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Old 13-10-2011, 12:11 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
ah darn..! just the right one for my liking. anyway, which bars would most likely hve ladies of her physiques, appearance and age.. recommendations pls..
They are everywhere, but more so in Fields where price is higher. You are also looking at freshness which can be seen from less make up and also black eye bags.

To find one of this quality is not easy. I was lucky cos I did a great favor for my friend. I found out she had a tooth like dracula but growing outwards from the gums to the front. Caused a bulge to her lips. I brought her to a dentist and spent 900p to extract and buy meds for her.

She wanted to cling to me even after I left AC but freelancers are always a no no for me. Very tempting but I don want to be trapped. Big head win small head. But painful fight it was.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 13-10-2011, 12:21 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
ah darn..! just the right one for my liking. anyway, which bars would most likely hve ladies of her physiques, appearance and age.. recommendations pls..
since you sound like a fresher ... answer in a nutshell : "EVERY BAR .. Except the Mega bars .. " .. Mega bars dont' cut it, in my eyes, as they overcharge and demand an arm and a length ..

have you been to AC ?
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Old 13-10-2011, 12:29 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Mega bars dont' cut it, in my eyes, as they overcharge and demand an arm and a length ..
and a double ladies drink and also one for the waitress and her friend who will conveniently tag along to sit with you once you invited her to your table. Of cos you won't say no to the drinks cos you don want to look "CHEAP" to the girl.

Once you paid the barfine and out the door, she will think of all ways to get back to the bar as fast as possible cos she don want to lose out on the money throwing, balls picking, bells ringing and men putting peso notes in her bra or panty. The new AC.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 13-10-2011, 12:56 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
.... cos she don want to lose out on the money throwing, balls picking, bells ringing and men putting peso notes in her bra or panty. The new AC.

I have to admit that I have done some of the above, but in Perimeter Bars ......

Cheapskate charlie me ..

Well, for less than half the price of mega bars, Perimeter bars give you twice the bang for your buck and twice the GFE

I found out she had a tooth like dracula but growing outwards from the gums to the front. Caused a bulge to her lips. I brought her to a dentist and spent 900p to extract and buy meds for her.
I did the same, for a pinay here, who had an in-grown tooth due to a child-hood accident which had cracked an in-grown in the tooth . though it cost me 320 S$ in QM Dental Virtually a root-canal surgery .. and in her painful state, I could not say no .. (it was filed with puss as well .. )

Return on investment - NIL, as she was heavily sedated, and her mamasan was hell bent on sending her back to Philippines .. and three day later she was back on her flight, and told she will get the sutures removed in Davao .. and never heard from her though ... maybe she WAS married / had BF and as normal, terminated all 'work related' connections once back in her hometown ..

Though I was humbly rewarded by the girl's best friends who were still in Singapore, with a threesome for 100 $ (no kidding. .. for once, they felt guilty for not repaying my big help to their best friend .. which rarely happens in bar-Pinays, as they say "money is not everything .. " and will plainly ignore the money spent on 'other things' on their behalf or their friend's behalf)

And maybe for once, I was in the midst of non-hard-core bar girl
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Old 13-10-2011, 01:43 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
I have to admit that I have done some of the above, but in Perimeter Bars ......

Cheapskate charlie me ..

I did the same, for a pinay here, who had an in-grown tooth due to a child-hood accident which had cracked an in-grown in the tooth . though it cost me 320 S$ in QM Dental Virtually a root-canal surgery .. and in her painful state, I could not say no .. (it was filed with puss as well .. )

Return on investment - NIL,

... maybe she WAS married / had BF and as normal, terminated all 'work related' connections once back in her hometown ..
Clap clap clap.. Well done!!

Gosh, you spent $320 and you call yourself cheap charlie?? I don know what name i have for spending $23!!

Its normal for the girls to "disappear" after they go back cos they want to blank out what they did here in Singapore. I have helped girls run from agents by buying ticket to Pi many years ago. The father will call me and thank me for helping the daughter but that's the LAST contact. I don blame them.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 13-10-2011, 02:59 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

wansomemilk: as I said, Dumaguete is a bit too close to NPA / AS area, for comfort .. I gladly turned down an invite recently, to accompany some friend there .. as she was going for some AMA university seminar. and of late, my forays into strange areas are being gently questioned ...

Ziebert: I am not boasting, but, if you know the cost of Root canal here, you will know how painful it was, to not to say know, when the doctor jabbed a syringe and sucked out a load of puss No kidding .. she had been living with it since her fall a few months before which had infected her gums and everything ...

And she was not even anybody I knew well, she was in the corner of the bar, and popping panadols, and tequila shots, from her friends, who told her both will fix the pain .. I almost fainted when I got the smell in her mouth .. it was stinking, and she refused to see the doctor, as she thought it will 'disappear' and the mamasan was not too happy when I told her i will get her checked out .. the mamasan is not a devil like other places, but was worrying, probably, about loss of business.

And the good thing is, now I don't volunteer to do dental help for any girl Once bitten, twice shy. Now I tell them to get it fixed in Philippines, as it would cost just 1/10th and will only remit the money when they send me the scanned copy of receipt, else the money would have been spent on fixing the grandpa's diorrhea or the carabao's weak heart, or was it the other way ? Or was it for the more important 18th Birthday of the baboy or the injured leg of the cousin - or was that too the other way around ?? Hick .. *alcohol induced temporary lapse of memory *

As for girls going missing, I too done that, and when confronted by the mamasans, with a straight face, I had to tell that I know nothing ...

Well, also happens that at my regular haunts here in Singapore, the girls don't rat out on their friends .. unlike in some bars, where even a little gift is broadcast to their friends, and mama, and mama starts to keep a close eye on the 'benefactor'

Life has it's quirks, and yes, girls going MIA is normal, and while initially I used to really seethe and throw tantrums and get really mad, I got adopted to the fact that, sometimes, a good deed does not go unpunished ..

Life .. yeah ??? And shows I am growing old ..

And as I wrote to somebody else, when he said the girls loose their phones, they don't loose their phone. Mostly, their phone is pawned, or the sim card is purposely lost to erase bad memories or so, when they have found a nice guy .. while we would still like to make love, they have to move on .. and we have to accept it .. di ba ?

buhay napupunta sa

And .. while I may not have a harem of chorus line girls, I do have friends, thanks to my stupid spending as above .. and for the uninitiated, good deeds are normally heftily rewarded with more demands .. which rarely happens to me .. so the unitiated would end up like how I told a friend, who asked to explain 'simple girls' > Simple girl means she has simple needs: just take care of her .. her mother .. her father .. her uncle and aunties .. her cousins and nieces .. and the child her brother and sister will adopt as you will be kind enough to pay .. and of course, the all present relatives and neighbours .. oh, last, but not least, the family carabao .... after all she is a simple girl with simple needs, di ba ???

Though I am not handsome or a babe-magnet, I have to admit, I have my eeny-meeny share of admirers ..

have fun guys ...
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Last edited by etsys; 13-10-2011 at 03:16 PM.
Old 13-10-2011, 03:12 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

etsys: Truly wise words and I read your post with a smile. For they are words I can relate to and finally hear from a bro who has done similar to what I done.

True about the cel phone scam, cos its common for them to carry an old broken but usable cel, so that our kind heart will offer to buy a decent one for them.

"Kuya, Don forget cel with camera with video and memory card hor, don make me look bad to my friends." I will tell them you so nice to buy me the cel. "Muak, muak"
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 13-10-2011, 04:31 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
They are everywhere, but more so in Fields where price is higher. You are also looking at freshness which can be seen from less make up and also black eye bags.

To find one of this quality is not easy. I was lucky cos I did a great favor for my friend. I found out she had a tooth like dracula but growing outwards from the gums to the front. Caused a bulge to her lips. I brought her to a dentist and spent 900p to extract and buy meds for her.

She wanted to cling to me even after I left AC but freelancers are always a no no for me. Very tempting but I don want to be trapped. Big head win small head. But painful fight it was.
i must admit that u are damn lucky.. cos this is what i am always looking out for in my trips to pinoy pubs in spore and when in phil. sadly true enuf, it does not always end up as i wanted it to be..

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
since you sound like a fresher ... answer in a nutshell : "EVERY BAR .. Except the Mega bars .. " .. Mega bars dont' cut it, in my eyes, as they overcharge and demand an arm and a length ..

have you been to AC ?
Nope i have not been to AC. Other parts of Phil Yes, but not AC. that is why i have been reading up and subscribing to this thread for almost a month now to learn more abt this sin city.

in all truthfulness, i do not actually mind that much if i have to pay more, BUT i expect to get what i want. well that is not normally the case.. If the gerls do not have the 'trying to find ways/excuses to go back once u barfine her' kinda attitude, and she is as inoocent and as good as she looks (for example the gerl on bro ziebart's pic), then paying a bit more SHOULD be OK.

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
and a double ladies drink and also one for the waitress and her friend who will conveniently tag along to sit with you once you invited her to your table. Of cos you won't say no to the drinks cos you don want to look "CHEAP" to the girl.

Once you paid the barfine and out the door, she will think of all ways to get back to the bar as fast as possible cos she don want to lose out on the money throwing, balls picking, bells ringing and men putting peso notes in her bra or panty. The new AC.
Well, i have encountered this before in Spore bars, in Manila, Batam etc. Its really hard to find a fool-proof plan to this. More like trial and error kinda thing. And if i manage to get one good one then the most i would try again is the subsequent trip but likely not more than that. i would wanna change to a new lady and the trial and error process starts again...

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
I have to admit that I have done some of the above, but in Perimeter Bars ......

Cheapskate charlie me ..

Well, for less than half the price of mega bars, Perimeter bars give you twice the bang for your buck and twice the GFE

I did the same, for a pinay here, who had an in-grown tooth due to a child-hood accident which had cracked an in-grown in the tooth . though it cost me 320 S$ in QM Dental Virtually a root-canal surgery .. and in her painful state, I could not say no .. (it was filed with puss as well .. )

Return on investment - NIL, as she was heavily sedated, and her mamasan was hell bent on sending her back to Philippines .. and three day later she was back on her flight, and told she will get the sutures removed in Davao .. and never heard from her though ... maybe she WAS married / had BF and as normal, terminated all 'work related' connections once back in her hometown ..

Though I was humbly rewarded by the girl's best friends who were still in Singapore, with a threesome for 100 $ (no kidding. .. for once, they felt guilty for not repaying my big help to their best friend .. which rarely happens in bar-Pinays, as they say "money is not everything .. " and will plainly ignore the money spent on 'other things' on their behalf or their friend's behalf)

And maybe for once, I was in the midst of non-hard-core bar girl
perimeter bar.. i would need more advise on this as not much coming from the threads..

as for the $100 threesome.. sincerely appreciate if any vacant slots available..

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
And the good thing is, now I don't volunteer to do dental help for any girl Once bitten, twice shy. Now I tell them to get it fixed in Philippines, as it would cost just 1/10th and will only remit the money when they send me the scanned copy of receipt, else the money would have been spent on fixing the grandpa's diorrhea or the carabao's weak heart, or was it the other way ? Or was it for the more important 18th Birthday of the baboy or the injured leg of the cousin - or was that too the other way around ?? Hick .. *alcohol induced temporary lapse of memory *

buhay napupunta sa

And .. while I may not have a harem of chorus line girls, I do have friends, thanks to my stupid spending as above .. and for the uninitiated, good deeds are normally heftily rewarded with more demands .. which rarely happens to me .. so the unitiated would end up like how I told a friend, who asked to explain 'simple girls' > Simple girl means she has simple needs: just take care of her .. her mother .. her father .. her uncle and aunties .. her cousins and nieces .. and the child her brother and sister will adopt as you will be kind enough to pay .. and of course, the all present relatives and neighbours .. oh, last, but not least, the family carabao .... after all she is a simple girl with simple needs, di ba ???
u got me LOL badly here..

and for sure, the simple needs of taking care of EVERY IMMEDIATE AND NON-IMMEDIATE FAMILY is definitely true

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
"Kuya, Don forget cel with camera with video and memory card hor, don make me look bad to my friends." I will tell them you so nice to buy me the cel. "Muak, muak"
"kuya, im going back philippines alrdy ha.. u dont forget my CHO CO LATE ha!"
Old 13-10-2011, 04:57 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

limborock: Welcome to the tread, you answer well and your input is most appreciated.

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
perimeter bar.. i would need more advise on this as not much coming from the threads..

as for the $100 threesome.. sincerely appreciate if any vacant slots available..
Perimeter bars are referring to the collection of bars located along Perimeter Road or Don Juico Avenue. Opens earlier about 2pm and close earlier about 10-11pm. Cheaper priced all round but generally less lookers and more mothers.

$100 treesomes?? You most welcome to my session next week in AC, you take care of the $100. I take care of the girls!!!... JOKE lang.
Also don forget my pasalubong!!! You promised!!! See how you are!!
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Old 13-10-2011, 11:25 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

limborock : the 100$ was the friends of the root-canal girl paying me back as 'discounted'

ever since Peyton went down, I lost a lot of real gems

And when it comes to buying drinks, be ready to cut the loss and walk out .. sinking deeper doesn't make you come up for air and win ..

A visit to AC will never hurt you, though, perimeter is not for the unitiated, as there are a few of scammers/hold-ups ..

However, if you are Philippine veteran, you will survive .. basic rules: no fancy phone, no jewellery, not much money in wallet- always works

Though for me, sometimes, a friends' sister living there being my sidekick does boosts my confidence in AC, but .. of late, I am being asked to curtail my 'forays' to dark side ..

But, sometimes, a bit of Toblerone and Ferrero Rocher really helps win favours, even when you are deemed to be kuriput, when it comes to buying LD !!!!

Still I would say, paying a bit more or more more for SYTs is not my cup of tea .. I prefer nice girls, with better attitude ..

An intro, revisited, though it was posted before .. an all-time gem !!!!!!!!!

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Old 14-10-2011, 04:08 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by winfieldgold View Post
Santos St/Blow Row (esp for bro wetdevil)
-Swiss Chalet is on Santos St so we could have a look at Blow Row on our walks to fields.
-Had a peep into Wow and Gobbles..girls are realli not attractive at all and these bars are very run-down and dingy. Can't realli imagine myself having a BJ in one of these places or one of those girls giving me a BJ!
Thanks for a short brief about it.

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Shadows Bar 10/9/11

Popular hangout for frugal Johns and late night punters. Minibar Shadows is open 24 hours and positioned close to the Wild Orchid Resort and next to Honky Tonk and Black Pearl bars. The venue was recently renovated. It's a small bar with public area to meet local sex workers. The back of the building hosts 3 or 4 rooms for short time activities where visitors can spend time with their local talent. Drinks for customers and ladies are the cheapest in town, hardly more expensive than in a grocery store. Rooms are very small and basic, very dark and fixed electric ventilators with semi privacy. You need to be a hard-balled monger to take one of the girls to a room for around 700 Piso short time (up to 3 hours). But a lot of guys go here for the cheap price. Once I asked a popular and attractive Filipina sex worker from Shadows bar about her average number of customers per day and she answered: 4. Bring your own condoms to practice safe sex.

Where to find Santos Street

A. Santos Street is located in Angeles City, Philippines. It is part of barangay (suburb) Balibago. It's a t-head street ending at Field's Avenue inside Angeles' tourist entertainment district known for bars like Lancelot, Welcome Inn, Rhapsody and Treasure Island. Due to it's proximity to Fields Avenue, life on A. Santos Street is dominated by hotels, restaurants and bars. Hotels like Swiss Chalet, Bourbon Street Apartments and The Wild Orchid are located on this strip. There are various apartments and boarding houses located on Santos Street as well.

Santos Street is also called Blow Road due to prostitution activities inside mini bars located between Wild Orchid Resort and corner of Real Street. Prostitutes working in these bars are said to perform oral sex while normal Filipina women working out of Fields Avenue bars frown upon delivering such services even after being berfined.

Previously, this drag was used by cross-dressers and transsexuals who would offer oral sex to drunk soldiers after closure of normal bars early in the morning. As they were unable to conduct straight sex without having their real gender revealed, they just offered blowjobs inside small rooms located in the back of residential buildings. For some reason, man customers would feel ashamed of finding out they were served by same gender and transgenders would feel threatened - often having to give up the money for their service to avoid physical harm. However, times have changed. Today, transsexuals, who are also called Billie Boys openly parade the street to offer company to by-passers. Sometimes they get very aggressive and lewd. Mini Bars located on Santos Street just allow female workers to conduct work in their houses, normally. They do need similar permits for work as bargirls on Field's Avenue establishments.

Assume this is for me as well as bro's who want to know more about Santos Street.

By the way if I bring them back to hotel, it will be 3hrs right ?

So during that 3 hrs is it just 1 blow and that's it, or there is no rule saying she can do more than 1 blow ?
Old 14-10-2011, 06:16 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Whoa, slow down for this old man, I am also total newbie re: Subic. We all learn Subic together. Please don drag me, arrange a SYT "caddy" and wheelchair for me will do.

Ha, dun forget me when all u guys go.
So, I guess the SYT will be sitting on your lap and holding on to your "handle" so she won't fall off while we push u around to the bars

Old 14-10-2011, 06:21 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
By the way if I bring them back to hotel, it will be 3hrs right ?

So during that 3 hrs is it just 1 blow and that's it, or there is no rule saying she can do more than 1 blow ?

Mainly varies with the girl u choose so best to ask first but most (over 80%) of the time it is more than one shot during the 3 hrs she is with you. I usually get 1 bj and a 2nd shot FS afterwards as this seems to be the standard for most. If u can manage to get 3 shots out of that time then go for it but give her a nice tip after for her services.

Old 14-10-2011, 07:36 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by freezone View Post
So, I guess the SYT will be sitting on your lap and holding on to your "handle" so she won't fall off while we push u around to the bars
No worries lah. With AC prices and since you keen, we can always bring 2 wheel chairs and 6 SYT to take care of handle, umbrella and do the pushing. Our group can take turns being pushed, we not so chialat yet.
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Old 14-10-2011, 07:37 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
. Big head win small head. But painful fight it was.

So true bro but my only problem is my Big head is often between my legs and Small head sits on top of my neck
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