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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 16-02-2005, 04:15 PM
cunt_ranger cunt_ranger is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Bro Zack,

I told you very hard to "pi guan" liao lor... hehehehehe.... now you got mission to test drive Cecilia (Celica) and Samantha (Subaru).... the Grand Master must finally come down the mountain and unleash his reserved power on the superbod and ice maiden and conquer them!!! Hahahahahaha...

Go bro Zack!!
Old 16-02-2005, 06:45 PM
seeknewss seeknewss is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Any bros who tried Joey ever notice that she sort of resemble Eunice Olsen, our young NMP and Wheel of Fortune Singapore show assistant?
Old 16-02-2005, 07:47 PM
guzzler guzzler is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Just called the boss to check re: Miss Coco. Confirmed her last day is today. Sorry guys for the confusion as one of my kaki just had a session with her today when she told me yesterday was her last day!
She wasn't pulling a fast one. I went down for a session on Monday night after talking with her that afternoon and we had a good chat (and an incredible session). She told me that she's looking at taking a month or maybe two months off to rest. She said the boss was really pressuring her about working the next day, which is apparently why she worked Tuesday.

I'm going to be booking that first available session when she comes back. Sorry Guys!

Now I'm back to taking a break from the scene. Had to make an exception for Coco. Now it'll be easier to lay low because she's on a break as well.
Old 16-02-2005, 07:57 PM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. Kilrein,
Ke,ke,ke...Yep, let's hope she is "sufferring" from the same "HC withdrawal synchrome" like me.
I'm praying hard that she kenna HC withdrawal synchrome... hehehe...

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Dun't know if she has the same symptoms like me though. Hers would probably be extreme $$ fatigue, constant unrequsite feelings around the groin area, occassional breaking out in cold sweat wondering what's come next,etc.
I'm certain about her extreme fatigue cos she work almost everyday even towards the CNY period. Other "angpai" like Fann, Angel, Cecilla have taken long week break but she still "tong" there... Not too sure about $$ fatigue though... Her horniness is unparallelled... She literally raped me b4 I can request for her special service. She really like to french alot... somemore her french is really deep. This gives me the kinda of GF feeling that other HC gals can't seem to offer.

As for breaking out in cold sweat.... more like acne out break. All the late nights and fatigue from numerous bonking definitely takes a toll on her face... haizz... Hopefully, when she is back, we will see a totally refreshed and more energetic Coco...

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Seriously she is a nice gal and I wish her well. For those who has yet to try her and procastinated, you miss something. Although I concede that she is not everyone "cup of tea"and she has some detractors. For most will remember her for her womanly charm, her high energy level, her friendliness, 1st rate attitude and services. A rare gem indeed. She says she is taking a long break but will be back sometime in the future. Dun't make us wait too long Miss Coco if you are reading this.
I totally agreed that she is a very nice gal. She taught me how to finger fuck a girl i.e. how to locate the G-spot and simulate it. I used to think that the "lump" near the Cervix, which is actually something called "aerola" (sorry... forgot the spelling), is the G-spot. Coco corrected me in a sweet tone saying that the G spot is actually a rough spot near the entrance of the vagina. She guided my hand to her G-spot, which was surprisingly nearer to her anus instead of her pelvic bone.

Frankly, Coco is not considered as drop dead gorgeous model. However, her curvaeous figure and excellent service attitude makes her one of the most revelled Gem in the HC scene. Even though I was patronizing her for the first time, I felt that I was "making love to her" instead of having "commercial sex" with her...

Like bro Zack Tan, Miss Coco, don't let us wait too long ok?
Old 16-02-2005, 10:11 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by seeknewss
Any bros who tried Joey ever notice that she sort of resemble Eunice Olsen, our young NMP and Wheel of Fortune Singapore show assistant?
Now that you mention it, she does seem to have a slight resemblence. But a fairer and slimer version.

I drop by today for a session with cindy. While waiting for my turn, I notice a new recruit quite familar face. Was trying to recall where I saw her B4. She's s'porean, mid 20's, very fair and petite. Checked with recept and found out her name is Brenda. Just started today. If not mistaken, she was a Ang Pai form another HC that went MIA last year. Will try her again and confirm within next fer days and post FR.
Old 16-02-2005, 10:53 PM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by cheongboy
I drop by today for a session with cindy. While waiting for my turn, I notice a new recruit quite familar face. Was trying to recall where I saw her B4. She's s'porean, mid 20's, very fair and petite. Checked with recept and found out her name is Brenda. Just started today. If not mistaken, she was a Ang Pai form another HC that went MIA last year. Will try her again and confirm within next fer days and post FR.
Like that... how to retire from Legends 3... Think our grandmaster, bro Zack Tan, will be coming out of his retirement... PERMANENTLY... hehehe...
Old 16-02-2005, 11:10 PM
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Re: Jaime

Originally Posted by NismoA33
Gents - went there for the 2nd time today.. and had earlier pre-booked Jaime for the evening due to earlier posts. To all who thought that she was sub standard, there is something seriously wrong with judgement.

Started off with some pretty nice chat.. intro (since it was my first time).. got to know her little bit, talked about career interests, her love for animals, etc.. etc.. She turns out to be a pretty educated and soulful lady.. All the while she was squeezing my thighs as she spoke..

And then came the point where she said.. let's talk about sex.. and she asked when I last bonked.. She said she apologizes if she doesn't do too well today as she is dead tired from back to back sessions due to lack of girls at the venue..

My goodness, when she disrobed, it was the best brown sugar bodies I have ever seen. Her boobs were firm and taut, body lean & curvaceous. and possible the tightest rear end I hv seen in a while (how can any one say her ass was fat in earlier posts!!?) and my goodness, nice long legs..

Started off with teasing of my chest as she used her titties to "gelek" me letting out some moans along the way... Milked her with my mouth.. playing with her nipples.. As she moved on to my crotch, capped me and subsequently BJ.. BJ was strong and convincing and most importantly, "no teeth"... movements were also firm yet gentle... I had to stop her to prevent from premature cum...

Asked her to lie down and gave her a nice cat bath, exploring every square inch of her... Licked her pussy good and spent quite a lot of time there. Very clean shaven and pussy lips were totally erotic.. She didn't quite get wet as she mentioned again that she was really tired.. Stabbed her missionary and went about 40 pumps.. and then we went on sitting position... That was really nice as she held on to my body, got her in deep and pumped hard...
I blew my load without hesitation...

It was a bonk to remember for a long time... I see Jaime as my regular in future.. She's nice as a person, physically fantastic and with fuck slot to boot.. Coud perhaps have an even better time if not for her fatigue?

On the way out, chatted with the recep and she mentioned (young girl).. Wednesday is full force + some new girls... Wednesday onwards is good timing to come back!!

Have fun guys and have a great CNY!
body may be good but face quite diff story. personally, to me i go for looks first body second. or at least above ave she is not my cup of tea.
Old 17-02-2005, 12:14 AM
leonloh1971 leonloh1971 is offline
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Re: Jaime

Originally Posted by ball
body may be good but face quite diff story. personally, to me i go for looks first body second. or at least above ave she is not my cup of tea.
juz a reminder bro ball,(actually u more liao jiao then me, joined 2002,me onli 2004) can say I KAY POH oso, try not 2 quote whole post lah...
Thanz for understanding.
Abt Jaime, yeah I share same taste with u. BTW, Fann really has a nice bod n legs, but I feel her skin abit rough lah....what abt u?
Old 17-02-2005, 12:57 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Any Bro got any detailed FR on Cindy or Kris?
Thinking of visiting 1 of them these day...
Old 17-02-2005, 02:22 AM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Wah so many postings on L3, no wonder the gals are overwork we all suffer from the "pay more,get less",ke. I'm probably more guilty of this than most.
1st thank you bro. Imom for the reminder. Lucky big boss overlook all of you please take note requote of long postings, otherwise big boss will zap but frankly points not important. It's just a mindless game created by big boss for his own end. Me think we should not be overly concern about this point thingy. What we should be more concern about in our postings is be responsible, be considerate, and be matured. For that I thank bro. Guzzler for correcting my misconception about the "status" of Miss Coco. I shot the pistol a bit too quick.
OK lah I confessed to going down to L3 today. The "hc withdrawal synchrome " got the better of me or should I say my little,ke. So boh bian have to go for small dosage (1 session only) to see if little wolfy can be sextisfact. Booked the foxy temptress Miss Cecillia . Wow, today she all decked up in designer's wears and clothes. Life must be good for 1st time got tick-off by her:" You very bad leh, so long never book me. Have eyes for other gals only eh?" Me said,"No lah, Miss cecillia, me old man already and little wolfy not so hungry anymore." Miss Cecillia then stared straight at me and hissed,"Today, I'll punish little wolfy." With that in an instant she snapped off my tower exposing little wolfy. I helped her out of her clothes. There she stood in front of me in all her glory stirring my little wolfy. I've not seen her bode for sometime but IMHO, she owns one of the tautest bode in the bussiness...firm boobs, tight ass, and solid abys. Really atheletic. She was not kidding when she said that she is going to punished little wolfy. I had a torrid time. Boy she is better now than I can remember. She still stare straight at you with those big eyes of her when she is eating little wolfy but this time she has learn the art of teasing well. In no time, little wolfy was crying out for help...argggh. Little wolfy was straining, fighting an up hill task. Big head was struggling to keep control...pleading with her in dying breath to stop. Hey, no penetration yet, how can right? Lucky this old man still can...managed a few positions before unloading.
This gal has learn quite well and more friendly now. She will do well. Now I know why she can afford the designer's wears. Aiyo..I forgot to test her massage skills and went straight into actions leh. No time up liao. Told her little wolfy will return to do battle with her again.
Old 17-02-2005, 03:18 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Feeling horny & went dwn to L3 recently to chk out more gals.Went in pretty late(aft work 9+ 10), so not much gals working liao. anyway ask the recept who's available & was recommended Rachel, big top daisy or shirley.Decide to try rachel as i tried shirley b4, n not into big boobies "mature" lady.

went to rm, not much ppl there liao at that time. was changing to bathing suit when she knocked n opened the dr, she was got a shock when she saw no1(she told me), cos i was behind the dr!kekeke... went for shower while she go bring tea n the "stuff"(cos she nvr go out later to get 'stuff', mayb i'm her last customer b4 she knock off; she work 11-11). above average looking gal(better than shirley, cos she the only other gal i noe in L3, resembles a wee bit like Moon of BHC, but prettier), fair & slim, she was in a singlet n ultra short demin skirt. she's fm Johore, shld b ard 20-22(nvr asked, cos not in the mood to talk too much, cos tired aft work). think she can be pretty chatty(think all gals can b if u can strike the right notes...), she's pretty friendly as well.

Returned & start her so-so(weak, perhaps still learning, cos she said she jus worked for 2 mths, can feel her 'freshness' when i had her later!). Aft bout <10mins, she started giving me sexy massage; gentle touching, stroking with featherly touches on my back, thighs, fondled my balls b4 popping the question(reminds me of ICE fm BHC....). Op for full course, she proceed to strip & give me a pretty gd catbath(front+bk), followed by a pretty ok hot tea bj. Me of course also took the time to explore her, vry "fresh" oyster, n nice smooth body, perky ass, too bad her boobies r small, but she hv nice pinkish nips!

She's accomadating, n responsive, vry 'real' soft moans, & can french pretty well too. she got her navel pierced. underloaded aft 2 positions, she help to remove cap, n go wash up, b4 my turn. Pretty gd bonk, wit som gf feel, can consider to RTF; BUT i'll hv to try other must try fm L3 1st!!

massage : 4.5/10
Looks : 7/10
Body : 7/10 (Fair, slim, perky ass, -ve small boobies , But +nice pinkish nips, long slender legs, nicely trimmed "fresh" oyster, smooth a peirced navel)
BJ : 6/10 (sorry me no bj man, so hard for me to gauge)
HJ : N.A.
FJ : 7/10 (Acommadating, nice 'real' soft moans a turn on, tight wet pussy, responsive, a bit like makin out wit gf)
Overall : 7/10
damage : $38+$120

RTF : Can, But try other gem 1st.

Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

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Old 17-02-2005, 03:44 AM
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Re: Legends 3

HC idol- Legend HC; Legends of Legend. Voting begins !!

Seems like i hv missed a chance to try the hottest contestant at the moment Miss Coco (hv to wait till she's bk then...). She's gathering most of the votes at the moment with many bros rooting for her!!Perpahs the rest will do her more gd wit more bros yielding for her return really soon!
HC Idol 2005- Legend HC; Legends of Legend; Votes for day ended 16th Feb05.(updated where possible)

Coco : +7 {Queen in the making}
( iceman X2, DeanPaul36 X2, simplyhorny, machoman X2)

Sammi : +1 (Optimus Prime, )

Joyce : +1 ( chickenzip )

Fann : +1 ( chickenzip )

New entries
Bros who hv made their 1 vote change

Miss Coco is ordi leading the pack (inspite of the likely absence for somtime), and building up a lead for the converted crown of Queen Legend of Legends.There r 3 new entries for the pageant as well. Thanks Bros, for supporting. & PS keep ya votes coming.

Every1 allowed 2 votes(cos i noe every1 will hv 1 Fav queen & 1 princess; like wife n mistress...kekeke ), & 1 -ve vote; Bros mayb also cast 1 additional vote for Ex-LHC Queens. All votes casted can only be amended ONCE, so cast ya votes wisely bros!! Bros can cast ya votes for ex-LHC gals as well.The pageant will last for 16wks, till 4th June 05.
So bros here's ya time to support for ya fav gals!!

Disclaimer: This poll is done in the fun for Bros to support n vote for their fav gals, n to let bros gather info on the gals. Ps dun take this polls too serious as its all done in jest, n may not reflect wat the majority of cheongsters to LHC views are!! Hope this poll is not hving any adverse effects on the relationship btw the gals.(else me will be vry sorry) This poll is to reward them for their gd "service" n for them to gain some due recognition fm bros here.& may it motivate the gals to give maintain or better their "service".
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

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Old 17-02-2005, 08:33 AM
fungoer fungoer is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Finally got to have a long awaiting session with Coco on Tuesday and have a taste of this legnedary girl.

Thru the session with her, I realised the meaning of "high quality session". She's really out to serve and to please for every minutes and you can feel that your money is well spent.

On that day, she gave me a real solid massage, and then transit smoothly into "making love" (no need to as golden question). As one of the bro has said, it's really "making love" with gf, and not commercial sex.

According to her, "today is my last day". She is going for 1 to 2 months leave for resting. When she returns, she will recall all her lovers.

My vote goes to Coco.
Old 17-02-2005, 10:31 AM
azreal666 azreal666 is offline
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Re: Legends 3


bros out there....can give this gal a miss (I wont even bother with FR, nothing against her but think its just her ingrained personality which is typical singaporean chinese gal mentality, want your money but duno how to please) guess have to try coco when she comes back from her "leave" to alter my views of singaporean chinese gals.

think should go for rachel next as seem quite a lot of good reports on her. i have checked the FRs in this thread but either I cock eye or seems that no indication whether she is fair or not. I like fair gals...with good complexion, (angel is prime example).

any bros can offer your "expert" advice of rachel vs that I can at least set my expectations right.

Old 17-02-2005, 10:45 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by azreal666
...any bros can offer your "expert" advice of rachel vs that I can at least set my expectations right...
Bro Azreal666,

Rachel and Angel are v similar in build and height. If you like Angel, chances are that you will like Rachel as well. It's a good thing you went for Angel first (I assume you have indeed tried Angel?), cos Rachel's service is better and she learns very quickly. Had you gone for Angel after Rachel, you might be disappointed (service-wise)...

Face-wise, I personally prefer Angel at first glance. But I think Rachel's looks will grow on me the more I rtf... For one, she definitely has bigger eyes than Angel!

Complexion - Angel is fairer than Rachel. Not that Rachel's dark, but she's just average in skin tone.

I've done FRs on both, so check out Angel's - if you largely agree with that one then I guess you can more or less trust the one on Rachel...

Have fun....


Rachel :

Last edited by imom; 17-02-2005 at 10:50 AM.
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