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Old 15-03-2012, 05:54 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Went to Pink Panther Massage that was on Sukhumvit Soi24/1. Never been here before. Did tried out Mango, Angel, Teen, Teen 2, DreamHeavens, Pink and a few oil massage places near Phrom Pheng BTS but all the deco sucked to hell.

Nice interior in the lobby. No dirty, sagging sofas, etc in the lobby where the lady gave me a menu and it was 2,300 for full service. Why not 2,100 THB as in the other massage places ?. i asked her and she reduced 2,300 to 2,100 for me. Ohhh, got a discount !!!.

She showed me the ladies, only got 8 there. A few did not come in yet and i picked one up. Room was well decorated, very attractive small room with clean shower. Oil massage was okay followed by sex. She was a good BBBJ sucker and the rest was history. The toilet outside the rooms was clean with hi tech gadgets for cleaning your bottom. Nice decorated place if you are sick of the other run down massage places.

Went again to SC and sat outside on the patio in Baccara. It was very hot. Can see ladies faning themselves with paper fans. Drank my bottle of Chang beer and watched the surroundings. The Baccara hostress were outside and one ugly lady with enormous tits gestured towards me and wanna sit with me. Mai aw khun, khun mai suay khap. I exclaimed to her in Thai. Please, lah. Let me have my beer in peace in this hot weather. She looked very displeased at me while the other hostress laughed at my blunt comment. Two more very pretty hostress that were standing in front of me.....grinned. One of them asked me where i come from and why i spoke in Thai. I lied and said i am Thai which she did not believed at all. She asked me again. I said i am Thai. Again, she no believed me. Then i told her that i am from Surat Thani. They both laughed and smiled liked crazy. Chemistry broken between us.

They came and sat with me and we all had some drinks. They asked me why i did no go inside. I told them that when Baccara was a single bar, i was here. And i have seen all the puyings and shows inside and in many bars in Soi Cowboy for the past 10 years. Now, they knew that i am not a tourist nor a newbie in Soi Cowboy. They get 55THB from a ladydrink. One could get drunk on Vodka and whisky easily. The other preferred whisky but get drunk on tequila. Good......i played around with their ladydrinks and tried to give them what they do not wanna drink. We had some good fights switching the drinks around. I wiped my sweat from my face with both hands and smeared my sweat on their black dress. And that got both of them.........very excited to avoid my sweaty hands. But they were smiling......always. Good.......they were playable !!!. And that was what i aimed to looked for.

One used a paper fan to cool me down, the other went frisky with me with itchy hands. I told the one faning me to throw away the fan and to use her black skirts to fan and to cool me down. That made everyone laughed crazily. One worked here for 1 month, the other was a newbie in Baccara for 1 week. I took that with some salt !!!.

We cooled down in the very crowded bar........went upstairs and positioned our selves in the bar. Can see that the bar ladies really poured tequila directly from the bottle inside the small glasses. No tequila with diluted shit inside the shot glasses. And the whisky was very strong.

One lady went away and when she came back, she was not happy with the older yipun as she no liked him. And wanna stay with me. The other one stayed with me all the time. Anyway, barfined the hostress that was with me for ST. The other sweet hostress was unlucky. But i liked to bonk both !!!. It was a good fuck in my hotel and accompanied her to the road to hailed down a taxi for her to go back to Baccara. No LT as got early morning flight to Sink A Bore.

Last edited by Yokosi; 15-03-2012 at 06:07 PM. Reason: typo
Old 15-03-2012, 09:54 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post
But i liked to bonk both !!!. It was a good fuck in my hotel and accompanied her to the road to hailed down a taxi for her to go back to Baccara. No LT as got early morning flight to Sink A Bore.
Bro, you should have gotten on the cab with her back to SC to ST the other hostress! Great read.
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Old 16-03-2012, 07:01 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post
Was in beer bar pub in the afternoon, it was the second one after the first, name of Stumble Inn near NEP. Had 2 Changs there at THB 65 each. Okay, i do not usually go to beer bars but gave this one a try.

Disturbed a lady, disturbed her again and again and again until cashier got a bit mad. Lady Rose from Chiangrai, worked 5 yrs in Phuket, 2 yrs in Pattaya and can speak Cantonese said that cannot call lady do this, do that without a ladydrink. A simple orange costed THB120 while she gets THB50. Very pheng mak mak for a beer bar shop !!!.

LT was THB5000, ST was THB2500. Yeah !. Reason was that it was 2pm. Negiotated with her and she dropped it to THB4000. And i asked her how many times that i can fuck her for THB4000 and barfine of THB600. As many times as you can, she said. Sure can because i was opposite the road in a pharmacy and purchased genuine sex drugs. Grinned at her and said can but gave her a miss later.

Damn !. Even beer bars shops in expensive, loh !!!. Better stick to the oil massage places and cheaper arp nams such as Hi-Class !!!.
Wow,even beer bar lady are quoting ridiculous price to a season cheongster like u.thought they smell a newbie a yard away?

What did u do that untill the counter girl also get piss?lol
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Old 16-03-2012, 09:01 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
Wow,even beer bar lady are quoting ridiculous price to a season cheongster like u.thought they smell a newbie a yard away?

What did u do that untill the counter girl also get piss?lol
They thought that i was Yipun, dressed up well, carried a backpack, and newbie Yipun and quoted a mad price of THB5000 for LT because it was 2pm.

Counter beer bar girl never got pissed with me ,me only pissed off the counter serving staff and cashier.

1) Called lady to wipe my table, i did not say anything. Just used my hand and did a wiping motion on the table.She went to the bar to get a wet cloth and came back and did that and went away to her seat.
2) Called her again for an ash tray, she gave me the tray, i said " arigato " and she went back to her seat.
3) I again called her to turn on the fan above me. She walked to fan to do that and went back to her stool.
4) Called her again to order a Chang beer, counter beer lady came and took my order.
5) Called her again as table was shaky. She came and stuck 10 baht coin under the table to keep the table more steady.
6) Then, call her again and ask her some questions and she came but counter staff put on unhappy faces and grumbled a lot in Thai. And the beer lady lost her smile immediately. Lady came and said that i disturbed her so many times to do this and that and the other staff were unhappy as i no buy her a drink. And only with a lady drink, will the girl sits with a customer.

And i took that with a glass full of salt as a few years ago, i also sat in the other beer shop and ate fried chicken from a hawker stall that was doing business in front of that shop. And had a beer without buying a lady drink to the girl who did keep me company for a while.

7) Okay, lah. She then took a lady drink and went back to the bar to get her juice.

Then i spoke in Thai and caught her off guard when she said that it was 5000THB for LT. I said " Ha phang baht, nii pheng maak maak, phom mai aw leh ! " Then she asked me if i am Yipun with darken skin that can speak pasa Thai. I said no to Yipun, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Singapore and got her a bit puzzled on my origins and we negiotated the price and she immediately reduced the price to 4000THB for LT. 4000THB for fucking a battle hardened pussy ?. NO WAY, BRO !!!.

Last edited by Yokosi; 16-03-2012 at 09:22 PM.
Old 17-03-2012, 02:06 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by needforboobs View Post
bro soopafly, next time you LT juz tell the ger you want good morning bangkok wake up call at 6am then confirm can experience le!

i am veri inexperience oso in this LT business, so far try 2 only, agree that it hard to spot the good ones on stage..have to go by gut feelings. and the 2nd one left me with veri mixed feelings. she was a lamb in bed, and left quickly in the morning (cannot blame her coz i have flight to catch oso), and seemed just a bit distant. but bo bian, i find her veri attractive
Bro NFB,

"Good Morning Bangkok" wake up call sounds awesome; though I prefer she does it on her own Maybe I should look up your girl at RB2, hehehe...

A while back I BF'ed a nice spinner from RB2, small frame with big natural nene. The service was a little bit mechanical, but it was no problem at all. Her innocent face and nice nene more than made up for the rest. She was also nice and tight, and that was good enough for me!!!
Old 17-03-2012, 11:17 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Soopafly View Post
Bro NFB,

"Good Morning Bangkok" wake up call sounds awesome; though I prefer she does it on her own Maybe I should look up your girl at RB2, hehehe...

A while back I BF'ed a nice spinner from RB2, small frame with big natural nene. The service was a little bit mechanical, but it was no problem at all. Her innocent face and nice nene more than made up for the rest. She was also nice and tight, and that was good enough for me!!!

bro you can go check out the stock at RB2, the girl i BF is name Pan or Pon. # is forget le...but i got hp if you really want can pm me.

what # was your spinner from RB2? i remember there is a #4, tall ger, good looking like japanese kawaii type long curls, donch know if she good to look AND good to eat or not...
Old 17-03-2012, 10:29 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

wow... interesting thread u guys got here! will definitely come here to get some good contacts.if.i plan a Bangkok trip!!!
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Old 17-03-2012, 11:21 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by CptCum View Post
wow... interesting thread u guys got here! will definitely come here to get some good contacts.if.i plan a Bangkok trip!!!
Where have you been bro? You must have been partying somewhere else Welcome to the Land of Smile
Old 19-03-2012, 01:14 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Just sharing my experience of going spanky's 4 times (4 different trips) >_<

My main point is to try the girls at the doors ushering u in as most often they are the new comers and havent move up to working at the bar tops, which means still fresh! Since they are new, they are willing to give you good service if you pick them up (or maybe I was just lucky)

The first time I went there ofcrs noob, just that my friend (who didnt follow but went b4) recommend me go Spanky's at Nana or Soi Cowboi, but i went Nana. So when I reached spanky's, sat on the right under the fan damn cold coz i went there in berms and tshirt. Wah buay tahan but must control coz cannot shiver when seeing girls naked! hahaa.. after 2 visits I went to sit on the left because lesser fans there.
Anyway I just enjoyed the show and chatted with the angmohs who came in and left. After staying there for 3 hrs and drank 5 bottles of chang already ( good thing i wasnt drunk ) the door girl ask if she can sit beside me. Of course lady drinks SOP but the moment she sit beside me she already treat me like bf. talked with me and explained about how things go on and if there's any girl that caught my attention. After finishing up my drink i told her i'd prefer her instead and we left for my hotel.
Not going into details of FJ but can say that since she is new, willing to try alot to please =)

The next few times I went there, she was already dancing on top, can see more chatty and not so shy anymore haha! and when i went there, once didnt get any girl and another time get another girl, she still still beside me and talk to me n autoroam me, despite knowing tt i might not bring her back. So i like to share tip with bros, try chatting up the door girls if u don't see anything u like inside
Old 20-03-2012, 09:35 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by burgerboy View Post
Just sharing my experience of going spanky's 4 times (4 different trips) >_<


So i like to share tip with bros, try chatting up the door girls if u don't see anything u like inside
I also like to share my tip: if you don't see anything you like inside, gtfo and go to the next bar!
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Old 20-03-2012, 10:21 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by burgerboy View Post
Just sharing my experience of going spanky's 4 times ...... So i like to share tip with bros, try chatting up the door girls if u don't see anything u like inside
Your chat up with the door girls...........your tip very good !.

My chat up with Cher, #1 mamasan who i know years ago in Soi much more better !.

Her recommendation much better than the door girls, recommended me one tall, sweet , new puying with big tits but too shy to take off her bikinis when dancing. She ......very good body.....very feminine. There are 4 mamasans there and do you know how Cher looks like ???. She has the body of a pregnant cow. Please look for a pregnant cow in Spanky's in your next trip

Yes, to the right of Spanky's is much colder.

To the left with a enclosed shower is much warmer as can see naked puying showering .

Immediately to your left after the entrance is the place where the puyings sit when they are not dancing on the stage. Its below the DJ station where there is a pole bar with a small round table and high stools next to it.

Better you sit here than on the left or right of Spanky's. When its crowded in the bar, i sat here and you have too many puyings come to you to sit on your lap ( without you asking or you paying an LD !!! ). And some without bikinis. Please make sure that your hands do not wander to elsewhere. And some puyings do not mind if you raba them more forcefully

Last edited by Yokosi; 20-03-2012 at 10:32 AM.
Old 20-03-2012, 11:13 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Pii Yokosi, many thanks for your beer the other night and is good to see you again. Last week you're here and now you're there like a airplane pilot sia chok-dee!
Old 20-03-2012, 12:28 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by mikemike View Post
Pii Yokosi, many thanks for your beer the other night and is good to see you again. Last week you're here and now you're there like a airplane pilot sia chok-dee!
Good to meet up with you and the others.

Btw, in Sink A Bore again tomorrow 21/3 and leaving on 24/3. But would not be free during the night of 21/3.
Old 20-03-2012, 12:54 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post
Good to meet up with you and the others.

Btw, in Sink A Bore again tomorrow 21/3 and leaving on 24/3. But would not be free during the night of 21/3.
Krap phom, do give us a buzz when you'll free in the evening.
Old 21-03-2012, 02:14 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by luckylurker View Post
I also like to share my tip: if you don't see anything you like inside, gtfo and go to the next bar!
lol what i meant was, the door girl was a better catch on that day that i went, just that I didnt notice her when first go in.. when i was gtfo then saw! =p
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