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Old 16-01-2005, 02:53 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

sigh....i tink i go bcome nun le...dun seem to find the rite kind of guyz that like me...n not for xxx. i admit i m horny at time...but i dun like to be treated as onli for xxx. had thiz experience wif a guy he claimed to love me as a mei (or rather i tink he makin uze of me onli coz he noe i like him) n den had xx wif me.....den he never contact me only when he wantz it. i noe he workin he bz but i'll appreciate if he drop me a sms.
but he never...i come to the concluzion dat he wan me for x only
Old 16-01-2005, 04:27 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by uglyger
sigh....i tink i go bcome nun le...dun seem to find the rite kind of guyz that like me...n not for xxx. i admit i m horny at time...but i dun like to be treated as onli for xxx. had thiz experience wif a guy he claimed to love me as a mei (or rather i tink he makin uze of me onli coz he noe i like him) n den had xx wif me.....den he never contact me only when he wantz it. i noe he workin he bz but i'll appreciate if he drop me a sms.
but he never...i come to the concluzion dat he wan me for x only
I am guilty of what u have said when much younger. Very evil but bopian, i was damn horny. Now leh, older liao dun have the energy or time to sian girls so perharps also a good thing too.

Actually sianing girls need TCSS and time. When i am young and poor, i always find the energy to do that and often succeed despite no money. Now older liao, got money but no energy to do that. Except going for commercial sex or china, where the girls let u fuck happy happy because I foreigner and pay in either cash or presents.

Your case leh is like my younger sister(born 1978) so coincidence she confided in me early this morning, she know one guy who shagged her also but had not been calling her for 12 days liao. She liked him alot and i dun know why also. Perharps she find this chap different from others and is a real challenge. Sometimes girls would not appreciate guys who are good to them but still stick with the bad boys.

Well. just look forward u got no choice.
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 16-01-2005, 07:01 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by uglyger
i m disillusioned alreadi. For many guys their so called love = sex. dammit. seen thru it le. ask u guys one question...if u truly love a ger will u force her into hafin sex wif u? n if u love a ger n she doesn't wan sex will u guys look for other gers to fuk
if u remember wat i said, those love=sex guys are clever ppl. u r a stupid ger to believe they love u. but lan lan boh bian. dats finished liao. prettyuglyger (if not pretty, how come got so many ppl wana screw ur life up?), pick urself up n dun mop the floor. life is fucked up but life goes on. and there's lots of stupid ppl like us.

i'm a guy. i know if i love a ger i won't force her to do anything (including sex) if she dun want. i'll be patient and wait till marriage if that's wat she wants. but i also know i have needs. its instinct. the animal in u. the urge to copulate (aka fuck). if even after marriage, the ger i love dun wana make love (aka have sex but make love sound more "sweet"), den will depend on how strong an urge and how strong a brain this guy has (aka whether he think with big head or he think with dick head).

personally, i dun tink i very strong mentally. will probably find pro to release. i will feel guilty and sad. but lan lan boh bian. dick head rules. but will never let her know cause it will hurt her and make her sad also. because there is love. so two stupid ppl become sad. so dun be stupid. dun fall in love and u won't be sad

anyways, juz like guys make use of gers stupidity for sex, gers make use of guys stupidity to help them do or get things as well. too many stupid ppl in this world. one more time (yes, i'm nagging): don't be a stupid person. dun fall in love. i keep telling myself dat. keeps u from feeling pain. life is fucked up. i feel numb already. now trying to make myself clever and go fuck around. no point being nice guy. u dun get to enjoy. dats y guys who really love gers are disappearing. cause simply no point. and i tink dats why gers who really love guys will disappear soon also. simply get fucked and dumped. no point.

u can start becoming a clever ger also. know they will pressure u for sex. know u cannot withstand their pressure. so ask dem to get u all the stuff u want. den at least won't kana sai get fucked simply because u stupid love that guy. i know material gains won't replace the so called "love". but like i have repeated so many times. its stupid to juz rely on love. material gains are more solid. more ker kao. for all u know, that guy can be going around saying he got an easy pray who let him fuck for nothing. i'm sorry this sounds very vulgar. but i'm a guy and guys hear this kind of things which those clever ppl never tell the gers.

btw, got ur new vibrator? really surprised ppl can lose vibrator. not something u carry around all over the place and take out and lend ppl rite

Last edited by watmidoin; 16-01-2005 at 07:09 PM.
Old 16-01-2005, 08:12 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

dun talk bout the vibrator le...i need to go get one to replace it...havin been diying much nowadayz....welll if like dat i rather get guyz out of my life totalli n haf nothing to do wif em physically or emotionalli......muz develop a heart of stone
Old 16-01-2005, 08:21 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by uglyger
dun talk bout the vibrator le...i need to go get one to replace it...havin been diying much nowadayz....welll if like dat i rather get guyz out of my life totalli n haf nothing to do wif em physically or emotionalli......muz develop a heart of stone
Wat wrong with having man physically ?
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 16-01-2005, 08:23 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by uglyger
welll if like dat i rather get guyz out of my life totalli n haf nothing to do wif em physically or emotionalli......muz develop a heart of stone
trust me. it is not ez to have heart of stone. almost impossible even for a guy. somemore (stereotype abit) gers are supposed to be more emotional

Originally Posted by watmidoin
u can start becoming a clever ger also. know they will pressure u for sex. know u cannot withstand their pressure. so ask dem to get u all the stuff u want.
on hindsight, wana correct myself. this is not good advice. only pros give sex for money n gifts. i hv no wish to turn anyone into a pro. but i'm sure u can think of some other things that the guy must make effort to do in order to get wat he wants (if ur heart of stone turn into water again )
Old 16-01-2005, 08:30 PM
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Angry Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by watmidoin
trust me. it is not ez to have heart of stone. almost impossible even for a guy. somemore (stereotype abit) gers are supposed to be more emotional

on hindsight, wana correct myself. this is not good advice. only pros give sex for money n gifts. i hv no wish to turn anyone into a pro. but i'm sure u can think of some other things that the guy must make effort to do in order to get wat he wants (if ur heart of stone turn into water again )
my heart will not turn into water once it bcome stone...but it iz so hard to make my heart bcome stone...sigh
Old 16-01-2005, 08:31 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by cbjuiceyumseng
Wat wrong with having man physically ?
after a while they view u onli in the sexual light nah. i'm a human n i deserve to be treated like one n i wan dignity too

for whole story ask machodevilx...i complaint to him b4...n he saw me in perzon b4....dun feel like elaboratin my bad luv exp ..or so called luv
Old 16-01-2005, 10:18 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

And for uglyger, a quote for you...
Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.

Don't be too disillusioned with 'love', it's with 'love' that makes the world such a wondeful place to live in... I'm sure you'll find the prince charming you deserved one day

Have a good week ahead.
长发舞狂风, 独眼睨青天, 碎刀断情义, 成魔为苍生。
Old 16-01-2005, 10:23 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Bro hitman...well said with wise n profound words...
Old 16-01-2005, 10:43 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by watmidoin
if u remember wat i said, those love=sex guys are clever ppl. u r a stupid ger to believe they love u. but lan lan boh bian. dats finished liao. prettyuglyger (if not pretty, how come got so many ppl wana screw ur life up?), pick urself up n dun mop the floor. life is fucked up but life goes on. and there's lots of stupid ppl like us.

i'm a guy. i know if i love a ger i won't force her to do anything (including sex) if she dun want. i'll be patient and wait till marriage if that's wat she wants. but i also know i have needs. its instinct. the animal in u. the urge to copulate (aka fuck). if even after marriage, the ger i love dun wana make love (aka have sex but make love sound more "sweet"), den will depend on how strong an urge and how strong a brain this guy has (aka whether he think with big head or he think with dick head).
Sometimes it seems to be a chicken and egg situation. For example, I love my girlfriend very much and of course I find her desirable and she turns me on (sometimes just by recalling our kissing and hugging). And there is no one else in the world I want to make love to more than her. In fact, I only want to do it with her and not interested in others. So if she doesn;t allow me to, what am I supposed to do? As a man, I have my physical needs to release and I'd rather release with her and not someone else. For to seek another relationship by the side also means I would hurt her, and that is the last thing I want to do. So am I pressurizing her by telling her how I feel?

Fortunately she understands my needs and appreciate my telling her how I feel and she too rather be the one who meet my needs than let someone else do it. Plus why risk the danger of my meeting someone who may also capture my heart? Of course now that we have this mutual understanding, our love can grow w/o the struggles I used to faced before. Still it is not easy cos I only get to see her a couple of days a month.
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Old 16-01-2005, 11:05 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

forget it. i m pizzed off wif everithin in the world. from my mum to relationshipz i m sick of life in short
Old 16-01-2005, 11:09 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

i can see from ur avatar u r really pissed..
Old 16-01-2005, 11:12 PM
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Talking Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
i can see from ur avatar u r really pissed..
ha ha...thiz avatar look bit like me in real life...i uzed a program on the net to make one...heheh
Old 16-01-2005, 11:15 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

sigh.. good luck to you girl..
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