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Old 01-10-2013, 11:24 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by guy88852 View Post
Which OKT is it? He will have my support! Good service must compliment!

Dude, I did the same thing as you in a house which used to be v popular but now quite quiet as alot of the AP girls have left the house liao.. You know what the OKT tell me? 'Not every girl is so professional one, you think your 150 very big is it? When you meet a professional girl, it's you lucky, don't expect every girl to give you tip top service'.. ever since then, I stop going to the house liao..
bro, it was a while back.. like mre than 5 years back liao.. rembr it was willie's house.. but forget de gal's name.

In fact, Willie seems to pay attention to custy's response.. and in my experience, Ah Yapalso takes feedack seriously.. which is y i frequent these 2 houses quite often when I mre ctive in GL. now, not so much active la..

even JS, when she was in GL, and when she n her hse boss quarrel.. he noticed and even asked me after JS left.. he asked, "is she ok?" That, to me, speaks volumes abt someone who runs a house.. that.. is someone who not only looks after custys.. and also gals.

dun be thinking that I'm promoting willie and ah yap, it's just that I was comfortable wif their approach and svc.. and went to their houses more often than others. I love ah yap's room where got open garden (small one) and got a small bird.. haha.. and willie's rooms wif the chair.. NICE.

Haf yet to try YTL.. probably making my rounds to those discussed in this forum soon. I just nid to get my stamina back.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 01-10-2013, 11:45 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Thanks for your good sharing bro.

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
bro, it was a while back.. like mre than 5 years back liao.. rembr it was willie's house.. but forget de gal's name.

In fact, Willie seems to pay attention to custy's response.. and in my experience, Ah Yapalso takes feedack seriously.. which is y i frequent these 2 houses quite often when I mre ctive in GL. now, not so much active la..

even JS, when she was in GL, and when she n her hse boss quarrel.. he noticed and even asked me after JS left.. he asked, "is she ok?" That, to me, speaks volumes abt someone who runs a house.. that.. is someone who not only looks after custys.. and also gals.

dun be thinking that I'm promoting willie and ah yap, it's just that I was comfortable wif their approach and svc.. and went to their houses more often than others. I love ah yap's room where got open garden (small one) and got a small bird.. haha.. and willie's rooms wif the chair.. NICE.

Haf yet to try YTL.. probably making my rounds to those discussed in this forum soon. I just nid to get my stamina back.
Old 01-10-2013, 11:49 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by miwantit View Post
Finally got a chance to try the top girl on my list and just have to say - along with pleasure comes pain.

Na Na 18H03
Home - Henan, PRC

Face - 8.5/10 - so very cute
Body - 9/10 - slim and got curves but slight tummy
Boobs - 8.5/10 - nice C with pink nips - very sensitive

Biting - minus 9/10 - never had so much pain from a WL before - it was really bad and the more pleasure you gave her, the more pain she gave you

So bros, beware if you don't like some pain - was also a bit scared when came home and saw some blood in my underwear - she really bit hard when she is high.
Bro miwantit,

Can clarify which part did Nana bite you under your underwear got blood ?

U mean she bite your dicky until it bleeds ?

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Old 01-10-2013, 11:53 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
bro, it was a while back.. like mre than 5 years back liao.. rembr it was willie's house.. but forget de gal's name.

In fact, Willie seems to pay attention to custy's response.. and in my experience, Ah Yapalso takes feedack seriously.. which is y i frequent these 2 houses quite often when I mre ctive in GL. now, not so much active la..

even JS, when she was in GL, and when she n her hse boss quarrel.. he noticed and even asked me after JS left.. he asked, "is she ok?" That, to me, speaks volumes abt someone who runs a house.. that.. is someone who not only looks after custys.. and also gals.

dun be thinking that I'm promoting willie and ah yap, it's just that I was comfortable wif their approach and svc.. and went to their houses more often than others. I love ah yap's room where got open garden (small one) and got a small bird.. haha.. and willie's rooms wif the chair.. NICE.

Haf yet to try YTL.. probably making my rounds to those discussed in this forum soon. I just nid to get my stamina back.
Bro, more than 5 years ago sounds like during the Malaysian girls era?

Yeah good and reliable OKTs are hard to come by, thanks for recommending Ah Yap and Willie. Problem with Ah Yap is that his girls mostly stop work early, while I often visit GL only during 10pm+ due to commitments.. And he will tell me that got no girls le.. Willie I tried him a few times, positive experience with him every time but the house is always over crowded and unfortunately located far from the single digit lorongs I like to eat at.

I used to have a regular OKT who worked the night shift in W15, friendly guy who is slightly plump and don't wear specs.. but he quit 2 years ago le.. He know my taste very well and know exactly who to recommend me. He is also able to persuade his girls such as Selina, Da S to do an extra shift for me even though it is closing time liao, when I visit him late. Those days I only visit his house and always leave a happy man, save me the trouble of hunting around aimlessly.. Sigh havent been able to find another OKT who can click as well with me nowadays..
Old 01-10-2013, 11:59 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by sailsingapore View Post
Hi Bro Naka !! Words of wisdom from an old pro
Learn from yr horniest horny film ma.....
Old 02-10-2013, 08:24 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by ChinKooi View Post
Bro miwantit,

Can clarify which part did Nana bite you under your underwear got blood ?

U mean she bite your dicky until it bleeds ?

Looks that way - she bit a lot of places down there hard. But she is still an amazing girl.
Old 03-10-2013, 08:42 AM
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Talking Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Bao bao still ard i suppose.....base on her wechat post info.....while stock last.......
Originally Posted by Gesch View Post
Bao Bao's stint here still has one and a half month left.
The Best of the Best is Big Breast Bravo Braless BAO BAO ...
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Old 03-10-2013, 09:58 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
The Best of the Best is Big Breast Bravo Braless BAO BAO ...
Fully agree bro - love to see her when she first comes to you with everything so firm and nice
Old 04-10-2013, 01:30 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Hiya bro,

Long time no hear!...yr style v the power manz!...

Anyways no big deal for me I say in my rider that cums wif my frs...its all abt the human variables factor...sometimes u get n sometimes u dont; sometimes one session damn shiok but rtf lukewarm n vice point getting too worked up over such matters...enuff stress in life as it is...
Sori for late response ah.. busy.. and kena flu..
bro.. i understand wat u mean.. but gals must also noe that our money is also hard-earned leh. They use their bodies.. we use ours too.. sweat and sometiems blood wor.

if they suka suka gif mood and get away wif it.. they will sure do it as and when they like. then we, the paying customers will lose out.

SGD 150 say alot.. probably not so much.. but say little.. olso not little.
y pay dat amount to get a "doll" who dun even let u squeeze boobs, lick boobs, suck nips.. might as well go pay 50sgd and also kena de same treatment (??)

Anyways, that's my take la.. my opinion.. i dun force all to agree.. but I definitely wan my money's worth.. esp when Im not the rough king.. or de sadistic kind who make gals suffer or wat.. if i gentle and gentleman.. they wan play punk.. no sories lor.. I will not hold back de.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 05-10-2013, 01:24 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
if i gentle and gentleman.. they wan play punk.. no sories lor.. I will not hold back de.
Wah you very fierce leh but I like

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Old 05-10-2013, 02:56 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
Sori for late response ah.. busy.. and kena flu..
bro.. i understand wat u mean.. but gals must also noe that our money is also hard-earned leh. They use their bodies.. we use ours too.. sweat and sometiems blood wor.

if they suka suka gif mood and get away wif it.. they will sure do it as and when they like. then we, the paying customers will lose out.

SGD 150 say alot.. probably not so much.. but say little.. olso not little.
y pay dat amount to get a "doll" who dun even let u squeeze boobs, lick boobs, suck nips.. might as well go pay 50sgd and also kena de same treatment (??)

Anyways, that's my take la.. my opinion.. i dun force all to agree.. but I definitely wan my money's worth.. esp when Im not the rough king.. or de sadistic kind who make gals suffer or wat.. if i gentle and gentleman.. they wan play punk.. no sories lor.. I will not hold back de. replacement for yr J.S yet ??
Old 05-10-2013, 07:26 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by guy88852 View Post
Bro, more than 5 years ago sounds like during the Malaysian girls era?

Yeah good and reliable OKTs are hard to come by, thanks for recommending Ah Yap and Willie. Problem with Ah Yap is that his girls mostly stop work early, while I often visit GL only during 10pm+ due to commitments.. And he will tell me that got no girls le.. Willie I tried him a few times, positive experience with him every time but the house is always over crowded and unfortunately located far from the single digit lorongs I like to eat at.

I used to have a regular OKT who worked the night shift in W15, friendly guy who is slightly plump and don't wear specs.. but he quit 2 years ago le.. He know my taste very well and know exactly who to recommend me. He is also able to persuade his girls such as Selina, Da S to do an extra shift for me even though it is closing time liao, when I visit him late. Those days I only visit his house and always leave a happy man, save me the trouble of hunting around aimlessly.. Sigh havent been able to find another OKT who can click as well with me nowadays..
Bro, that's hard.. ur timing abit jialat.. unless u go on weekends early afternoon.. or else.. crowded is a sure thing at willie's place.

Ah yap.. i think he used to close at that timing.. nvr asked him why.. but think around there competition fierce la.. duno.. dun quote me.

And.. ya.. i agree.. gud OKTs not easi to find nowadays. good gals even mre harder to find.. Msia gals olso got play punk one.. i rembr one.. forgot name.. I ask for cat 200 (pay 150sgd) and this stunning gal walk in.. OKT say gud.. so i take.. but in the room... she only allow DOGGIE... her reason? SHE JUST WENT TO STYLE HER HAIR.. DUN WAN TO MESS IT UP!!

I almost faint from blood rushing to head.. and since that was like in my early days.. (1990s.. when I in NS).. I just whack.. she say doggie.. I just humtum.. standing doggie.. put her one leg on mine.. put both legs on mine.. den push her lie flat while i crush her with straightened legs.. I think she was screaming. very loud.. cos OKT came knocking at door to ask what I was doing to her...
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 06-10-2013, 09:52 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post replacement for yr J.S yet ??
bro, unfortunately.. not yet.

I wud say JS had the playfulness.. the sex-appeal.. the height.. tho lagging abit in the boobs.. she makes up for wif the willingness to try new suggestions u offer.

I brought nu-ru gel once.. to willie's hse.. and we tried it BIG time on the chair.. first me.. then me on her.. dam fun!!

I think.. to find another that is so willing to enjoy SEX wif me like that.. at GL.. might be very hard.. since now.. all seems to be indicating that std is dropping.

But.. the search will go on. thnx for concern bro.. shud b back on my search next mth.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 06-10-2013, 10:58 AM
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Talking Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post replacement for yr J.S yet ??
You like her Yakuza Tattoo
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Old 06-10-2013, 11:49 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by NasiAyam View Post
Wah you very fierce leh but I like

bro thanks for upping, return favor and up you 12 pts, cheers

like to exchange pts with bros above 5 power, have a nice weekend to all bros
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