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Re: My boring story...
April shouldn't pretend to be polite by asking. All she needs to do, is to turn in June's sexual bit, then all will be fine.
Just like the initial kissing and frenching. Once June is turned on, whether its Tom or April, frenching is no longer an issue. Nice, a MFF session. Most of us could only imagine and fantasise.
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
Nice story. Keep it coming
This is what i think as well
Re: My boring story...
Need to exercise to keep fit and stay heatlty
Re: My boring story...
Did I really enjoy it? I wasn't so sure. I left April and Tom in the room as I headed back home. My cravings were satisfied but I wasn't really pleased about what was happening to April. Was it really because of what I did before that changed her this much? I still could recall us being curious teenagers, watching whatever porn we could get our hands on with wide-eyed attention, wondering if what was happening on those small screens was actually possible in real life. I probably already managed to act out some of those scenes in my life so far. But what I recalled about April's reactions were mostly laughter and incredulity. She never revealed any intentions to sleep with anyone other than her chosen partner, in this case, John. But now, it seemed like anything goes. Maybe she'd been repressing all her pent up intentions. Hooking up with a random guy she met on a dating app for such a long time, then suddenly jumping to Tom, and now wanting to bang every guy who might be interested at the same time. This was super uncharacteristic of her. Was this her coping mechanism for discovering her husband's infidelity?
I took another shower when I reached home before crawling into bed. I kissed Mike and he stirred awake. Mike: You're back so fast? Me: It's nearly 5am. Mike: Oh? Me: April wants to fuck you. Mike: Why? Me: I don't know. It's my fault. Mike: And if I don't fuck her? Me: She'll keep asking. Mike: I sense there's more to this. Me: She wants you in a threesome or more. Mike: Haha. With Tom? Me: And EoS. And Darren, Jason, Mark. Mike: Are you serious? Me: Yeah. I don't know what happened to her, but this might actually be my fault. If I didn't sleep with John, if I didn't give him some tips and made her suspicious. If I didn't turn down his subsequent offers and made him find a whole harem of busty hookers. Mike: Well, that's not in your control. He made a choice. Me: I made a choice to take his money too. Mike: You did it for us. Me: It was a stupid choice really. Mike: It's long over. Let's not talk about it. Me: So are you going to fuck her? Mike: If it's going to help you get over this, sure. Otherwise, no. Me: I don't think it will do anything for me other than get April off my back. For now at least. Mike: Ok. I'll do it. Me: You sure? Mike: Yeah. I suppose it helps you. When? Me: They have a room at XXX hotel until 12. Mike: Oh? That's swanky. Me: Yeah. She's splurging ok nice cocks. Mike: So you want me to go over now? Me: I guess? Get it over and done with. Mike: Sure… I called April, not really expecting her to answer but she did, and it was pretty obvious she was getting pounded by Tom. April: Hello? Me: Mike's coming over now. April: Oh? Ah… Yes… good… what about you? Me: I'm going to sleep. April: Ahh…. Ok… ugh…. Bring condoms… Me: Ok. I relayed the information to Mike and he left after taking a quick shower. I went to bed and hoped that Mike would be able to satisfy April's lust. I woke up around 1pm feeling really hungry and ventured out to the living room as I thought I heard chatter. April was sitting with Mike at the dining table eating Hokkien Mee. Mike: Hey! You're awake! Come and eat. Me: Yeah. That looks really familiar. Mike: It's your favourite from Kovan. Me: You went all the way there? Mike: On the way back. April: Can't believe it's still your favorite after all these years. Me: I like the taste. April: It's so dry. I prefer wet ones. Me: Right. I sat down to join them. After lunch we sat at the sofa. April: I wanna thank you. Me: Whatever for? April: For letting me experience it. Me: Right. April: I don't enjoy anal. At all. Me: I don't need to know. Mike: Yeah. She doesn't need to know. April: Ah. Someone's embarrassed. Mike glared at her. April: So I tried the double penetration thing and… let's just say Mike came really fast. Both times. Mike: I don't see how anyone can last when there's so much stimulation going on in there. Me: You put both in twice??? April: Yeah. I didn't think it was going to fit, but somehow it did. So much better than one in each hole. Me: Right. April: So Tom's gonna ask his army friend if he's keen. Me: You haven't had enough? April: Of course not. I want to try 3. Me: You're nuts. April: Not in my pussy at the same time obviously. 2 is enough. Me: So you still need Mike? April: Oh no. Tom's gonna ask the guy with the huge dick. Me: Right. April: I'm done with Mike. I just wanted to sleep with him to spite you. Me: I knew it! April: Well, I'm glad I tried him once at least. He's amazing. You're very lucky. Me: Are we done? April: I think so. Feel a little bad taking Tom away from you though. Me: Just return him in one piece. April: Definitely. But he has so many partners, I really don't know how he does it. He practically fucked me the whole night after you left then carried on when Mike came. Me: I'm sure he's on some drugs. April: Probably. But I'm not complaining. Me: Neither am I. Mike: Thank goodness I don't need any drugs. April: Lucky you. She reached over and stroked his thigh. Me: Hey! I'm sitting right here! She leaned over and kissed me on my lips again. I was powerless to resist. April: Thank you again. I'll make a move first. I watched as April walked slowly to the door as Mike let her out. It looked like she'd been well fucked. Mike: So it's done? Me: I hope so. Mike: Good. I don't think I can do more trials. Haha. It's exhausting. Me: Really? Mike: I mean first Rebecca and now April. I think I've had enough. Me: I hope she's satisfied. I'm quite done with this too. Mike: Good. So it's just me, Tom, and maybe Mark? Me: Haha. As if Mark is going to do it. Mike: Who knows? You're pretty close. I'm sure one day he'll come around. Me: Nah. Even if he doesn't, we'll just be friends. Mike: Alright then. I'm going to shower and take a nap. Join me? Me: Shower or nap? Mike: Both? Mike dragged me into the shower and removed my clothes, kissing me passionately as I stroked his hardness. Thank goodness he was still aroused by me even though he had the pleasure of fucking two other relatively hotter females recently. He spun me around and slid in, pinning me against the wall. I turned my head to kiss him as he thrust into me from behind hard, the way I liked it, especially after he fucked someone else. Ten minutes later he released his load into me. I felt it seep out. Mike: Oh shit! Me: What??? Mike: Was I too rough? There's blood. Me: Hahahahaha. My period is supposed to come. Mike: Oh. Me: Don't worry about it. We showered properly and went to bed for a nap. At least the April issue was done. For now at least. |
Re: My boring story...
Camping for more
Re: My boring story...
The entire week was extremely boring. Work was work, and was as usual disrupted by the midweek work from home day. No one called me up for lunches, nor did I feel the need to catch up with them.
April was unusually quiet as well after the events of last weekend. Luckily for me, I managed to get Tom the entire day on Wednesday when I was working from home, though most of it was spent on my back with my legs in the air. It was surprising I could actually get any work done at all. Thankfully, I had no virtual meetings arranged on that day and only had one work call which all I had to do was listen in. I texted Mark to see if he wanted to do anything on Friday night, probably our usual soju sessions but to my surprise, he declined, and told me he was cutting down on the alcohol. What surprised me more was that he didn't really want to hang out either. Perhaps he was afraid that I'd try to get him to fuck me again. Maybe my selfish behavior was finally pushing him away, especially in this period where he supposedly needed to clear his head. Friday night fast approached and I found myself sitting alone on my sofa with a bottle of soju. Mike was supposedly out on a company dinner. Or maybe he was out attending April's gangbang. I didn't think to ask. Not that I was suspicious or anything, but if he came home and fucked me hard, I guess that would more or less be confirmation he was guilty of something. I was already down to my second bottle when the doorbell rang. I didn't recall buying anything online nor expect any food deliveries. I looked through the peep hole and saw a really familiar face. I opened the door and let him in. Dan: Hey babe. Me: Wow. You're back. Heard you went to jail. Dan: Yeah. Best lesson of my life. Me: Really? Dan: Yeah. While Dan was sort of unkempt previously, there seemed to be a massive change in his appearance now. His hair was no longer overgrown and untidy, he kept it cropped short now, and he actually dressed pretty decently, which was a nice change from his berms and t-shirts. But then who wore long-sleeved shirts with jeans to visit their friends these days? We sat on the sofa. Dan: Can't believe you still have this sofa. I expected it to be replaced by now. Me: Replaced? Why? Dan: Well, it's old. and used. Me: Not everyone is as well-to-do as you. Dan: Haha. Yeah that's true. Me: You look really fit now though. It was true. While he wasn't skin and bones previously, he definitely has a lot more meat now. Dan: I had tons of time to work out. Me: How long were you inside? Dan: Way too long. Me: Sexual offences right? Dan: Along with some other stuff. Me: Should I be worried then? Dan: Haha! Not as if we haven't fucked before. And no. Rape wasn't one of the offences. Unless you count statutory rape as well. Me: Wow. I thought you'd be smarter. Dan: Yeah. I didn't check. Just assumed. How was I to know she was only 14? Me: That's really young. Dan: Well, I served my time. Me: So what are you doing now? Same business? Dan: Haha. Of course not. I'm working at my family business now. Me: That's good. You're finally growing up. Dan: No choice. I don't go there, they won't retire. Haha. Me: Need a personal assistant? Hahahaha. Dan: Lol what? Me: I'm sure I can do a good job under you. Dan: Hahahahaha. I'm not even an assistant manager, why would I need a PA? Me: Oh… Dan: Besides, don't you think I'd choose someone maybe 20 years younger? Me: Hey! Dan: Hahaha. Me: So why are you here anyway? Dan: Just catching up? Me: Right. You want sex right? Dan: Again, I'd choose someone 20 years younger. Hahahahaha. Me: Asshole. Dan: Anyway… I came to make amends? Me: For? Dan: My past? Me: Huh? What do you mean? What did you do to me that needs mending? Dan took out an envelope from his pocket and passed it to me. I opened it and found a cheque for $20k. Me: What's this? Dan: Whatever I took from you for agent fees. Me: Huh? Are you even sure it was $20k? Dan: It was probably more. But that's all I have left. Me: Fucker, I don't think I reached $20k. And you're emptying your bank account? I don't want it. Dan: Just take it. Me: I don't need it. Dan: Well, it's money that wasn't mine technically. Put it in the bank or something. Invest. Me: Why are you doing this? Dan: Just feels right. Me: Were you caught for this too? Dan: Nah. I just don't want to keep the money. Me: Well, thanks I guess. He leaned over and gave me a hug. Dan: Thanks June. Me: Huh? What for? Dan: I don't know. Everything? Me: Why does it sound like you're going away? Dan: I am. The old me anyway. Me: Oh? Where are you going? Dan: I mean I'm not the same person anymore. Me: Oh. Here I was hoping you'd just push my head down. Dan: Hahaha. You're still the same horny girl I knew all those years ago. Me: Of course. But I'm selective. Dan: Right. But nah. I'd choose someone 20 years younger. Hahahaha. Me: Asshole. But I hugged him back. There was a nice warm feeling inside me after he left. I don't know how to describe it, but I was happy for him. I went back to watching Netflix while waiting for Mike to come home, or Mark to change his mind about drinks. Neither happened, so I went to bed. Mike came home around 3am and went straight to the shower. When he was done, he simply kissed my forehead and went to bed. No groping, no squeezing, just sleeping. I guess that meant he wasn't at a gangbang assuming there was one. I suppose I'd hear all about it from April over the next few days. I was super curious though to find out how many of the guys she actually managed to get. But all in all, that summed up an extremely boring weekend. All I did was research on which bank was the best to deposit the $20k into, in the end settling on my existing account as I was lazy to go through the account opening process. Hopefully the next week would be more interesting. |
Re: My boring story...
Sometimes boring is good, if every week also super exciting, the heart might skip a beat.
Just had a friend's hubby suddenly passed away due to heart attack. He's only in his early 50s. Work stress and lack of rest.
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
Paging for sis June! Almost a week since last update. If no time to update. Point form will be great as well
Re: My boring story...
Anymore updates coming soon TS?
Re: My boring story...
The entire week and weekend was pretty horrible.
It started with a sore throat on Wednesday when I was working from home, then a runny nose with a dry cough, then a mild fever with body aches. I took multiple ARTs but all were negative so I just self-medicated with over-the-counter meds. It was pretty hilarious trying to blow Mike when we got intimate on Friday night, I was stopping every few seconds just to cough. I bet he thought I was choking on his dick, but the truth was that my throat was simply itchy. Even sex was rather unsatisfying for me, as I couldn't feel much, probably numb from the drowsy meds, and in the end Mike just dragged me to the shower, gave me a cold bath to bring down the fever then wrapped me up and tucked me into bed. Saturday morning I wasn't any better so he dragged me to see a doctor before seeing one himself as he too was developing a sore throat. As expected, my covid test was still negative but I got some more medications from the doctor, and MC for 3 days just in case, which didn't make much sense since it was the weekend. I guess I'd see the doctor again on Monday if I wasn't better. After a bland breakfast we just spent the entire day on the sofa in front of the TV. April had been rather quiet since the day she had both Tom and Mike. I wondered if her curiosity had been satisfied already. After all, she didn't text me to borrow Mike anymore, and last week, I assumed Mike was really at his company dinner, hence no gangbang. But out of the blue that evening, as I was wrapped up and huddled on my sofa, the doorbell rang. I got up to open the door as Mike had abandoned me and was in his room playing games as usual. Me: April? What's up? April: Hello! Long time no see! Miss me? Me: Huh? I ushered her in. April: You look sick. Me: I am sick. April: Oh. Thought you could join me. Me: To do what? April: What I've been doing recently? Me: What did you do? April: I had a gangbang. Me: Uh huh. April: Now I keep wanting it. Me: Right. April: That's not the only part of it. Me: Sounds like you need a drink. April: Yes please. I got her a bottle of soju and made a hot tea for myself. Me: What happened? April: I told Tom I wanted more and he willingly obliged. We booked a room and got Darren and Jason over. Me: Last Friday night? April: Oh? How did you know? Me: Lucky guess. Was Mike there? April: Nah. Tom invited him but he had some work thing. Me: Right. April: Anyway, Darren is really huge. And this Jason guy, I think he's an asshole, so rough. But I kind of liked it. Rough but sensual? Me: And? April: Let's just say I really enjoyed myself. So I asked Tom to get more guys the next time. Me: Let me guess again. His army friend EoS? The only other guy in that group Mark? April: Eh. How come you seem to know everything? Me: Very lucky guesses? April: But anyway they didn't agree. And Mike didn't reply either. Me: This was yesterday I assume. April: Yeah. But I really really wanted to try one more cock at the same time. So I asked John to join us. Me: Are you out of your mind??? April: I still want to cuckold him. Hahaha. But somehow, he readily agreed. I was considering FWB, but I kind of want to drop him already. Me: Aren't you still trying to fix things with John? April: Yeah. Sort of. We've had way more sex in the past 2 weeks than in the last 5 years I think. Me: Right. April: Tom managed to get another girl along too though. Just in case. Me: In case of what? April: In case I needed a break? Too many cocks overwhelmed me? Me: Let me guess again… this girl was slim, big boobs, wears specs… April: Not really. Me: Oh. Finally I guessed wrong. April: It was Jason's wife. Me: Huh??? April: Yeah. I was surprised too. And kind of intimidated. Me: Why? April: She looks really fit. And domineering. Me: Urgh. Don't tell me about any girl-on-girl action. April: But that's how it started. You should have seen John. He was so aroused. I never felt him that hard before. When she pinned me onto the bed and went down on me, he was already playing with himself. Me: And? April: I was thinking about you actually. When she was eating me out. Me: Oh no. Nononono. April: What no? Me: Not interested. No….. April: I mean you seem to be really experienced in this. Me: I draw the line at 2 guys. And I don't do girls. That's it. April: Ok. Then something is really wrong with me. Me: Why? April: I keep thinking about it. And I still want more of it. Me: Why look for me then? April: Because I want you to try it with me. Me: Nononono. Mike suddenly came out. Mike: What's going on? April: Oh hello! You're home. Mike: Err yeah? April: I was just telling June about my gangbang. Mike: Nice. Me: You can join them if you want. Mike: Haha. Nah. Me: I'm not kidding. Mike: Ya right. Me: I mean she came all the way here to tell me about it. Can't you see how excited she is? Mike: I'm not like them. I think. April: You're just embarrassed you came so quickly. Mike: Haha. Maybe. But I really find it weird when my cock's rubbing against someone else's. April: Darren's even faster than you. Don't worry. Me: You had both of them in your pussy? April: Oh no. Didn't try that this time around, didn't think it would fit. And Darren cums so fast anyway. Me: Right. April: You sure you're not interested. Me: 100% sure. April: And Mike? Mike: Yeah. Not keen. April: Ok fine. Then I came here to brag. Haha. Me: Knew it. April: Hey, this thing really opened my eyes to the world ok? Somewhat thanks to you. Me: Can you just go fix your relationship with your husband? April: Actually, we've decided to have an open marriage now. Kind of like you and Mike. Me: Right. April: Based on the past 2 weeks, I think it's working out pretty well. Me: Good for you then. April: By the way, I really like Mike's cock and skills. Wish I could have it more often. Hint hint. I rolled my eyes at her. Me: If he's willing, sure. April: Like right now? Me: Sure. April: With you watching? Me: Wait what? April: I want you to watch. I glared at her this time. Me: Nope. Not gonna happen. But you can have him. I can't even satisfy him now cos I'm sick. Mike: Haha. That's true. Wait what? Me: Go fuck April. Let me rest. Mike: Seriously? April: Yeah. Seriously? Me: You're already here right? April: Haha. I really prefer it with more guys though. Me: I think you need a shrink, and you better not be calling anyone else over. Mike: I think so too. We should go to a hotel. April: Really? Mike: I'd rather go to a hotel. Me: Go then? And you really came all the way here to brag about your sex life? April: Yup. And convince you to join me. Me: Why? April: Oh I don't know. YOLO? Me: I don't want to. I need to be comfortable with a guy before I do anything. April: Oh. Really? Me: Yeah. Maybe you should be more discerning. April: I think the guys you introduced to me are all quite ok. Even Jason. Me: Woah… I only introduced one. April: Fine. But the guys in the group are really pretty decent. Me: You don't need to try to convince me. If I wanted another guy, it would only be Mark. April: The way things are going, I'll probably get him first. Me: Can you not be so… slutty? April: Hahahahaha. It's this being slutty? It's just me finally discovering myself. Wish I'd explored this earlier though. It's tough not to be self-conscious when I'm naked around so many guys. Me: I know what you mean. I feel so fat recently. She suddenly grabbed my chest. April: You mean these? Hahahaha. I pushed her hands away. Me: Oi. I'm sick. Don't disturb me. Mike just laughed as April suddenly mounted me, thrusting her chest into my face. April: I'm as big as you now. Me: Right. April: Let me eat you. Me: Noooooooo….. Mike: I'd watch that. April: See! Your husband approves! Me: Nooooooooo….. April suddenly removed her top and unhooked her bra. I wanted to push her off but I didn't have the strength. Me: Oi! Mike scrambled up and drew the curtains. April bent down and kissed my neck. Me: Hello! I'm really sick la! That didn't really stop her as she slid her hands under my t-shirt. I probably should have worn a bra. She cupped my breasts and squeezed them gently, her fingers creeping up to my nipples. Fuck. I was getting a little aroused. She looked into my eyes. April: Let's do this. Me: Do what? She removed my top and pressed her boobs against mine, brought her mouth to mine and kissed me gently. I glanced at Mike. He was just sitting there watching us, but there was an unmistakable twitch in his boxers. Me: Oh what the hell. I pushed April off and removed my shorts and panties. April: Ah ha! Why are you wet? Me: I'm not- fuck! She dived down and gave me a long lick. What the fuck kind of porn had she been watching? Or did she learn this from Crystal? All along I had the impression she wasn't bi. Perhaps that encounter with Mark and Jasmine changed her. To be fair, April was just as good at pleasuring me with her mouth as Mike and Tom were. Either that, or she was really eager to do so. Had she been wanting to do this for ages? I glanced at Mike again and he was already naked and stroking his hard cock. Me: Don't you fucking waste it! He looked at me and nodded, before disappearing to the room and returning with the box of condoms. But he didn't cap himself just yet, instead bringing his cock to my mouth which I swallowed hungrily. I was still sick, but somehow with April down there, I was also extremely horny. April: I want some of that too! She scrambled up and tried to share Mike's cock. I probably should warn her that she was going to be sick after this but I guess she didn't really care. She pushed Mike down onto the sofa and got on his other side. We tried simultaneously licking his pole like how we saw the actresses do it in porn, but somehow we kept knocking into each other. I guess one cock wasn't enough for both of us. I never intended to share Mike this way. I was ok with him fucking others, but never really wanted it to be with me at the same time. Perhaps I would make an exception for April. We finally got into the rhythm of the double blowjob and I could see the look of satisfaction on Mike's face. It was probably the same look I had when I had two cocks at the same time. I don't know what possessed me but I reached over to April's pussy and slid a finger in. She gave me a wide-eyed look. It was quite hilarious actually as Mike's cock was in her mouth. Me: You're wet. She popped his cock out and wanked it slowly. April: I'm fucking horny. Me: I can tell. She climbed on top of Mike. April: May I? Me: With a condom please. April: Oh ya. Sorry. Too horny. Forgot about it. I grabbed a condom and capped Mike and watched as April slowly inserted his throbbing manhood in. Wow. I didn't expect to be aroused by it, but somehow watching my best friend fuck my husband was turning me on greatly. She rode him slowly at first, deliberately using every inch of his cock to impale herself. She was definitely tighter than me, judging by how she wrapped her pussy around his meat, or perhaps she had better control. Her moans were sexily sultry. I tried to imagine what it would feel like for a guy to hear those moans while his cock was being gripped by such a tight pussy. But in the end I think I was kind of right. With two girls, one would definitely have nothing to do. I wanted a cock too. I wanted one in me right now. Perhaps I should call Tom or Mark over. We'll see. |
Re: My boring story...
Nice update, sorry to hear that you were sick, June.
Anyway, call Tom you have better chance to have a real 4p. For Mark, if you have not conquer him yourself, to have a 4p or 3p with him, I am quite sure he wouldn't agree. He's no longer that Mark we used to know. He kinda stops allowing to be just used, unless there's some mutual feeling, like between you and him.
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
Incredible story. Hope to read more!
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Re: My boring story...
Really nicely written, quite enjoyed the update written, thank you for taking the time to update the story
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Re: My boring story...
I'm not exactly sure what possessed me, but watching April ride Mike made me ache for his cock inside me as well. Or maybe just a cock. Didn't need to be his. I don't know why I was reacting this way. Even when watching porn, I didn't seem to be this aroused.
After 5 minutes or so, April decided to go reverse cowgirl on Mike. It was then I could actually see a lot more clearly just how tight her pussy was as it swallowed his cock inch by inch. He definitely must be enjoying it. And yup, a two female threesome really sucked. Was I supposed to be playing with myself while watching? Was I supposed to sit on Mike's face? But he was on the sofa, that would prove extremely difficult. So I did the next best thing, which unfortunately did nothing to help my own horniness. I went over and suckled on April's nipple while squeezing her breast. April: Ahhh! I thought you weren't into this? Me: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now besides watch. April: Yes!!! Rub my clit! I reached down to her clit. It was already engorged. Somehow I could feel Mike's cock pulsing with each stroke. Was that how it felt when it was inside me? Still, it was kind of irritating that April was getting all the pleasure and I was contributing to it. April: Don't stop! Don't cum yet! Mike: I'm trying! I think I had enough of it and went to the bathroom to wash up, hearing April's sexy moans all the way. I called Mark. Mark: Hello? I put him on speaker and held out the phone in the direction of the living room, letting him hear April's moans and Mike's groans. Mark: Haha. What's going on? Me: April's fucking my husband. Mark: Oh? Why are you calling me then? Me: I don't know what I should do. Mark: Join in? Me: How? Mark: Torture him? Me: She's already torturing him. Mark: Sure sounds like it? Me: Come over? Mark: Me? Me: I need your cock. Mark: Woah…. We've never gone that far yet. Haha. Me: I know. Mark: I don't want to. Not this way. Me: Oh. Yeah. Expected. Mark: Just join them. Take turns using him. Me: I really don't know how. Mark: Use your intuition. Me: Huh? Mark: Just go with the flow la. Do what you want to do. Me: You mean like push her off and take back ownership? Haha. Mark: I suppose so? But change condoms ya? Me: I don't use condoms with Mike. Unless it's with Tom. Mark: Same concept. Me: Yeah. I know. Mark: Be safe. Me: But if I fuck him raw, it will make her jealous. Mark: This isn't a competition. Me: Well… Mark: Just be safe la. I'm actually driving now. So have fun ok? Me: Ok. Mark: Bye! He hung up and I called Tom, it sounded like he was out in a big group. Tom: What's up? Me: Come over and fuck me. Tom: Now? Me: Half an hour ago. Tom: Huh? Me: Listen to this. I held the phone out again. Tom: Hahahahaha! That sounds like April! And Mike? Me: Yup. Not enough cocks. Tom: Hahahaha. I'm out now. With friends. Me: Bring them all over. Tom: Huh? Me: April loves many cocks. Tom: Hahaha. Yeah. I don't deny that. Me: So you're coming? Tom: Hang on ah. I heard him telling his friends he was going to make a move first. I heard them sort of berating him for playing them out. Then I think he pulled one of them aside and asked him if he wanted to come over. Me: Hey. Who are you asking? Hello? There was no response. Me: He better have a nice cock… Still no response. I waited for awhile. Tom: Ah…. He definitely has a nice cock. Fucks well too. Me: Who??? Tom: But he said no. Me: Who????? Tom: EoS. I'm at an army gathering. Me: Oh. Right. Tom: And yeah. Don't think it's very nice if I leave now. Me: Sure. It's fine then. Tom: Didn't you ask anyone else? Me: I did. He declined. Tom: I bet it's Mark. Haha. Me: Yeah. Tom: You want me to ask Darren? Me: Nah. It's fine. Tom: Just go have fun la. Go explore your bisexual tendencies. Me: Right. Tom: I'll catch you next week or something. Me: You free on Wednesday? Tom: Work under you while you work from home again? Me: Yes please. I'd like that. Tom: Ok. I'll let you know again. Me: I hope I recover by then. Tom: You're still sick? Me: Yeah. Tom: Oh no. Me: Just the flu. Tom: Yeah. The flu bug's been going around. Me: That's what the doc said. Tom: Drink more water, vitamin C, rest more. Me: I think maybe sex will help. Haha. Tom: You've got a fit husband. Me: I know. Tried yesterday. It didn't work. Tom: If he didn't work, it's unlikely I'd be able to cure you. Haha. Me: Maybe both of you? Haha. Tom: Maybe. But just go rest la. Me: I'm jealous. Tom: Oh? Me: April riding my husband. Tom: You allowed it. Accept it. Me: It's making me super horny. Tom: Haha. So how would me being over help? Me: I don't know. I could ride you beside them. Moan more sexily than her. Make Mike want to fuck me too. Tom: You're funny. It doesn't work that way. Me: Oh? Tom: Yeah it doesn't. Mike would fuck you well anyway after April is gone. Me: I sure hope so. Tom: Just go and join them la. Have fun! By the way, April's neck is really sensitive, just under her earlobe… Me: Why are you telling me??? Tom: Lick her there. She'll scream. Me: Oh. Tom: I got to go now. Have fun! He hung up. Armed with the new knowledge, I strode up to them. She was still in reverse cowgirl. She sure had stamina. I pushed her hair back and nibbled on her earlobe while squeezing her breast. April: Ahhh….. I flicked my tongue under her earlobe and went down her neck and felt her whole body literally convulse. April: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I think Mike realised what I was doing and attacked the other side of her neck. I moved my hand down to her clit which was still engorged. April: FUCK!!!!! After a couple of seconds of us licking her neck and me rubbing her clit, April practically jumped up, letting Mike's dick free as I continued rubbing her clit. I felt the warm gush onto my hand but kept rubbing. April: AHHHH! She squirted uncontrollably for a couple more seconds before scrambling off and collapsing on the floor. Mike looked amused. I ripped off the condom and slid him in, kissing him deeply as I rode him my own way, moaning as sexily as I could into his mouth as we kissed. Sadly, I guess he was already so aroused by April that within minutes, I felt another warm gush, this time inside me, as he filled me with his seed. Me: That was fast. Mike: Sorry. You never really fucked me this intensely before. Me: Oh yeah. Usually you're the intense one. I got of him slowly and grabbed the tissues. April: I want to taste his cum. Come over here. Me: What?? No! April: Fine. She scrambled up and took his deflated cock into her mouth. Mike: Oh shit. She had gotten him hard again. April: May I have another condom please? I passed her one and she capped him, before lying down on the sofa. April: Please fuck me as intensely as you fuck June. Mike looked at me. I sighed. Me: Go ahead. I'm going to shower. I tried to shut out the sounds of her moans and his flesh smacking against hers but I could not. I guess I better get used to this in case it became a regular occurrence. |
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