks: 7/10 (pretty face, with bright smiles, long straight hair)
Body: 6/10 (a bit disappointing, plump, a bit out of shape, with tummy showing, her skin quite fair, sweaty)
Titts: 8/10 (big, about 36C, soft, real, with nice pale brown nipples, erected when licked and tickled)
Pussy: 7.5/10 (well trimmed pubic hair, wet and waiting….)
AR: 7/10 (ticklish, but quite good)
Bbbj: 7.5/10 (good suction, deep throat)
FJ: 8/10 (very responsive, wet pussy)
Frenching: YES.

Old 24-06-2003, 11:05 AM
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Re: FR On Tong Tong (20 Jun 2003)

Originally posted by zyxel01
Bely the good session!!!

My ratings (in my opinion):
Looks: 7/10 (pretty face, with bright smiles, long straight hair)
Body: 6/10 (a bit disappointing, plump, a bit out of shape, with tummy showing, her skin quite fair, sweaty)
Titts: 8/10 (big, about 36C, soft, real, with nice pale brown nipples, erected when licked and tickled)
Pussy: 7.5/10 (well trimmed pubic hair, wet and waiting….)
AR: 7/10 (ticklish, but quite good)
Bbbj: 7.5/10 (good suction, deep throat)
FJ: 8/10 (very responsive, wet pussy)
Frenching: YES.

Wah lau eh bro, always read yr FR oredi Buay tahan... sibeh ho eh... hehe.....

Old 24-06-2003, 11:08 AM
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Re: Re: FR On Tong Tong (20 Jun 2003)

Originally posted by xiaoxin
Wah lau eh bro, always read yr FR oredi Buay tahan... sibeh ho eh... hehe.....

Well bro NC requested the ITYH version, so I write loh....

Old 24-06-2003, 11:11 AM
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Re: Re: FR on jaguar

Originally posted by zyxel01
Bro Prince, really appreciate your FR on Jaguar. Made me all itchy for her again.... slurp slurp....

Wah..u read oredi also itchy...
I oredi itchy and went yesterday oredi... hehe....
better fast fast ha, she told me she going back this few days.

Old 24-06-2003, 01:41 PM
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Talking The Kelong Story!!!

Originally posted by zyxel01
I tell you all hor, belly the itchy leh… want to have big neh neh, so asked for Tong Tong of 2060. Waited bely the long long, den finally come. From outside see ha…. Wah lan eh… buay tahan….. the neh neh standing out like want to explode like dat ah…. The last time I saw her hor is bely long liao….was when Tommy still in 1637 sometime in late 1999, before the world cup lah… don play play ah….

Now Tong Tong look bigger liao. She wear a purple gown. Inside the room ah… she bely friend friend one. Help me to take out my clothes leh…. Then she take out her gown…. Wah lan eh…… her neh neh like bigger like that leh…. But her body also bigger ah….. She put on many many weight ah…. But she said she already lose some weight liao. Been to the gym to exercise and also on the bed hehe….. Ok lah… I think she is not that bad lah….. A bit out of shape but still can do lah…..

In the sower, sop lah….. But I like to teh her neh neh… shiok man…..She the bely friendly one. We talk cok, but never sing song lah…. She always the smile smile one, always look happy happy like dat….. On the bed, she start the licking my body. Wah she look like putting a lot of effort like dat… Can see her body shaking and her face red red one, only licking leh….. then dat funny sound come out from her mouth, maciam like engine bolat like dat…. Psst… psst….. She lick lick lick until my legs wah bely slow and long and I want to koon liao……. She also like to suck my lampa chee…. Shiok shiok…..

Then she bbbj my didi….. straight standup ah…. Bely song ah….. then she rub my didi on her big neh neh…. Shiok ah……. Then she lift up my legs high high and lick my car-chng…. Wah lan eh…. Bely ngeow ngeow one…… buay tahan ah…… then she bbbj again…. I cannot tahan liao, so I push her to the bed and I attack her back. I lick and suck her neh neh and one hand squeeze the other neh neh…. Shiok man… she moan “ahh…. Ohh…..” We french kiss shiok shiok, hot hot…. I then use one finger and rub her clit and then insert inside the hole. Wah lan eh…. Bely the wet wet ah….. Can hear the sound “joot joot…..” shiok man….. then I turn sideway and lick her car-chng hole…. She lagi song….. at the same time, I rub her wet wet clit. She buay tahan liao. She quick quick take the lubber and put on my didi. Then bj one more time to make sure my didi is still hard. I slowly put my didi inside her love hole. Wah lan way…… buay tahan ah…. I pump up and down with me on top. We french kiss again, then I turn her sideway. I pump slow but hard…. She shiok shiok song song…. Then I buay tahan liao… I pump faster and faster and faster and faster and faster…..and “poom…!!!!” my little fish all swim out from my didi to her hole, but was held back by the fish net…..

Then she take out my lubber and put the toiler paper on my did, and she lie on my chest and we tok somemore cok, but still never sing song lah….. Then we have our sop sower and wear our clothes and she let me kiss her bye bye…..

Bely the good session!!!

My ratings (in my opinion):
Looks: 7/10 (pretty face, with bright smiles, long straight hair)
Body: 6/10 (a bit disappointing, plump, a bit out of shape, with tummy showing, her skin quite fair, sweaty)
Titts: 8/10 (big, about 36C, soft, real, with nice pale brown nipples, erected when licked and tickled)
Pussy: 7.5/10 (well trimmed pubic hair, wet and waiting….)
AR: 7/10 (ticklish, but quite good)
Bbbj: 7.5/10 (good suction, deep throat)
FJ: 8/10 (very responsive, wet pussy)
Frenching: YES.

Kekekeke...Bro Zyxel...I tell you hor...I don't mean your stoly kelong lar...coz...your stoly got fish got fish net...machiam kelong like dat...kekekeke...but your stoly very funny and entertaining lah...hehehe...I like it...
Originally posted by zyxel01
Well bro NC requested the ITYH version, so I write loh....

Thank u...thank u...Bro Zyxel...your ITYH version still one of the best lah...not only detailed and informative...but got entertainment value some more...especially the fishes got ask her to bring back and breed in her fish tank or not...kekeke
Old 24-06-2003, 02:01 PM
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Re: The Kelong Story!!!

Originally posted by new_cummer
you got ask her to bring back and breed in her fish tank or not...kekeke [/B]
Aiya... you dun kno the fish net got some kind of medicine ah.... the fish will die one. I told her to put inside her mouth and bring home, but she forgot and took some listerine and then .....

Old 24-06-2003, 02:13 PM
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Re: Re: The Kelong Story!!!

Originally posted by zyxel01
Aiya... you dun kno the fish net got some kind of medicine ah.... the fish will die one. I told her to put inside her mouth and bring home, but she forgot and took some listerine and then .....

oic...not very familiar with the fish net...only know it's a time put inside her kelong lor...10 months might have some big fishes...kekekeke ....joking only...I know they are on pills...
Old 24-06-2003, 06:13 PM
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Wink ...Makes The Heart Grow Fonder!

Originally posted by Kiddo
Oh well! Looks like her mood is like the weather today. Morning hot like hell and afternoon rain like mad. Luckily I called up before going down. She's off again! But I guessed it's all for the better as her service tends to deteriorate if you looked her up too often.

As for the scarlet lady, her service has expectedly dropped the last few times when I managed to get her. Before long, I'd expect her to hit the bottom of my darling list.

phew!!...lucky i added my caveat mate!...kekekeke...these gals v unpredictable or sld i say predictable...kekekekeke...understood fm her okt that she was wking on sat...& wld be wking thru the week...perhaps he meant every sat. only!!...kekekekeke...

as for service...i find that too much of a good thing tends to become stale & it out abit perhaps?...

as for pinky...i think she looks older & more haggard every time i call her, to me that complaints on her service though...

all the best as always
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