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Old 11-06-2012, 04:13 AM
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Talking Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by chuahcq View Post
Any bro out there know where to get Ecstasy in BKK. My girlfriend would like to try.
<Shake Head> I don't need to take esctasy to be shaking head at you. What's wrong with you, boy? You come here asking where to get drugs ? This is sex forum not drugs forum. We all like a drug called sex here, kapish?
Women, drinks and cigarettes are way better than esctasy.
And if you are ta po kia you should not be looking to get drugs just cos your gal asks you to. What's wrong with you? You don't have a brain?
Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
I would never recommend taking illegal substances inside Singapore where the laws are draconian and unreasonable by developed world standards.
You must be kidding. Many developed countries will be happy if their countries have such so called "draconian and unreasonable by developed world standards" laws on illegal substances. Sure S'pore is a 'fine' city but the trade off is it is a much safer, secure place for family/kids.
I am more of a liberal than a conservative but I also think we need strong laws on crimes, drugs in exchange for better security and peace of mind.
Which is why I applaud Thaksin purging and eliminating those thousands of drug dealers when he was in power then.
Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
I agreed with the tough law in SG dealing with illegal drugs. It has to be tough to maintain law and orders. I think staying in SG is so much safer and fortunate.
He wants to have the cake and eat it. Which isn't pragmatic

Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
Singapore is a city-state so I understand certain measures must be undertaken historically and currently speaking to keep things in check. Draconian laws are a measurement of insecurity though. I disagree with it on principle because freedom also gives you freedom to make your own errors. It should not regulate every activity in your life unless that activity impedes in the freedom or livelihood of others.
You want a Utopian lifestyle but in real world hard to get that. I also want a Utopian lifestyle. Which is why I also like Utopia MP. Many hot model babes, hot hot !!
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Old 11-06-2012, 10:31 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
I disagree with it on principle because freedom also gives you freedom to make your own errors. It should not regulate every activity in your life unless that activity impedes in the freedom or livelihood of others.
Look at it this way, as mentioned, nothing bad has happened to u or your family, thus u will like the "freedom" for others to make their own error. If bad has happened to u.... u will be questioning why society has not taken step to prevent.

Tough law is in placed, to protect the majority. The minority knows it and yet breaks it, then face the consequences.

Example, drug is death penalty in SG, u know it and yet u toying with drug, u deserve to be punished. In America, due to so called human rights or "freedom", the govt is spending in a year, few % out of the world biggest GDP to deal with drugs and related problems.

I also find SG law crazy but still if I have kids, I will rather have them in SG. At least I know, they are safe and law will prevent them from own error.

Originally Posted by acmilan View Post
Sure S'pore is a 'fine' city but the trade off is it is a much safer, secure place for family/kids.
At least dun have to worry about their safety in SG while I am in Thailand fooling with another girl/girls.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 11-06-2012, 12:51 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by acmilan View Post
You must be kidding. Many developed countries will be happy if their countries have such so called "draconian and unreasonable by developed world standards" laws on illegal substances. Sure S'pore is a 'fine' city but the trade off is it is a much safer, secure place for family/kids.
I am more of a liberal than a conservative but I also think we need strong laws on crimes, drugs in exchange for better security and peace of mind.
Which is why I applaud Thaksin purging and eliminating those thousands of drug dealers when he was in power then.
I totally disagree with this as the U.S. prohibition era and the powerful cartels in South America have shown that harsh enforcement is usually a fruitless endeavor. It drives up profits to a level where big business and government corruption is an eventuality. Singapore as a nation is unique in many respects though so I won't get into too long winded of a comparison between why this type of enforcement appears to work in Singapore but not other countries. There are historical reasons for most NEA (or ethnic Chinese) countries to take such a harsh stance with drug use which I do understand. But, look at Portugal and Spain. They totally lifted punitive drug enforcement laws and their countries haven't fallen into chaos and anarchy. The reason why is that they realize that most of the issues are with educating and rehabilitating the consumer. If you can reduce demand then supply is irrelevant. Economics 101.

Let me leave you with this quote:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Old 11-06-2012, 12:59 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Example, drug is death penalty in SG, u know it and yet u toying with drug, u deserve to be punished. In America, due to so called human rights or "freedom", the govt is spending in a year, few % out of the world biggest GDP to deal with drugs and related problems.
Let me just say that the U.S. is not a model for human rights either. The drug war fuels the military industrial complex and has an effect on defense spending as well as private corporate prisons. The defense lobby is incredibly powerful. Most of Singapore's, Taiwan's, Korea's advanced force multiplier systems come from the U.S. there's a driving impetus to keep defense spending high. It's an industry second only to maybe the big pharmaceuticals industry. The drug war itself has nothing at all to do with the safety or sanctity of the average U.S. citizen.
Old 11-06-2012, 01:06 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by modusoperandi View Post
The drug war itself has nothing at all to do with the safety or sanctity of the average U.S. citizen.
Why bother so much about this?? If we continue with individual argument, this thread gonna change the title and getting boring. Although we do get boring questions all the while.

Your ideal city, might be others hell. Your safety is my danger. U live your prefer life, ways, thinking or whatever while others live theirs. Just live on.....None of us is significant enough to change the present, the situation.

Lets get back to the real world, cheonging is what most of us are here for and capable of doing.

Sat evening went to Barccara, again needed to purchase drink first before I could get in. Either they have this policy during weekends or when it is too crowded.... Damn business must be good for them.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 11-06-2012, 01:14 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Sat evening went to Barccara, again needed to purchase drink first before I could get in. Either they have this policy during weekends or when it is too crowded.... Damn business must be good for them.
That's weird, previously I always go Baccara but no advance drink required. Must be many lookers who just wanna go in sit around then leave. You frequent the bottom or upstairs with the student outfit and show?
Old 11-06-2012, 01:20 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Why bother so much about this?? If we continue with individual argument, this thread gonna change the title and getting boring. Although we do get boring questions all the while.
You're right. I actually hate politics seeping into daily life which is one reason why I live abroad to begin with but "moral" type legislation has always been a pet peeve of mine. Anyways, back to cheonging talk!
Old 11-06-2012, 01:22 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by nasibriyani View Post
That's weird, previously I always go Baccara but no advance drink required. Must be many lookers who just wanna go in sit around then leave. You frequent the bottom or upstairs with the student outfit and show?
Last time I went there was probably a year and a half ago and even then the waitress wouldn't let me sit without buying a drink.
Old 11-06-2012, 01:48 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

bros, kinda of getting off track here... don't turn this thread into a political one... let's all stick to the 1 topic that we are all in here for alright? cheers
Old 11-06-2012, 04:28 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by nasibriyani View Post
That's weird, previously I always go Baccara but no advance drink required. Must be many lookers who just wanna go in sit around then leave. You frequent the bottom or upstairs with the student outfit and show?
Maybe only during weekends and crowded.... as long there is seat, I will be there.... As mentioned, I only go these agogos when friends are here. I dun find them interesting after more than 10 years coming to BKK and currently stay in BKK.

Seldom had good experience with these gers in term of sex. It is always standard... the gers are so eager about u, trying her best to seduce u. Once u got hooked, bar fine and back to hotel followed by nothing great on the bed.

When u are new or seldom in BKK then these entertainments are always sexciting
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 11-06-2012, 04:39 PM
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Mongering Lobbyist

Originally Posted by acmilan View Post
You want a Utopian lifestyle but in real world hard to get that.
I also want a Utopian lifestyle.

Which is why I also like Utopia MP.
Many hot model babes, hot hot !!
Utopia Soapy MP is oudated.

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
As mentioned, I only go these agogos when friends are here.
I dun find them interesting after more than 10 years coming to BKK and currently stay in BKK.

When u are new or seldom in BKK then these entertainments are always sexciting
Go Agogo Bars disturb waitresses more fun leh.
Who cares about Agogo Bar girls?

Can talk about mongering politics instead?
Old 11-06-2012, 04:50 PM
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Re: Mongering Lobbyist

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post

Go Agogo Bars disturb waitresses more fun leh.
Who cares about Agogo Bar girls?

Can talk about mongering politics instead?
These days when u talk to waitress, they will ask for LD... a bit frustrating. Drinks are getting more expensive in agogos.... I rather go local agogo... less than 1000thb, I am sure high on drinks. 2000thb, all the gers look like models.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 11-06-2012, 05:33 PM
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Re: Mongering Lobbyist

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
These days when u talk to waitress, they will ask for LD... a bit frustrating. Drinks are getting more expensive in agogos.... I rather go local agogo... less than 1000thb, I am sure high on drinks. 2000thb, all the gers look like models.
3000 bht and everything goes dark and you wake up at home.
Old 11-06-2012, 05:49 PM
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Re: Mongering Lobbyist

Originally Posted by sojo View Post
3000 bht and everything goes dark and you wake up at home.
When are your next trip to BKK?
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 11-06-2012, 05:53 PM
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Re: Mongering Lobbyist

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Drinks are getting more expensive in agogos.... I rather go local agogo... less than 1000thb, I am sure high on drinks. 2000thb, all the gers look like models.
Also called 'beer goggles' ..more we drink, the better they look.

Yeah, SOP with agg gals. It's like roulette, we only hear good agg FRs here ..seldom when bed scene bombs
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