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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 17-02-2005, 12:58 PM
Darknites Darknites is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by imom
I've done FRs on both, so check out Angel's - if you largely agree with that one then I guess you can more or less trust the one on Rachel...
Have been trying to pin the right price for FJ in L3, seems like some are paying $100 while others are paying $120... so, does it mean that most lau jiao should be able to get it at $100?

Old 17-02-2005, 01:14 PM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: Jaime

Originally Posted by leonloh1971
juz a reminder bro ball,(actually u more liao jiao then me, joined 2002,me onli 2004) can say I KAY POH oso, try not 2 quote whole post lah...
Thanz for understanding.
Abt Jaime, yeah I share same taste with u. BTW, Fann really has a nice bod n legs, but I feel her skin abit rough lah....what abt u?
Don't know leh... Fann looks a bit fleshy to me... maybe due to her jeans and T-shirt... But definitely not the overweight type...
Old 17-02-2005, 01:19 PM
Birdoff2000 Birdoff2000 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Here's my maiden FR on Daisy

Well read a bit about her, and I'm a boobs person so headed down on a Monday afternoon.

massage : 6/10 - Nothing special
Looks : 6.5/10 - Pleasant attractiveness, not overly pretty
Body : 5/10 - This is my personal preference, cos she's too meaty for me, spectacular pair of jugs, but the rest of her body too heavy set.
FJ : N.A.
HJ : 7/10 - Nice and slow, good slippery grip up and down on the shaft
Overall : 6/10
damage : $38+$50

RTF: No unless she really loses some pounds about her. Her service and attitude is commendable though, always appreciative and smiling.

Hope all bruthers found this useful
Old 17-02-2005, 01:19 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by DBono
damage : $38+$120
Eh... Bro DBono... The damage for the FJ is $120... Is it the market rate now for Legends 3 or it is due to CNY period? Thought that the market rate has went down to $100...
Old 17-02-2005, 01:57 PM
Birdoff2000 Birdoff2000 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

My maiden FR on Daisy

Read a bit about her, and being a boobs person, went to try her out on Monday.

massage : 5.5/10
Looks : 6/10 - pleasantly attractive
Body : 5/10 - This is my personal preference, cos I find her too meaty. Great pair of jugs though.
FJ : N.A.
HJ : 7/10 - Nice and slow, good slippery grip
Overall : 7/10
damage : $38+$50

RTF: No cos she's too heavyset for my liking. But commendable service always with a smile

Hope all brudders find this info useful!
Old 17-02-2005, 02:04 PM
seeknewss seeknewss is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by simplyhorny
Eh... Bro DBono... The damage for the FJ is $120... Is it the market rate now for Legends 3 or it is due to CNY period? Thought that the market rate has went down to $100...
I had a session with Joey. She did not ask the golden question and just auto proceed to FJ. I just auto proceed to pay $100. No objection and still with smile and hug when I leave. Like I said in my earlier email, she resemble Eunice Olsen. How much resemblence, you go and see for yourself. Btw, Eunice Olsen is in today ST Life I think !
Old 17-02-2005, 10:35 PM
singman singman is offline
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Re: Legends 3

wanted to book Jamie today but was told she'll be on leave till next week.
Old 18-02-2005, 12:10 AM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by siaoon
Any Bro got any detailed FR on Cindy or Kris?
Thinking of visiting 1 of them these day...
The pang of "HC withdrwal synchrome" is getting to me again. Little wolfy having "lost" yesterday tryst with Miss Cecillia was not "happy." So booked sweetie Cindy. Wah, today she dressed in white tube with pink mini skirt. Look,ke. Little wolfy straining to get out. She is my fav. there since L2 but since semi-retired, has not seen her as much as I wanted to. Missed her.
My short take on her: Young sweet thing with round big eyes. Cute and adorable. Friendly and good chat. Everything about her is nice. Lovely dorey.
Bro. Siaoon, Miss Kris I think will be back next Wednesday. She is taking a short break. Give you a hint, She is sassy and innocent sweet look. Warm her up and she will surprise you.
Old 18-02-2005, 01:00 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Thanks for the info. Kris looks interesting to try next time.
Old 18-02-2005, 01:15 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by simplyhorny
Eh... Bro DBono... The damage for the FJ is $120... Is it the market rate now for Legends 3 or it is due to CNY period? Thought that the market rate has went down to $100...
std rate for FJ shld be $120 ( rite L3 regulars?), but depending on gal, some $100....Jus ask the gal u r wit ...
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Old 18-02-2005, 01:22 AM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by DBono
std rate for FJ shld be $120 ( rite L3 regulars?), but depending on gal, some $100....Jus ask the gal u r wit ...
Thanks bro! Celine charge me $100 for FJ. $120 will be slightly above my budget requirement. Heard that Coco charges $100... any bro care to verify... THanks!
Old 18-02-2005, 09:40 AM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by simplyhorny
Thanks bro! Celine charge me $100 for FJ. $120 will be slightly above my budget requirement. Heard that Coco charges $100... any bro care to verify... THanks!
Bro. simplyhorny,
Aiyah..dun't feel offended eh but I would say that just ask the gals 1st lah before the services to avoid misunderstanding. Bros. should not feel short-changed if the gals have charged you more as long as you are happy and comfortable with amount. Most of these gals work really hard for their $$ in a physically and mentally demanding jobs. Please have some consideration and a little "heart" for them. Don't grudge them their dues. There is actually no hard and fast rules on how much should one pays as long as you and the gals are happy and comfortable with it. Personally I adhere to this policy when cheonging but if I feel the gal charges are way out of line, I will just pay and not return for her again. "Don't worry be happy."
Old 18-02-2005, 09:47 AM
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Re: Legends 3

hear hear

and dun bargain and haggle for a cheaper price like buying a piece of meat from the market.. either accept or reject the offer.. or opt for HJ instead of FJ etc
Old 18-02-2005, 04:45 PM
cunt_ranger cunt_ranger is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. simplyhorny,
Aiyah..dun't feel offended eh but I would say that just ask the gals 1st lah before the services to avoid misunderstanding. Bros. should not feel short-changed if the gals have charged you more as long as you are happy and comfortable with amount. Most of these gals work really hard for their $$ in a physically and mentally demanding jobs. Please have some consideration and a little "heart" for them. Don't grudge them their dues. There is actually no hard and fast rules on how much should one pays as long as you and the gals are happy and comfortable with it. Personally I adhere to this policy when cheonging but if I feel the gal charges are way out of line, I will just pay and not return for her again. "Don't worry be happy."
Agree with the Grand Master. Let's not be petty over $20. If you feel the gal's services warrant that additional $20, then by all means pay it and treat it like your little tip for good services granted. If the service was not good, then treat it as a penalty and forget about booking this gal in the future. Take life easy bro...
Old 18-02-2005, 05:35 PM
corner9 corner9 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Totally agree with bro zack here. As long as all parties are happy, that's the most important.

It's been awhile, FR on Cindy, Samantha, Coco and Kelly coming up! Stay tuned

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. simplyhorny,
Aiyah..dun't feel offended eh but I would say that just ask the gals 1st lah before the services to avoid misunderstanding. Bros. should not feel short-changed if the gals have charged you more as long as you are happy and comfortable with amount. Most of these gals work really hard for their $$ in a physically and mentally demanding jobs. Please have some consideration and a little "heart" for them. Don't grudge them their dues. There is actually no hard and fast rules on how much should one pays as long as you and the gals are happy and comfortable with it.
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