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Old 17-01-2017, 05:14 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Goh already talk about this more than ten years ago.

So if spore not prepared, whose fault? Obviously sporeans la. For voting these arseholes
Exchange points prepared ma
Correct the fault lies with the other 70% who voted for them .
Old 17-01-2017, 05:17 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by FreebiezWanker View Post
Actually this whole incident can show how solid our ministers are. Words like " Full Force Of The Law" are so impressive n scary when dealing with a local Singaporean, but when dealing with a bully, its tails are between its legs.

This is an excellent opportunity to gauge the calibre of our Ministers and the remuneration they receive. So what if the Singapore passport is the 2nd most powerful in the world. Honestly, I will re-access what Singapore is now n sometimes its better to shut up n be more humble.
Now the hen run to Kiwi . Not trying to solve the Terrex issue . Really made even Singapore more siasuay . What a joke. Remember this date Nov 23 2016 . See how long the Hong Kong Customs can detain the Terrex and how the Men In White can solve the problem .
Old 17-01-2017, 07:32 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Don't be alarmed when our SAF Terrex infantry fighting vehicles are returned to us in parts by the PRC if at all. Because the PRCs are the best in copying technology. And the PRC won't apologise to a small fry like Singapore.
Old 17-01-2017, 08:48 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by adonis View Post
Don't be alarmed when our SAF Terrex infantry fighting vehicles are returned to us in parts by the PRC if at all. Because the PRCs are the best in copying technology. And the PRC won't apologise to a small fry like Singapore.
Won't la.
Theyll melt it n use metal to make a bowl shaped like vagina for albino to eat his porridge ok
Exchange points like eat porridge ma
Old 17-01-2017, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by skyleon View Post
The ins and outs of the commercial shipping of military equipment

By Koh Soo Keong

Published: 4:00 AM, January 17, 2017

Updated: 7:29 AM, January 17, 2017

The detention of nine SAF Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICVs) and other equipment by the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department in November has been in the news, and may have led to misperceptions concerning the shipping process for military equipment. As ex-president of Sembcorp Logistics, I would like to share some insights into the complexity behind the shipping of military equipment.

Commercial shipping has been a common means of transporting goods for many decades. It is not difficult to understand why it is also one of the most preferred means to ship military equipment for most militaries around the world, whenever the situation permits.

I believe not many militaries own a navy with the capabilities to transport large quantities of military equipment over long distances at an affordable cost. Most militaries, including those of the United States and Australia, would have to rely on the reach and capacity of commercial shipping to transport their military equipment economically.

The shipping of military equipment can be broadly divided into two categories — sensitive items and non-sensitive items. Sensitive items include advanced weapons and ammunition.

Depending on the sensitivity of the equipment, some militaries may choose to place special requirements on the shipping company. These include the crew’s nationalities, country of registration of the carriers, specific routes to take, chartering the whole ship, and even the leasing of a commercial ship for the government’s use.

These would naturally drive up shipping costs significantly. The resulting charges could be many times higher compared with the regular means of buying cargo space on regular shipping lines. For this reason, these special requirements are reserved for highly sensitive equipment. As such, it makes economic sense to make use of regular shipping routes as much as possible.

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Really pathetic garbage reporting.

Obviously a fucking joke report to plp garbage ment n say how right they are
Exchange points joke ma
Old 17-01-2017, 09:07 PM
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Originally Posted by skyleon View Post
Singapore, New Zealand hold inaugural defence ministers' meeting

Posted 16 Jan 2017 19:53

SINGAPORE: Defence ministers from Singapore and New Zealand on Monday (Jan 16) reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen bilateral defence ties at the first Singapore-New Zealand defence ministers’ meeting in New Zealand.

Dr Ng Eng Hen and Mr Gerry Brownlee discussed ideas on strengthening bilateral defence cooperation, including further training opportunities in New Zealand, according to a joint statement. This includes the establishment of annual air force staff talks, an education and training working group, as well as an operational working group, which could be used to discuss new cooperation initiatives.

They also exchanged views on a range of regional security issues, such as the impact of leadership changes in the US, as well as regional security architecture.

"Whether it is the new US President, Brexit, rising powers like China and India in this part of the world, the status quo has been changed," said Dr Ng. "When the status quo has been changed, it can be very unsettling. So we have to guide this region and even globally to a period where we can continue to have peace and stability in our region."

Dr Ng described the sit-down as a "meeting of minds".

"We felt that, in this period of uncertainty, we should really strengthen relations with those who are like-minded, share the same platforms that we have, like the Five Power Defence Arrangement and the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus," Dr Ng said.

Both ministers agreed to conduct the ministerial meeting annually for discussions on issues of mutual concern.

The meeting followed a visit to Waiouru Training Area where Exercise Thunder Warrior is taking place. The exercise - now marking its 20th anniversary - involves about 500 personnel from the Singapore Artillery. The training area in Waiouru is more than twice the size of the entire Singapore.

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The Honourable Defense Minister of Singapore run road to New Zealand instead of solving the Terrex issue .

Cb hen actually said 'meeting of minds' n 'like-minded'

The new Zealand minister must be damn dulan. How can they be alike. He's normal. Hen is like the fucking retard.

The kiwi is not the idiot who lost 9 vehicles n can't get it back

Hen damn shameless. Still dare to show his face to the world. I bet those kiwis who know will laugh behind his back n tell him don't lose your phone n yr brains OK. After all u lost nine fuckin big vehicles
Exchange points shameless ma

Last edited by sadfa; 17-01-2017 at 10:47 PM.
Old 18-01-2017, 03:14 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by medicallyinsane View Post

Because when the British left this little red dot..... Taiwan was one of the countries that helped to build up our Armed Forces.

Israel build up and trained our Army.
Taiwan set up and trained our RSN.... the 1st Naval Commander of RSN was Colonel Hsieh from the Taiwan Navy. As our navy had nothing and had to start from scratch.... he brought them over to Taiwan to train and subsequently the army boys followed and that began the tradition of SAF sending their troops to ROC to train.
The Republic of Singapore Navy had no vessels or crafts and only one LST from the Vietnam war era. The Taiwanese donated the 1st batch of patrol crafts for the RSN to form a squadron.
Old 19-01-2017, 01:46 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by zaplamparlarzap View Post
The smelly rats and the tortoise clones from the foreign media industry, the oppo camps, the disgruntled individual and the fugitives are out to destroy our country "Singapore" again !!!

24/7 365 days bashing nonsensically on our govt, sabotaged our govt on every issue, disseminate false infos to confuse the public, constantly brain washing the young, trying hard to split our society and community apart !!!

Such despicable online behaviour will ruin our country's economy, thus our currency depreciate, and not forgetting Singapore has no natural resources to start with !!!

What had happened to our young amos yeeeee and the 5 youths who were jailed for HDB vandalism in Toa Payoh ???

Which tortoise constantly urged, brainwashed and supported them to commit such silly act ???

You tell me Singaporean, who was the main culprit hiding behind the tortoise computer screen constantly stirring shit 24/7 365 days !!!
Welcome back, cocksucker
Old 19-01-2017, 05:12 PM
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Thumbs up Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by JiByeLoong View Post
Welcome back, cocksucker
Hahaha ... now cannot see his postings already .
Old 19-01-2017, 05:13 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post

Cb hen actually said 'meeting of minds' n 'like-minded'

The new Zealand minister must be damn dulan. How can they be alike. He's normal. Hen is like the fucking retard.

The kiwi is not the idiot who lost 9 vehicles n can't get it back

Hen damn shameless. Still dare to show his face to the world. I bet those kiwis who know will laugh behind his back n tell him don't lose your phone n yr brains OK. After all u lost nine fuckin big vehicles
Exchange points shameless ma
New Zealand is in the earth quake zone right ?
Old 19-01-2017, 05:17 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by adonis View Post
Don't be alarmed when our SAF Terrex infantry fighting vehicles are returned to us in parts by the PRC if at all. Because the PRCs are the best in copying technology. And the PRC won't apologise to a small fry like Singapore.
I definitely won't be surprised . It would be better for the Singapore government to just write it off .
Old 19-01-2017, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Hahaha ... now cannot see his postings already .
Good riddance to bad rubbish

The truth iz garbagement detest n look down on such trash too even though they Paw garbagements lp
Exchange points detested ma
Old 21-01-2017, 09:28 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Public report cards on Ministers not my style, says PM

Published: 1:55 AM, January 21, 2017

SINGAPORE — Unlike the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who used to publicly give report cards on his ministers, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stressed that this was not his style.

Instead, he had tried to reinforce his team of ministers following the elections, and the public will make its own assessment on how each minister is performing, said Mr Lee.

“I’m not sure I want to do what Mr Lee did in the old days — he used to give report cards publicly, and I have not generally been doing that. But I think the process is progressing, and I think people are making their assessments and getting the measure of the ministers,” said the Prime Minister, who has said that he would like to step down by 2020, at a dialogue held by EDB Society and The Straits Times.

The session’s moderator, Mr Han Fook Kwang, had earlier asked Mr Lee whether it is clearer now who his successor would be. Mr Han, who is also The Straits Times’ editor-at-large, had voiced his doubts that Mr Lee would not be involved in the selection of his successor, given that he assesses the ministers’ performance.

Mr Lee said, “I have my views, we all have our views. But finally, the new team has to gel and have a leader they will support and work with. And it’s best that the team, who are going to work with that new leader, be the ones who determine who the new leader is going to be.”

He said that in the case of his predecessor — Mr Goh Chok Tong, now Emeritus Senior Minister — the latter’s peers had also decided he should be the next Prime Minister, despite the late Mr Lee preferring Dr Tony Tan.

“We had a meeting after the 1984 elections ... and we decided on Mr Goh. Mr Lee said he preferred Tony Tan, but the younger ones settled for Mr Goh, (so) he supported Mr Goh.

“When it came to the next time, we had a lunch, which (former Deputy Prime Minister) Wong Kan Seng and the other younger ones convened, there were about eight or nine of us, my generation, and they settled on me. So I imagine the next time, somebody will host lunch!” Mr Lee said, to laughter from the audience.

During the dialogue, a member of the audience asked how the Government should balance the need to win elections with bringing back the focus on Singapore’s long-term growth. The speaker said he felt that, since 2011, the Government’s priority had been to win elections, at the expense of sacrificing long-term goals, such as attracting foreign talent here.

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So how are you gonna ownself check ownself ?
A good government strives to make its citizens' lives better and not make it harder .

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Old 21-01-2017, 10:39 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Talk until so long still havent settle, if old lee is around sure settle.
Old 21-01-2017, 11:25 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
I definitely won't be surprised . It would be better for the Singapore government to just write it off .
Setting aside budget for defence I can understand. To show thy neighbours we are not easily cow. But CB, to spent almost S$14 BILLION on defence yearly. I think is grossly over spent!

So with all the "state-of-the-art" weapons, is it just for show? Should follow what Trump said. Consider the Terrax as stolen lah. Case close!
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