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Old 11-01-2017, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by AAdam View Post
Sad to say, the answer is not there at all.

No need to beat around the bush. Just answer straight to the point.
Read think understand. Spoon feed u I will not. Already proven right. U just supporting me. But u still don't get n want to argue argue argue. So in yr mind u win.
Ok u win lo. But actually u lose
Exchange points waste time ma
Old 11-01-2017, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Yes, military special ops always fraught with dangers. Easily detected too as area of ops will be very far away. But why just only write off ? Can give China a tight slap and a kick in their balls ?

How about get a list of properties bought by mainlanders with acquisition prices, with China politburo names or their spouses names highlighted.

Leak it to Wikileaks and other social media, get a spin doctor to suggest that there is possible corruption. How can buy so many properties with such pay/ income ? Got declare or not ?

If mainlanders panic and sell, freeze return of sales proceeds money at the bank. Cite possible investigations of corruption and clarification and hold the money indefinitely. Further escalate, subject all Mainlanders property to inspection. Tenants sure got problem. Landed properties sure got drainage, never cut grass, mosquito breeding issues wan.

Do like this and every time Chinese embassy ask why, produce the corruption cock and bull & we following law story. Never ask for the Terrex in exchange. Let them offer return, then say,"Hmm.. actually not related.. but we will consider !"

Play dirty, fight dirty !

PS: When doing this, don't expect China to sit by and cry father and mother. They WILL retaliate. Only thing, does White Monkeys have balls of steel ?
China Been whacking their corrupt officials for years n they'll thank spore for catching them. If the prcs are returned to china, don't b surprise if China qiang bi them. I doubt china needs alot of evidence to execute them.

U don't understand why spore won't anyhow tekan prcs in spore. Cos they need to boast how law abiding n how safe spore is
Exchange points got thank ma
Old 11-01-2017, 10:55 PM
jacky43 jacky43 is offline
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Thumbs down Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

PRC workships $ no bones about it. However, there are things they are not dumb. One is take back ROC and, PLA will turn its back against countries that KP btw the two countries.

From the old man to the second man now his son, the policy is clean. Only one PRC. Share with u guys. Past ten yrs I asked PRC colleagues on EP should ROC return to his country? All said what their country lost even if it take 100 yrs they want it. If needed, declare war so be it.

This matter I can only guess. Those of u guys who done NS and at CP and saw officers at "war games" could have guess correct by now. Morale of the story. Next time dont use APL and tranship at HKG.

There be no return, one more prediction on 2017. Still not sure PM me.
Old 12-01-2017, 06:52 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Bully...... I see.

Who's the biggest bully.
China bully spore or spore bully it's own ppl n crush them

When garbagement need sporeans, it's 'WE' 'WE' 'WE'. When garbagement don't need, they fuck sporeans n scold them , say they're lazy.


And China got control Malaysia n the many banana republics they feed in Africa meh?

Who the fuck will care about spore if they're not stirring shit with USA

And your retaliation tactics are amateurish. What spore can do, China Can do much much worse.

Garbagement damn proud they fix their own ppl.

You know the current generation of reds born from craziness n cauldron of cultural revolution where fixing is brought to whole new level. For them to rise to their present level , the shit they do far exceeds the cb garbagement where things are handed to them. Bo xilai publicly denounce his dad who's a leading cadre for his own skin. His dad also say he good.

Who will u bet in a fight like this. Hardcore thugs or make believe gangsters in their own world. BTW in cultural revolution, they drive themselves to such frenzy they actually eat human flesh OK. Those ppl are never punished n even now got no regrets.

Oh. Last time when ah bian publicly talk about Taiwan independence, China fired missile n scared the shit out of Taiwan.
Now, China unhappy with Taiwan but by simply using their tactics they already make life difficult for Taiwan Liao. And all without firing missile or massive exercise to show they can take Taiwan in short time.

If spore want to play silly childish games with China, honestly who do u think will win.

Before China really hit spore, spore will b in deep financial shit Liao n u think garbagement will GIVE alot of gst credits to alleviate sporeans sufferings ma
Exchange points dreaming ma

You mistaken me. I vote Opposition. Even choose girl in mini skirt and specky guy than over the silly Crow Kaw. I voted opposition consistently, and last GE lost breakfast bet to many friends and must treat them all at Adam Road.

China is already hitting back and playing childish games already. Heard many many Chinese tour groups cannot get visa to come to Singapore. I bet there are many other stories.

It is not if White Monkeys complacent:- they already are and that causes their incompetence too. Yes, MIW is big bullies esp LKY, but the discussion is about China, not who bigger bully.

The point is do Spore want to go to China and prostrate itself and beg for forgiveness for essentially nothing we did wrong. If Spore prostrate, can also bring out the vaseline and prepare for screwing. Soon, you will see more PRCs working in our University, managerial position and what not. More scholarships to be given to PRC ? Soon, there will be China advisory offices in Ministry Of Foreign Affairs.

China is already squeezing our balls. China will squeeze harder. How does Spore react ? Can we start compiling a list to do ? Yes, I proposed some measures only govt with balls of steel can do. What about us ? What can we do individually ?

For starters, if you are a manager, work review all the PRCs under you and start retrenching them. (Those PRC employee girls show half ball type.. please keep ). Put aside time to interview replacements from other countries.

I just proud to be Sporean doesn't mean I must like White Monkeys right ?
In my eyes, Spore is not same as MIW and MIW is not Spore !

PS: Also, I do NS and Reservist too hor, not like KFC's son. Dig the shellscrape, clean elephants and stand-by bed and Brycream head's son sit in air-con office.. knnb
No need to say who I NOT voting for in this Pres elections !

Last edited by ibanezjem555; 12-01-2017 at 07:16 PM.
Old 12-01-2017, 06:58 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
China Been whacking their corrupt officials for years n they'll thank spore for catching them. If the prcs are returned to china, don't b surprise if China qiang bi them. I doubt china needs alot of evidence to execute them.

U don't understand why spore won't anyhow tekan prcs in spore. Cos they need to boast how law abiding n how safe spore is
Exchange points got thank ma
Ha ha Bro.. that's exactly the point. White Monkeys give way to PRCs in Spore, kenna grease in Suzhou and Eco-City.. now China think they can makan us Sporeans.

Publish that list of mainlander property owners and highlight names of China politburo who bought houses in Spore. Obvious money laundering, they'll start shitting in their pants.

But, China will retaliate in some other way.. be prepared..

PS: Anyway, MIW won't do this as no balls.
Old 12-01-2017, 07:02 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by jacky43 View Post
PRC workships $ no bones about it. However, there are things they are not dumb. One is take back ROC and, PLA will turn its back against countries that KP btw the two countries.

From the old man to the second man now his son, the policy is clean. Only one PRC. Share with u guys. Past ten yrs I asked PRC colleagues on EP should ROC return to his country? All said what their country lost even if it take 100 yrs they want it. If needed, declare war so be it.

This matter I can only guess. Those of u guys who done NS and at CP and saw officers at "war games" could have guess correct by now. Morale of the story. Next time dont use APL and tranship at HKG.

There be no return, one more prediction on 2017. Still not sure PM me.
Agree Bro Jacky. There won't be return of the Terrex (although China did return confiscated weapons to S.Korea after some years).

The Terrex is small issue. Go to our underground storage, you can bet many tens of them in cold storage there inside the big plastic bags on pallets plus all armed hor .

Is that $30 million worth losing our country's sovereignty and allowing them to screw us whenever they want ? The Terrex is good as lost. And don't ask China for it, lao kui. Once we ask, they will make us get on our knees and beg.

PS: What Bro Jacky say is true. And not just ROC. Do you know that many in China also believe that they must get back the glory days of Zheng He/ Cheng Ho (not bloody Jinx Ho) when South East Asia up to India/ Africa was under their influence ? But Zheng He was diplomatic mission, this time the China is on a 'bullying mission'. Watch out !
Old 12-01-2017, 07:06 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by AAdam View Post
Hahaha.... You did not say anything. You just slam and criticize when people give their solutions. At least they give some suggestions, whether are they applicable and effective or not, only results will tell. As compared to you, you provide NOTHING....
Bro relax everyone is entitled to their views . Everyone can speculate what is going . But the fact is someone is still not telling Singaporeans the whole truth .The fact also the Terrex is till in Hong Kong customs hands since Nov 23. Fact everyone can see that the PRC government is not happy with the Singapore with the Singapore government . Fact if Singapore cannot defend even its own hardware how can you expect them to defend Singapore ? It is about time somebody should take the responsibility and accountability and resign . I hope that they will not make someone else as a scapegoat and fire that person.
Old 12-01-2017, 07:09 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post

You mistaken me. I vote Opposition. Even choose girl in mini skirt and specky guy than over the silly Crow Kaw. I voted opposition consistently, and last GE lost breakfast bet to many friends and must treat them all at Adam Road.

China is already hitting back and playing childish games already. Heard many many Chinese tour groups cannot get visa to come to Singapore. I bet there are many other stories.

It is not if White Monkeys complacent:- they already are and that causes their incompetence too. Yes, MIW is big bullies esp LKY, but the discussion is about China, not who bigger bully.

The point is do Spore want to go to China and prostrate itself and beg for forgiveness for essentially nothing we did wrong. If Spore prostrate, can also bring out the vaseline and prepare for screwing. Soon, you will see more PRCs working in our University, managerial position and what not. More scholarships to be given to PRC ? Soon, there will be China advisory offices in Ministry Of Foreign Affairs.

China is already squeezing our balls. China will squeeze harder. How does Spore react ? Can we start compiling a list to do ? Yes, I proposed some measures only govt with balls of steel can do. What about us ? What can we do individually ?

For starters, if you are a manager, work review all the PRCs under you and start retrenching them. (Those PRC employee girls show half ball type.. please keep ). Put aside time to interview replacements from other countries.

I just proud to be Sporean doesn't mean I must like White Monkeys right ?

PS: Also, I do NS and Reservist too hor, not like KFC's son. Dig the shellscrape, clean elephants and stand-by bed and Brycream head's son sit in air-con office.. knnb

The point is Singapore government need China more than the Chinese government need Singapore . The Singapore government cannot do anything drastic to damage the relationship with China . So they can only talk .
Old 12-01-2017, 07:42 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Bro relax everyone is entitled to their views . Everyone can speculate what is going . But the fact is someone is still not telling Singaporeans the whole truth .The fact also the Terrex is till in Hong Kong customs hands since Nov 23. Fact everyone can see that the PRC government is not happy with the Singapore with the Singapore government . Fact if Singapore cannot defend even its own hardware how can you expect them to defend Singapore ? It is about time somebody should take the responsibility and accountability and resign . I hope that they will not make someone else as a scapegoat and fire that person.
Sadly, it won't be the Hen nor the YOG who will kenna as they r protected. Maybe the President will intervene and make someone accountable. But KFC also is protected by same people and happy to zo bo with fat pay. So who can make them leave ?

It is the Electorate, the voters, the citizens.. but looking at last GE... sigh.. MIW is protected by the 72%.
Old 12-01-2017, 07:45 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
The point is Singapore government need China more than the Chinese government need Singapore . The Singapore government cannot do anything drastic to damage the relationship with China . So they can only talk .
I think we should do the upstairs downstairs policy.. Upstairs talk, downstairs we dig ! Make it difficult for PRC living in Spore !
Old 12-01-2017, 07:51 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

why no big country come and help us? or say something?
Old 12-01-2017, 09:39 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by RIPdude View Post
why no big country come and help us? or say something?
Sad to say bro, diplomacy is about self-interest. No rewards for helping, why help ? Rewards by words not good enough.. must have some 'tangible' rewards.

US Obama is a lame duck- don't expect anything from him. Trump is a $$-minded liar who won't be helping unless we let him build another casino here- can't expect anything either. Russia, not our ally for sure, at best neutral.

Sad- but that's diplomacy,,
Old 12-01-2017, 10:15 PM
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Wink Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Agree Bro Jacky. There won't be return of the Terrex (although China did return confiscated weapons to S.Korea after some years).

The Terrex is small issue. Go to our underground storage, you can bet many tens of them in cold storage there inside the big plastic bags on pallets plus all armed hor .

Is that $30 million worth losing our country's sovereignty and allowing them to screw us whenever they want ? The Terrex is good as lost. And don't ask China for it, lao kui. Once we ask, they will make us get on our knees and beg.

PS: What Bro Jacky say is true. And not just ROC. Do you know that many in China also believe that they must get back the glory days of Zheng He/ Cheng Ho (not bloody Jinx Ho) when South East Asia up to India/ Africa was under their influence ? But Zheng He was diplomatic mission, this time the China is on a 'bullying mission'. Watch out !

So mine brother! U had chat with PRC in this country yrs ago and, they probably not in the right minds speak up on their believe? I beg u do. Till today, one spoke of Cheng He and his claimed on lands.

He even said the Admiral discoverd this red dot. That I disgreed. No proof whatsoever. Only typical FTs playing tough liked he is underground chief back home. We have to be afraid of him. We too are not dumb. We knew truth and false.
Old 12-01-2017, 10:21 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Old 12-01-2017, 10:56 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by RIPdude View Post
why no big country come and help us? or say something?
Even the foreign media dont talk about it much less their governments. only cb spore media think this iz the greatest crime of the century

Even US who benefited from this keep quiet. Stupid garbage ment still plp.

Garbagement hopes everyone will talk so maximum pressure exerted on China.

N no hor. Not because whole world Scared of China.

If anything good comes out of this, it's garbagement will b deposed
Exchange points need to talk ma

Last edited by sadfa; 12-01-2017 at 11:15 PM.
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