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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I took another sip of my beer. The temperature was getting higher.
Me: So seriously, are you a pimp? If not, why introduce me to Laura and Cherry? M: They are my nieces. Me: What? M: Yep. They are staying with my family till they graduate. Me: And you allow them to work at a place like this? M: Why not? Me: And dress provocatively? M: Well, if they can pull it off, why not? They're quite hot right? Me: Right. What about their after-work activities? M: They're almost adults. And besides, do you think their income as waitresses is enough for their school fees and living expenses? Me: Well... M: Take note that they don't have all the various grants and subsidies available to us. Me: Isn't it cheaper to study in the Philipines? M: Of course it is. But even with a degree over there, they'll only be staff nurses here. Besides, they intend to work here after graduation. Me: It's that bad? M: My cousin has a pharmcuetical degree back home, but she can hardly find a well paying job. She gets more as a pharmacuetical assistant here... Me: I see. M: I was the lucky one. My dad is a marine engineer, he managed to get a good job here and settle down. So I've been really lucky in that sense. Me: So you help them to find customers? M: You mean I've just explained everything to you and you went in a circle just to ask me the same question? Me: Well, you didn't answer the question. M: They're capable enough of finding their own customers. I'm not against it, but that doesn't mean I encourage it. As long as they know what they are doing. And it doesn't affect their studies. Me: Interesting... By now the beer was already gone and most of the other patrons were leaving. M: Do you want another round? Me: Are you trying to make me drunk? M: Do you get drunk that easily? Me: I don't think so... M: Ok then. Maryanne waved to Cherry who came over. She whispered something into her ear. Cherry looked at me and smiled, supressing a giggle. She left and came back shortly with two more jugs. Me: Woah. That's quite a bit don't you think? Cherry smiled at me. C: Tita says you are her friend. She ask me to ask you if you want chupa? Nice one. Now they were speaking to me in Tagalog. I could only assume the "Tita" was auntie or something, but what the fuck was "chupa"? I stared at Maryanne. She smiled back and said something to Cherry, who whispered in my ear. I kind of froze there for awhile. This cute, long-haired, 19 year old, bespectacled nursing student had just asked me if I wanted her to suck my cock. Of course I did not know how to reply in Tagalog. I pulled Cherry close and whispered into her ear. Cherry giggled and I swore she was blushing but she whispered the reply back. I turned to Maryanne. Me: Malaki ang susu mo. She laughed. Cherry whispered something else. Without thinking, I repeated it to Maryanne. Me: Lunukin mo ang tamod ko. Maryanne laughed harder. She turned to Cherry. M: You naughty girl. She turned to me. M: Ok. Magkantutan tayo. Crap. I was getting beaten at my own game. (Disclaimer: I never did, and still cannot, speak or understand Tagalog. This were roughly the words that were used that night. I got them from insults.net as I do not know how to spell them. But they should be accurate. Unless someone who speaks Tagalog can enlighten me.) |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
lee kong si mi ?
hmmm they were just makin a living I guess ... 1st generation F/T in SG |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Cherry whispered into my ear again, effectively translating the Tagalog
dialogue. I progressed from sipping the beer, to gulping it, and finished the entire mug in one mouthful. Laura appeared from no where and topped up my beer. M: Interested? Me: Erm. Maryanne said something else in Tagalog and the two skimpily dressed waitresses proceeded to sit on my lap, one on each side. I thought the bar stool was going to break. Cherry ran her hand along my thigh, stopping at my crotch. C: Tita, he's getting hard... M: That's good. So where do we go from here? Your place or ours? Me: I think I wanna go home. M: Oh, little boy can't take the heat? Me: On a different day, with different people, I'm sure three or four will not be enough. M: Oh really? I tried to act big. Me: Oh course! I could go three or four times a session with one girl, what makes you think I can't go once with three to four girls? M: Well, prove it then. Maryanne said something else to the cousins in Tagalog, and they nodded their approval. However, given my previous multiple partner sex session, I was pretty sure that it would not be so easy for them to agree on such an arrangement. I hoped I would be right and that they were just teasing me. Me: Nope. I've got nothing to prove. Besides, you're my boss, I shouldn't be sleeping with you. And they're students, if they get caught selling sex... M: What makes you think we're gonna charge you for it? L: Sometimes, if we like the guy, we do it for free! Now I was really stuck. Me: No no. This isn't right. I only agreed to drink with you. There's no mention of an orgy. C: But you want it? She traced the outline of my hardon through my jeans. Damn boxers. Me: Who wouldn't want an orgy with three hot girls? M: You want more then? I can easily get two to three more... Me: No.. That's not what I meant. M: Sometimes in life, when the opportunity presents itself, you either take it, or regret not taking it later... Me: I'll regret taking it in this case... M: Why? I thought you didn't have a girlfriend? Me: I don't. But I seriously don't feel like I'm up for this... M: If you're scared just say you're scared... C: We won't bite. Or maybe we will. Just a little. Me: You three have done this before? L: A few times. But not all the time with Tita around. Me: For money? C: Most of the time. Can earn a lot for just 2 hours work... Me: And you approve? M: Me? Like I said, they're old enough... Me: I mean now, the four of us. M: Why not? I like young guys- Me: Oh, so you're finally admitting it. M: There's nothing wrong with that... And besides, my two nieces are way hornier than me... Me: I can see that. But no. I'm not interested. L: You sure? We don't have morning classes tomorrow... And Tita ask us to make you feel good. Me: What did I do to deserve this? M: Take it as a good employee bonus? Me: So what do the girls get then? M: Oh I'm sure Francis takes care of that... Me: Talking about Francis, have you- M: Slept with him? Yup. That's why I prefer younger guys. The only thing big about him is his mouth... Me: What makes you think I'm well-endowed? Laura unzippd me and stuck her hand in. Me: Woah. Public place... C: Yeah, normally we do it in the toilet. Handjob $30, blowjob $50, Fuckjob depends... Laura pulled my semi-hard trouser snake out. Me: Shit! M: Looking good... I quickly stuffed it back in. Me: Ok. That's it. I'm leaving. Thanks for the drinks. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I grabbed my cigarettes and left the bar, walking fast in case one of them
stopped me. Perhaps I should have just agreed for the sake of it. After all, it was free sex. But the implications would probably be too much for me to handle. Firstly, Maryanne was my supervisor. It was already a little weird that I responded to her flirting, and now if I slept with her, what would others think? No doubt perhaps the others did sleep with her, and some of them were still working there, and the working relationship did not seem to be compromised, but I did not know if I could handle it. Furthermore, Maryanne was a decade older than me. While I had a high sex drive, and according to Tanya, I had an above-average sized cock, so pleasuring any lady should not be a problem, especially since Tanya had taught me most of the tricks of the trade. But still, an older lady probably would have different needs and wants, and I was not really prepared to be her toyboy. Still, I wondered what it would be like to fuck those lucious tits of hers, and assuming they were not enhanced, I would be in for a real treat. Then came the issue of her nieces. They were on student passes, and already working illegally, unless I was wrong about that. Furthermore, they were moonlighting as prostitutes, and I did not want to get implicated if they were caught, whether money was exchanged or not. Also, it would be a little distracting if they kept chatting in Tagalog. I would not know what exactly they would be saying and psychologically, my performance would be affected. Judging by how quickly they could whip my cock out in a public place, I was also a little worried about diseases. I also did not find out if they usually used protection, or did it raw for a higher price. Out of the shopping centre, I went round the corner and lit my cigarette, pondering the intelligence of my hasty exit. Barely five minutes later, Maryanne ambushed me. M: Hey. Why did you leave? Me: I can't take it. M: Well, your words certainly speak louder than your actions. Me: I don't think I want a foursome. M: Why not? Me: I don't know. Are they clean? M: And indirectly you're asking if I'm clean? Me: Yes. M: They are not stupid ok? Protection is a must. As for me, well, let's just say it's optional, depending on how much I like the guy. But I get tested every 6 months. Me: Proof? M: Wow, you're really kiasi. I don't have the proof. Me: Then I won't even consider sleeping with you. M: What makes you think your ex's were clean? Me: Well, they aren't whores, and I haven't caught anything from them. M: You haven't caught anything yet. And how do you know they did not engage in commercial sex? Did you ask? Me: Well, no. M: At least we are upfront about this. There's nothing to hide. Girls need to unwind after a hard days' work too. Me: And you unwind by having orgies? M: This can hardly be considered an orgy. There's not enough dicks to go around... Me: And you think mine is enough? M: Why not? You're young, fit, and obviously horny. Why else would your cock get hard at mere words? Me: She was touching me! M: And you didn't like it? Me: Of course I did. But it's different. M: We're all hot blooded girls here. We want a cock inside us now and then. If the cock comes attached to a nice body and cute face, it's an added bonus. Me: Erm. M: Well little boy, I'll leave it up to you. I'm going back to finish up the beer. You decide if you want any of us. Me: Ok. M: Spare me a stick? I shook my head and passed her a stick. She lit it and returned the box and lighter to me. M: Choose me ok? She winked at me and disappeared back into the shopping centre. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
goodness :P this is hot tabasco sauce !
lucky dude :P |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Somehow something made me go back.
Maybe it was the lack of sex for the few months that drove me back into the bar. Maybe I wanted a warm, wet mouth and tongue around my cock. A tight, pulsating pussy to engulf it. Soft tits to play with. Maryanne, Cherry and Laura were already waiting for me when I sat back down at the table. The further 2 jugs of beer were already empty, and another fresh jug was sitting there half-full. This lady certainly could drink. The nieces appeared to have knocked off, as they were sitting with Maryanne at the table, while the rest of the staff were busy clearing empty mugs and jugs and wiping the other tables. The music had already been muted to a more conversational level and half the lights were on. With better visibility, I now could fully appreciate how hot they actually were. Both Laura and Cherry were tanned, with seemingly flawless skin, and very little make up. In their tight outfits, I could detect little or no fats at all. Compared to Natalie and Nicole, whose bodies were already pretty good, these Pinoy chicks were hot. My mind wandered to the future where they would possibly be full-fedged nurses. The male patients would clamour for these two to give them sponge baths, and maybe a little extra. Was I gonna be a dumbass and pass up this golden opportunity? It was not as though I could not get girls, or maybe my standards were too high. Or maybe I was reluctant to stick my dick where many others had been before. M: So you're back... Me: Yeah. Maryanne waved to the bar and another two mugs of beer appeared at the table. Laura took the lead and poured me a fresh mug, while topping the others up. L: Drink. I wondered how much beer it would take before my judgement would be so severely impaired. Me: Are you trying to make me drunk? C: No. No. We just want to have a good time. Me: I don't need beer to have a good time. L: You need something extra? Maryanne shook her head disapprovingly. Me: What kind of extra? L: K. Or E. Me: What?! I don't do drugs... L: If you want, I can get. M: Laura. I warned you about this. L: Sorry Tita. Me: You know they take drugs? M: They did once or twice. Me: And you? M: Don't need it. Me: Young boys are your drug right? M: Yes. But I would recommend something to you. Me: What? M: Viagra. Me: I can get hard. M: Yeah, but can you stay hard? Me: Of course! M: Well, I can get some. Legally. If you need it... Me: I don't. I'm young and healthy. Just they way you like it. M: And yet you're still all talk and no action. Me: Would you rather I start grabbing your tits right now? Or bring these two to the toilet for some fun? C & L: Ok! Me: I was speaking hypothetically... M: You don't seem like a shy guy. But you sure are acting like one... Me: Sex should be private. Not out in the open... (Note: This was before I met Jenny, before the multi-storey carpark encounter...) L: Toilet is private. Me: But it's not clean. C: True. Me: How can you suck someone's cock in a cramped toilet cubicle? It doesn't sound very hygienic. L: We've done more than that. In the toilet. C: It's easy money. Me: Goodness. I'm sure there's better ways to make money. L: We are not like Tita. She's not poor. Back home, our families are large, we were lucky to come here to study. But we have to work to get money. Tita can only give us some money. But it's not enough. I was getting a little impressed with Maryanne. Other than lodging her nieces, she also gave them allowance. But realistically, money was never enough. So I guess that was why she did not mind them doing the things they did. Or maybe she did the same thing when she was younger. But that did not seem possible. Me: What if you get a STD or pregnant? Or worse still, get caught? C: We have to take our chances if we want to survive. I felt really bad. I really did not want to just fuck them without paying. If I actually decided to fuck them. Me: So how much do you charge? L: For you, free. You are Tita's friend. C: And you're cute. M: Alright girls. That's enough. Stop teasing him. Me: I don't feel good about this. They struggle to make a living. How can I sleep with them for free? M: You can pay them if you want. I'm free. Me: That's what I'm worried about. There must be a catch somewhere... M: Like what? I cut your pay and extend your shift hours? Me: I don't think that's under your control. M: Precisely. So what's the catch? Me: I don't know. M: Must you look at everything so narrow mindedly? Me: Nothing is free in life. M: I think you gotta learn to not think so much. Sex is sex. Sex with someone you love is making love. Sex with anyone else is just fucking. Me: Good point. M: You never paid for sex before so I guess you can't separate the emotions from the physical sensations. Would you rather feel good? Or feel loved? Me: I guess I would wanna feel loved. M: Young man, you'll never know what love is. I thought I knew what love was with Charmaine, but after everything that happened, I guess I was not so sure after all. Nothing happened with Nicole, so there was never any feelings of love. But Maryanne was right. Up to this point, I had never paid for commercial sex, and I did not know the difference. When I had urges, and no girls were around, my right or left hand provided the relief. I guess my life was about to change. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
And we can't wait to read about it!
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Nice writing as always thanks for updating
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Woah, bro you do know how to 'pause' your stories, always stopping at the climax. do continue.
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I do not know why I agreed. I had never paid for commercial sex before, and
yet I was about to. Maybe I felt bad that these two girls had to struggle to earn a living, and study part-time as well. Maybe I wanted to help them, but get something in return. Me: So how does this work? M: You take us, or me, or them, to a hotel room. Then you let us do whatever we want. Me: How about payment? M: You obviously don't have to pay me. As for them, it's up to you. I flashed back to the threesome with Nicole and Natalie. Could I handle a third girl? Would they be doing the same things? Did I really need viagra? Would I still be walking properly in the morning? Me: I don't think I can handle all three of you. Realistically speaking of course. M: That's disappointing. So who do you want? Me: Erm. My gaze swept from Laura, to Cherry, to Maryanne, and back. Maryanne obviously had the hottest body, Laura was cute and all that, but something was drawing me to Cherry. Perhaps it was her spectacles, and braces. Maybe I wanted to feel what a metal-mouthed blowjob would be like. Furthermore, she was the closest in age to me. Me: I'll take Cherry. M: And us? Me: I don't feel up for a three or foursome... Maryanne looked a little disappointed. M: You sure? Me: Yes. M: You want her the whole night? Or just one shot? Me: Erm. One shot? M: Ok, then we'll queue up behind her. Me: What? M: I think you can go more than once a night... Me: How is this different from a threesome? M: We'll watch from the side... Me: Are you kidding? Then I might as well take all of you.... M: Exactly my point. Me: You're crazy. M: Nope. Just horny. Me: Then get a few guys from here to satisfy you... M: Look around. Do you see anyone who fits my criteria? I scanned the remaining patrons in the bar. They were mostly middle-aged. Me: Shit. Don't be a cradle snatcher. M: You don't belong in a cradle. Me: Erm. Ok. So now what? M: Let's go! Me: All four of us? M: Yeah. It makes more sense for us to share a cab back later. Me: Which hotel is going to let the four of us in? M: There's a Hotel 81 and a Fragrance Hotel along Joo Chiat Road. Me: And they will let us book a room? M: You just have to pay extra. Me: You seriously want to do this? M: Yep. So now decide. Just Cherry or all of us? Me: I'll still choose just Cherry. M: I'll pay for the hotel. Me: Why are you so desperate? M: I haven't had young cock in awhile... Me: Shit. You're not a succubus right? M: I'm still human. Me: Argh. Ok. I've changed my mind. I'll go with you. Send Cherry and Laura home first. M: Seriously? Me: Yes. I need to get you off my back. Give you a good fucking then maybe you won't bother me anymore. M: Now that's rather silly. If you gave me a good fucking, I will just ask for more. I obviously was not thinking straight when I said it. Me: Crap. I pulled out a fifty from my wallet and passed it to Cherry. Me: Go home with Laura. I'll go with your Tita. Cherry was reluctant to take the cash but I practically shoved it down her bra. She gave me a long, lingering, wet kiss. C: Next time we do it, ok? Me: I guess. Laura gave me a peck on the cheek and she left with Cherry to get their stuff. I looked at Maryanne. Me: Ok you slutty sex demon whore let's go. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Hello TS??? Overseas training ar? Keep up your posting pls
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Hi all bros, I'm TS's cousin. He was involved in an accident and will be in hospital for awhile. He won't be posting any updates anytime soon. Thanks.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Omg!! Pls take care. Send our regards to your cousin!! Speedly recovery!!
The boy that you love is the man that you fear |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Oh shit...is it bad? Send him my regards please.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Oh... no wonder he disappear, wishing him a speedy recovery too...
Women sometimes asked silly questions coz they dun know what they want... |
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