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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 23-02-2006, 09:36 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by cuteboy12345208
Yes. Bro SexFreak. I was really sobbing last nite when I was typing the post. thats y i cant continue the list. I am sorry. This ger has left me a very deep impression on me. Things were still going on well until last nite when due to some misunderstanding, she does not wan to meet me anyomre. I met this girl practically weekly for the past 6-7 months.
Bro cute, sad to hear your experience but trust me, you will be fine after a while (maybe in a couple of weeks) ... Anyway, when you are down, juz come to AD, all the league bros and sis will definitely made your day a happy one. Cheers!

理智 - 两个简单的字眼却一点都不简单. 又有几个人能彻底的了解它的意识而做出正确的抉择呢?
Old 23-02-2006, 09:40 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Yah... why not someone lend us a laptop and we give an FR "live" from the hotel room... blow by lick accout.... how ???

U think this is "Days of Our Lives" ah....
I think a webcam is better, I dun mind setting up the equipments for you ppl though Then all league bros and sis can have exclusive live coverage of wat happen ...

Did you saw my email, I mentioned SYT and yet no response from you, tats funny leh ...

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Old 23-02-2006, 10:11 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Just touched down to Sillypore...nabei..the momemnt i step out of terminal 1, knn....warm curtain of hot humid air engulf me...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Old 23-02-2006, 10:14 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by SamiHyypia
Just touched down to Sillypore...nabei..the momemnt i step out of terminal 1, knn....warm curtain of hot humid air engulf me...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Bro SH, you juz came back from Portugal huh? Must be sad rite? Lost to Benifica at the final minutes

理智 - 两个简单的字眼却一点都不简单. 又有几个人能彻底的了解它的意识而做出正确的抉择呢?
Old 23-02-2006, 02:16 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

keke... just had an AD affair with one of the 2 DC gals sitting with me on Monday HH...

Bro OP.. can guess which one? or given your choice, which one would you have gone for?

Old 23-02-2006, 02:35 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Thanks to all who like reading my FR...

But hor...... NO SHOW OF APPRECIATION LEH!!!Hint hint abit...
Old 23-02-2006, 02:57 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Erm first of all , thru all the guys i've been considering ....still think our imom was worth leaving a FR for hehe!

This hunk meet 4pm then change to 4.30pm...yet he reach at 4.10pm.....dunno what he up to the FR goes .....

He meet me at Chinatown 81 , wah tell u ah that place really so fuck up.Not becoz of the room or the customers service...its the traffic outside!!! Hate wearing the stupid purple top that i wear yesterday, wherever i go those guys huh the eyes just stare at me like they never seen boobs before lor.When i reached imom's room i felt so safe then , told him what happen and he laugh ( damn idiot ) . Just when i closed the door he hit my head with a plastic bag and say that i forgot to buy CD again hehe...(sorry lor)..hey but i can't carry them wherever i go right anot huh???

Next imom went to bathe and i was alone watching the dance on ice that was on tv...amazing sia wonder how they did that so pro....( pai seh out of point ) lol..When imom slowly open the bathroom door , we chatted and laugh awhile b4 i go and bathe myself. Maybe becoz we knew each other for some time now so we got things to talk! ..........when i step out of the bathroom imom was on the bed busy msging his CO to report lol or maybe sweet talk i dunno lah ..well i then ...........

Now this time i ask him to lie face down and give him some massaging and after that teasing him using my tongue, fingers and hair. Phew at least he give some signal that he is enjoying to the teasingso i continue more of it and this time more moves...

After about dunno how many mins of catbath on his back , i procced to flip him over (so that he face me mah) and did a catbath on his front this time. Slowly also , ah bo he say too fast again.( you all know lah he damn hard to please lol) With a little niaoling here and there with my tongue , i slowly ...slowly......lick my way down to his ( *slurp*) manhood ....

Given our imom a nice .....gentle ......teasing lick on the manhood and some that lands on his balls! Then with my original Bj skills added abit of more suction and pumps hehe......then its his turn to turn me on....Wah imom skills still the same ( missed by 19 also) his every moves really shake heaven and earth sia ( no wonder he can hit a universal list) . The way he kiss me really send butterflies up my nerves and to my spine (abit dizzy by then ) ...

After all the fonding and petting , i helped him wear the Durex Tingle CD and whoa he is moving in the most elegant movement and also sending me waves at the same time ( really live up to his name ). I used a bit of tighting skill down there to make him feel more friction and its rather erm....shiok i guess for me also....15 mins later ...........GAME OVER .......

Ending : Shoo him to the bathroom and bathe him like a kiddie haha....he was enjoying for the once in a lifetime FULL service by me i think ....
still i would be turn on by Romantic Sex and i did enjoy while with Imom....
thats all folks , i dun really write well so hope u guys do know i put in so much effort writing lol.....BYE
Cb la, i with my bf together cant surf sbf and post la!
Old 23-02-2006, 03:06 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Huh ?? Woaw... this sounds bad.... Bro if u need someone to talk to... u can call me... I am "Guo Lai Ren" ... can understand what u went thru...

HANG TOUGH !! jus know this... the world is round... one day u two will meet again... for now jus think of happier times and let things run its course....
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & LADIES

Hehehe Bro OP, you want to help our Bro Cute to go thru his dilemma or trying to potong-jalan, huh......hehehe...
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 23-02-2006, 03:10 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by cheryl27
Erm first of all , thru all the guys i've been considering ....still think our imom was worth leaving a FR for hehe!

This hunk meet 4pm then change to 4.30pm...yet he reach at 4.10pm.....dunno what he up to the FR goes .....
Nice, straight to the point FR with essential juicy details. Welcome to the League, Sis Cheryl!

Funny, how cum I never pm you for an appt b4 you retire huh? Oh dear, I forgotten I am a dirty-old-man thus not eligible Anyway, good to hear you retire liao.

Bro Imom, still said you are not a hunk, our SIS mentioned again in her FR you are one leh Dun need to be too modest lah.

理智 - 两个简单的字眼却一点都不简单. 又有几个人能彻底的了解它的意识而做出正确的抉择呢?
Old 23-02-2006, 03:15 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Merl
I think a webcam is better, I dun mind setting up the equipments for you ppl though. Then all league bros and sis can have exclusive live coverage of wat happen ...

Hmmmm...Herm...Herm.....Sorry Ladies & Gentlemen, Bro Merl has made a grave mistake, It should be WE and not I. Thks.

Cheers !!!

The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 23-02-2006, 03:20 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by SexFreak
Hmmmm...Herm...Herm.....Sorry Ladies & Gentlemen, Bro Merl has made a grave mistake, It should be WE and not I. Thks.

Cheers !!!

Oops! My mistake, Bro SF! Shld be WE. Must be getting old liao lor...hee!

Wahseh! 2 of of 3 League Sis are currently camping at AD. Wonder where did the rest of the League Bros gone to ...

理智 - 两个简单的字眼却一点都不简单. 又有几个人能彻底的了解它的意识而做出正确的抉择呢?
Old 23-02-2006, 03:23 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Double post again. Stupid system.

理智 - 两个简单的字眼却一点都不简单. 又有几个人能彻底的了解它的意识而做出正确的抉择呢?
Old 23-02-2006, 03:36 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Merl
Wahseh! 2 of of 3 League Sis are currently camping at AD. Wonder where did the rest of the League Bros gone to

Oops, sorry, I am sending Bro OP to Mt Cold Turkey Hospital (MCTH) for bleeding nose and in a physiological state of incapable of responding to usual environmental stimuli...Will keep everybody posted in due course.

"OP...OP...OP...HANG TOUGH, we are reaching soon...OP...OP...OP...(followed by 3 tight slaps on his face trying to wake him up)........

Cheers !!!

The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
Old 23-02-2006, 03:44 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Ok Ok... Due to popular demand....

Part 3 of FR on Ex-BF
Haagen Daz Nac Brittle Ice Cream, Sashimi and Single Stalk of Long Stemmed White Rose

I dipped the spoon into the tub of ice cream and using the liquid, wrote the words " I Love U" (Substitute the word "Love" with symbol) on his chest and proceeded to lap it all up. By now, both his nipples and his member were rock hard.

All this while, I had been looking in his eyes and I made a sudden dive for his thick kissable lips. We frenched like crazy for a good while and he suddenly pushed me down on the bed, saying, " Dear Dear notti hor?? I'm going to punish you.." to my delight.

Admist our giggles, I fed him a spoonful of the ice cream and he made a dive for my pussy. It's my turn to squirm as he flicked his tongue on my urethra. I could bearly resist kicking my legs around. He pushed my legs up and he licked my asshole, all the way mumbling "mmmm.." I just felt soft and could bearly put up any resistance.

He looked up at me and I fed him another mouthful of the ice cream. This time, he zoomed in on my more sensitive right nipple. All I could do was moan and arch my back. He slowly licked my right areola in circles, followed by the left and slowly traced his tongue to my neck, my ears and then my lips.

We frenched lightly and he lowered himself into me. I could only gasp as I felt his hard member enter me. "Ahhhh.." the feeling is indescribable. The warmth, the slight pulsating throbs as he teased me further by tensing his muscles (that makes his member throb while in stationary position?).

I held on to him tightly and clamped my legs around his body as he quickened his pace.

By now, I was so wet that with each withdrawal, we could hear the sweet music that my juices were making.

Still inside me, we slowly changed our positions, we had the spoon for a while and I orgasmed (I'm a sucker for spoons). With his rock hard member still in me ( we called that marinating. Lolz.), he hugged me from behind for a while while I revelled in the moment.

I told him, " It's my turn to work.", following which, I promptly pushed myself up (Cow-ger position with my back facing him) and started riding slowly and deeply. He placed his hands on my waist and i leaned back abit so that the tip of his curved dick will hit my G-spot easily as I increased my momentum.

At this point, both of us were working up a sweat( though the air-conditioning was on). My legs were tired but I just wanted him to cum. Suddenly, a warm liquid trickled down and I realised that I had 'erupted!'. He was thoroughly delighted and he came at the same time. (He says that the sensation of the warm liquid on his balls is wonderful.)

By the time we were done with this round, the ice cream was semi-melted on the bedside table, the rose was on the floor and the bedsheets were soaking wet. But it was worth it as we spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling in bed and kissing and feeding each other whatever frozen ice cream was left in the tub. As for the rose, we dried it and tagged it as a remembrance of that sweet afternoon. (Not sure if he still has it though.. haiz... Nostalgia, sweet but painful...)

Love is not to be found in someone else, but in ourselves; we simply awaken it. But in order to do that, we need the other person - 11 Minutes, Paulo Coelho
Old 23-02-2006, 03:52 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by cheryl27
Erm first of all , thru all the guys i've been considering ....still think our imom was worth leaving a FR for hehe!

Indeed, undoubtedly, assuredly, beyond question, definitely, doubtless, undeniably, unmistakably, unquestionably, well, without doubt, a NiCe &
StEaMy FR by Sis Cheryl. But hor, I think you still need to responsible for OP's current complication.....too steamy liao......

Originally Posted by cheryl27
This hunk meet 4pm then change to 4.30pm...yet he reach at 4.10pm.....dunno what he up to the FR goes .....

i think ....still i would be turn on by Romantic Sex and i did enjoy while with Imom....

HUNK hmmmm....... Deep Water Runs Deep. IMOM=HUNK & HUNK=IMOM

Cheers !!!

The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King

TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY
17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙

NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) .........
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