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Old 13-02-2014, 10:08 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: Fifteen


James : Let’s postphone the penang trip, you’re in no condition to travel.
Selene : No way, we’re signing the papers today.

I went ahead and took a shower first, got changed and started packing up.


Selene went into the shower and I could hear her sing her symphony to the toilet bowl again.


She came out of the bathroom dressed only in her tube and her pants, her long sleeve top drapped across her arm along with the shirt I lent her.

She seemed exhausted and I stretched out my hand to take over my shirt, one that would remain unwashed for a long time since it was scented with the heavenly smell of Selene’s naked body.

I saw her put on and button her blouse before slipping into her heels.

I had a sudden perverted thought to press my nose deep into Selene’s crouch, taking in her fresh bodily scent with 2 days old clothes.


The driver picked us up at the entrance of the resort with the usual car. When Selene was not looking, I passed an envelope with $150 cash over to the driver and he accepted it with a smile.

Right before we alight at the terminal in Singapore, it told that we still have 2 hours before the flight. We could take a cab back to her place, wait for a quick one while she grabbed some clothes.

Selene took a look at the time and shook her head.

Selene : Still need to check in, we can’t miss this flight.

8th March 2012


We arrived at the airport and checked in our flight.

We went to the DFS and settled down for a cup of coffee, Selene visited the bathroom twice and after the 2nd one, she just put her head down on the table for a quick rest.

I told her I’ll go shop around.

I went to the lingerie shop at the DFS and got Selene some change of her undergarments.

The salesgirl at Victoria secrets was helpful and polite, I asked for help to get something regular and not too loud and she made me some recommendations base on the sizes I have in mind.

I spent 10 Minutes in the shop and left with 2 sets of lingerie, a rather big sleeping shirt, and a pair of pyjama shorts.

I then went to the candy stall and got some mints.

When I got back to the café, Selene’s head was still down on the table and I just shook my head and kept everything in my carryon.


I woke Selene up and told her it’s time to go.

Miraculously, she survived the flight to Penang with no toilet trips, although I kept the sick bag in hand.

It was not a full flight and we had the 3 seats by the wind to ourselves.
I let her take the aisle while I took the middle seat.


We got to the client’s office and Selene managed to last through the meeting till 6.30pm

When we hopped on a cab back to our hotel, I could tell she was exhausted.

James : We need to at least see a doctor.

She did not resist my attempts to help her out of the cab and I did the check – in at the front desk.

I requested for adjoining rooms but it was not available.

So I asked of one of the room to come with twin beds, but it was not available as well.

I asked for a nearby clinic and was pointed to one 2 streets away.

I sent Selene to her room and took a gamble.

I entered and told her to drop everything first, let’s pay the doctor a visit before they close.

Selene hardly spoke, I guess she needed rest more than anything else.


When we left the clinic, we realized that the vomiting was not just because of the pregnancy, it appears she’s gotten a stomach flu as well.

We took the medications and got back to the room at 8.45pm

The first thing Selene did was to collapse onto the queen size bed.

It was a lot smaller than the 5 star resort last night.

Lesser space for both of us if I were to spend the night.

I just kept my hands on my hips and looked at Selene.

She looked so blissful, so angelic with her eyes closed.

I bent down and help her take off her heels and she did not move a muscle.

James : Oei… Oei.. go and shower, you’re full of germs from walking around the whole day.

Selene : arghhh…..

She struggled to get up and asked to borrow my top again.

I went to my bag and when I brought out the bag of clothes I got from the terminal, I saw the look of disbelieve in Selene’s eyes.

Selene : James…. I’m…

i waved her off, refusing to look at her.

James : Take it, shower and get changed.

I made a show of going to the wardrobe in the room and retrieved the laundry bag.

James : Go now. Change out. Quick

I made a show of looking at the time and say we can still meet the laundry cut off time for the hotel.

I hurried her along and knocked on the bathroom door barely 2 minutes after she went in.

James : Hurry up ar… hungry already… later still need to go for dinner.

The door opened slightly and Selene passed me the bag with one arm and the door opened a little ajar.

I caught a quick glimpse from the mirror's reflection and realized that she had wrapped her body in a towel.

I told her I’ll come over to her room after I shower.

I exited the room quickly and the moment I got into my room, I opened the laundry bag and I felt my knees buckle at the sheer excitement at the contents of the laundry bag.

Everything was inside.

Everything I needed for a good orgasm.

As I let the hot water pelt down on my body, I took a deep breath and considered my next move.
Old 13-02-2014, 10:51 AM
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Re: Fifteen

Procrastinating due to reading this piece of great work! Totally worth it!
Old 13-02-2014, 11:02 AM
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Re: Fifteen

wao... what a damn good story! really making readers like me screaming for updates!
Old 13-02-2014, 11:07 AM
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Re: Fifteen

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post

Seeing her sleepy look made me want to hold her, cuddle up with her but it was not a good time.

Since she had no reaction, I lowered my lips and planted my first kiss, just a simple peck on her cheek.

James : Goodnight Selene.

My heart was thumping.

Then like the sudden blessing of rain after a long drought, I heard her reply.

Selene : Goodnight James…
This feeling... Is better than piaking a paid super model
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 14-02-2014, 10:59 AM
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Re: Fifteen

waiting for updates again
Old 14-02-2014, 01:53 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: Fifteen

It is important to know what Selene needed the most that day.
And it is important that she knew I was feeding her ‘needs’ and not trying to wriggle my way to fufil my ‘wants’ .

Girls , ladies, women, they’re not stupid, most of them are not anyway.

I was sure deep down somewhere in Selene’s heart she knew what I wanted, what every men wanted.

I just needed to tread lightly and make sure I play my card right.

I scrubbed myself clean before drying myself thoroughly for the next part of my sick ritual.

I knew I could not hold back my need for a good orgasm, I needed to release and prime my brain for the rest of the trip.

I sat down naked on my bed and opened the bag of worn clothes from Selene.

I could not describe the feeling in words.

If you ever had the chance and opportunity to do this, you too would be feeling ecstatic and lost. The thought of holding onto a bag of worn clothes belonging to a woman you always wanted to sleep with is good enough to give your mind a mental orgasm.

I could not wait to indulge myself in Selene’s worn sweat stained clothes and underwear but it was not the time yet.

I messed up my bed, making sure everything was in a mess.

I took my toiletries bag and opened a condom wrapper.

I artistically left Selene’s clothes all over the room, dropping her top near the entrance. Then I left her bra barely 1 metre away.

I placed her pants at the foot of the bed.

Then I left the undies on the messed up bed before leaving the empty condom wrapper beside it.

I bunched up a good portion of tissues, threw some over the side table and wrap the condom up, making sure a good portion of it stayed visible.

As I stepped back and appraised the scene, I had a fucking raging erection and I took in the state my room was in.

It was exactly as I imagined in my mind.

I added to the room my worn clothes, but I made the brand was visible and a maroon shirt was thrown to the mix

Then I started taking pictures.

After I’m done with the pictures, I took a video.

A video of a perspective of someone entering the room, taking an overall look before pointing the camera to the clothes on the floor.

After I was satisfied with the video I had, i checked the time and it was about 9.15pm.

I quickly packed up the room and got changed before heading over to Selene’s room.

I had a spare copy of her key card so I just did a brief knock before opening the door.

Selene : Oei… close the door James!

I realised Selene was just wearing the large sleep shirt and nothing else.

She was bent over the bed trying to remove the plastic tags from the lingerie I bought.

Selene : Do you have a scissors ?

I went over and felt an instant hardon as I took over the bra from Selene.

She had a look of horrific embarrassment as she quickly turned away as I brought the bra up to my mouth and used my teeth to bite off the tag before passing it over to her.

Selene : Erm… don’t need la James… ermm.. it’s ok..

James : What ? You going to wear this with the tag ?

I’ve never seen Selene so embarrassed before but I could understand.

Imagine having a colleague you are travelling with biting the tag off your new lingerie purchases, my only wish was to be able to bite them off when she was wearing them.

I did the same for her undies before passing it to her.

She held on to them , turned and for a second did not know where to go before she head back into the bathroom.

I helped her get the rest of the tags off including the pyjama shorts.

I took a sniff and it smelled new and unworn. In that instance I wished I was just that pair of shorts, to be able to plaster myself close and tight to her warm pussy. Perhaps feel the rub of her new undies on my back as well.

I took a seat by the window and waited for Selene to come out.

She emerged a moment later and took the pair of shorts.

She did not go back into the bathroom to slip them on, her top was long enough to cover her modesty.

She tied up the loose bottom of the t-shirt into a knot and grabbed her wallet and phone.

James : Let’s just have a quick dinner and come back and rest.

She nodded.

Inside the lift, she wanted to thanked me but was cut off when another group entered the lift 2 floors below us.

Selene : Erm. James… thanks for everything. I know it must ……

We did not speak again until we got to the ground floor.

I did not know if it was the fresh shower and the cooling evening breeze but Selene started sneezing when we left the hotel.


We had a quick and light dinner opposite the hotel before we went back to the room at around 10pm.

By the time we entered the hotel, her sneezing caused her nose to get a little puffy and runny.

I walked Selene to her room and opened the door for her, I had no intention of returning the spare Keycard. I wanted to have access anytime through the night and she made no attempt to ask me for it.

James : Do you need to wash up again ?

She shook her head and went to the bed.

I boiled some water and told her I’ll be right back before I went over to my room.

I got my flu medicine which I had prepared and went back.

I mixed the boiled water with those from the bottle and passed Selene a cup of lukewarm water.

I started with her medicine and she just sat silently on the bed with her hands around the cup.

I passed her 1 tablet, she did not even ask what was it and just took it with a sip of water.

Still I told her that I’ve got her some flu meds which might make her drowsy but she did not even bat an eyelid and took it anyway.

I checked the time and told her that she needs another dose in the morning and I’ll wake her up.

I dimmed the lights and Selene tucked herself into bed.

James : Will you be ok alone ?

She nodded with watery and sleepy eyes.

James : I’ll come in and check on you later

She did not reply.

I went to wash up the cup, and left the room.

The moment I got back to my room, I stripped myself off and I put Selene’s bra over 1 of the pillow, making it seemed like it was being worn.

I helped the pillow put the soiled undies on too as I imagined Selene was wearing them.

I bent and lowered my head, hovering close to the spot where the pair of lucky undies came in contact with Selene’s love hole.

The essence, the sweat and her lovely nectar adequately caked the piece of fabric.

I could not describe the smell, I could smell a little sweetness, like fresh maple syrup yet that was a comforting smell of stale sweat. Then there was a strong womanly smell that sent more blood to my manhood.

I nudged, licked and kissed that piece of soiled panty, stroking myself faster and faster.

I took Selene’s pants and sniffed every inch, and I plastered my sick perverted face onto her tube top as I increased my intensity of my stroking.

I imagined Selene doing it for me, asking me if I liked her worn clothes.

She would cooed softly beside my ears, asking if I like to smell her worn undies.

James : Yes… yes… I like them..

It was a sudden submissive streak but it turned me on.

I started to have images of Selene sitting on her chair, crossing her legs with her heels dangling at the end. She would stroke my erected dick with her dangling heel, she would demand I suck and stuff her worn sweat stained underwear she had worn for 2 days into my mouth.

I replicated that exact scenario, sucking and stuffing my mouth full of her most private of clothing article.

It was then I realised I must have conjured too sick a scenario and I came , shooting uncontrollably onto her bra cup as I struggled to breath and moan with my panty filled mouth.

I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted yet unwilling to spit out my prized possession.

I must have soak Selene’s panty with my saliva and swallowed the filter bodily fluids 3 times before I recovered.


I took more pictures of the cum stained bra before I had another shower.

I manually washed and cleaned all of Selene’s clothes before hanging them up.
I used a hairdryer and positioned it such that it could dry the clothes and left it alone.

I did some work till 12.30am.

That was when I decided to go check on Selene.

I slipped on my shoes and left my room with the condom wrapper and tissues in my pocket.


I was quiet, very quiet. I paused outside her door and slowly inserted the key card.

When I saw the comforting green light, I slowly opened the door and entered the room.

Now previously I had dimmed the lights but I left the one at the entrance on. It was so that I could at least see Selene when I entered.

Although the room lights were dim, it was dark enough for Selene to sleep yet still allowed ample light for me to see her body being turned away from the entrance.

I closed the door as quietly as I could and tiptoed into the room.

I thanked my luck stars when I saw the position Selene was in.

She was turned towards the window and with the curtains drawn, there would be no reflections of me.

To sweeten the deal even more, she had a pillow over her head.

I creep slowly over to the bed and took Selene’s phone.

She left it right by her side and it was sitting precariously behind her, her body causing a slight gradient on the soft bed and it seemed like it was going to slip down the gentle slope.
Old 14-02-2014, 01:55 PM
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Re: Fifteen

If she turned onto her back, she might just lie on it.

I unlocked it realised she was texting Aaron before she slept, the usual goodnight, miss you blab la bla, I closed the message and copied Aaron’s phone number.

I got his email and address as well from the contact list.

I scrolled and read through more messages, every once in a while turning my head and keeping an eye on Selene.

After what seemed like 5 minutes, I checked the battery level and realised that it was left with probably 20%.

I turned on a few apps and activated the camera and left it at the original spot, letting the battery drain itself out.

Then very slowly and quietly, I lowered my pants.

My heart was thumping and I could almost feel my ribcage being slammed open.

Once I got my pants off, I started with my boxers.

In a matter of seconds, I was left with a dangling erection and I was shaking with excitement.

I placed the boxers on the bed and positioned myself in such a way that I could take a picture with Selene , my boxers and the tip of my dick in the frame.

I quickly snapped a few shots and got dressed.

I took pictures of everything, you’ll never know when it would come in handy.

I snapped Selene’s tote bag, her laptop, the room, her heels, her flip flops, everything.

Even the new lingerie I bought for her that was still unworn.

I took a picture of my shoes arranged neatly beside Selene’s heels and flip flops.

And I added to my gallery a picture of Selene’s bag with the tissue and exposed condom on the table.

I left her room quietly at around 12.55am

I dropped Beng Soon an email asking for a favour.

I sent him a few pictures, naming the jpegs the name of the shop i bought them at.

A pair of boxers from hush puppies. A work pants of a particular brand, a shirt of a particular make and colour, and a pair of shoes from a local chain.

James email ;

Dear Beng Soon,

Please find attached some articles of clothings.

Can you get them in your size and keep them aside for future use ?


Old 14-02-2014, 02:10 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Happy weekend TS!
Old 14-02-2014, 02:35 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Becoz of 1 cidney, beng soon now comes in handy too! Waiting to read your new sick plot.

Yes, it's sick...but i like it
Give me a minute, I'm good. I have an hour, I'm great. Give me months, I'm invincible!

Zap me if you wish but be a MAN and leave your nick, don't be a wussy and hide behind like a pussy.
Old 14-02-2014, 10:17 PM
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Re: Fifteen

TS, can't wait to see Selene begging James for his rod. keep going!
Old 14-02-2014, 10:48 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post

There was a Chinese saying, 万事具备,只欠东风

I just needed the East Wind from Selene.

And the East Wind would come on the 7th March 2012

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
Then Selene suddenly reached out and held on to my right wrist, I could feel her squeezing a little hard as her eyes widened.

Then her right hand went to her mouth before I heard the sickening sound .

Selene : Ooot…ppoohh..

Instinctively I stood up but not before Selene puked out her dinner over me and herself.

The smell immediately flooded the room and it must have triggered another reaction as she rushed to the bathroom.

That's a very potent "East Wind"

Camping for more, especially with Beng Soon's involvement
Old 14-02-2014, 11:39 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Cant wait for the next installment !!! When the Wants is great, the mind set in motion
Please leave your nick so I may return your upz
Old 15-02-2014, 01:57 AM
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Re: Fifteen

Beng soon is the east wind??
Old 15-02-2014, 08:51 AM
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Re: Fifteen

I had been a silent reader since I had registered so many years ago.. This story is just fascinating.. Keep it up, TS!!
Old 15-02-2014, 12:58 PM
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Re: Fifteen

Thanks TS. The plot has thicken...
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