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Re: I was Naive (Story)
Wonderful story TS, please continue
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Re: I was Naive (Story)
I was walking out to the bus stop with Felicia, and she started to place her arms around my arm
Felicia: Eh Idiot, Just now you bio (Check out) Ann hor. Me: When? Felicia: Don't act lah, when we at the door, you keep staring at her breast. Me: You saw ah, normal mah I also a guy ok. Felicia: but hor I also never know Ann so toa liap (Big) I looked at Felicia and shook my head. Felicia pulling her shirt tight: Oei I also not that bad mah. Me: don't need to pull lah, as if I never see before. Felicia: Next time must ask Ann, how to become so big. I laughed at Felicia's remark. Me: You want so big for what? Felicia: You like mah We were reaching the main road and Felicia pulled me to a alley behind some shophouses. Felicia: Kiss me, I want you to kiss me She hugged me and and pressed her lips on mine , we started a tongue fight and my hands start to roam her body. we broke the kiss after a while I gave Felicia a squeeze on her breast : Your's are just nice for you. She smiled and we continue to the bus stop and waited for the bus, the bus we took was quite empty I sat by the window and I can feel the wind gushing in as the bus move (My time not all service got aircon bus and aircon bus was 10 cents more) Felicia was still clinging on me and suddenly she whispered something to my ear Felicia: Lawrence I want........... |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
跟家人爭,爭贏了,親情沒了;跟愛人爭,爭贏了,感情淡了;跟朋友爭,爭贏了,情義沒了。爭的是理,輸的是 情,傷的是自己。 |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
Felicia's words did aroused me, Is she seducing me?
Felicia moved her hand onto my thigh and towards my groin, She starts rubbing on my groin, as my dick grew due to her actions she start using her finger drawing the outline of my dick with her finger. Felicia: Getting big already? Saying that she holds my dick with my jeans on moulding the shape of it with her palm. As it was a short journey we were reaching the bus terminal and I was begging her to stop, which she did not till it was time to alight from the bus. I held my sling bag in front of me, with Felicia cling onto my arm I guided her to cross the street. We arrived at the park which I had a argument with Jasmine, and yes we went to the same tower and that was then all hell broke loose. when we reached to top of the tower, Felicia started kissing me and she was unbuttoning my jeans. And soon I felt her hand in my briefs caressing and stoking my dick as my jeans fell to my knees, She stop what she was doing and I stood and watched as she slips her panties off and placing it in her bag. She then lead me to sit on the top step, as she sat on a step below me. She was between my legs still with my jeans on, She pulls my briefs off and immediately sucks on my dick taking it in and sucking hard I reach to grab on her breast and I saw her hand moving she was rubbing herself as she was sucking me she moaned while sucking me and after 5 mins of sucking she stopped and told me not to move. She spread my legs a little with her back facing me, I wonder what she was trying to do, but I felt her hand holding on to my dick as she sat on me. Felicia start rocking in front of my after she guided my dick into her pussy. She pulled my hand to her breast asking me to grab them hard. With both of us moaning she rocking hard and I was grabbing both her breast. for a moment I could feel her juices flowing onto me I felt the I was going to shoot any moment and I slap on her ass as I pulled her off me. She got off me and immediately placed my dick in her mouth I shot my load in her after she sucked me for a short while. She licked it clean and we adjusted our clothing and Felicia wore her panties. We sat at the tower for a while and had a little chat. Felicia: Eh Idiot, you know if you like Ann then go after her lor. Me: Huh? Felicia: I like you, but I say before I not good enough for you. Ann is from good school, stay condo. If you like her it's ok with me, I don't need to own you but I just need you to be there for me when I need you. For me I did not know how to answer her, I just promised Felicia that I will always be with her when she needed me and I will never leave her side. (when you are young you promise without thinking) We took the train back after she leaned on me for a while, I remember hugging her in the train and I went home I left Christina a voicemail that I ended the study session with the girls and had just reached home. Christina called me as she had reached home after work we chatted for a brief 20mins before I told her that I was tired and I needed to rest. Last edited by Starter; 05-06-2016 at 11:41 PM. |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
Nice update TS, please continue
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Re: I was Naive (Story)
Camping here....
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Re: I was Naive (Story)
Outdoor sex!!! Kinky siol!
Re: I was Naive (Story)
Do continue bro
Re: I was Naive (Story)
Keep going bro!!
Re: I was Naive (Story)
For the next update, I had hard time deciding as I did not want to bore all bros with repeated events. Therefore I will place in a summary of what happened during the next 2 weeks and proceed for there.
For the 2 week before my exams, most of the days I was being tutored by Ann after school, there were some incidents that happened. basically minor ones like me falling asleep on Ann's lap while taking a break during one of the sessions, Jasmine was ranting at me after that. Pris did page me on a couple of occasions asking to meet for dinner, however I was with the girls and I told her I can only me her after the exams, which she understood. As for Christina, I went out with her on 3 occasions during this period, all relatively short. As we had to prepare for our exams and the fact that she was still working. I started to see less of her and to be frank, I was not holding much hope for our relationship. I knew I still loved her but I would not say that I love her the most now , perhaps she girls changed me, or maybe things are just now working out, I did not know. Bobby paged me during this period and asked if I have considered about joining him, I was puzzled on why is he so interested in me, he promised me that if I were to join him, I will not be a foot soldier, but I will start off in the mid level. I did not decline his offer but with the group now dissolved I feel no need to join him. Finally it was exam week, After 2 weeks with Ann's help I was pretty confident. I will always be the first few to hand in the papers, after which I will meetup with Jasmine and Ann, to check for the answers that I scribbled onto my question paper. I could see that Ann was happy seeing my progress, but the actual results will only be revealed upon receiving the papers the week after the exams. |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
Thanks for your continuation and can't wait for your next update. |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
It was the last day of exam week, I handed in my paper after finishing. As I was taking my bag I realised Ah kai had finished too and was impressed.
We walked to the foyer and started chatting, it was a good feeling that the exams were over. Me: Kai, steady leh, wah you also so fast finish ah. Ah Kai: You got finish meh? I hand in coz I give up. This paper very hard leh Me: Ok leh, I got do all the questions, see how lah already hand in liao. Ah Kai: I hope I heng heng (lucky) all MCQ correct. Me: Monday we will know lor. I said goodbye to ah Kai and paged the girls telling them to meet after their exams at Junction GV. I was the first to reach, followed by Jasmine and Ann with Felicia the last to arrive. We headed to the food court where we had our lunch, after which I took out my question paper and go through it with Ann. Jasmine: Is there a point for you to go through this? Me: I just want to know if I did ok Jasmine: 2 weeks you expect to get A ah, in your dreams Ann chuckled as Felicia joined in the conversation Felicia: Idiot you want to get A ah? Me: I never say hor, I only want to pass only. Felicia: yah lor actually I also. Jasmine looked at me: A pass for you is already a uphill task. I did not really understand but I knew I did well in this exam and I knew Ann knew that I really did my best. Ann: Jasmine... Actually I think he did quite well. Jasmine: You pamper him too much, wait till he gets his papers I foresee a sea of red. Jasmine was laughing after her statement. Ann: Jasmine that's rude, oh dad ask you to tell them about dinner right. Jasmine: Oh I almost forgot, our parents seeing that the two of you put in so much hard work will want to bring you two our for dinner this sunday. Felicia: so good ah Ann nodded her head. After that we walked around J8 and looked at various things and I was taking notice of Ann, somehow her breast dun seem that big now, I was puzzled I was sure it was big (come on I felt it myself) but why now it looks below average. Felicia: Eh idiot bio (Check out) Ann again huh. Me: Eh you see hor is it me or is it not so big already huh? Felicia: yah hor, so funny I go ask her. Before I can stopped Felicia she ran towards the sisters and the trio started and conversation, I did not join them knowing the sensitivity of the issue and I stood a distance away as I see Jasmine talking and Ann blushing. they came towards me after the discussion and Felicia ran towards me. Felicia: Idiot I know already. Felicia went on and explained to me that Ann had bind her breast that is why she looks different. Seriously at that moment I guess even with the fact that we had physical contact both Ann and me we were embarrassed. Last edited by Starter; 06-06-2016 at 11:22 AM. |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
We carried on loitering at J8, and soon it was 4pm and we figure it was time to go home. I was walking the girls to the station when someone tapped on my shoulder.
Pris: Hey, out with your girlfriends ah. I avoided Pris's question and went on introducing Pris as my schoolmate and reminded the girl where they have seen her before. (Pris met Jasmine and Ann at Toa Payoh and Felicia saw her when I spoke to Bernard in J8) The girls did not stay and left for entered the station after saying hi to Pris, we went to the brick bench surrounding the MRT station where we sat and talked. Pris: So you seem hardworking, How's your exams. Me: Should be ok. Pris: Eh so out of the 3 girls which one you like the most? Me: Actually I don't know Pris: How can you not know, I thought they were all your girlfriends? see I knew you were humouring me. Me: Very confusing one lah, So how are you? Sorry leh, I was busy with studies. Pris: It's ok, anyway that day after talking to you. I felt better and never really think about it after that Me: Like that good lor. Pris: Yah, not like you, you have 4 right. If anyone of them leave you I doubt you will be sad. Me: Why leh? Pris: There will always be someone for you right. so I guess you can just focus on the other girls. Pris may be joking about this and always thinking that I was humouring her, but her statement made me think. And I guess she was wrong, if any of the girls were to leave me at that moment I will be sad. I did not know why but the first that I thought of was Christina, my heart sunk thinking if she were to leave me and It hurt alittle. We ended our Chat with Pris telling me to hang out sometime, and jokingly hope that she will not be my 5th. I insisted that I walked her to the bus terminal, you can't deny that life is a bitch. On our way towards the terminal, of all ppl we had to come face to face with Bernard and his friends. |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
We tried to avoid Bernard, but it seems too late as I heard him calling out to me.
Bernard: Yang, don't you say hi when you see a friend? Me: Hi Bernard. Bernard look at Pris and his expression was disgusting, he gave off an arrogant smirk and those eyes were belittling us. Bernard: Are you with Pris now? I never knew you had a liking for old shoes (he was referring to Pris) Me: what are you talking about. Bernard: It's ok Yang, Just make sure it fits. I may have over worn it, to me it is broken. I could not take it and I start grabbing Bernard by his collar. Bernard: Don't be so crude, anyway as I friend I need to warn you. Me: warn me about what? Bernard pulled my hand off his collar. Bernard: She is not as innocent as you think, in fact she has been going out with some of my friends after we broke up. As the ppl at the shopping were looking at us, Pris pulled me away and I was so upset with Bernard, how can he say things like this. I wanted to bash him but I did not dare to do so as it was in the open public. The incident left both me and Pris in silence, I left her after saying good bye at the bus terminal. Reaching home pager beeped, it was Felicia I called her wondering what's up. |
Re: I was Naive (Story)
Me: Eh Felicia you look for me ah?
Felicia: Idiot tomorrow you free or not? Me: Why leh? Felicia: Go shopping with me leh Me: Shopping? Felicia: Yah lor, you know my clothes mah, tell you before all so lian, how to go dinner with Jasmine and Ann's parents. Me: then you wear uniform go lor, you always do that what. I could not help myself and was laughing hard. Felicia: Don't play lah, tomorrow you go with me k, we go Orchard. Me: Go what Orchard? neighbourhood buy can already. Felicia: Orchard clothes nicer mah. Me: Hello, We are "poor and needy" ok, you want to go Orchard buy branded ah. Felicia: Orh, then go where? Me: Actually I also don't know. (how will I know where to get girls clothes) My pager beeped again and I did not check it as I was talking to Felicia. Felicia: Then how, don't tell me J8 hor very sian leh. Me: I promise I go with you, but where huh Felicia: Tell you go Orchard mah, Orchard also got no branded one mah. Me: okok we go Orchard. Felicia seem happy that she convinced me to go orchard with her, it was funny having the thought of Felicia looking for more decent looking clothes. We hung up after agreeing to meet at 12pm and I checked on the page that I had just received. |
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My naive Classmate | Kayl | Adult Discussions about SEX | 60 | 02-02-2012 02:03 AM |
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