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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 24-05-2003, 08:46 AM
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Originally posted by live2002evil
tks bro, but wat is skill? hc also?
Skills HC is located in Orchard Towers
Retired from all cheong activities
Old 24-05-2003, 11:23 AM
girllover girllover is offline
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Originally posted by Sers
Think I tried Ann before 22 I think from SG.
young gal in my opinon. But very lian the way she walks. Wonder
if she still working there? Any updates?
I thought Ann quit long time ago liao.
Old 24-05-2003, 10:23 PM
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Originally posted by live2002evil
tks bro, but wat is skill? hc also?
Its a new HC at Orchard plaza if I'm not wrong...go check it out...

Last edited by BitchyBoy69; 24-05-2003 at 10:25 PM.
Old 28-05-2003, 11:32 AM
curiousboy curiousboy is offline
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say anyone here who has been to joyful in the past 2 months have tried jessie??

hope i did not get the name wrong...

any FR on her??
Old 24-07-2003, 11:28 AM
sealwoon sealwoon is offline
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Hi there me just went down last week. Jessie is still working but she is a late comer :P her service is quite SOP but her Look are good. need to get to know her before she give you more "special" :P As for kelly well she is really doing only SOP job and very boring but her Boobs are really very nice and firm :P latest update there is 2 new SG girls. One of them is call Rina the other i dont know. Rina is very Lian with tatoo but look and skins are very nice :P

Look 8
HJ never tried before
BJ 5
FJ 6

Look 7
HJ never tired before
BJ 3
FJ 4 Like a dead fish

Look 6.5
HJ never tired before
BJ 8
FJ 8 very very wet :P

I am using my friend account to wirte this FR
my name will be High5
Old 25-07-2003, 01:23 PM
high5 high5 is offline
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Hehe yesterday just went down and heres the latest update....

Jessie is now back to work and looking better each time i see her :P But she will only come in after 2

Kelly Offday is Thursday and her beast is really big I think is at least 36D :P

Rena Offday is Monday her beast is only 32A very small

That all for now :P
Old 25-07-2003, 01:59 PM
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Look 6.5
HJ never tired before
BJ 8
FJ 8 very very wet :P

hi bro high5

what time does this rena starts work? feel like trying her as your rating for bj is so high, is it bbbj? can french?
Old 25-07-2003, 02:05 PM
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bro mooner,

She start at about 2pm. She gave me BBBJ and Freching as well ;p
Old 25-07-2003, 02:57 PM
curiousboy curiousboy is offline
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Originally posted by high5
bro mooner,

She start at about 2pm. She gave me BBBJ and Freching as well ;p
bbbj and frenching??

sure or not?
will be trying then...
got once i went there and i got jessie at last and my friend got a sg gal...

not sure the name of the sg gal but she had tatoo on her..
is that rina??
or the other sg gal also had tatoo??
Drink and Drive is the same as Bonking RAW!!

Old 25-07-2003, 03:11 PM
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Bro curiousboy,

That what she did on me Rena have a tatoo on her right arm as well as her back and she just worked there for 1 mth plus so not sure if that her your friend got
Old 25-07-2003, 11:30 PM
tanterry tanterry is offline
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Thumbs up

Tried Rina today & confrimed that gal got 2 angkongs on her body. I'd say her looks are quite ok lah. Further, her service is excellent.... Errh, how to describe it? it's just like those commando GL150 & should be awarded with service excellence award man!

Once again, would like to.. thank Bro High5 for the leads
Old 26-07-2003, 08:24 AM
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Hehe Thanks for the comments got good thing must share
Old 26-07-2003, 03:23 PM
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Hi Bros,

Tried Kelly of Joyful yesterday after procrastinating for quite a while. Below is my FR.

I made a booking for her but was late bcos the lift there was spoilt. Shit, have to take the stair-case up. Half sian liao. Anyway, to cut story short. When I went in, evetything was dirty, dare not shower bcos the towel was so black and dirty. Then, in came a girl. Wah, first glance she look quite ok, the girl next door look. Quite tanned. Her boobs got my attention. Her thigh was also solid, I mean not the flabby type.

After massage, she popped the question, asked me "Want special ?" My heart say "why ask stupiid question, I was dying to see and squeeze her boobs" Anyway, opted for bm and bj, Was quoted $100. But no undressing, only unhook her bra and lift her shirt and skirt-up. I agreed.

The best part was when she lift up her shirt to expose her breast, wah so big and bouncy, damn "steam" man, my didi straight away spring up.

I must say, her breast still smaller than the legendary Michelle (Merlin) or Sugar (Dorris) but I think Kelly is 3rd after the two.

Have tried the follwing so called "big-breast" girls

1. Ice(bugis)
2. Jas (IP)
3. Kitty (Eminnet)
4. Eve (Miko)
5. Linda (Leisure)
6. Eve (Leisure)
7. Pamela & Rita (Ex-Dickson & current Cassanova)
8. Daisy (Legend)
9. Elaine (Legend)
10. Michelle (Joyful- quit liao)
11. Gigi (ex Novena and Royal)

But I think Kelly's breast better than the eleven named above simply bcos Kelly's breast is firm (she's relatively young) and real.

But other than offering big breast, Kelly is nothing to shout about, bj oso not much skills - use a lot of hand which I hate. Oso won't undressed all. But she quite polite and nice young girl from Segamat, if you meet her outside, you would probably want to bring her back and show your mum bcos she looks so decent !!


Last edited by gedangsa; 26-07-2003 at 03:32 PM.
Old 28-07-2003, 01:37 PM
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hi guys this rina is she a malay or a chinese? cos her name sounds malay. kindy advice.
guys are born naturally horny tats why we need sex. born to flirt which normal guy can resist fucking a whore? FCUK while u still can life is short make full use of ur time
Old 28-07-2003, 05:24 PM
curiousboy curiousboy is offline
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Originally posted by strikeer
hi guys this rina is she a malay or a chinese? cos her name sounds malay. kindy advice.
she is chinese from what i saw that time when my friend got her....

had tatoo on her...
usually names given to them is only really a name and no other meaning...
to facilitate services...
Drink and Drive is the same as Bonking RAW!!

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