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Old 20-09-2008, 10:12 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

anymore updates? cant wait to see what happens next
Old 23-09-2008, 04:57 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

IVS : When can we meet again?
HW : Don know lah don force me
IVS : Why? You don want to meet me?
HW : I want, but I don’t feel comfortable lah
IVS : Why not comfortable?
HW : Because my husband lah, I think he suspect me
IVS : But he got no proof mah
HW : I know, but he like to ask funny funny questions lah
IVS : But we can go for lunch, pretending that we r former colleagues goin out for lunch
HW : Let me think first, because I don want him to think 3 think 4
IVS : Just normal lunch also cannot?
HW : Not sure lah
IVS : After all, we didn’t do anything for lunch
HW : I know
IVS : So, can we meet today?
HW : Today cannot, I got lunch with ABC
IVS : Do you make love to your hubby last few days?
HW : yes, I did
IVS : did you think of me when you make love to him?
HW : I don know
IVS : What you don’t know?
HW : Don’t force me OK?
IVS : But I am sure you still think of me when you make love to your husband, right?
HW : Why you want to know? You already know the answer?
IVS : I want to hear it from you
HW : What’s the different it make?
IVS : I want to know if you still have feel for me
HW : I think whjat we did is wrong, but I don know why I still do it
IVS : Me too, I just keep thinking of you
HW : Maybe you just think of my body, after a while you will forget me
IVS : I don’t just think of you body, I have feel for you, please trust me
HW : I am not sure lah, everytime when we meet, you just want to touvh my body
IVS : I promise I wont touch you when we meet again
HW : But today cannot lah
IVS : What about tomorrow
HW : Let me think OK? Don force me
IVS : Come on, just normal lunch we can go XXX, so many people around, I wont touch you OK?
HW : I scare if my husband will spy on me lah
IVS : He doesn’t need to work?
HW : I don know, I scare lah
IVS : why scare? We are not doing anything funny what, I just want to see you in person, I misse you
HW : Aiya, I know, but I don feel comfortable
Old 23-09-2008, 10:03 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Just finished reading from the start and it's really a very nice story (be it true or not). Fantastic story telling skills!

Being fresh from the story, my personal opinion is that this story is very fictional (I don't really care) cos it's really nice. the twist and turn blah blah blah... It's really my Personal Opinion (i may be dead wrong as well) on the whole story... take it with a pinch of salt.. I may be zap but irregardless, I really feel like sharing(isn't it abt sharing in SBF). If it gonna offend anyone, TS himself, I apologise in advance. Cheers.

Finally, HW retracted more already. But already a total let down for me since she stills wants to keep her Loving Family intact from the start. The key if it's a loving and happy marriage y destroyed it in the 1st place. Fine that she got involved in the beginning for thrill seek but she has so many opportunities to get out of it. Yes, IVS is a sweet and smooth talker but she's just repeating her mistakes over again and again especially after TS send an email warning her. It's guess it's no longer a thrill for her but subconsciously she has already fallen in love with IVS yet still loves her husband. What's her defination of love? Anyway, all humans make mistake but probably this is too grave a mistake to commit at all. I'm sure bro Ben cannot provide the evidence that he had at this juncture. DH engaging of a PI probably meant a divorce unless he can tahan that kind of pics/vids shown to him even w/o the intercourse part. He will just be traumatised by the whole event. In summary, a Milf still holding on to a schoolgal dreams.

IVS really plays the game so well psychologically. Read HW inside out and really a outstanding talent for a duck man. Rich Tai Tais favorite pet man. Ya, man may likes to eat out but I reackoned that he chose the wrong prey. Really made a grave mistake in engaging with a married woman who already has a happy family. Not much to say abt him cos it's very clear to all! In summary, an out and out Wolf's in a Sheep's Clothing!

On Ben
1 who can easily stop the whole event from taking place. In real life, if I have such a buddy, it's worse off than having such a wife. "Dang Ju Zhe Mi, Pang Guang Zhe Qing"... is it the right idiom? You are not emotionally attached in their r/s at all whereas HW is but I see u too attached to 2 things - their MSN conversations and how this r/s progresses and "blossoms".. TS, it's not blossomed u know, it's mass destruction!! It's destruction of everything i.e 2 happy family (who cares abt IVS anyway), yr buddyhood with DH and probably yrself. Yes, u own the company and possiblity have the right to tap yr employees coversation. But for me, this is outright private infrigement and morally degrading cos I feel you are doing it for yr own selfish needs. You are not helping much, are you? "Zhi Zhe Bu Bao" to me is also as criminal. Anyway, I really hope it's just fictional or partly fictional based on a true story.

Simple. You have been victimised!!! A word of advice: Life is a Journey, not a Destination!! I sincerely urged all readers (male or female)to consider spicing up yr r/s once in a while. It's a continual effort i.e. if u expect yr wages to increase, so does yr r/s. I hope not growth in the number of r/s... not that kind of growth pls... Anyway, if You Don't, IVS-es Will!!

Btw bro TS, when is the other cast you mentioned earlier coming into the story. Ya it's Mother Fucker (MF), yr buddy cum business partners if rest of the bros have forgotten... That's the part I'm looking forward to if there is... my 5 cents worth.
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Old 23-09-2008, 11:23 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Originally Posted by edmundhello View Post
Just finished reading from the start and it's really a very nice story (be it true or not). Fantastic story telling skills!

Being fresh from the story, my personal opinion is that this story is very fictional (I don't really care) cos it's really nice. the twist and turn blah blah blah... It's really my Personal Opinion (i may be dead wrong as well) on the whole story... take it with a pinch of salt.. I may be zap but irregardless, I really feel like sharing(isn't it abt sharing in SBF). If it gonna offend anyone, TS himself, I apologise in advance. Cheers.

On Ben
1 who can easily stop the whole event from taking place. In real life, if I have such a buddy, it's worse off than having such a wife. "Dang Ju Zhe Mi, Pang Guang Zhe Qing"... is it the right idiom? You are not emotionally attached in their r/s at all whereas HW is but I see u too attached to 2 things - their MSN conversations and how this r/s progresses and "blossoms".. TS, it's not blossomed u know, it's mass destruction!! It's destruction of everything i.e 2 happy family (who cares abt IVS anyway), yr buddyhood with DH and probably yrself. Yes, u own the company and possiblity have the right to tap yr employees coversation. But for me, this is outright private infrigement and morally degrading cos I feel you are doing it for yr own selfish needs. You are not helping much, are you? "Zhi Zhe Bu Bao" to me is also as criminal. Anyway, I really hope it's just fictional or partly fictional based on a true story.

Btw bro TS, when is the other cast you mentioned earlier coming into the story. Ya it's Mother Fucker (MF), yr buddy cum business partners if rest of the bros have forgotten... That's the part I'm looking forward to if there is... my 5 cents worth.
hi bro, you cant be so harsh to bro TS. There is actually two points here:

1) Whether its wrong to tap someone else private msn
2) Whether bro TS did the right thing as DH's buddy.

1) Yes, he is wrong to do that, its already established and done with. So move on.

2) For this question, you must understand from his perspective. DH is his friend and i you are him, are you gonna tell him you actually installed a spyware to spy on his wife's msn messages?? That is illegal AND immoral at the same time. The fact he actually took time to think abt how to deal with this and help DH from the background is sufficient... True he has cravings for HW too but if you fren's wife is like a super model with C Cup and a face that looks like Jessica Alba, for some instances, you will be tempted too, bro.

So, keep up with the news and hope HW stop this idiotic self-discovery journey of hers when so many other lives are on the line.

Bro TS, IVS is back after bonking his boss and other slutty wifes i guess and on the prowl for HW again. DH isnt helping with his stupid awkward questionings to HW other than to delay the inevitable. I suggest if HW and IVS meet for lunch again, it will be a good opportunity to somehow tell DH and let him appear before HW and IVS. Although they did nothing, HW will be seriously considering to keep contat with IVS anymore... i hope..
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Old 23-09-2008, 12:35 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Originally Posted by Megatronzombie View Post
hi bro, you cant be so harsh to bro TS. There is actually two points here:

1) Whether its wrong to tap someone else private msn
2) Whether bro TS did the right thing as DH's buddy.

1) Yes, he is wrong to do that, its already established and done with. So move on.

2) For this question, you must understand from his perspective. DH is his friend and i you are him, are you gonna tell him you actually installed a spyware to spy on his wife's msn messages?? That is illegal AND immoral at the same time. The fact he actually took time to think abt how to deal with this and help DH from the background is sufficient... True he has cravings for HW too but if you fren's wife is like a super model with C Cup and a face that looks like Jessica Alba, for some instances, you will be tempted too, bro.

So, keep up with the news and hope HW stop this idiotic self-discovery journey of hers when so many other lives are on the line.

Bro TS, IVS is back after bonking his boss and other slutty wifes i guess and on the prowl for HW again. DH isnt helping with his stupid awkward questionings to HW other than to delay the inevitable. I suggest if HW and IVS meet for lunch again, it will be a good opportunity to somehow tell DH and let him appear before HW and IVS. Although they did nothing, HW will be seriously considering to keep contat with IVS anymore... i hope..
Bro Megatronzombie, my apologies. Just spent many hrs finishing this very long TS story so abit eager to include my own opinion. It's a briliiant thread rated it 5 star. Can't upzz him though. No power. Yes I do agree my comments towards him is abit too harsh but in 1st thread already stated my apologies to him. Once again, my apologies TS. Pls dun feel too offended and take it as a pinch of salt. Warmest rdgs.
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Old 25-09-2008, 06:26 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

IVS : Wei, Morning
HW : Morning
IVS : hang on show you smething
HW : what’s that?
IVS : I will invite you to view something
HW : what r u doin?
IVS : can see or not?
HW : you crazy? Where r u now?
IVS : At home
HW : where is yr wife?
IVS : Out a while
HW : you cazry, luckily no one come to my place
IVS : you like what you see not?
HW : yes
IVS : mmm…it’s hard now
HW : today no need to work?
IVS : No, morning no need to go to office, afternoon need to go to XXX country for 2 days, come back XXXday
HW : I see
IVS : baby, my cock is so hard thinking of u lah
HW : you crazy humsup, early morning show me this already
IVS : he he he you don like meh?
HW : like
IVS : u sucked and licked before what
HW : shy lah
IVS : baby, can we do this when you go home?
HW : you mean I show u?
IVS : yes, in the middle of the night loh
HW : Cannot lah, too dangerous
IVS : Wait for yr husband sleep first lah
HW : you crazy, if he wake up how?
IVS : Try one time lah
HW : Cannot lah, too dangerous
IVS : Baby, can u see I am stroking it for u
HW : Yeah, so hard and big
IVS : You like it
HW : like
IVS : sure not?
HW : You know the answer what
IVS : but why u don allow me to enter u?
HW : cannot lah, what we do already very bad, u want some more meh?
IVS : of coz mah, if not cannot get full mah
HW : so, u go XXX country all by yrself?
IVS : No, with my boss
HW : That lady? Wah, then u two can enjoy lah, nobody around
IVS : no lah
HW : I don believe u
IVS : See? If I lie to u by saying I go alone, u won think bad of me, now that I tell u the truth, to show I don want to lie to u, now u don believe me
HW : ya mah, that hao po very sexy mah u say
IVS : no lah, I won do anything stupid to u lah
HW : What if she naked in front of u?
IVS : I run away loh, unless u naked in front of me, then different
HW : no lie lah, how can u tahan a naked woman?
IVS : maybe I breast fuck her then I release, bcoz after I release, I don have mood
HW : you sure not, even u shoot, u also want to play
IVS : that is bcoz with u mah, some more got feel for u
HW : but u told me u kiss her before
IVS : got meh? Where got
HW : Got lah, u forget already
IVS : Can we dopn talk about her, spoil my mood
HW : Ok
IVS : baby, I want to lick u
HW : how? U not scare if my husband find out meh?
IVS : no lah, may be he don know yet
HW : how sure r u? I don want to lose my family lah
IVS : I also, but we still can enjoy our feel for each other mah
HW : I really don know lah, sometimes I feel bad but sometimes I want it, I am confused
IVS : no, I think bcoz u have feel for me, if not u wont let me see yr body and kiss u
HW : yes, it’s true
IVS : oh baby, can we talk about sex, I need to shoot lah
HW : what u want to talk?
IVS : say u want to suck my cock
HW : ok
IVS : can u see my cock so hard now?
HW : yes
IVS : baby I want u lah
HW : wah, so fast?
IVS : yeah, cannot stand anymore, keep thinking of u and yr sexy body
HW : u crazy humsup
IVS : baby, when can we meet?
HW : don know lah
IVS : after I come back, we make arrangement can or not?
HW : let see
IVS : don let see let see lah
HW : see how
IVS : why u so hesistant?
HW : what hesistant?
IVS : hesitant, uncertain
HW : oh, I scare mah
IVS : I know one side of u scare but the other side want to enjoy with me right?
HW : you know the answer
IVS : tell me
HW : yes, ok?
IVS : then why don we meet up?
HW : see how lah
IVS : gig wife back
HW : ok
Old 25-09-2008, 09:24 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

zzz... 2 words: stupid slut...

another 2 words: powerful predator

another 2 words: hesitant husband

2+ 2 + 2 = 6 words: go to hell in a basket
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Old 25-09-2008, 11:37 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

This story is impossible to make up and it is based on real events taking place. Though i am really against intrusion in privacy but i also agreed that helping a friend in such situaition really calls for such "dirty" method against this despicable fellow. As a very good frd, I would have send an unknown email to warn against IVS about his dirty doings to prevent his further taking advantage of DH's wife. Seriously, I dun think TS is really helping his frd in ending this affair. But I enjoy reading the process of how this dirty bastard, IVS manage to seduce HW into his mouth after the HW has been suspected of the affair. This IVS is really a very powerful predator and able to sweet talk his preys to his bidding.
Old 26-09-2008, 06:25 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

i hate IVS using the sentences like what "our feel there right ?" "my feel for you is strong" its so fucking annoying,every conversation between them sure got these 2 sentences,stupid ivs
Old 26-09-2008, 06:44 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

This is to condition HW's brain and re-enforcing her to make her believe she got feel.....psychological very powerful.
Old 27-09-2008, 10:08 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

IVS : hey baby
HW : hi
IVS : how’s thing?
HW : OK, how’s yr trip?
IVS : very busy
HW : busy with yr boss or work?
IVS : work of coz lah
HW : I don believe u
IVS : up to u to believe or not
HW : did she seduce u?
IVS : as a matter of fact, she did, but I didn’t take the offer
HW : How come? U not interested? U not scare she don give you promotion?
IVS : no way, I told u already, I just like u
HW : sure or not?
IVS : yes, baby, when can we meet?
HW : how did she seduce u?
IVS : she didn’t seduce me lah, just ask if I want to share room with her only
HW : then, what did u say?
IVS : I say I was not comfortable lah, I was not feeling well.
HW : oh
IVS : Baby, can we meet or not? I bought u something and want to give to u
HW : What did u buy? Can u send to my office?
IVS : No lah, I want to give it to u personally
HW : like that huh, I don’t know woh, today got company lunch with colleague, Ben also joining, must give face lah
IVS : then when can we meet?
HW : I don’t know yet
IVS : u know I miss u waht
HW : need to go for meeting now, ttul

IVS : Hello

IVS : Hello
HW : Sorry
IVS : Wah, so late? Only now back in office?
HW : yes, big boss also goin mah, no need to scare
IVS : What did u have for lunch
HW : Went to ABC Chinese restaurant
IVS : wah, expensive one woh
HW : yes, but got promotion, so not that expensive lor
IVS : per head how much?
HW : about 89.99++
IVS : wha, got abalone and sharp fin?
HW : yes, not bad
IVS : why Ben so generous all of a sudden?
HW : Don know, may be feel guilty kuah
IVS : very stingy one woh
HW : maybe feel bad didn’t give us good bonus and increment and scare people leaving kuah
IVS : I see
HW : Just now I went in his car, I think he can see me “chow kong” lah
IVS : is it? What u wear?
HW : low cut a bit one, but I got wear jacket outside, but XYZ told me in the toilet just now my blouse very easy “chow kong” one, too careless lah
IVS : did he look at yr chest very often
HW : I don’t know lah, we keep talking in the car and one of the colleague sitting in front
IVS : you and him sitting at the back?
HW : yes, his driver and another new colleague in front, so I sit behind with him lor
IVS : why u don sit in other’s car
HW : no body want to be same car with Ben, so I got no choice lor, some more he asked me to sit in his car, cannot reject lor
IVS : ha ha ha, let him see lah and make him song song
HW : u mad lah
IVS : his wife not bad woh, also very sexy
HW : yes, not bad also
IVS : sure he enjoy lah, but not sure if he eat outside not?
HW : got wife like that still want to eat outside meh?
IVS : u think he is so loyal? He is just another humsup old man
HW : ha ha ha
IVS : I sure he got mistress outside one, which boss don’t?
HW : he is not that old lah
IVS : but that guy very smart lah, didn’t hear much about him with another woman
HW : maybe he didn’t eat outside
IVS : I think he is too smart lah, he eat outside also very careful, there’s why we don know
HW : he he he, how do u know? U also do the same like him?
IVS : where got? I only be with u only
HW : not sure if his wife also eat outside
IVS : ha ha ha I am not surprise, because his wife work in other company, husband got company don’t want to work, want to work outside, I think she also want to find other man
HW : wah, how can you say like that?
IVS : u say one who, u say maybe his wife also eat outside
HW : u bad lah
IVS : I think u more pretty and sexy than his wife lah
HW : u sure not? His wife also quite pretty and sexy one, we sometimes went out together
IVS : yes lah, maybe I have seen u that’s why I know because I haven’t seen his wife yet, ha ha ha
HW : you crazy humsup and talk bad on people
IVS : we all human being, we all are humsup, rioght not?
HW : right your dead head
IVS : he he he, did ben ever come close near u?
HW : no lah, he and my husband quite good fren lah
IVS : u never know, maybe he didn’t bcoz he scare of yr husband
HW : I don think he dare lah
IVS : ya ya what if he dodnt know your husband
HW : no lah, his wife also not bad mah
IVS : after he see u “chow Kong”, sure he cannot tahan one
HW : u think everyone like u so humsup meh?
IVS : what u think he is? U think he cant forget yr big balls after seeing it
HW : u crazy lah
IVS : how u so sure?
HW : only u think like that, everytime want to see breasts and naked body
Old 27-09-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

What the F! said I eat outside and some more my wife also, is this the kind of activities workers are normally doing in their work place? can't they do something more productive instead of indulging in this kind of nonsensical activities?
Old 27-09-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

what a bastard ivs is,he is the one eating outside yet say "i only got you" fuck him,bastard with no balls
Old 27-09-2008, 11:04 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Ya, want to know what he is coming up soon
Old 28-09-2008, 12:31 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Originally Posted by benxmanda View Post
What the F! said I eat outside and some more my wife also, is this the kind of activities workers are normally doing in their work place? can't they do something more productive instead of indulging in this kind of nonsensical activities?
haha bro TS, you BETTER do something to IVS, man. The way he slap your reputation left right centre in front of HW behind you is seriously a coward's attack.

But seriously, it looks like IVS is back with his next gimmick on HW. He probably bought either a sex toy or a sexy lingirie for our slut HW. If we dont stop him, this next weapon of his may just spell the end of the relationshpi between HW and DH!!

Watch out for the next exciting episode of the Home Wrecker Saga (coming soon to your nearest SBF thread near u)!!
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