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Old 15-05-2013, 02:43 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
My advise... Hit AC with 3-4 days stay in Fields. Leave your heart in airport locker. Check in hotel. Barhop and take out the girl you find. Don spend big money in the bar, save budget for the girl. Think "ST" and enjoy yourself. Bonus if she stays. After every few hours, keep pushing few hundred pesos to her saying its for her expenses while you 2 are out. Don bother about promising big tip at end of barfine. They don believe you just as we never trust any words of theirs.
You will go back country happy and be buying tickets back again to AC.
Excellent advice.

Basically, don't fall for bargirl. Have fun, but just don't give your heart to bg.

As somebody once said "whores are for fucking, not loving".

Old 15-05-2013, 05:00 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
oh yah, and I tink some of the small bars in the blow row operates 24hrs iirc? anyone care to correct me or confirm this?
yup they usually have 2 shifts to run the 24hrs. girls prefer to work the night shift thou.
Old 15-05-2013, 05:04 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Think "ST" and enjoy yourself. Bonus if she stays.
this is an excellent advise bro. no disappointment, and i rather bonk her few times and let her go back earlier, if able.
Old 15-05-2013, 05:21 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Its unverified info recently from my regular girl but I hv no doubt in her.
No names but the bars are in diamond division off mcarthur after pagcor casino.
There is a ministop leading into the rd.
Dim n quiet area. Best to take trike there in a group.

Bars r usually rundown, something like small perimeter bars.
Originally Posted by MAYOR View Post
The girls from the DHG are notorious for going only for ST..... and are encouraged by their management. The bars in the DHG are Dollhouse, Tropix, Club Asia, Club Atlantis, Ponytails & Crystal Palace. This practice was initially encouraged by the management of the Dollhouse bar but was soon picked up by the other bars in the group. The reason was that Dollhouse was a 24 hour bar and sometimes run low on girls so the girls that had been ewr were asked to make excuses and return to the bar thus doubling their income. The girls in the other bars saw how easy money to be made and follow suit with the encouragement of the DHG management.
awww.. thxs so much for both advises!!! the nude bars mntioned r too far from I rather ask the gals to dance nude in our room hahaha..

I will try avoid those mentioned bars whenever im looking for gals.. there r more bars to choose from others than these bars..

thxs a lot both!!!!
Old 15-05-2013, 05:23 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Gem08 View Post
this is an excellent advise bro. no disappointment, and i rather bonk her few times and let her go back earlier, if able.
gd idea bro.. lol.. I have start trying ST from the street when I was there last better than paying 3kpeso n they run away after 1 shot!!!..

hope to go with u again to ac!!!
Old 15-05-2013, 06:01 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by jimfairy View Post
gd idea bro.. lol.. I have start trying ST from the street when I was there last better than paying 3kpeso n they run away after 1 shot!!!..

hope to go with u again to ac!!!
there were twice i got a runner, before they left, i asked for another bbbj session, better than nothing. told them i wont be angry then. but no tips still!

yes bro hope to cheong together again. did you go to the perimeters this time? btw my next trip is in mid july. planning an early oct trip as well.
Old 15-05-2013, 06:14 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by MAYOR View Post
That place you mention is Mon Tang ave and the nudie bars are in the side streets off the avenue..... actually I wouldn't call them nudie bars as there is no guarantee that the girls will be nude. It is only sometimes that some of the girls will undress just to liven up the atmosphere..... not an actual nudie bar.

Go across the Abacan bridge to the Filipino bars on the other side of the river...... those are the real nudie bars. For just a 50p tip the waitress will strip naked and sit with you and let you molest her. . Sometimes they even have live sex shows...... only thing is that they dun welcome foreigners so you need a pinoy to bring you inside.

Well my girl said everynight the bar hv several rounds of naked dance show w hiphop dances n other programs in between, each customer required to buy min. 2 drinks for 180p.
So maybe bad business causes them to change strategies.

As for pinoy bars or anything to do w pinoys, i would try to avoid as much as possible. But that's just me not really comfortable w most of them.

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
got bad LT experience last night...

back to hotel 11pm++ and had one short. the girl claimed very tired and wanted to sleep. woke up 9am++ and said she needs to rush home to wash clothes, only one short even though it was LT.

taikor, thank you for promoting the story.

how is pappaya? how many pappaya you have eaten?

In AC , don't be too good n kind man. Girls don't appreciate but usually take advantage.
Molest her tactically until she ask 2nd shot then go sleep instead of hope for uncertain morning bonk even if she agree.
Maybe doing not so simple but no harm trying. They always say....u shy--u die

Pattaya very hot n i only go out after sunset to tour the city, slept n play pool at hotel most of DAY time.
Almost every night go for clean massage good n cheap...50% price of massage in AC.
Paiseh to say i only pluck one papaya so far, a good one that i kept her till now still w me.
This is just a recuperating trip for me before i return to AC in 3 days, think will just miss u in AC.
But i think we'll meet soon w your frequent future visits.


Last edited by datou; 15-05-2013 at 11:23 PM.
Old 15-05-2013, 08:11 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Gem08 View Post
there were twice i got a runner, before they left, i asked for another bbbj session, better than nothing. told them i wont be angry then. but no tips still!

yes bro hope to cheong together again. did you go to the perimeters this time? btw my next trip is in mid july. planning an early oct trip as well.
yes I went to the perimeter area.. is very far n deserted lol.. mostly all Caucasian hanging ard there.. drinks only 65peso.. LD is 120peso.. very cheap.. the gal I know Is very cute n pretty too.. but bloodly hell, when I was there some1 already bf her for ST.. we juz chat awhile n I left..gals there r not bad too.. ..
Old 16-05-2013, 12:05 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
bro, i've some bros who can attest that some chicks agree to ST, but came up with crap excuses so that she can leave before the deed is done. i don't know if thats another variant of the definition "runner"
Went w a bro to a bar. He barfined a higher tier girl even after advice by bar manager whose a friend of mine that the girl has attitude problem.
Promised LT but go hotel, kiss cannot touch cannot until the bro fedup n kick her out.
She must have sensed the bro is those soft n can makan type n really he chose not to complain to the bar.
Thats why its advisable to bonk early, if problem can complain to bar.
These bitches i would call them cheats.

Originally Posted by Dogmatix View Post
Excellent advice.

Basically, don't fall for bargirl. Have fun, but just don't give your heart to bg.

As somebody once said "whores are for fucking, not loving".

We know not to fall n give your heart to a bg but..

What if the bg give her heart to u?

Last edited by datou; 16-05-2013 at 01:43 AM.
Old 16-05-2013, 12:29 AM
jiayu jiayu is offline
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

I am not sure if anyone has tried this but that it even works.
Tell the gal u want to BF her for St but after the first deed and if she is nice and there is chemistry, u will pay her to rest of the LT Bf the nxt morning. Whether she chooses to pay it to the bar or not its up to her. Not sure if the bars allow them to stay Lt after the ST BF is paid is another questions.
Any bright ideas???
Old 16-05-2013, 01:22 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Worse??? It's actually beyond that. Scam and pickpockets and runners?? All eyes on your money and what your ATM can give.
Girls being an angel with future "milking" in mind. When you in AC, look at how many money transfer shops there are. You will understand.
My advise... Hit AC with 3-4 days stay in Fields. Leave your heart in airport locker. Check in hotel. Barhop and take out the girl you find. Don spend big money in the bar, save budget for the girl. Think "ST" and enjoy yourself. Bonus if she stays. After every few hours, keep pushing few hundred pesos to her saying its for her expenses while you 2 are out. Don bother about promising big tip at end of barfine. They don believe you just as we never trust any words of theirs.
You will go back country happy and be buying tickets back again to AC.

Originally Posted by Dogmatix View Post
Excellent advice.

Basically, don't fall for bargirl. Have fun, but just don't give your heart to bg.

As somebody once said "whores are for fucking, not loving".

All great pointers.

I'll like to repeat the 7F rules which help me out of any kc trap with any girl of all colours,shape,high sugar level and 'different'after many heartborken pocket broken experience.

A true monger rules in professional mongering

Find,Feel,Fondle,Finger,Fuck,fuck again,Forget.

Find a new victim then rinse and repeat again the 7F.

It may be hard at 1st but This will help u in the long run.Saving u plenty of sleepless nite thinking 'my girl is different' and 'should I help her she's so poor thing I forget the samsui woman and ah ma hunch back picking up cardboard to survive also very poor thing cos my girl give me the best blowjob and sex I can't think straight now'
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Old 16-05-2013, 01:41 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
All great pointers.

I'll like to repeat the 7F rules which help me out of any kc trap with any girl of all colours,shape,high sugar level and 'different'after many heartborken pocket broken experience.

A true monger rules in professional mongering

Find,Feel,Fondle,Finger,Fuck,fuck again,Forget.

Find a new victim then rinse and repeat again the 7F.

It may be hard at 1st but This will help u in the long run.Saving u plenty of sleepless nite thinking 'my girl is different' and 'should I help her she's so poor thing I forget the samsui woman and ah ma hunch back picking up cardboard to survive also very poor thing cos my girl give me the best blowjob and sex I can't think straight now'
7Fs is too complicated for me..... I stick to the 3Fs..... Find, Fuck & Forget..... much more simpler to adhere to.
Old 16-05-2013, 01:45 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Ha, by definition, she was not a runner as she fulfilled her required time to stay with you. Just your luck you did not wake up early enough to get morning bonk. So glad you brought this topic up as I can now tell the bros that sometimes it is best to let the gals know that a morning bonk is expected before she departs (no matter what time it is in the am) and tip her accordingly if she met all her obligations NEVER tip any gal that fails to provide as agreed. She will only learn if no money is given.
Some guys still tip the girls when they convert lt to st,refuse to fuck in the morning.doesnt cost the girl to try asking even if they fail thier agreement cos too many 'good hearted' guys around.

We can interview the girls till the cow jump over the moon some girls are extremly intelligent they tell the guys what they wanted to hear in the bar with promise of stars and rainbow.

Only when the barfine is paid,drinks after drinks were bought while they barhop,jollibee were fed and pattern start to show after shower in hotel.

If they are going to run,they will run.season veteran can't stop this from happening too but what can be done after they run is important.can make the girl think twice before pulling the same stun on the next punter again.

Most punter won't bother going back to complain.the girls are also clever with theier policy.its hard getting a refund if once the guy penetrate that's what the girls will give u minimum one shit then try thier wash cloths,forget key,can't sleep can I go back my room to sleep stun.

One should go back to the bar next night .sit right in front of the runner last night.stare blindly for a few sec.this should be enough to make her feel unease a while.

Next try to ask for the manager,not mamasan.only speak if the manager attend to u.most of the time mamasan won't bother listen to u or pretend to listen to u once u paid the barfine and fucked the girl already.

If no manager available then pick another girl and get hot with her in front of the runner.this will make her loose face there are bound to be some girls talking abt it knowing u went with runner last night.

Barfine the girl if u feel the vibe praying she will not be a runner tonight.skip all the barhop,dining and shit just head straight back to the room & fuck your brain out.if she doesn't run after that then bring her out to eat,barhop then keep her for another day going back to the bar next day sit with her in front of the runner paid the barfine again letting the runner regret that she just miss the big fish becos she ran
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Lust come over love as love i met betrays.
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Old 16-05-2013, 08:10 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

rub, You have to spend so much money ? Just complain to the manager.
Old 16-05-2013, 02:00 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
Barfine the girl if u feel the vibe praying she will not be a runner tonight.skip all the barhop,dining and shit just head straight back to the room & fuck your brain out.if she doesn't run after that then bring her out to eat,barhop then keep her for another day going back to the bar next day sit with her in front of the runner paid the barfine again letting the runner regret that she just miss the big fish becos she ran
Good luck to you on this. Birds of a feather flock together. Monkey see monkey do.
If she is new girl or SYT, then chances are she will leave early. If she is an oldie or a below average looker or an independent in the bar, then she may buck the trend.
Just arrived in AC. Weather hot. US$ at 41. Appointment slots filling up fast. Sigh. I wish I was 18 again.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
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