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Old 25-09-2013, 04:08 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Great story, bro! From start till the end.
Old 25-09-2013, 04:38 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Truly a fantasy that came to life for you Thug bro!

it might sound too gd to be true but hey, miracles do happen.

All the best and tks for penning down such a cock hardening yet heart warming story for us is SBF.

p.s. would keep my eyes out for 2 ladies hugging each another with a guy pushing a trolley behind in supermarkets from now onwards =p

Old 25-09-2013, 04:46 PM
Wishing4U Wishing4U is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Bravo TS!!!! One of the best stories I read that had a good twist and ending...Bravo!
Old 25-09-2013, 04:47 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over


Have enjoyed your story.
Great write-up. UP!!

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Old 25-09-2013, 05:07 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by Thug View Post
My 37th instalment and also the last. Please enjoy it.


After the emotional moment, Faith and I made our way to fetch the person who made all these possible, Kate. Till today I have no idea what did they talk about outside my in-law's but there were a lot of hugging and tears flowing while I waited in the car.

On our way back home, the ladies were sitting at the back. From my rear mirror, I could see them clearly. Faith had her arms wrapped around Kate's and they were chatting non-stop. As for me, I was driving my women home happily, listening to my X Japan.

We had our dinner at a nearby coffee shop and after that did some grocery shopping in the supermarket. Apparently, my house has one more mouth to feed and you can imagine the amount I have to buy when you have 2 women who love to cook staying with you. I was pushing the trolley behind the ladies. Their arms were locked onto one another and would turn around occasionally to look at me, giggling. They took turns to throw the things they need and those they think they will need into the trolley. Looking at them, co-existing happily, what is there to complain?

We were waiting for our turn at the cashier and many other shoppers were looking at the pile my women had just harvested from the shelves. I felt a bit weird as both of them were hugging my arms on each side and many eyes were set upon us. I tried not to look at them. Perhaps I need more time to get use to it.

The bill came to a whopping $407.61. That pile lasted us for quite some time.

Back at home; we worked together to unpack all the purchases into the refrigerator. "We need a bigger one," I commented and both of them agreed. Perhaps not just the fridge, we might need to change the washing machine, dryer and maybe...the bed?

Almost finishing with the unpacking, Kate said, " Ok papa, you settle from here ok? We go bathe first," giving me a big wet kiss, sticking her tongue into my mouth with mine meeting hers as she held Faith’s hand. Faith came over, kissed me as well and whispered something in my ears that warmed my heart a little, "Don't take too long, hubby."

As they entered the room, Faith turned around and wriggled her finger, gesturing me to join them while Kate took off her dress over her head behind Faith back facing me.

I rushed through the unpacking and hurried to the room only to find it empty. There were giggles coming from the bathroom and followed by the splattering sound of the water. Both of them were taking a shower together. Wasting no time, I stripped down to nothing as fast as I could and opened the door to my happiness. A pretty sight greeted me with my girls standing nude under the rain shower.

"Hi baby," Faith called out to me with Kate soaping herself all over her enchanting body. I sat down on the toilet and watch my women washing themselves for me. Faith did a little sexy dance for me when waiting for her turn under the rain shower and Kate deliberately “cleaning” her 34D facing me. It felt surreal.

I was just staring into the glass, watching the girls teasing me from inside. I could feel myself smiling the whole time, wondering if all these are really happening.

Of all my life, I did not volunteered for any charities organisations. I do not pray extensively although I am brought up in a family devoted to Taoism and never joined any blood donation drive.

However, I would bent down and carry the little fragile snail out of danger after the rain, if I spotted any. If I see people selling tissue packets, yes, I will not hesitate to buy from them. If I see old homeless folks sleeping under blocks, I would fold my 50-dollar note into their hands and enjoy their soft weak gratitude, but that’s about all.

What have I done to deserve the 2 wonderful ladies beside me; I will never know.

I do believe in Karma. Perhaps they owed it to me previously, or, I would have to pay them back in my next. For whatever the reason...for whatever the outcome, all I know for now, for this life, it will never be the same again, and I will cherish it till my time ends. I will never let any of them go. I will die to let anything happen to them and that is a promise to myself.

-The End-


Thank you bros for all the support for the past 5.5 weeks. My story will never be complete without you as my reader. I'm glad that it managed to harden a few dicks along the way.

Maybe the story is too good to be true. Maybe it's all made up. Or maybe, one of these day when you walked down the street and see 2 ladies have their arms wrapped tightly onto a guy pushing a pram...maybe that's me. Come to him, and whisper "Thug bro?" He might give you a wink.

Who knows?

Well bro the best things about your story would be ur good luck in getting two women whom u care n love be together with u this i envy u plus not to forget the wonderful extra perks.well if we do meet outside the best i can do is smile at u n show the thumbs up sign be be happy for u.hope this luck last all three of u forever.btw bro care to repost faith photo.thank u have a good n happiness life with your large family.
Old 25-09-2013, 05:32 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by Thug View Post
Good day bros,

I have been receiving PM requests regarding exchanging pictures of my sexpedition with Faith. Actually, I felt bad rejecting all the requests so I pondered for a while and decided to release this, one and only sharable, photo of her at work recently, as a big thank you for all the support you bros have been showing. The rest of the collection like I said, are for my eyes only.

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My wife's good friend's sleep over

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Old 25-09-2013, 05:54 PM
tomdwan tomdwan is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

fantastic story from start to finish. shane's loss is definitely your gain!! SBF has faith in you. or you in Faith
Old 25-09-2013, 05:56 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by CibLover View Post

Have enjoyed your story.
Great write-up. UP!!

Originally Posted by Wishing4U View Post
Bravo TS!!!! One of the best stories I read that had a good twist and ending...Bravo!
Originally Posted by badboy View Post
Truly a fantasy that came to life for you Thug bro!

it might sound too gd to be true but hey, miracles do happen.

All the best and tks for penning down such a cock hardening yet heart warming story for us is SBF.

p.s. would keep my eyes out for 2 ladies hugging each another with a guy pushing a trolley behind in supermarkets from now onwards =p

Originally Posted by livergreen View Post
Great story, bro! From start till the end.
Originally Posted by maddog_mlvn View Post
Bro part2 should cont with a happy family of 4, and head count start increasing. And end the whole story with a big happy family. That was once my dream. Pls post more soon. Thks 4 the story, hope to see ur continuous story soon. Up.
Originally Posted by penguin59 View Post
Thanks for your story bro....its nice when things can work out by itself....!!!
Take good care of your 2 angels and 1 little angel or more will come...
Thanks bros. Actually, I felt a bit empty now that I've ended this story.

I have to end this story so abruptly partly due to the questionings from them regarding my night typing on my phone and mostly on my laptop, hahaha. Especially Kate, she is a light sleeper. I always have my headphone on, listening to music while typing. Apparently, the sound of working keyboard can be very deafening in the silence of late nights. There were a couple of nights where she stood behind me without me knowing. Frightened the hell out of me.

Maybe, I'm not sure, I might continue the story after a break. Let the curiosity in them die down first.
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My wife's good friend's sleep over

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Old 25-09-2013, 10:41 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

cant help but to say u are real lucky guy. ur story make mi cant sleep the whole night just to finish reading. excellent job. but ur faith link cant see lei
Old 25-09-2013, 11:10 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by Icyzz View Post
cant help but to say u are real lucky guy. ur story make mi cant sleep the whole night just to finish reading. excellent job. but ur faith link cant see lei
Thanks. But I can lei n don't know why u can't. Maybe try again later. Let it load.
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Old 25-09-2013, 11:33 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Awesome lucky guy!
Old 26-09-2013, 12:41 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Luck plays no part. It is his life. We can only read with loads of envy but thanks for sharing man! Its a whole new idea to incept the missus and see who has that in their life
You'll never know what you get..
Old 26-09-2013, 12:44 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Bro so did Kate read what u r typing? Or rather does they both of them know u r sharing the stories online with us?
Old 26-09-2013, 01:10 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by want0nmee View Post
Bro so did Kate read what u r typing? Or rather does they both of them know u r sharing the stories online with us?
Haha. Nope. She has short sighted. Without her spec she can't see a thing at night. She usually wears contact.
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Old 26-09-2013, 01:47 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Nice story bro, I enjoyed it a lot. Also, it's good you know when to stop, not all stories need to drag on to season 12 and everyone becomes bored of repetition.
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