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Old 30-10-2005, 07:31 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Aiya, let it be. If he want to say who I con, then let him say. If he don't want say who I con, I also cannot force him. Everything also he say. So childish.

I can only say 1 thing, no need to think of so many plans and plan for future.

Just tell Free and Suteerak1099 to go and ask their tiraks to call Jun|ch|'s tirak and get a job in Rainbow 4. 1 month pay is 20K baht. No need to go and sleep with customers also. Then they can go Thailand and stay together. Need to extend visa, just go do VISA RUN at Poipet.

Want buy land and car in thailand, just sell HDB flat in singapore can liao.

Talk so much for wat? There is a man who has already done it and show it to everyone of us here.

oei,why talking about me here again huh??

Firstly hor,in order in be able to earn so many LDs in Rainbow 4 hor,must look kawaii and speak good english hor.No point onli know how to say "where are u from?"what is ur name" hor.Must be to able to speak and understand english well.As well as able to dance well too so that japanese customers can give her tips for looking kawaii.If fat or what can see one since agogo girls wear bikinis onli.Must not have excess fats ard hor...if not considered no value cannot fetch that price one.Since Rainbow 4 has many kawaii faces to fight with.

That's why sometimes i do not understand why people like to compare.I said liao mah,I am onli child,my parents workin.Not everyone is like that mah.Some have so many siblings at the end of the day,have to share the sale of flat.And have to take care parents not working.Cannot compare like that lah.

I not yet sell hor.I am not so asshole to con my parents flat so that i can live comfortably in bkk with 7million baht.I can do with my own savings and save that for 10yrs or 20 yrs down the road for retirement expenses. Or a winfall ...
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Old 30-10-2005, 07:34 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
you didnt bother to read, is not my problem... you wanna come jump onto bandwagon and go trigger happy like west side cowboys, by all means. as far as i'm concerned, things already clarified thanx.
he is like that one lah,provide him with so many posts,but he just GLANCE thru onli and blabbers ard.Must read thru with understanding mah.Then can post constructive questions.Like the one i ask him so many times,ALL THAT IS ACHIEVABLE,by all who stays in takes him one month to figure out the answer and give me recently...which is not the rite answer too...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2005, 07:37 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Al Capone
Dont be overly sensitive SC. For all you know, STR1099 is telling Junlchl to "look" after his tirak.
Dun have lah,i do not even know the name and the story behind his tirak,let alone "look" after.I think i already tied down with my own taiji liao.Where got time to go look out for his??
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Old 30-10-2005, 07:42 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by swing123
but i tot if work in gogo bar, even though no need to go with customers, but sometime have to wear bikini (sometimes topless?) and dance on stage....or have to sit with customers to earn lady drinks and kena raba

if gf works in place like that, even no need to go sleep with customers, as a boyfren, can tahan meh?
Err,not sometimes wear bikini,is EVERYDAY AND ALL THE TIME.Though u can wear a hot shorts when u finished dancing and walks ard with it.Nowadays got no topless lah in nana at least.Even rainbow 4 topless nude show has been banned already.G spot i duno still have today or nt since i never go.Yep u were right on the fact have to sit with customers.For ur info,the girls have the right to choose customers.Not say u want her,u can have her hor.Some customers like to raba some like to just sit and talk.For me,though i know so many girls in nana,everytime i go with samsters,they do not see me raba girls really depends on ur outlook.Japanese customers are more civilised than farangs in bars,though i cant say for sure in the room are they the same or not?hehee...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2005, 07:45 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
We too long never go agogo liao. Now I heard from SRT, he say now all got wear.

u hear from someone who do not go agogo often huh??dun forget people got decent gf who is spoilt leh,needs to spent more time with her,where got time to check out bars??He says want to prove to me gf go with customers for one month until now still have not done anything.Furthermore,rainbow 4 has the best looking girls in nana...other than rainbow2.

There are bars in soi cowboys who dances nude lah...he backdated lah...
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Old 30-10-2005, 07:50 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by reuters
I thought he ask junlchl to check for him already
never check lah,i do not even know ST1099 well.Furthermore i think nothing for me to check too...i am too lazy to mind my own business.Not like people here so enthusiatic about whether i going to "torture" my gf to death let her working in bar.
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Old 30-10-2005, 07:51 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Ask who to check also no use. Ownself use your eyes to see is more believing. Other people see liao, tell you, u believe meh?

haha i believe leh,when someone i never see b4,bro moonlight and bro waslee tell me my girl go with customer,especially when they see the wrong girl and describe everything wrongly...hehee...that's what i find out after months later from the incident...
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Old 30-10-2005, 07:53 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by reuters
From his post, I thought he is buddy with Junlchl, can trust everything he say. If he not FREE, can ask red-perrier to go instead. Since he is aka str1099.

not buddy lah,if buddy at least i know his real name rite??i do not even know how old is he,and his na, to be buddy??just that friends from the forum loh.
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Old 30-10-2005, 08:00 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
AF, i think you're gonna cry and be disappointed. i clear my inbox/outbox on regular basis due to the PM responses. if the answer was no, i wouldnt even bother refering you to the thread. if the joke as you implied being the PM i shared with Jun, you can check with SC, the man, the real mccoy himself.
I did not know there's a big hoo haa here about what i mentioned back then.Just a mere mention of something can stir something here in this forum.I must say many here are really very free hor.I few days never come online,see people talk so much.

Actually its just a pm sharing of some info and some juice loh.And i merely just mentioned it over in the thread,did not realised tat it will become a issue to debate sial.Anyway whether the truth or not,the person know himself lah.No need to say anything on the forum.I do not know why people are so interested in protecting their interest here in this forum.Have or not this forum life still goes on.I will not allow my life to have a part of it stuck to this forum.How lifeless it gonna be.Already enuff stress to gain respect and money in the real world.i aint going to create more stress to gain RESPECT AND POINTS IN THIS FORUM.For those in search of glory and respect here,by all means go ahead.Even at the expenses of joking about my tirakship.

Hey at least i give u all a chance to post more and TCSS rite??I doing a good deed here...if not u people will have nothing to TCSS too...
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Old 31-10-2005, 02:06 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Adam's Family
you dont find it funny meh? of all people, he chose to pm you and share such a good joke with you. why huh? now you become his buddy liao, replace red perrier liao, haha... i believe he also have to thank you for "helping" him in his "set up".
AF, you guys really assume too much lah. my issue with SC is very simple very clear. only he got licence to go for tirakship, while others cant (at least for the way he presented). all the while contradicting his own principles.

as for the joke that i found out, its harmless, for the fact that i didnt even bother publishing it here in public, until he acknowledged and plead guilty. the irony comes along when he issue challenge for evidences etc. i gave him the benefit of doubt thinking he's not so lame... in retrospect, there seems to be some valid reasons for him to cont tirakship(s) despite stating that its poisonous and all. if it isnt for his own personal gains, i really dont see the point in wasting time and money(be it his or the WL's), by going round in circles.

the 1 who's truly spinning, is not me.. but SC, the MAN himself.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 31-10-2005, 03:26 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
AF, you guys really assume too much lah. my issue with SC is very simple very clear. only he got licence to go for tirakship, while others cant (at least for the way he presented). all the while contradicting his own principles.

as for the joke that i found out, its harmless, for the fact that i didnt even bother publishing it here in public, until he acknowledged and plead guilty. the irony comes along when he issue challenge for evidences etc. i gave him the benefit of doubt thinking he's not so lame... in retrospect, there seems to be some valid reasons for him to cont tirakship(s) despite stating that its poisonous and all. if it isnt for his own personal gains, i really dont see the point in wasting time and money(be it his or the WL's), by going round in circles.

the 1 who's truly spinning, is not me.. but SC, the MAN himself.
Wow, great, everything also you say one. Ask you for evidences is because I don't know who I conned with respect to what you said. So until today still nothing to show everyone here?


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Old 31-10-2005, 05:41 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Wow, great, everything also you say one. Ask you for evidences is because I don't know who I conned with respect to what you said. So until today still nothing to show everyone here?

lol. SC, i dont need to drag the gal into the picture lah. she's gone back early this year. if i were to be like you.. go dig the past out and present the case, then i'm no different from you (sad case). everything i say??? as if i'm the only person here who does the saying leh.

SC, the reason is now quite clear that you go KC the scores of tirak(s) for some "unknown" agenda. my speculations about you could be wrong (could never be right, even if i nailed it - cos you'll still deny it), but certainly doesnt change the way you've proven yourself to be - a contradiction.

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Old 31-10-2005, 05:47 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

SC, the reason is now quite clear that you go KC the scores of tirak(s) for some "unknown" agenda. my speculations about you could be wrong (could never be right, even if i nailed it - cos you'll still deny it), but certainly doesnt change the way you've proven yourself to be - a contradiction.

To him, tirakship is just a game.He doesnt take it seriously. When he see people take it seriously, then he come out and say something.Hope tat clarifys ur doubts abt his contradiction.
Old 31-10-2005, 05:57 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Adam's Family
.....the above has been repeated ad nauseum, without evidence from him, not even a single quote or reference!

you had been shooting him but he has no chance to shoot you back, so he has to create a plot so that you fall into it and then he got somthing to say.
AF ah... read properly, dont browse. the source is from outside of this forum. there's no way he can KC a WL here, unless they transact using internet banking. he's been shooting me?? please.. he's been shooting blanks, or if not, just plain shooting in his own foot. no more than just irritable pyrotechnics that's added some colors, noise and flavors to the thread.

he picks on past posts with expired issues that've been resolved, wholetime stating that other's are contradicting. when in fact, he's the 1 contradicting himself, for repeating the cycle of tirakship himself.

plot or no plot, the evidence presents itself right under all our noses. it simply doesnt make any sense for him to repeat the same old cycle, not unless there's some hidden perks that we all shouldnt know about. i could be wrong; she could be offering bbbj/raw for him - as if some others cant get that sorta svc, she could be offering AR and rear entry - still quite common, maybe she satisfies some of his wierd depraved fetish, or perhaps he enjoys getting probed by a gal, so he has an easier time in the toilet...etc

well, if he's saying that i make inaccurate speculations on his enthics of his looping tirakship participation in the commercial sex scene... then let him prove otherwise. let him prove and state the incentives despite all that he says negative about tirakship...

AF, no way for you to come to his defense, bcos you're not SC the Man himself... not unless you're his clone (just as how some denote RP as I)

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Old 31-10-2005, 06:10 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
To him, tirakship is just a game.He doesnt take it seriously. When he see people take it seriously, then he come out and say something.Hope tat clarifys ur doubts abt his contradiction.
yes, he mentioned he never took tirakship seriously. since he's also said that tirakship is a game bound to lose, then all the more it makes no sense to be indulging in the losing game.

and if thats the case, what other "hidden" incentive is there to play the game? happily pay and pay to have KC, when he can do it at more affordable rates in GM. if there werent any perks in his venture in looping tirakship, what else can there be? not for vengence/ not to swindle the gal/ rtf (but not necessarily bonk) just to establish a friendship?

pardon me, just as how many cant comprehend how those involved in tirakship discovered the ability to appreciate, care for and love the gal... i'm clueless as to how this joker can go on and on for the 8th or 9th time. perhaps he should enlighten us all.

爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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