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Old 17-04-2020, 11:05 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by hamka View Post
I know a lot of girls pee half squat, just like in the picture, outside. It's really because of the hygiene lah. Even I did that before when I had to shit outside once. The toilet I found really cannot make it but emergency already, had to do it! Need a lot of skills to keep yourself balance while supporting your whole body weight. After finished doing business, had some difficulties to walk straight. Hahahaha.

I agreed that squat type toilet bowl is the best. And step and squat on the toilet seat to pee/poop is also true.
Dangerous to squat on seated toilet bro.. the ceramic can break under your weight and the broken ceramic can pierce or cut through your butt, thigh or leg.
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Old 17-04-2020, 11:32 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

or slice your dick off
Old 17-04-2020, 11:54 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by lotsfits80 View Post
Dangerous to squat on seated toilet bro.. the ceramic can break under your weight and the broken ceramic can pierce or cut through your butt, thigh or leg.
Originally Posted by daring70 View Post
or slice your dick off
Hahahaha. I never squat on the toilet seat before lah. So no worries of cut through my butt, thigh, leg or slice my dick off! But I know a few ah lian-like ladies that did that.

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Old 17-04-2020, 12:21 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by hamka View Post
Hahahaha. I never squat on the toilet seat before lah. So no worries of cut through my butt, thigh, leg or slice my dick off! But I know a few ah lian-like ladies that did that.
How cum these ah lian like ladies dare to tell u abt such an embarrassing thing as this, buddy ???
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Old 17-04-2020, 01:18 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by Rickey View Post
How cum these ah lian like ladies dare to tell u abt such an embarrassing thing as this, buddy ???
Because friend friend with them. Just casually bring the topic up and if they feel like answering it, they will. Hahahaha.

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Old 17-04-2020, 03:43 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by lotsfits80 View Post
Dangerous to squat on seated toilet bro.. the ceramic can break under your weight and the broken ceramic can pierce or cut through your butt, thigh or leg.
wont la bro... you pang sai also sit on it one... sure can tahan the weight... but maybe is ka chng round round so the weight more even?
Old 17-04-2020, 05:13 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by hamka View Post
Because friend friend with them. Just casually bring the topic up and if they feel like answering it, they will. Hahahaha.
Sure onot? Or is it you install hidden cam in the toilets?
Old 17-04-2020, 05:25 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by trans5425 View Post
Sure onot? Or is it you install hidden cam in the toilets?
Sure lah. Certain girls look very serious but actually very open one. Just you have to gain their trust before suddenly asking such personal question. The best way, just ask in a joking manner. Make it as a joke, then if they're willingly to play along, you will get your answer lah.

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Old 17-04-2020, 07:30 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by superstiffy View Post
wont la bro... you pang sai also sit on it one... sure can tahan the weight... but maybe is ka chng round round so the weight more even?
It's about weight distribution bro, tiolet bowl will crake if you are heavy enough and stand on the weak point.
Sitting evenly distribute the weight so no problem
Old 18-04-2020, 08:48 AM
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Was at the mrt, and manage to see a a veey obvious cameltoe. Does any feel this is more revealing than zaogeng of bra/panties?

Old 18-04-2020, 10:18 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

This happened last month. Was buy groceries at the basement NTUC of a shopping mall when I came across this eye-catching, sultry looking milf decked in a one piece grey dress. The dress was tight and wrapped nicely around her body. I moved closer abit and could see the outline of her nipples poking out from her dress. And then strangely I found her to be very familiar....

And I realized her pictures have been posted here before and there were a robust discussion about this lady. No wonder I found her so familiar
Old 18-04-2020, 12:55 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by Bitcoins View Post
This happened last month. Was buy groceries at the basement NTUC of a shopping mall when I came across this eye-catching, sultry looking milf decked in a one piece grey dress. The dress was tight and wrapped nicely around her body. I moved closer abit and could see the outline of her nipples poking out from her dress. And then strangely I found her to be very familiar....

And I realized her pictures have been posted here before and there were a robust discussion about this lady. No wonder I found her so familiar
Who is the lady?

Point and link thread.
Old 18-04-2020, 01:35 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by sexcision View Post
It's about weight distribution bro, tiolet bowl will crake if you are heavy enough and stand on the weak point.
Sitting evenly distribute the weight so no problem
The toilet bowl does not crack easily as they are heavy duty type. The ones that crack easily when stepped upon are the plastic toilet seat and cover
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Old 18-04-2020, 02:54 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by Bitcoins View Post
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This happened last month. Was buy groceries at the basement NTUC of a shopping mall when I came across this eye-catching, sultry looking milf decked in a one piece grey dress. The dress was tight and wrapped nicely around her body. I moved closer abit and could see the outline of her nipples poking out from her dress. And then strangely I found her to be very familiar....

And I realized her pictures have been posted here before and there were a robust discussion about this lady. No wonder I found her so familiar
I guess I know who are you talking about. Hahahaha.

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Old 18-04-2020, 03:02 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

To answer the "toilet bowl conundrum", here a link to explain what's the benefits of it. Based on this lady, it's actually good for you. Watch out at 2:40 for the warning of toilet bowl breaking while squatting on it (and a little zao geng to go along with it ).

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