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Old 08-08-2011, 01:05 AM
jenquai jenquai is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

haha thanks bro, but does bros here have reliable mamasan numbers to recommend ? Would appreciate it a lot !
Old 08-08-2011, 10:17 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
With the way u go around asking, knn, even have special they will not give u. They have mention that wind is big, process with care. U still goes around asking. Damn.

Some more bros in here reply ur asking of spa just becos u lazy to read thru the thread. Instead of checking if u have been to the correct spa or they have given u something not up to ur standard. Even if not up to ur standard, a thank you will be very much appreciated. what more do u want.

But look here, u came in here kpkb. What u trying to prove. So what u have a power 9 old time cheongtser. U behave just like a fucking newbie waiting to be spoon feed. What a shame.
If you bother to read my posts carefully, I stated that I had no time to go thru thu the all the posts. And I asked for an upmarket spa recommendation, keeping in mind even if no happy ending was offered, at least a decent back rub or foot massage would have been available. And an nice enviornment. I did go to the right spa, correct address and correct hotel name. But of course you are not aware of the PMs that were given to me. So please do not KPCB yourself when you were not involved in the process.
I voiced out my displeasure at the poor state of the spa, and wrong info given. Also for the benefit of the other bros who may read the posts and jump in too. Given that I am more senior here , they may actually believe the information to be 100% correct. Much time and face was lost to visit this descrepit spa. I trusted another samster here and was put to pain. Since he gave the info out on the forum, I gave the feedback to him and to forum as was appropriate. For everyone's benefit.
If my tone has seemed high handed, my apologies. I relied on this forum's and the samsters here for information when I need it.

Old 08-08-2011, 10:50 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by lover8boy View Post
If my tone has seemed high handed, my apologies. I relied on this forum's and the samsters here for information when I need it.


A samster here has PMed me to clarify my post above. Let me clarify my last few sentences. My apology is offered to other samsters of this thread who may have felt my tone was too high handed in asking for recommendations. I did ask for recommendations to be PMed to me if it was more convenient. Since I receive a recommendation from a post, it was only correct I also gave feedback through the forum.
However, my apology is not directed to Prcsytlover. Seems you are the only one who KPKB over this issue.

Old 09-08-2011, 11:25 AM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by lover8boy View Post
A samster here has PMed me to clarify my post above. Let me clarify my last few sentences. My apology is offered to other samsters of this thread who may have felt my tone was too high handed in asking for recommendations. I did ask for recommendations to be PMed to me if it was more convenient. Since I receive a recommendation from a post, it was only correct I also gave feedback through the forum.
However, my apology is not directed to Prcsytlover. Seems you are the only one who KPKB over this issue.

I have no need of ur apology.

I have seen ur post to know that u have no time to go thru the post. But is it our problem that u have no time. if u lazy to fish, be prepare to starve. Be greatful if someone give u food, even if it's not a fish u ask for.

U ask for a favor to be given to u, some kind soul bother to help out. Instead of saying thank you, what did u do.. U post ur displeasure at the poor bro which bother to help...

If u direct ur unhappiness towards the joint, I can understand.. Since they do not give u what u expect.. But not at the person who bother to give u info. Be remind that he/she is not a OKT. He/she dun earn from helping..

Do not bite the hand which is feeding u. If a dog knows that, not to say a 9point seamster like u..

So u get the point I'm driving thru..

Well I guess not..
Old 09-08-2011, 11:28 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by lover8boy View Post
A samster here has PMed me to clarify my post above. Let me clarify my last few sentences. My apology is offered to other samsters of this thread who may have felt my tone was too high handed in asking for recommendations. I did ask for recommendations to be PMed to me if it was more convenient. Since I receive a recommendation from a post, it was only correct I also gave feedback through the forum.
However, my apology is not directed to Prcsytlover. Seems you are the only one who KPKB over this issue.

It's the attitube that u display which is forcing a lot of helpful bros in here from sharing..

Give info also kana fxxk upside down.. Then why bother to help in the 1st place..

Old 10-08-2011, 01:17 AM
davidona davidona is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

i think i know the shop. have to go up stairs. Went there a couple of years back. first time in those kind of shop. total 8 gals walked into my room!!! asked for up to a total of almost 5k rmb. i told them no such luck. i know that i only got at most 2 or 3 shots max even if they allowed it. From the way they talked, I guessed there was not going to be a chance for my didi to enter any hole. i managed to keep the total bill to 1500 (I know kena ripped liao). so i made sure i make them take off clothes (some were just squatting against the wall not doing anything). squeeze the nips, dig under their panties and poke them. finally tahan and at the right moment, shot it at one of the girl's face. that was worth it at least. it hit her on the upper lip and perhaps some went into the mouth...just my guess. walked off telling myself never to enter such shops again. expensive lesson.
Old 10-08-2011, 03:38 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by sexandzen View Post
Dear Brothers,

Here is the mamasan's number: 13552885100.
Nice FR, bro. This number belongs to Lily. It has been quite some time I've not been to Beijing...really miss her gals. Good to know that she has a sweet young thing. Must remember to check her out in my next trip

Ever since I reached puberty, my taste for women has not changed.. Their average age is always 20.
Old 12-08-2011, 08:05 AM
sexwstrangers sexwstrangers is offline
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Fuck Report from Maggies

Picked up this one from Maggies. Not in town for much longer, so move fast. This one is definitely worth it.

Name: Indra
Ethnicity: Mongolian
Age: 24, but can't remember exactly
Speech: Very strangely sexy accent, fun to chat or joke with during and after sex. Good English
Look: 8.5/10, my type anyway. Bleached and curly hair so quite different. Almost looks like some 1980's whore Nice Also very cute.
Height: about 5-4, 163
Body: 8/10, thin, amazing legs, great tight shaved pussy. Probably a 9/10 for me in the low light (not a 10 due to A cups). Lights too low see if she had pregnancy or birth scars. Claimed to have a 2 year old child.
Skin: Seemed great. Could not see or feel scars, but see above.
Boobs: A cups, not entirely firm, but very acceptable.
Frenching: Yes yes yes!!! Non-stop, very good. She initiated.
Fingering/DATY: Let me do anything I wanted and got into anything I wanted. Thumb went in her ass for a long time as we doggied. It seemed way too tight for cock though so I didn't try!
BBBJ: Yes. Did not try for CIM.
Fucking: 10/10. Let me do whatever I wanted. Very responsive. We just clicked. Probably 3rd best fuck of my life. Will remember this for long long time.
GFE: 10/10. This was all about the GFE. Better than many of my GF's in many ways actually.
Damage: RMB 2500 for LT, managed 4 pops. Could not negotiate her down. My fault. Her looks were so different I clearly telegraphed my interested for a good half hour before I moved in to chat at the bar. And she could tell I was completely uninterested in the Chinese FLs around me. A bit high but really it was worth it for the experience I had with her. Compared to a recent 500 HKD sauna fuck, yah this was really more than 5x better.

Someone said Maggies does not let Chinese FL in. Seems completely wrong to me.

If you tap her or have already tapped her, let me know how it went for you.
Old 12-08-2011, 08:13 AM
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Re: Transportation around Maggies (getting back to the hotel)

Originally Posted by sexwstrangers View Post
Thinking of checking out Maggies in the next couple of weeks. It seems to be in a very quiet area. Are there lots of taxis at all hours the night, waiting to take the punters and their game back to hotels? Are we expected to have a walkable hotel close by?

Thx mates. If I get this all lined up then I'll write a FR for you all.
FR posted for your reading pleasure.

Answer to my own question - its definitely a quiet area and seems like you could have problems getting a taxi. There was one when I left but that's all I needed Arrived at 11, left around 1:30. It was a bit early to show up but first time so mistakes happen. Full of white guys and full of seems-like-teenage-gangstas with their 18 year old hoes. Oh -- and hookers too. They show up a bit later.
Old 12-08-2011, 11:19 AM
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Re: Transportation around Maggies (getting back to the hotel)

Originally Posted by sexwstrangers View Post
Arrived at 11, left around 1:30. It was a bit early to show up but first time so mistakes happen. Full of white guys and full of seems-like-teenage-gangstas with their 18 year old hoes. Oh -- and hookers too. They show up a bit later.
hmm, what time do you reckon would be the best to visit maggies?
do can you play with the 18 year old hoes too or are they off limits?
Old 12-08-2011, 09:01 PM
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Re: Fuck Report from Maggies

Originally Posted by sexwstrangers View Post
Picked up this one from Maggies. Not in town for much longer, so move fast. This one is definitely worth it.

Name: Indra
Ethnicity: Mongolian
If you tap her or have already tapped her, let me know how it went for you.
Aiyo... you better censor that word la... otherwise Jibby will start to 'explode' again.... then Roastpork will get angry - then another mongolian "disappear"..... ala KABOOM!!
Old 13-08-2011, 06:53 AM
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Re: Transportation around Maggies (getting back to the hotel)

Originally Posted by markeus View Post
hmm, what time do you reckon would be the best to visit maggies?
do can you play with the 18 year old hoes too or are they off limits?
Probably show up after midnight, or even closer to 1:00. Tried to dig a bit about this place before I went and some people said it picks up around 1:00. Seems about right.

For your other question ... yah, the 18 year old hoes looked incredibly tasty. But consider this. Everyone knows what Maggie's Bar is all about -- foreigners picking up hookers. It is in the CBD and near all the embassies. The only other women customers there were with their men and they appeared to be trying to score a 3some or were after some kind of fun not normally condoned by society, not sure exactly what . So, when a group of young Chinese guys dressed a little too hip enter a bar with this reputation and with western prices and sit down at a table with 'reserved' signs ... and they enter with a bunch of hot young chicks, I thinks 'hands off' might be the best policy unless you really really really know what is going on. Who brings their own bagged lunch to a buffet? Very strange, so I dunno what's going on, so hands off.
Old 13-08-2011, 07:02 AM
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Re: Fuck Report from Maggies

Originally Posted by Flyjacket View Post
Aiyo... you better censor that word la... otherwise Jibby will start to 'explode' again.... then Roastpork will get angry - then another mongolian "disappear"..... ala KABOOM!!
Um, I new here, so I'm not really sure what you mean. She's hot and I don't really care where she or her parents are from, so long as her parents made her a pretty sexy little thing. Ha ha
Old 15-08-2011, 02:41 PM
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Re: Transportation around Maggies (getting back to the hotel)

Originally Posted by sexwstrangers View Post
For your other question ... yah, the 18 year old hoes looked incredibly tasty. But consider this. Everyone knows what Maggie's Bar is all about -- foreigners picking up hookers. It is in the CBD and near all the embassies....
thanks man, i've get it - better dun play play.
btw, I'm foreigner chinese, not a caucasian. sounds like chances of us scoring is tougher unless we show some cash?
Old 16-08-2011, 03:10 AM
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Beijing trip

Fellow brudders - will be in BJ this Thurs to Sat. Anyone want to hang out or go check out some karaokes? Will be good to go out together since I have never met the BJ big brothers!!

PM me.
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