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Old 26-07-2007, 10:15 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

haha Pak Dnat, really good at changing ppl's post
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Old 27-07-2007, 10:39 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by neyney View Post
haha Pak Dnat, really good at changing ppl's post
tell u story .... last time I cheong Hatyai, while during breakfast time, got 1 cheongster said : "yesterday afternoon after pak pow liao got nothing to do, I asked the puying to count my kock hair .... " don't you think that cheongster very bo-liao.

So when ah tu say count, reminds me of this count kock hair story .. hehehe


Old 27-07-2007, 12:04 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

the cheongster got mention anything that he shave downstairs or not one?? hahahahaha
A.k.a. Hyugo to some.

Please inform me if I still owe you rep points. I dunno who liaoz.. hehe

Oh yah, don't forget to give me your posting also. If not very hard to find sometimes.
Old 27-07-2007, 05:31 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by Montbank View Post
the cheongster got mention anything that he shave downstairs or not one?? hahahahaha
no leh, he din say.

anyway, didn't know him well also .. just happen to be friend's friend so din really interact much .....


Old 27-07-2007, 08:21 PM
neyney neyney is online now
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by DNAT View Post
tell u story .... last time I cheong Hatyai, while during breakfast time, got 1 cheongster said : "yesterday afternoon after pak pow liao got nothing to do, I asked the puying to count my kock hair .... " don't you think that cheongster very bo-liao.

So when ah tu say count, reminds me of this count kock hair story .. hehehe
muahah hahahahahah i laugh till i fell off my chair ... bo liao also dun bo liao till count kok hair.... wait count count... oops.. pluck out... then recount....
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Old 27-07-2007, 09:12 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by AhBengKeong View Post
how're you getting on? never see you in msn?
Piangz.. i every on msn... now u tell i nvr on... urself got on bo??
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Old 27-07-2007, 10:56 PM
peter69on peter69on is offline
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

FR on Tanjung balai(Last week Thursday)

Book the last ferry and proceed to the immigration basement.
I would like to check with you guys that just before we went down to the basement. There is a gate where i see some people scan their passport without letting the officer check our passports. Likewise for coming back to singapore. Do i need to renew my passport so that it can be scan because my passport is still the old type(10 years old ago)?

I had previously called my driver and he was waiting for me at the exit.
While Waiting for my passport to be chopped. There is this indonesian guy
taking a video of the process of the whole immigration. hopefully, my face is not taken by him. Even if it is, very hopefully it is for local news and not for our local media. Saw my driver and off we go to Maxi Hotel first. Never go to rukko. Straight away to villa. Up the slope, turn right. down the slope. Saw villa no 1. Anyway, turn right and drive straight down. Saw one very tall cewek. Nice face, however, the boobs and ass look meatless. Skip her and this is the 3rd time i come night and she was not book out. Could be the height problem. Came to this villa52. The papi ask the cewek to all come down
from the seconf floor. Straight away saw this cewek by the name of erny. Small built with big boobs and meaty ass. My favourite type. Look at the other girls and she look the best compared to the other. She shout sayang and i nod my head as to whether she ok with me booking. She nodded and was always maintaining eye contact. Ok. settled and book her.

The villa 52 number is
From singapore: 001628126109497
From malaysia: 00628126109497
Old 27-07-2007, 11:39 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Off we go to makan and buy some beers and red wine. Along the way,
She say she want to buy handphone card. So i just follow along. And i was thinking whether to help paid anot. She already take out her money and hold to standby for the paying. So i just stand one side and admired her badan(body). She caught my peep and gave me that cfm look. Her eyes very dreamy type.

Off to the Maxi. Went into the room. Talk abit and drink some beers and wine.
My half fuck bahasa still can communicate abit. She suggest we bath together and she went to prepare the bathtub water. Once ready, I quickly undress and show my dick first. She become more relax as i stripped first. She is about 21 years old(i think)and her boobs very big and sagging. But damn soft. Some tummy fats and stretch marks on her stomach. i guess must have give birth before. So we lay and soak inside the bath tub. After that, she help me to apply sabun and cuci. Vey feel like big boss. Once finish, we proceed to bed. she was giggling and saying want to kongkek. I just shout "yes". She french and masturbate for me. Cath bath my nipples, my legs and my knees. After whcih she lick my little brother. She really good with
her bbbj. she like to use the tip of the tongue to lick my shaft. She like to lock and at the same time give the cfm look. Want more i can say, i put on the condom and she insist to be on top. first shot complete in missionary.
after that, She slip into a nightgown. Hmm, so smooth to the touch

After first round, i was drinking heavily and decided to sleep liao. She was watching tv and she thought i was awake. i was half fuck drunk. She tried to wake me up and ask me not to sleep. ask me to cokang. Really very tired and thought she was trying to be very funny. Explained briefly to her and i closed my eye. she never give up, lick my ears. lick my body. she Automatically pull my underwear down. And own time own target lick my brother again. Untill i wake up and buay tahan. She really like to be on top. once again, finish her in missionary. After that, she say can sleep liao.

Overall, i would give
look:7/10(the face not bad, not super pretty. But cmi to my standard)
body:7/10(other than tummy fats. to me ok)
bbbj: 8/10
service and attitude:8/10

book the first ferry and go back as got something on.
Not enough time for another shot. she follow me all the way to reception.
Inside the lift, she just cant stop frenching. wondering whether there is a camera video inside the lift?

Thats all. Very enjoyable night for me . not sure whether their service
is very consistent. i doubt so. very much still depend on the feeling.

Old 28-07-2007, 03:33 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

anybody want go balai early next month pls pm me to arrange... got a few bros going already... but wan jio more ppl
Old 28-07-2007, 08:00 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by peter69on View Post
There is this indonesian guy
taking a video of the process of the whole immigration. hopefully, my face is not taken by him. Even if it is, very hopefully it is for local news and not for our local media.
Look forward to another juicy story on Sex in Balai.

off we go to Maxi Hotel first.
Very popular among cheongstars.."5 star" hotel...
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 28-07-2007, 04:49 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

room is clean mah... somemore so central..
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Old 29-07-2007, 10:01 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Agree that the rm is clean. However its not so central leh. If were to walk, took @15-20min to reach.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 29-07-2007, 11:19 AM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

1st time in Batam next week .
Could you guys provide some advice on where to find the chicks ?
Where is the location of Queen 8933 and best time to pick girls there ?
Any chick farms like Hat Yai ?
Please advice.
Old 29-07-2007, 12:14 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

Originally Posted by peter69on View Post
FR on Tanjung balai(Last week Thursday)

Thanks for the fr.
Is it easy to find cybercafe in their country?
Old 29-07-2007, 03:20 PM
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Re: Batam, Bintan, Balai Field reports

there is a internet shop. I read it from another forum.
However, i doesnt know the location.
Why, want to check stock market is it.
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