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Old 27-12-2022, 09:33 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Short one! Meeting and meetings, sibeh sian. Hate my life. LOL!


J(anice): My turn!!

gog: Huh? Whaa ...?

Before I can finish my sentence, she reached for my shorts opening and reached in, fuccccccccccccccck!! She's trying to rape me. She fished around but really give it to her, she's really not well versed with the male anatomy when clothed. I laughed out loud and offended her. She got upset and this time really turned around.

Shit, I needed to coax her.

gog: Sorry dear, I shouldn't but I laughed because you are so adorable, it's so nice of you to try to help me, I'm just laughing at my fortune of having you being my darling, come...

I hugged her and kissed her neck and cheeks from behind while my hands roved around to her breasts... I said coax her, but I'm also male can or not??? Don't keep cb me hor!!!

J: You good lor, you ownself do lor, don't need me. HMMPH

She shook free then stood up and walked out to the living room. Wah sian... I hate it when a girl loses her temper. Little gog dangling there now alone within my briefs. I just froze when Janice stormed out of the bedroom. Unsure how to coax her next, I just sat there berating myself for my inability to see the situation before laughing. I just exit the room and I saw Janice sitting on the couch watching TV.

Well, if she's really upset, she would have left, and gone home? Hmmmmmmmm....

Went to the fridge, I took out a can of sprite, opened a bag of chips and sat 1 seat away from her on my 3-seater sofa, so we're sitting like at both ends. At first, I put the chips and the can of sprite infront of me. I slowly took from the chips and purpose bite loudly enough for her to hear.

Her lips are still pouted. I slowly reached into the chips took one out and while retracting my hand I shifted the opening towards her. I also took a sip from the sprite can and placed it on the left side of the chips nearer to her.
Old 27-12-2022, 03:29 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Fantastic story bro, please keep going!
Old 27-12-2022, 04:18 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Very update everyday. Holiday n back so searching from my last read. Very Shiok recalling the past. Thanks
Old 27-12-2022, 05:30 PM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by Kismis View Post
Fantastic story bro, please keep going!
Thank you sir, you stay kismis place? LOL.

Originally Posted by 2335 Man View Post
Very update everyday. Holiday n back so searching from my last read. Very Shiok recalling the past. Thanks
I try to be regular bro, else will kena 'cb this gog' one. Hahaha.

Shiok recalling, full of emotions but all is well, it's part and parcel of life
Old 27-12-2022, 05:31 PM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Another short one.... don't say i give blue balls.


J(anice): HUMMMPH!!!

Still very loud and angry. Sibeh cartoon la... I slowly inch myself and the chips with drink nearer to her. She moved one of my cushions between us suddenly, stopping me. Wah lao eh... die la. I turned to look at her, and saw her eyes darting away from me.

Yeah, I know my scenario very comical, ai mai ai mai (want don't want) that kind. I know she's not really angry just unhappy I laughed at her. I took one of the chips and waved at her side indicating I'm giving it to her. She took the whole packet in her hand and started munching instead.


I reached out slowly to the sprite but she quickly moved and grabbed it instead. Ho seh liao.. got chance to 'come back'.

gog: Dear... don't angry la, you eat my food and drink my sprite liao, smile okay?

J: Who says it's yours? Yours is mine, mine is still mine!

gog: Like that little gog is yours too leh...

Face it la okay? Guys are guys, no matter what we always think with our cocks wants over a lot of other things.
Old 27-12-2022, 06:48 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Lai lai more of Janice please hehe
Old 28-12-2022, 01:05 AM
fawx fawx is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

1 shot read finish whole thread ahhh

keep it coming gog!!!
Old 28-12-2022, 02:14 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

please keep going!
Old 28-12-2022, 02:15 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

please keep going
Old 28-12-2022, 09:08 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Camping for today's instalment
Old 28-12-2022, 09:42 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by iLick69 View Post
Lai lai more of Janice please hehe
Cannot have enough right? Must always have that kind.

Originally Posted by fawx View Post
1 shot read finish whole thread ahhh

keep it coming gog!!!
Power lah sir!! Well done! Coming liao!

Originally Posted by jamecartle View Post
please keep going!
Originally Posted by jamecartle View Post
please keep going
Thank you sir, coming liao! I mean posting liao!

Originally Posted by timeliness View Post
Camping for today's instalment
Lai le lai le!!!!
Old 28-12-2022, 09:43 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Sorry for the long wait... slightly bad jam today.


Janice pushed me away by using the cushion and snuggled further left onto the sofa with the sprite and chips. I went over and tickled her sides.

gog: Sorry la.. sorry.. ok

J(anice): Ahhhh stop stop, nooooooooooo

I kissed her lips and yes.. the chips and sprite dropped all over my sofa !@#$(!_@)$%*!_(%&*#($#_++%!#)%!^. Recovery first, then clean later lor, no choice right?

We locked lips and hugged for a while and Janice's hand surprisingly... didn't move into my shorts. TMD... I touched her breasts and kissed her neck trying to arouse her.

gog: Help me?

I mustered enough courage to ask Janice. She looked at me buay song face again then burst into a smirking typed of laughter and just knelt on my sofa.

gog: Come on ... you can do it.

I nudged her with my palm on her arm, encouraging her. Janice reached out again and went into my shorts.

gog: Left ... left, up up...there, you got it. Ahhhh. Good girl!!

Janice glared at me.

J: I'm not a dog!!!

She went to tickle my sides and I retaliated the same and got her naked on my sofa kneeling above me and holding little gog. Slowly she began the most wonderful touch and massage one can ask for.

gog: Ahhhhh dear... !

For some reason, I was leaking a fair bit of precum this time, she noticed and tried to avoid touching it. Fuck, I was super horny liao.

gog: Suck me?

J: NOOOOO!!! You don't be disgusting, sickening, always think of such things.

I'm a guy... I don't think of such things, something is wrong with me liao. Sigh... a handjob is better than nothing. It continued for a good while, I was close, but I don't want to finish there.

gog: Dear... I want to go inside you.

J: Pervert!

I pulled her towards me on the sofa and kissed her, for once, she's on top of me (I don't know what TOP means okay...). I miss her breasts and got hungry kissing and touching it while she arched back on top of me.

J: Gogggggggggggggggg! No... too.. ahhhhhh!

I raised her above my cock and positioned her pussy over it.

gog: Janice... put it in you. Little gog wants you.

Like a good obedient girl, Janice used one hand to touch it and aimed for her pussy then slide it in. The image of her appearing infront of me today in that translucent dress that I can see her bra is making me extremely horny. It flashed in my mind and I was enjoying it, I am so lucky to be able to fuck this girl.


I spurted all my cum right inside her, she fell on my chest and hugged me tight. She shook her ass on top of my cock trying to 'squeeze' more cum out? She must be so horny herself.
Old 28-12-2022, 10:30 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Please updates
Old 28-12-2022, 10:42 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

is Janice on pills as I know that you also make love to her creampie...

just wondering how do you all time it so well that she is not pregnant when she so much wanted to have a baby.
Old 28-12-2022, 07:52 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by iLick69 View Post
Lai lai more of Janice please hehe
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