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Old 27-07-2013, 05:15 PM
chrismichael chrismichael is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by reflexk View Post
I hope I am not the only maniac who keeps refreshing this page every couple of hours or so ;-)
Originally Posted by MagicFingers View Post
I'm here with you, man! Haha.. Can't wait for the updates.. But don't want to spam the thread too much, else what other samsters see mostly is our chat instead of bro Hardaway1818's story.
Me too!

This is the thread I would check first thing in the morning, during lunch time, any free time and first thing after work.

If there is any update, I would be so happy, but I would not read it first. I would reserve it for the read just before sleeping.

It's my drug to get me off so that I can have a good night of sleep.

Haha TS so pls update soon for your addicted followers here!
Old 28-07-2013, 12:37 AM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday morning
Venue: Office

The green envelope has been posted out on Wednesday. It would have reached the letterbox on Thursday.

The only problem is how to ensure the letterbox has been opened. I mean, how can I assume he will open his letterbox on a daily basis?

In order to make sure Stuart opened his letterbox yesterday, I purposely took this month’s utilities bill and went to him during lunchtime yesterday.

“Hey boss, can check with you something personal? Have you received this month’s utilities bill?”

“Errr….no. I usually open my letterbox during the weekends.”

“Oh need a favour from you. You are one of those few I know who is staying in a condo in the east like myself. There is a GST-saver package in this month’s bill. Want to know how much the rebate is. There is some dispute on the amount at my condo area.”

Yes, I know it is a totally lame excuse, but as long as I can get Stuart to open his letterbox, who cares? Indeed the call with him this morning has confirmed that he has opened his letterbox, which means he would have seen the green envelope.

11.50 am

*New email*

From Stuart. Good. He has opted to join the Special Club.

How about Jenny? She is an existing member. I can’t get her to restart all over again.

I have sent her an email on Tuesday night. Also used a software to sms her to check her email for the Special Club Invitation. Have to use the software to conceal the identity of the sms sender, and would need the sms to get her to check her email [email protected], which I know is specially created for the Special Club.

This is the email sent:

“Hi Jenny,

Welcome back to the Special Club.

I am sorry the second mission for you was aborted previously. That’s because your husband has engaged a Private Investigator to check on you. I am sure you would have known that your first mission has been uncovered by your husband.

As such, we have to abolish your second mission in order to protect the Special Club as well as the identity of your partner for the second mission.

Good news is that we have taken care of the Private Investigator engaged by your husband and it is now 100% safe for you to take on the mission again. You don't have to worry how we did it but the fact that we know about this would have convinced you that we have our way.

Further good news is that you can proceed with the mission again with your intended target, Wilson.

Would just need a confirmation from you that you would like to continue with the mission.”

I have received a positive reply from Jenny within an hour of that email sent.

Step One of my plan – cleared.

Now for Step Two.

By the way, why am I so confident that Jenny can proceed with the mission without any worry about George anymore?

Coincidence of Coincidences - The private investigator engaged by George is actually under Mark's agency. Yes, the same Mark, my best buddy.

The best thing is, George doesn't know it and is still using his agency. And Mark has taken over the case personally.

Last edited by Hardaway1818; 28-07-2013 at 07:33 AM.
Old 28-07-2013, 01:15 AM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
By the way, why am I so confident that Jenny can proceed with the mission without any worry about George anymore?

Coincidence of Coincidences - The private investigator engaged by George is actually Mark. Yes, the same Mark, my best buddy.

And the best thing is, George doesn't know it and is still using his services.
Wouldn't this put Mark in a position of power over Wilson? Hmm... This story not gonna be simple at all.. Haha.. Thanks for the update, bro Hardaway1818!
Old 28-07-2013, 01:45 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Question - if mark is the PI, then he would have taken those pictures that were sent to Claire. He would have noticed his buddy and informed him earlier. Why didn't he?
Old 28-07-2013, 01:47 AM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by ahyi_ahyi View Post
Question - if mark is the PI, then he would have taken those pictures that were sent to Claire. He would have noticed his buddy and informed him earlier. Why didn't he?
Yeah! Good question!

Unless Mark was only tailing Jenny, and George was the one who followed Wilson..
Old 28-07-2013, 01:52 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation


weren't the photos doctored?

Old 28-07-2013, 02:43 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation


Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
Carol laid down an envelope on the coffee-table in front of me.

“Take a look at this. George went to Claire with these and told her that he had evidence of your affair with his wife, Jenny. He threatened to pass the evidence to your company, to the media and to sue you for having an illicit affair with his wife. That would make you lose everything, your job, your reputation.”

I took the envelope and looked at the stuff inside.

A piece of paper showing my hotel booking and payment record at Mandarin Oriental Hotel. That was my hotel stay beside the room of Raymond and Jenny.

A photo showing me going into the hotel room 08-19. Date stamped and time stamped 8.15 pm.

A second photo showing Jenny going into hotel room. Her room was actually 08-18, but in the photo, the last number was blurred, giving people an impression of room 08-19. Date stamped and time stamped 8.20 pm.

A third photo showing Jenny leaving the room at 12.50 am.

A fourth photo showing me leaving at 1.05 am.

A fifth photo showing me at George’s and Jenny’s condo guardhouse. That was the day I sent the parcel with the Special Club invitation club to Jenny.

There were another 3 more photos. They showed a man and a woman having sex at the condo. The woman was clearly Jenny. The man’s face could not be seen clearly but the camera purposely focused onto the watch on the man’s wrist. The same Patek Philippe I was wearing. This watch cost $120K. Not everyone could wear this watch.
This was what I remembered / searched through the thread for. Too much bros supporting TS Hardaway1818 so it's hard to find the whole story, haha.. Every update is followed by about a page of support or more. It's not a bad thing hor TS.. We support you deep deep!
Old 28-07-2013, 06:59 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Nice update bro. Buy just a qn. Earlier the private investigator took ur pictures of u goin to jenny house n u goin to the hotel. Then if mark is ur friend,wouldnt he warn u about it?
Old 28-07-2013, 07:16 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Thanks Guys, silly me have not written it clearly in my last post. I meant to say the PI agency is Mark's. He is the boss and has a number of PIs under him.

Mark didn't know about the case till I approach him.

Have edited to make it clearer. Thanks!
Old 28-07-2013, 07:32 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

So happy there are supporters out there reading my stories in details
Old 28-07-2013, 08:01 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Nice story... Waiting for your next update...
Old 28-07-2013, 09:27 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post

The best thing is, George doesn't know it and is still using his agency. And Mark has taken over the case personally.
Wow! Getting more interesting! Continue please!
Old 28-07-2013, 09:38 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

sarpok sarpok. camp here liao
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Old 28-07-2013, 12:59 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

I can't stand the suspense!
Old 28-07-2013, 01:22 PM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
Thanks Guys, silly me have not written it clearly in my last post. I meant to say the PI agency is Mark's. He is the boss and has a number of PIs under him.

Mark didn't know about the case till I approach him.

Have edited to make it clearer. Thanks!
Thanks for the clarification.. Think most samsters don't work in PI agency so we came to that conclusion. Haha.. Jia you bro Hardaway1818..
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