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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-02-2005, 05:52 PM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. simplyhorny,
Aiyah..dun't feel offended eh but I would say that just ask the gals 1st lah before the services to avoid misunderstanding. Bros. should not feel short-changed if the gals have charged you more as long as you are happy and comfortable with amount. Most of these gals work really hard for their $$ in a physically and mentally demanding jobs. Please have some consideration and a little "heart" for them. Don't grudge them their dues. There is actually no hard and fast rules on how much should one pays as long as you and the gals are happy and comfortable with it. Personally I adhere to this policy when cheonging but if I feel the gal charges are way out of line, I will just pay and not return for her again. "Don't worry be happy."
No worries... Personally, I don't want to spoil the market for the rest of the brothers... That's why I would like to verify the market rate. Cheers!
Old 18-02-2005, 06:34 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by simplyhorny
No worries... Personally, I don't want to spoil the market for the rest of the brothers... That's why I would like to verify the market rate. Cheers!
Bro. Simplyhorny,
We are not so concern about you spoiling the market, we are more wary about you "spoiling: the gals! You are simply too horny and I think you are like a keen golfer...every hole also want to,ke. Don't get angry ok, just kidding! Give others a chance pau ke liao, how can?
Old 18-02-2005, 07:56 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by simplyhorny
No worries... Personally, I don't want to spoil the market for the rest of the brothers... That's why I would like to verify the market rate. Cheers!
Wa piang the WL also so difficult ah??? hee...hee...Grand Master Zack has already spoken his wise words, so jus adding my 2 cents' worth only.....

Frankly, I think all cheongsters should observe the code: "If got money then cheong, if got no money then stay at home and PCC..."

If u follow this code, u will guarantee not overspend on ur sexcapades n still save money for the rainy days...

The girls at Legends used to ask for $150 during the ANA days for FJ but I have noticed that they have also dropped their asking price since shifting to FEP cos' business then was severely hit due to the location when thet first shifted there....

So, IMHO, if u don't negotiate before hand wif the girl n she chooses to rape u immediately after the massage (, then u can choose to pay her between $100 to $120...

BUT....if u are feeling richer, or if u feel that the girl has treated u like a king n u want ro reward her, then give her more lor...


Old 19-02-2005, 01:01 AM
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Re: Legends 3

I realise their tatics are usually quote you 150 first then let you bargain down to 120. But once you are regular it's always 100.

I usually pay 100 but sometimes when I feel like I'll give 120. This will make them happy. They need motivation also mah.

Anyway, it's up to individual to decide how much to pay.

Old 19-02-2005, 02:37 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Went down at around 3 plus 4pm, Legend is still so crowded.. quick count at least 5 bros are waiting for girls or rooms there. A few are with towels walking around..

Went in room and Cindy come in.. as mentioned by bro Zack, she is cute with big eyes.. Chat with her and found out that she is from Medan, working at Legend for 2 months or so but in Sillypore for 3 years already.
Understand from her, Legend is packed since opened, but getting a bit too crowded during CNY period. She can do up to 10-11 customers a day now. Currently there are about 11 girls operating now..

Surprising her massage is quite good, got strength. Like it when she massage my thight area can feel the sensual..

Face: 6.8/10 (depend on individual taste)
Massage: 7/10 (quite good)
BJ: 5/10 (not much suction strength)
Frenching: NA (me dont like)
FJ: 7/10 (pus wet after a few pumps)
moan: quite fake initially but once engine started sound changed

For those who wanted place to relax and sit down discretely for chatting, give this place a missed especially now.. even when i left around 5plus there are still at least 3 - 4 bros around waiting..
Old 19-02-2005, 12:27 PM
familyman037 familyman037 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by regak2001
I realise their tatics are usually quote you 150 first then let you bargain down to 120. But once you are regular it's always 100.

I usually pay 100 but sometimes when I feel like I'll give 120. This will make them happy. They need motivation also mah.

Anyway, it's up to individual to decide how much to pay.

I guess as long as you are happy, $20 more is worth it. I normally pay $100 - $120 depending on the girl and my mood. I do not ask them how much. Even if they ask, just say normal or usual price. After finish, just give them $100 - $120 depending on how satisfied you are. They will not normally ask for more. Even if they do, just say you are regular and that's the price you pay for others.
Old 19-02-2005, 03:35 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Got an SMS from Kriss this mrng, she's back to work today.
Old 19-02-2005, 05:45 PM
ang076 ang076 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

As usual, I went to Legend ..

While bathing, the gal come in... can see that she was dressed in pink tango blouse and black mini.. she had long hair and nice legs..
She identified herself as Angel. Face okay, but she is a bit fat..

After SOP massage, she pop a question.. I told her to undress but dont take off her bra and panties and just perform HJ.. was willing to pay $70.

But she refused and asked me to pay $10 more.. I said okay..

She take off her blouse and skirt ... revealing skin toned half cup bra with transparent straps. and matching panties..

She then perform HJ.. I buried my face on her bra cup... smelling and peeking into her cups.. ( brown nipple.) and slide my finger into her panties to examine her pussy..( as usual with pubic hairs.)
She perform harder and harder until I cummed..

FR on Angel

Look: 6.4/10 ( just okay look with long hair.)
Body : 5.6/10 ( I expected a slimmer body with nicer curve. but she lack in this area. 34B breasts with brown nipples. slightly hairy pussy.)
HJ: 6.7/10 ( just a usual HJ ).

Damage: $38 + $80

RTF : no.. ( I prefer slim gal. Next target: Samantha or Brenda..)
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 19-02-2005, 06:25 PM
singman singman is offline
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Re: Legends 3

went down again today and was assigned a girl whom I forget her name. Face a little chubby and body slightly fleshy. She has long hair which she tied up.young and friendly girl just that her face and body not quite my type.

Actually saw another girl whom I would like to bonk (hehehe). Any bro there today , 19-2-05 ? there's this girl shoulder length hair a bit brownish. She's wearing a black top with white mini skirt today. Petite size girl ... Heard her speaking Canto to the cleaner lady.

Will probably go again next week for Jamie or this girl I saw today ( if any bro can provide her name ).
Old 19-02-2005, 08:53 PM
ang076 ang076 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Oh yeah... What happened to that short receptionist in her 30s ?

The one who seen my everything after she enter my room to ask which gal I wanted after I 'rejected' Joey as I am not into FJ that day? She is more accomodating and tried to see to my needs.

Refer to my eariler post:

Today, all I see is that 40 -50 year old receptionist who ask me whether I made any booking . I cant hear well, how to make booking by phone?
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 19-02-2005, 11:48 PM
cunt_ranger cunt_ranger is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Just came back from L3 today and finally tried Grand Master's recommendation Miss Cindy as my dear dear has gone back liao....

She looks and sounds cute... nice body and can chat quite well with me! Won't want to repeat the numerous FR as what has been written about her is the same for me.

Grand Master Zack... you the man lah! She is a good replacement for my dear dear when my dear dear is off!!! Thanks for your recomendation bro!
Old 20-02-2005, 12:05 AM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by singman
went down again today and was assigned a girl whom I forget her name. Face a little chubby and body slightly fleshy. She has long hair which she tied up.young and friendly girl just that her face and body not quite my type.
Was her massage good and hard? If so, most probably she's Celine. She like to tie up her hair while doing massage. Even for FJ, her hair would be tie up in a pony tail style...
Old 20-02-2005, 12:19 AM
simplyhorny simplyhorny is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by ang076
She identified herself as Angel. Face okay, but she is a bit fat..

Wow, Bro. your standard si-bei high. Angel is considered a bit fat?! You got the right Angel bor ?

Definitely not Angel lah... Angel is one of the slimmest gal in HC I ever known... How could she be considered fat?!?!
Old 20-02-2005, 08:03 AM
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Re: Legends 3

I went to receptionist counter to take the sweet as well as to look at the customers' book..Saw my name and the corresponding masseue's name: Angel.

So, if she is not Angel, then who is she? The one who wore pink tonga blouse and black mini-skirt on 19/2/2005.When she took off her clothes, revealing skin-tone half cup bra ( with transparent shoulder straps.) and cotton panties.. She is not slim and with long hair.
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 20-02-2005, 09:02 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by ang076
As usual, I went to Legend ..

While bathing, the gal come in... can see that she was dressed in pink tango blouse and black mini.. she had long hair and nice legs..
She identified herself as Angel. Face okay, but she is a bit fat..

Dear Bro Ang...

Not flaming but this girl u tried definitely not Angel....

Angel has indeed got jaw dropping model slimness n dimples on her cheeks when she smiles...

There must have been a mix up...

Go try calling for her again....If u like slim ones, she's the one.... perfect.....with good height too....

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