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Old 28-07-2012, 01:16 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Believe that the Agents sponsoring this thread will easily be able to arrange transport for you back and forth SZ - CP; you should contact them to pre-arrange and believe it should be RMB 200 each way for a private car and takes about an hour depending on traffic.

I would advise AGAINST trying to just get a taxi/private car when you arrive at SZ airport for CHANCES ARE, after you've agreed on a fare with whoever (taxi or pirate taxi) the driver will just drive you to the old SZ 2nd border and "Sell" you to a car that originates in Chang Ping; that is what they usually do and is quite hairy as you really don't know if he'd sold you to a genuine driver who IS really just on his way back to CP, or if he's somebody with other intents like robbery etc! Would NOT be the first time this has happened.

Thanks Brother. But can you give some contact on how to arrange pickup from shenzhen airport to changping? Need some email address to contact and arrange transport. Thanks
Old 28-07-2012, 01:22 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by Health888 View Post
Thanks Brother. But can you give some contact on how to arrange pickup from shenzhen airport to changping? Need some email address to contact and arrange transport. Thanks
I would think that you just click on EuStar or GoFly's thread and get the contact info you require.
I'm a newbie on here myself so don't hold me to the above!! LOL!

Old 28-07-2012, 01:22 PM
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Re: Events In CP

DiHao got raid

(7/27)昨天凌晨,大朗鎮唯一的五星級酒店,帝豪花園酒店因涉黃被查。警方控制了桑拿部工作人員26人,涉嫌 賣淫嫖娼人員68人,其他有關人員52人,并當場查封了酒店桑拿部。

目前,警方已對涉嫌組織、容留、介紹賣淫的大朗帝豪花園酒店桑拿部立案偵查,案件正在進一步偵 查審理中。


“帝豪花園酒店被查了。”昨天凌晨,市民黃先生報料稱,有警察對帝豪花園酒店的涉黃問題進行查處 。


黃先生稱,昨天凌晨零時30分許,他從KTV出來時,發現很多警車停在外面。他覺得很奇怪,就開始向酒店的 工作人員打聽。結果,他得知有百余名警察,正在檢查酒店的桑拿部,“聽說抓了很多現行”。




昨天下午,記者再次前往現場,該酒店的“皇家都匯會所”內冷冷清清,連燈都沒有開,前臺只有一名工作人員在 看報紙。

這名工作人員說,桑拿部已經停業了。記者詢問,“這里不是很安全嗎”?對此,該工作人員說,現在已經沒有哪 里是安全的。


昨天下午,東莞市公安局通報稱,7月27日凌晨,東莞市公安局別動隊聯合大朗公安分局,組織警力依法查處了 大朗帝豪花園酒店桑拿部,當場抓獲涉嫌賣淫嫖娼人員68人,桑拿部被依法查封。

據了解,根據市“三打”辦的部署,今年6月,市公安局成立了異地用警、異地辦案指揮中心,并成立了別動隊, 加強對我市娛樂服務場所“黃賭”問題進行暗訪摸排工作。

近日,別動隊接到線索,反映大朗帝豪酒店桑拿部存在涉嫌賣淫嫖娼違法行為。接報后,市公安局別動隊聯合大朗 公安分局立即對帝豪花園酒店進行暗訪,發現該酒店確實存在嚴重的賣淫嫖娼行為。

經縝密部署,7月27日凌晨,市公安局別動隊聯合大朗公安分局共組織警力70多名,對帝豪花園酒店桑拿部進 行查處,當場抓獲該桑拿部工作人員26人,涉嫌賣淫嫖娼人員68人,其它有關人員52人,并當場依法查封了 該酒店桑拿部。


由于近期公安機關加大對涉黃打擊力度,該酒店為逃避公安機關檢查,將桑拿部遷移至酒店A座客房4至5樓進行 秘密經營,從事色情活動。

經營中,該桑拿部招聘“技師”即賣淫人員約150人,采取營運總監、營銷副理與熟客直接聯系訂房的方式從事 組織、介紹賣淫的違法犯罪活動,“技師”收取嫖資,酒店則收取房費并提取部分嫖資。

目前,公安機關已對涉嫌組織、容留、介紹賣淫的大朗帝豪花園酒店桑拿部立案偵查,案件正在進一 步偵查審理中
Old 28-07-2012, 01:24 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by Health888 View Post
Thanks Brother. But can you give some contact on how to arrange pickup from shenzhen airport to changping? Need some email address to contact and arrange transport. Thanks
Bro Seaj oredi told u abt the agents on this very forum and you still need to ask...
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 28-07-2012, 02:08 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
做贼喊抓贼 ! 老鼠抓老鼠
Clap clap clap !!! Spot on.

If like to poke people must be sporting enough to be poked in return.

We all can see who's the one who Kpkb when people return his favours.

Not for people with inferiority issues.
Old 28-07-2012, 02:08 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by Health888 View Post
Thanks Brother. But can you give some contact on how to arrange pickup from shenzhen airport to changping? Need some email address to contact and arrange transport. Thanks
Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Bro Seaj oredi told u abt the agents on this very forum and you still need to ask...
Agree with my taikor FGG... Not that we are unwilling to share with so called newbies but don't expect ppl to keep spoon feeding u... So many ppl answer ur query but u still lazy to find out that bit urself... I think there were at least 3 replies to your query?

Bro FGG, so u're going over next wk? U can be out eyes and ears for CP when u are there!!! Hahaha

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 28-07-2012, 02:24 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Bro FGG, so u're going over next wk? U can be out eyes and ears for CP when u are there!!! Hahaha
Yes sir, I'll be scouting the place before the whole squadron arriving's not an easy task...but someone has to do it....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 28-07-2012, 02:46 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Yes sir, I'll be scouting the place before the whole squadron arriving's not an easy task...but someone has to do it....
No one better than u to do it hahaha. Remember to help my bro book a NTTL Milf too haha he's depending on u to help him secure a few hits haha

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 28-07-2012, 03:31 PM
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Best to carry at least a copy of ur passport.

A bit dated and about Beijing - but who knows these Yanda days here!!

Are You Legal? 100 Days of Checks on Foreigners Begins Today
Submitted on May 15, 2012 10:00am by
Iain Shaw

Xinhua last night announced that the Beijing PSB will today (May 15) embark upon a 100-day crackdown on foreigners who do not have a legitimate visa, are working illegally or are living with no registered residence.

China Daily's report (which comes with the pretty obnoxious headline "Beijing to Clamp Down on Illegal Aliens") paraphrases a PSB spokesperson as explaining that
"Police will comb communities believed to have large numbers of such aliens and mobilize the public to report them, as well as tighten reviews of visa applications."

Sounds to me like we can expect the full range of checkups, from knocks on the door, to police hanging around outside apartment buildings asking if you've got your passport, to those same police sending you back home to get it if you haven't brought it out with you. Anyone out there remember the summer of 2007 (or pretty much the entire year preceding the Olympics)? I think we're in for another of those golden periods.

Of course, if you've got a visa, are working legally and have got your housing registration form from the local PSB, you should really have nothing to worry about. However, there's every chance you could be stopped randomly in the street and asked to produce your documents, so be prepared. Check the date on your visa, make sure you've got your housing registration form (and if you haven't, get down to the PSB now and sort it out), and we'd also recommend carrying photocopies of the photo and visa pages from your passport, as well as a copy of your housing registration form. It's not cool, but it will save you trouble.

If you're working without a proper Z visa, ask your employer what they know (and more importantly, what they plan to do) about the situation. We've already heard from one English teacher whose school has told staff to submit copies of their passport and visa pages, along with their housing registration forms, because they are expecting a visit from police to check foreign teachers' documents.

Now what about that phrase, "mobilizing the public"? Seems that this means the PSB encouraging citizens to alert authorities to anyone they feel is breaking the law via a hotline. So for any of you keeping records of who in the neighborhood has no visa, no job, is working illegally or hasn't registered, do somebody else's job for them by calling 6403 8685.

This 100-day campaign is perhaps the inevitable response to the outrage, debate and confusion that followed the appearance of a Youku video last week which purported to show a British man in the process of sexually assaulting a Chinese woman, before being beaten by the witnesses to the alleged attack. According to the Global Times, "police have charged [the British man] with molesting instead of the more serious crime of rape," meaning he will be detained and most likely subsequently deported. If you missed that story, you can read a range of perspectives here, here, here and here. The video of the incident is embedded below. Needless to say, some viewers may find it distressing.
Old 28-07-2012, 03:45 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by krone View Post
No one better than u to do it hahaha. Remember to help my bro book a NTTL Milf too haha he's depending on u to help him secure a few hits haha
Of coz I'll look out for my dear bro even I think he can manage on his own.....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 28-07-2012, 04:07 PM
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Re: Modes of travel HKG-Chang Ping GD.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Believe that the Agents sponsoring this thread will easily be able to arrange transport for you back and forth SZ - CP; you should contact them to pre-arrange and believe it should be RMB 200 each way for a private car and takes about an hour depending on traffic.

I would advise AGAINST trying to just get a taxi/private car when you arrive at SZ airport for CHANCES ARE, after you've agreed on a fare with whoever (taxi or pirate taxi) the driver will just drive you to the old SZ 2nd border and "Sell" you to a car that originates in Chang Ping; that is what they usually do and is quite hairy as you really don't know if he'd sold you to a genuine driver who IS really just on his way back to CP, or if he's somebody with other intents like robbery etc! Would NOT be the first time this has happened.

Thanks Brother. But can you give some contact on how to arrange pickup from shenzhen airport to changping? Need some email address to contact and arrange transport. Thanks
Old 28-07-2012, 04:14 PM
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To the Taikors here!!

Originally Posted by Health888 View Post
Thanks Brother. But can you give some contact on how to arrange pickup from shenzhen airport to changping? Need some email address to contact and arrange transport. Thanks
Ok taikors here!!!
How do I respond to this 2nd + C/P posting from our fren Health888.

I KNOW how I would respond on other forums!!

Old 28-07-2012, 04:18 PM
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Re: To the Taikors here!!

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Ok taikors here!!!
How do I respond to this 2nd + C/P posting from our fren Health888.
I KNOW how I would respond on other forums!!
bro ... so simple ...
he's creating a nuisance here ..... so zapped him to moderation ...
that's what i just did ....
Old 28-07-2012, 04:20 PM
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Re: To the Taikors here!!

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
bro ... so simple ...
he's creating a nuisance here ..... so zapped him to moderation ...
that's what i just did ....
Thanks...yeah...we DO have these kinds on every forum don't we?

Old 28-07-2012, 05:15 PM
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Re: To the Taikors here!!

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
bro ... so simple ...
he's creating a nuisance here ..... so zapped him to moderation ...
that's what i just did ....
Why you so bad ..... He had been asking asking asking all this while leh.....
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己
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