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Old 11-02-2014, 02:14 PM
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Re: Fifteen

I am waiting for a show to start
Old 11-02-2014, 02:26 PM
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Re: Fifteen

The nectar of the story begins.....

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Old 11-02-2014, 11:27 PM
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Re: Fifteen

TS, it is already Tuesday night. Where are you?

Old 11-02-2014, 11:32 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Knock Knock.... can't wait to hear more from TS
Old 12-02-2014, 10:34 AM
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Re: Fifteen

Now the resort was not really brightly lit and as the buggy took a slow drive towards our room, we passed by the dining area, the pool and the spa.

Other than a couple we met along the way who was taking a slow stroll back hand in hand, we met no one else.

You would think it’s rather cooling at night but the resort was set in the middle of pretty thick foliage, the humid breeze came only from the forward movement of the buggy.

As we got closer , I could smell mosquito coils and the buggy gradually slowed down it’s speed.

When it finally stopped outside one of the suites, we alighted and the driver helped us with the 2 laptop bag.
Selene carried her own tote while I dragged along my travel suitcase.

The room lights were already on and seeing the shut door, I prayed that the airconditioning was already on.

Thankfully it was and I was not disappointed.

I gave the driver a tip and he explained that if we needed the buggy, feel free to call for it. There was no need to walk unless we choose to in that place.

He opened the door and gave us a quick tour in a clockwise direction before ending it at the entrance.

We went down the small corridor passing by the bathroom before coming to a huge poster bed in the middle of the room.

Aligned right in front of the bed was a set of sliding doors that opens to the patio with a view of the sea and the private jaccuzzi.

I saw that Selene was feeling a little disorientated and I decided to take the initiative.

I dragged my stuff over to the small day bed by the window where the mini bar was and told Selene that I’ll take the corner.

James : You can have the bed, or if you want the forest view I can switch with you.

She laughed and said no way.

She spent a good 5 minutes walking around the room, exploring the small romantic suite while I went ahead and set up my laptop.

Selene : Need to be so wayang or not ? don’t need to show your boss you’re hardworking la. Haha .

James : What to do… I don’t have a nice comfortable bed to lie on, better work till I’m tired first.

Selene : haha. You can get a room of your own if you like.

I ignored her and really got down to finishing some documents and drawings while I told her to go ahead and take a shower first.

Now I knew for sure that she did not have any extra clothes other than the set she brought along.
Definitely no lingerie.

No toiletries too but the resort provided all those.

There was the bathrobe in the cupboard but I was not sure if she would put them on.

They were pretty thin and if she wore them braless, I would definitely be able to see her nipples.

I caught a glimpse of her white singlet she brought along and a pair of carpris that was grey in colour.

I spent about 10 minutes on my laptop before I got restless and got up to explore the room too. Although I’ve been to the resort before, I did not stay in that particular suite. Something pretty puzzling was bothering me too as it had been around 10 minutes and there was still no sound of the shower.

Perhaps she was just taking a dump.

I went over to the side table near the wardrobe and emptied my pockets, putting my wallet , both our phones and loose change out. I saw the blinking lights on Selene’s phone and did a quick check at the bathroom door.

I unlocked her phone and saw that there were several messages from her Fiance.

I wondered how he would feel if Selene told him she was spending a night with me in Banyan tree.

The sudden sound of the shower jolted me a little and I quickly replaced the phone. It was a good 30 seconds before I took it up again to read through some older messages.

Selene kept most of their text messages and I could feel an erection creeping up my dick as I scrolled through them on her phone.

The thought of accessing someone’s private messages, reading her inner most thoughts to her fiancé and yes, I saw the naughty ones too.

They were sexually active, that was a fact I already knew but the private messages I saw suggested something more.

Selene was pretty adventurous, and the thought of that gave me more ideas, more plots, more schemes.

Some of her text messages went like this to her darling fiance;

Darling : Carpark tonight ?

Selene : , don’t want

Darling : Why ?

Selene : So scary .. what if someone drives pass ?

Darling : Haha. But technically isn’t it safer than the toilet in the park ?

Selene : . I’ll decide later.


Selene : I miss you dar…

Darling : Which part ? haha

Selene : haha.

Selene : The part you hold me down and I stopped struggling . haha

From the various texts messages, I can only conclude she was having pretty good sex.

I replaced the phone as I figured I had fiddled long enough with it.

Selene took a really long time in the shower but I was a little hesitant to hurry her along. She finally emerge around 30 minutes later, hair dripping wet even though she tried to bundle them into her towel.

I did not see any signs of her work clothes and I figured them must be still in the bathroom.

I guessed she must have re-wore her lingerie, I could not imagine Selene daring enough to walk around with her erected nipples in the room with me around.

I almost mindfucked myself thinking of the possibility of me getting my hands on her worn and re-worn bra and panties after the whole trip.

The sweat, her womanly scent, her sensual hormones all seeped deep into her bra and panty. I was pretty sure I would cum the moment I laid my hands on them.

In fact my mind was already conjuring up ways to use them.

Should I cup her bra over my nose and wank away ?

Perhaps put her whole underwear over my head, adjusting to the part where her moist pussy lips were in most contact with her undies so that it lies directly on my nose.

Maybe I should wear her soiled undies, put on her bra perhaps.

Selene’s voice snapped me out of my daydream.

Selene : Sorry, took a little long..

Selene pointed to my travel case and asked why I always brought such a big bag along.

James : You make me travel so much, I always have 1 of these on standby with enough clothes for a couple of days.

She went and removed the hairdryer from the bag and plugged it in as I got ready to hit the shower.

It was about 9.30pm

I had just opened up my case to get my clothes when Selene’s phone rang. She jumped and immediately put her finger to her lips and answered the phone.

I was a little taken aback as she shooed me away into the shower.

But I was gesturing to her I needed to get my stuff.

A frown was etched deep into her forehead as our body came into contact.

I did not really put up much of a resistant and just allowed her to use her body to shove me into the bathroom before the door closed.

I opened the door again, at least I needed to grab my clothes.

I could tell Selene was on the phone with her Fiance, Aaron from the way she speaks.

She gave me a look when she saw me out and immediately pointed sharply to the bathroom several times, gesturing for me to get back in.

I rolled my eyes and pointed to my clothes before gesturing to the suitcase.

Her sweet voice was a stark contrast to her distressed look she gave me.

I could understand why she did not want Aaron to know we were sharing a room but it was not as if I was making any noise.

I took what I needed and went into the bathroom.

Then I opened the door again.

Because I had been wearing my socks together with the slippers the resort provided the whole time.

Selene almost threw a fit when she saw me out again and she threw the nearest thing she could get her hands on at me and in that case, it was her towel.

I felt the smack of the cold damp towel hit me in my face before she used the back of her body to shove me back into the bathroom.

I felt this current of electricity running through my body as I took a deep inhale of the used towel Selene just threw at me.

I locked the bathroom door and immediately striped myself down.

My erected dick sprang out and I made it my personal mission at that moment to smell and sniff every fucking square inch of the towel. Sure that was one part, one precious part that she used.

I knew there was a high chance that it was just my sick mind fucking with me but I settled on a area the size of a regular mousepad which I found a womanly scent.

A scent that was strong, arousing and it appealed to my sick mind.

I stroked myself briefly, teasing the sensitive nerves, no I was not planning to cum. That was not worth it.
Old 12-02-2014, 10:36 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: Fifteen

I saw the work clothes Selene had wore draped unceremoniously on a bench in the big bathroom and I helped myself to them.

I knew it would not fit me but I wanted to wear them so much.

Have you ever felt that kind of sick feeling before ?

Cross dressing was not my cup of tea but sometimes, just that sometime it hit you so hard that you surely thought you must be mad to want to wear some clothes a particular hot girl was wearing.

I took in more of Selene’s scent, silently thanking my lucky stars for giving me these little blessings in life.

I enjoyed myself with Selene’s work pants, smelling the crotch area like a drug addict going through cold turkey, stroking my erected member at the same time. I noticed a small bulge on the right pocket and when I reached in, my legs gave way.

I was not joking nor exaggerating .

I really felt the muscles in my left leg contracted a little, causing me to lose my balance and I actually sat down on the floor.

I felt like tearing that moment as I took out the piece of worn undies.

It’s been a while since I had my hands on one of those. I wished I could scream out loud, scream to Aaron that I had his wife to be’s worn undies in my hand as she shared a room in a romantic resort.

It was the truth.

I took a deep whiff and I could feel my pelvic muscles getting ready to pound. I quickly replaced it back into the pocket, making sure everything was in order.

It was not time yet.

Timing was critical.

I calmed myself down and I went over to the shower.

I let the cold water rain down on me as I slowly hushed my erected member down.

I spent about 10-15 minutes in the bathroom and when I opened the door, Selene was still on the phone.

She gave me a frown and I just stuck out my tongue at her before retreating to a corner, not making a single sound.

I read through some meeting minutes as I listened in on her conversation, she was obviously not comfortable and unless it was the bathroom, she had no place else to go.

Selene wandered around for a couple of minutes before finally giving up and settled onto the big bed.

We were both doing out own things.
Her spending her time with Aaron over a long and no doubt expensive phone call.

Me on the other hand was toying with some possibilities. Inside my bag were the same bag of tricks I had used before.

From the herbal tea bags to cough syrup and even flu medicine that caused a little drowsiness.

Yes, I am a one trick pony, but as long as it achieves what I wanted, I don’t care.

I brought the room service menu over to Selene and gestured that I wanted to order dinner and she nodded her head before opening the patio door and heading out into the open together with the mosquitos and whatever insects that dwelled in the forest before the resort came in.

I placed an order for beer, a pizza and some sandwiches to share.


The food came and Selene was still out in the patio.

I gave the staff another tip and thanked him for the food.


Selene came back into the room with a few red marks on her arms and one on her neck.

James : Wah, wait Aaron think you got love bite from the trip.

She gave me a playful smack across my head before heading to the bathroom to wash up the bites.

We chatted over dinner and before I realized it, it was already 11.30pm.

I did not ask her why she did not tell Aaron we were sharing a room and she did not share it either.

We finished the last of our beer sitting at the day bed where I would sleep for the rest of the night.

James : Tea ? I’ll boil water.

I was toying with the herbal tea bag option in my head when I asked but Selene just shook her head.

I brought all the food trays and was about to leave them by the door when Selene gave a few good cough, patting her own chest down.

Her face was a little red from the alcohol but she was otherwise sober.


I sat back down beside her right as she set her beer bottle down on the floor.

James : Eh, you going to just leave your clothes in the bathroom ? what are you going to wear tomorrow ?

Selene turned and looked at me.

It was as if she wanted to speak but she just paused and looked straight at me.

I saw her swallowed a couple mouthfuls of saliva.

James : Are you ok ?

She nodded her head slightly.

Then Selene suddenly reached out and held on to my right wrist, I could feel her squeezing a little hard as her eyes widened.

Then her right hand went to her mouth before I heard the sickening sound .

Selene : Ooot…ppoohh..

Instinctively I stood up but not before Selene puked out her dinner over me and herself.

The smell immediately flooded the room and it must have triggered another reaction as she rushed to the bathroom.

I immediately got a bottle of water and went over to her side, asking her to rinse the taste away.

It seemed too sudden but it was just happening non stop.

Selene spent the next 30 minutes hugging the toilet bowl while I tried my best to clean up the room.


I told Selene to take a shower and she nodded weakly.

I brought out the bathrobe for her and she gave me a look which made me put it back into the wardrobe.

James : You can sleep in your workclothes.. if you liked

Selene : Lend me your top.

I passed her one of my work shirt and she disappeared into the bathroom.

When she came out 10 minutes later, I saw a really sexy sight. I always liked it when woman wore a men’s top with nothing underneath.

Now I did not know if she had anything underneath but all I knew was I could see a lot of legs. A lot.

I knew no one would believe me if I say I did not have any reaction but it was the truth.

The smell of the room was a totally turn off. Together with the puke on me, nothing would give me an erection.

I passed Selene some water and she settled down onto the bed, burying her head in her hand.

I went for my shower and I took it upon myself to wash and hang up Selene’s sleep clothes.

I did not have another spare set of sleep clothes so I just came out in my boxers and topless.

Selene saw but did not make any comment.

12.45 am

When I got out, Selene was just staring blankly into space.

James : Are you ok ?

She nodded.


I was trying to lay a towel onto the puke stained cushion and day bed by the window in order to sleep.

The thought of sleeping on puke even though from a beautiful woman was a turn off.

Selene saw what I was doing and made me an offer that caused a temporary rise in my manhood.

Selene : James… the bed is big enough..

I turned and was searching her face for signs of a joke when Selene no doubt caught sight of my rather obvious buldge from my boxers.

Selene : I’ll cut it off it that comes anywhere near me. James.. haha.

James : Haha. Don’t worry, you’re safe tonight.

I got into bed as she made space for me.

James : You have a puke barrier around you, and that was more than enough to keep me away.

She laughed and smacked me with a pillow.

It was a king sized bed and that was enough space for us both such that we would not be touching each other but as we laid down, we faced each other.

We did not exchange any words, just staring into each other’s eyes.

I had a thought at the back of my mind and I did not know if it was a good time to say it but I did anyway.

James : Does Aaron know ?

Selene shook her head.

I paused and took a deep breath

James : How long already ?

Selene : I’m thinking about 6-7 weeks.

James : Don’t you think Aaron have the right to know ?

Selene sat up on the bed before adding that it’s complicated.

James : You’re getting married in a matter of months, what is there to be complicated about ?

She did not give me a reply

I sat up too and we started to talk.

It was an important talk because it set the stage for the rest of the development between Selene and me up to this very day
Old 12-02-2014, 11:32 AM
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Re: Fifteen

Eagerly waiting for the kneeling part.
Ts thanks again.
Old 12-02-2014, 12:35 PM
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Talking Re: Fifteen

Support support my favourite SBF writer
Old 12-02-2014, 01:04 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Power Pack action every post ! More more !
Because Money is the definition of Power.
Old 12-02-2014, 01:08 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Interesting twist
Old 12-02-2014, 03:13 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Camping here for the next update.
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Old 12-02-2014, 08:02 PM
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Re: Fifteen

the more reading it, the more I cant wait for the next update!!
Old 12-02-2014, 10:29 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Aaron must be a married guy!

Boss, quick continue!
The suspense is killing me..
Old 12-02-2014, 11:24 PM
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Re: Fifteen

That was an awesome read. .

Setting up camp and bonfire for more..
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Old 13-02-2014, 10:06 AM
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Re: Fifteen

Now it would be hard to understand Selene’s perspective without first knowing a little about Aaron’s background.

Aaron is 3 years older than Selene and he’s the youngest of 3 sons in the family.

His grandmother is pretty well to do, and she manages the family’s purse string.

Not that Aaron relies on her for pocket money but she holds the key to the family assets.

Ok, it’s not exactly billions nor is it some fancy trust funds but I would think a shophouse in Mohd Sultan and 2 apartments in Siglap is more than enough to set you up for good in Singapore.
That does not include the place they currently stay in at the cluster of private houses opposite Hougang.

He could live off the rent alone if he gets it all.

She was over the moon when Aaron introduced Selene to her, finally one girl which she took a liking to after so long and she was overjoyed when they broke news of marriage.

Like all grandparents, she was looking forward to a new member to join their family and to continue the family line.

Aaron’s grandmother offered to pay for their wedding, their honeymoon and even give them an apartment. As I listen to Selene, I wished I had a grandmother like that.

End of the day, it’s not about the money or the assets that she will get but it’s more of not breaking an old woman’s heart.

Selene : It’s… It’s… difficult. I don’t know how to say it but, this might not worked out.

I felt a pang of pain hit my heart as she pointed to her unborn child, although it was nothing more than an embryo at that point in time, it would soon have a heartbeat and grow into a child.

I knew from Selene’s medical report the complications she would face but I could only listen on and pretended I did not know anything.

James : What do you mean won’t work out ?

Selene : My body…. Isn’t .. really primed for a pregnancy.

I gave a casual wave of my hand, brushing her words off.

James : That’s nonsense, medicine is so advance these days, nothing is impossible. I’m sure you can do it, get a good doctor or something.

Selene just smiled weakly and we continued our conversation.

Selene : You won't understand.

She bared her heart out that night, everything. Cried twice, laughed countless times.
Things she told me which I doubted she would ever tell Aaron.

Her inner most thoughts, her fears.
I offered a listening ear , nothing more.

Then I picked up a piece of critical information about Aaron.

Selene was feeling a little pressured whenever Aaron mentioned about starting a family, picturing family holidays, raising the kids, bringing them to schools.

Selene tried to tell him subtly that she was not ready for a family but he brushed her off, adding that she was not exactly getting younger, they should not wait too long.

She was upset but she loved him.

I just simply told her as a friend what I really thought.

James : Why are you making yourself unhappy and miserable in order to make another person happy ?

She did not give me a reply.

The perverted sick mind of James was not present that early hours of the morning.

Just plain old normal James.

I made no attempts on Selene, no sleazy underhand moves. I knew the tide had change.

There was no fucking way I would drugged a pregnant woman no matter how desperate I was eve though she was vulnerable.

Right when we drifted off to an awkward silence, Selene changed the topic.

She suddenly talked about Cidney.

Selene : Sorry for making you stay up so late James, I’m sure you’re tired but you still lent a listening year.

James : Of course…. If you’re my girlfriend…. I would…

I got a playful smack on my head as Selene bit down on her lips, stifling a laugh.

Selene : You’re a nice guy James… I’m sure any girl who is lucky enough to have you would be so lucky.

James : Haha. You are wrong… I’m not nice at all.

She slid down lower, resting her head on the soft pillows.

Selene : I had a long chat with Cidney that day she handed me her resignation letter.

I felt a sudden stab of fear when I hear Cidney’s name being mentioned.

Selene : She told me you are the most understanding and caring man she ever met.

Waves of guilt and shame flowed freely through my veins as I digested Selene’s every word.

Selene : She told me how you fixed her luggage, how you tried to help her in everything, how you made sure she gets the project she liked to work on and even how patient you are with her.

I kept absolutely silent as I stared blankly into the ceiling.

I felt the shift of weight on the bed and saw Selene turned towards me.
I mirrored her actions.

Selene : I think she really likes you…

I smiled.

James : Who do you think I really like ?

Selene smiled and pulled the blanket up high, right up to the bottom of her chin and just stared at me with her sleepy eyes.

Selene : I’m… not good enough for you James..

Her eyelids looked heavy and she was struggling to stay awake.

I lifted my body up and went close to Selene, really closed till our face was almost touching. She was aware , but made had no strong reaction and I just stared at her for a few good seconds.

Selene : Sleep James… long day tomorrow..

I decided to roll the dice and took a gamble.

I spoke softly by Selene’s ears;

James : I only wished I knew you earlier and am a couple years older.

Although her eyes were closed, she smiled.

Seeing her sleepy look made me want to hold her, cuddle up with her but it was not a good time.

Since she had no reaction, I lowered my lips and planted my first kiss, just a simple peck on her cheek.

James : Goodnight Selene.

My heart was thumping.

Then like the sudden blessing of rain after a long drought, I heard her reply.

Selene : Goodnight James…


I woke up to the sound of Selene puking in the bathroom and I went in to pat her back. Her face looked a little pale and she could not stomach anymore of the water I offered her.

For 30 minutes, I just sat beside her as she poured her empty stomach out into the toilet bowl.


Finally exhausted, Selene subconsciously leaned against my body.
Then without warning, her head hit my shoulder.

And instinctively I did what every man would do at that instance.

My hands just reached up and held on to her shoulder.

My heart was thumping, and I was waiting for Selene to flick my hand away.

5 seconds past and still nothing.

When we crossed the 30 second mark, I finally relaxed enough to try something a little more.

I gently stroked her arms with my hand, asking if she ok at the same time

James : You need to eat, it would help.

She nodded weakly and asked for a couple more minutes.

I remained in the same position, stroking her arms, moving my hand up and down her right arm. Even though it was covered with my long sleeve top, it was enough.

It was a small victory.

If I were to tell that to Aaron, I would tell him that I was stroking her wife to be’s arm in the bathroom of a resort wearing nothing except boxers.


I made an order for breakfast to be served in our room and Selene gave Aaron a call.

She hardly got off a few words before Aaron told her he got to run and she hung up a little disappointed.


We had breakfast and by 9.15am , Selene was puking everything out. She took a shower and a quick washup before coming out. I could see droplets of water on my shirt as she no doubt failed to dry her body

I went into the bathroom for my morning dump and I saw something which was in a way a confidence boost. Selene’s bra was on top of her work clothes on the bench and a quick checked revealed that her undies was there too.

It seems she was comfortable enough to walk around with nothing more than a top covering her body with me around.

I took a good long look at the lingerie and took note of the sizes.
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