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Old 04-10-2003, 08:14 AM
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Re: The Return Of...

Originally posted by omnia
Mei Ji fans yr wait is over...this sweet lass is back...especially goes out to Kiddo...

Jean fans yr wait is over too...she suddenly returned to except for those ass bandits hor!...LOL...especially goes out to Phantom...

Violet & Sugar r also back...Zhi Yi sld be back by Friday - however to avoid disappointment pls call yr okt in advance to confirm...

also spotted Singtel & that new gal Yong Yong@Michelle of 2058, looks not bad & heard that her service is ok too...

Thanks Bro omnia. I went down on her first day of work courtesy of info from bro cuntking but one rich bugger had booked her for 3 consecutive session. In the end gave up as I was rushing for time but not after waiting for 3 hours. haha.

BTW, she's not working on 3.10.2003.

Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 04-10-2003, 08:16 AM
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Re: Pinky is Back

Originally posted by cuntking
Pinky was back working on thursday
*sigh* here comes the mad rush for her again!
Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 04-10-2003, 08:17 AM
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Re: Re: The Return Of...

Originally posted by Kiddo
Thanks Bro omnia. I went down on her first day of work courtesy of info from bro cuntking but one rich bugger had booked her for 3 consecutive session. In the end gave up as I was rushing for time but not after waiting for 3 hours. haha.

BTW, she's not working on 3.10.2003.

Bro kiddo

Good morning, like this suppose u will be going down today?
Lies are always sweet n the truth will only hurts. Enjoys when we can.

Old 04-10-2003, 08:33 AM
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Re: Re: Re: The Return Of...

Originally posted by ming
Bro kiddo

Good morning, like this suppose u will be going down today?
Bro Ming,

Good morning to you too! hee! Nope, I won't be going down today. Already broke my principle (No going down to GL during exam period) yesterday and I'm still feeling quite guilty about it. haha. Anyway, spent too much this week and gotta give my wallet a rest.

Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 04-10-2003, 05:57 PM
omnia omnia is offline
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Originally posted by Kiddo
*sigh* here comes the mad rush for her again!
surprise surprise...i gather no "mad rush" afterall...perhaps because gl has been pretty quiet of late...however, saying that also understand that there was a bloody "mad rush" for mei ji...explains her mia status thereafter?!...LOL...

Old 04-10-2003, 06:03 PM
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Wink Advance Booking

Originally posted by Kiddo
Thanks Bro omnia. I went down on her first day of work courtesy of info from bro cuntking but one rich bugger had booked her for 3 consecutive session. In the end gave up as I was rushing for time but not after waiting for 3 hours. haha.

yr welcome...under these sort of circumstances, i suggest u head down to her homebase & call "botak"(her okt) to make a booking of sorts in advance...he sld put u right...~P

Old 05-10-2003, 02:35 AM
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Doomas' recent forays

Had several whacks the past few months but no time to write FRs. Anyway, what satisfies me shd satisfy just abt anybody so here goes:

1. Winnie
2. JC
3. Candy
4. Celine
5. Singtel
6. Yi Yi
7. $80 Yuki
8. Seiko
9. Lisa
10. Susan
11. Rina
12. Sammi
13. Chris2
14. Amanda
15. Jenny
16. Jaguar
17. Xue Er
18. Commando Yuki

18 gals! And more than 1 bonk per gal!

They are in my list becoz of good service.

Wish list:

1. 1608 Yuki
2. Blue Diamond
3. An An
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
My FRs are based on my experiences paid for by my hard earned salary. I do not get paid a single cent for them.
I do not care for points + I do not log in much now. But if you have upped me and I have not upped you back, pls PM me. Thks
Old 05-10-2003, 10:20 AM
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Re: Pinky

Originally posted by omnia
surprise surprise...i gather no "mad rush" afterall...perhaps because gl has been pretty quiet of late...however, saying that also understand that there was a bloody "mad rush" for mei ji...explains her mia status thereafter?!...LOL...


When there are no new girls coming and..... or those that comes in are not to the standard.........

Old girls... will always be hot items..
Left my Heart and Soul
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Old 05-10-2003, 10:21 AM
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Re: Doomas' recent forays

Originally posted by Doomas
Had several whacks the past few months but no time to write FRs. Anyway, what satisfies me shd satisfy just abt anybody so here goes:

1. Winnie
2. JC
3. Candy
4. Celine
5. Singtel
6. Yi Yi
7. $80 Yuki
8. Seiko
9. Lisa
10. Susan
11. Rina
12. Sammi
13. Chris2
14. Amanda
15. Jenny
16. Jaguar
17. Xue Er
18. Commando Yuki

18 gals! And more than 1 bonk per gal!

They are in my list becoz of good service.

Wish list:

1. 1608 Yuki
2. Blue Diamond
3. An An

I think i try all the girls above for the past 2,3 mths liao....


Only CUM with Yoki and Lisa...... the rest... can stand... but no shoot..

die liao...
Left my Heart and Soul
Hu Nan
Old 05-10-2003, 12:28 PM
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Re: Re: Doomas' recent forays

No shoot with Candy? Wah, I got nothing to say oledi. Yesterday she raped me until I literally had no energy left and left me in a semi-comatose state. Damn tired even this morning such that I had to forego my morning swim.

Easily the best fuck I had in years, rivalling even 2222 Jenny's. Mebbe that's becoz she and I clicked instantly.

U tried 1608 Yuki b4? Did a search and came up with only 2 brief FRs dated last year. What satisfies you will definitely satisfy me )

Originally posted by Ah Dez
I think i try all the girls above for the past 2,3 mths liao....


Only CUM with Yoki and Lisa...... the rest... can stand... but no shoot..

die liao...
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
My FRs are based on my experiences paid for by my hard earned salary. I do not get paid a single cent for them.
I do not care for points + I do not log in much now. But if you have upped me and I have not upped you back, pls PM me. Thks
Old 05-10-2003, 02:44 PM
PrinceCharming PrinceCharming is offline
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Re : Pinky is Back

Guys pinky is back and she is as cute as ever.Like others put on some weight.I was her first customer after her vacation and she was very horny.Her Blow job is as great as it was.For all the pinky lovers, go and get her till the time she disappears again.Full value of money.
Old 06-10-2003, 07:56 AM
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Re: Advance Booking

Originally posted by omnia
yr welcome...under these sort of circumstances, i suggest u head down to her homebase & call "botak"(her okt) to make a booking of sorts in advance...he sld put u right...~P

Agree with you only up to a certain extent there, mate. When I reached there, the fella just managed to snap up her before I can speak "MeiJi" so I don't think in this kind of circumstances, being at her homebase would help. You still have to wait 3 sessions.

Besides, most OKTs would not place an advance booking for you unless you are a very regular customer of that house.

Have fun!
Do NOT ask me to exchange points.

Most women prefer sex with the lights out - they can't bear to see a man enjoying himself.
Most men like sex with the lights on - so that they can get the woman's name right.

Definite RTF if coming back: Cocido (Porn Appetit), Celica (San), Petchara (Thaiboy)
Old 09-10-2003, 01:48 PM
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Originally posted by cuntking
bro gigx, Great FR. It had been a long time since we had such a detailed FR from someone new. Keep it up.

Yes you can get most GL150 gals from most GL150 houses.

Looks are very personel thing, so my advise is to stay longer at in the house when you have time and see whose looks you like then get her. However not every house allows the customer to sit around too long without calling a gal.
Hi Bro King,

Thanks.... Hope to have more FRs coming up frm me soon. It's sure getting addictive thinking about it again. However i want to venture out and try others as well.

Yeah, I'm a sucker for looks alright.. Service wise, as long not too f**k up type is acceptable. of couse if service on par with Susan, it would be a bonus!!

Just not sure which house i should stick to perm. You guys always hang around at T's place right? Maybe I should check out his place. Heard about the types of rooms available there. Seems very impressive to me. I find house W1608 is quite good. At least better than those cheapo HC room facilities. Haha..

Of course, if can sit around and mingle around would be even better.
Old 09-10-2003, 01:56 PM
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Originally posted by zyxel01
Thanks bro gigx for the great FR. Sure made me steam after reading it. FYI, I have never tried Susan so far. Not because she is no good, but just have too many gals to try lah....

Anyway, you can call any gals from any house. They can go to any house.

You want slim gals woth nice legs, try Violet of 2034A.

Hi Bro Zyxel01,

Thanks. I'm flattened really by your comments. This is nothing as compare to your valuable out-of-the-world FRs.

I read from somewhere in the threads that some OKT doesn't like letting their girls go to other house to service. Of course I'm pretty sure T's house should have none of this kind of problems right? Therefore I hope not to go to one house which the OKT kept telling you that your girl is either not working or is fully book. In actual fact perhaps that girl cannot be released by her house OKT.

I will check out your recommendation (Violet) soon. What is her height roughly like? I hope not like 1.5m.

Thanks a lot!
Old 09-10-2003, 02:07 PM
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better looking ones.

After looking thru 250 ++ over FRs from valuable contributions from all the Bros here. I have come up with a list of my own. I think among these 20 girls, they should be categorized as better looking ones (at least a min 7/10 to a staggering 8.5/10 type). So maybe slowly one by one, I can have the chance to try them out.

If there were others better looking ones which you would like to recommend. Please let me know. Thanks.

1. Yuki (1608)
2. Ping Ping (1649)
3. Queenie (1654A)
4. Bai Xue (1805)
5. CK (W1606)
6. East (2007)
7. Sammi1 (2011A)
8. Violet (2034A)
9. AB (2047)
10. Diamond (2058)
11. August (2058)
12. BB2 (2058)
13. Yi Yi (2060)
14. Fanny (2222)
15. San San (2224A)
16. Chelsea (2226)
17. Jean (2829B)
18. Michelle (2831B)
19. Celine (2837)
20. Mei Zhi (2845)

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