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Old 21-10-2009, 03:44 PM
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Talking Re: Office Milf Encounter

looking 4ward 2 d next chapter..

smth 2 let our imagination run wild..

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Blatancy with subtlety - a sublime phase... easy to say but hard to master~!
Old 04-11-2009, 12:27 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Hi all,

Sorry for the long delay, had quite a busy few weeks....


After many more stimulating Gym and swimming sessions (Yes... I taught her to swim , Janet and i were likebest buds now...
She was extremely comfortable with me holding and touching her during our workouts... occasional , I'd cop a feel of her ass and breasts ..
"unintentionally" of course ... she never said a word or even seemed awkward.... Best...

On the day of the company D&D, I got a call from her as i was leaving my home for the hotel...
" Ivan Kor (yes, I'm her big brother now), Can fetch me to the hotel...? My i husband now then say he need to work double shift and cannot take there lah...
Now so late already.. pleaaase??? "
"Sure thing babe , will be there in 10mins, see you downstairs okay?"
"Thanks Kor, i go down and wait now.."
Hehehehe.... Felt like i was going tothe prom and picking up my date...
As i pulled into her carpack, i got my first glimpse of heaven.
There she was ... Wearing this real tight fitting silver/white cheongsam which showed off all her curves.. her deeep cleavage showing nicely at the heartshaped opening in
the front of her dress.. and best of all , the cheongsam had a slit on the side all the way up to about her waist height...
fark... she crossed in front of my BMW and gave me a real nice peek-a-boo look at her long white legs...
I swallowed and quickly adjusted my growing brother before she opened the door....

"Hi Kor , wah so handsome today ... first time see you wearing suit leh? I like leh" she gave me that playful licking lips action...
Fucking tease, I though,one day i must ram my brother into your mouth...

I was going to drive her to the hilton... but dropped her off around Forum galleria as she did'nt want people to talk about us showing up together...
Her idea to drop first... broke my heart when she mentioned it...

Anyways, I parked my car and then proceeded to the hotel checkin counter to check into my room first...
Don't get the wrong idea though, I booked the room because of my experience at the previous years D&D...
Cause, being sales manager, i had to entertain the invited clients all night and ended up sleeping in my parked car at the hotel carpark...
So this year, being the wiser i booked a room just to sleep it off because I knew I would be in no condition to drive by the end of the night ....

After chucking my stuff in the room , i headed to the ballroom where the festivities was in full swing....
I spent the whole night as usual with the invited customer tables drinking the night away...
" IVAN .... Come ... come here lah"... I looked up and saw one of my key customers calling me over...So went over...
"Yah towkay , enough to drink yet?"
"Never enough to drink one lah bro.... but we all want to ask you something?"
"Towkay... dun act like women lah... just ask lah.."
"Okay... Who's tha chick huh? How come we never see her at your office before huh? si beh chio leh..." he pointed slowly across the hall...
I should have known .... They all had their eyes on Janet...

I looked at him... smiled then walked over to where Janet was...
"Yes sir?" in front of her colleagues she calls me sir... she knows her place...
""Mr Lim from XXX company would like to meet the account staff who handles his account... would you mind coming over and introducing yourself...?"
"Of course can lah sir.... our biggest account for 2008 leh.. cannot offend one "
Old 04-11-2009, 12:28 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Hi all,


With that she got up and started walking over to my customers table...
I took the chance put my hand on her waist and was about to lead her juicy taut arse over as well but ...
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we'd now like to invite Ivan to come up and give us some insight on next year forecast and potential...."
Went up the stage and started to give my presentation... Through out my speech i kept an eye on Janet cause i knew my hamsup client pattern very well from all our KTV sessions...
As expected, he kept offering her drink after drink and that silly char boh was just accepting it all ... red wine, whiskey , white wine ,beer...etc

Finished up my 30min presentation , conducted the lucky draw and then immediately went over to where Janet was... She looked at me… her eyes were like semi glazed over ...
shit , another drink and she's gone man... and the Fucking hamsub bastard had his hands on her knee and behind her waist ...

"Errrr... Janet.... i think Mrs Yong is looking for you"
Upon hearing her boss's name , she perked up a little and slurred..." Really? where she ar?"
" I think she went to the ladies to look for you, why don't you go find her..."
"okaysss" she lisped and tried to stand... but my client held on to her shoulder.
My client "Wait..wait...wait..... before you go , you better finished you drink first"
Janet looked at me but i could'nt help... and she knew it... and so she just very coolly kan pei the whole glass of champagne in front of her...
then stood up “Thank you Mr Lim, I need to go first”, picked up her clutch bag and slowly walked off to the ladies...

I had a quick drink with my client then went after her... to be frank, i felt worried and at the same time very guilty about what had happened to her and just wanted to make sure she was alright...
I waited outside the toilet for a good 10 mins and still no sign of her ...
"what the hell" i thought ... then went in to look for her after i made sure the toilet was empty....As expected , i found her puking her guts out in the toilet cubicle..
Even then i thought she looked so damn sexy... and helpless...
All kinds of thoughts was running thru my mind , i wanted to just take my chances and fuck her right there... but for some reason just could'nt bring myself to take advantage of her in that state...
Damn it, "do the right thing the right thing..." ikept repeating to myself as i struggled with my sown sel control while manhandling her to a standing position so i could help her to the sink...

Then i heard voices and the tolet door opening... shit... can't let any of the other staff see us like this...i immediately shut the cubicle door and locked us both in...
But there was just no space in there for 2 to stand so i just put down the toilet lid and sat down with Janet on my lap with her back against my chest and head on my neck...

Damn ... so there we were ... the chick i was dreaming of for the last six months squirming in my lap which was causing my dick to stiffen immediately...
Still remember somehow managing in my half drunk state to "superhumanly" lift her up with one hand and re-adjusting my hardon to a more comfortable postion before it snapped...
Damn it, now i could feel her ass crack against my hard on even with our clothes on.... , self-control totally vanished...
I looked down at Janet..Her eyes were closed and she was breathinh heavily. I could see her C cups rising and falling with every breath...
While still hearing voices in the toilet, I placed my trembling hands gently on her stomach and lightly massaged her waist with my thumbs to see if she'd have a reaction..... None... Yessss...
Held my breath... moved my hands up and cupped her breasts...
Finally, After all the patient six monthbuild up , i was in heaven with this curvy version of Dong Suhua on my lap...
started massaging her breasts gently and this is where i lost it... Cause i could see her nipple getting aroused and erecting ....
How could i resist? So i pinched both her nipples and started "tuning her radio" ... Then i turned her head to the side and pecked her on the lips...
Still no reaction and she semed to be totally out I got bolder ... pushed my tongue into her mouth and frenched her gently while grabbing her breast
with one hand and tilted her slightly to the side so i could grab her arse with my other hand ...
I could taste a tinge of puke but screw it man...this was it, i thought, there's no turning back now...
I was gonna fuck her right there in the toilet...

i carried on kissing and caressing like this until i heard all the voices leave the toilet ....then held my breath once more as i moved my hand under her cheongsam
thru the slit and reached for her cunt... my hands just could not stop trembling…
Was almost there, when all of a sudden her breathing became heavier and she started squirming in my lap so i stopped everything and stood her up...
Last thing i wanted was for her to awaken and find me grabbing her like that...

The moment i stood Janet up, her eyes kindda fluttered open...
Heng ah, any earlier and she'd have probably caught me groping her fantasticly soft body....
Oh well, I thought, i got more than i expected tonight so better not push it...
I unlocked the cubicle and half carried her to the sink to wash up and tried to get her to drink some water as well...
while swaying, She looked at me with this confused look....
"Kor... where are we?I dun feel good... I want to sleep"
"You want me to send you home?"
She closed her eyes and just collapsed... Lucky i caught her or she'd have hit her head on the sink...
This can't do... i can't be seen dragging Janet around the place so i put her face close to the tap and kept splashing water at her face till she came to again...
at least this time she started to drink the tap water on her own...
"Janet , Listen... you must concentrate okay... I'm gonna send you home but you need to walk on your own okay?...oi ... okay or not...?"
Thank god, She gave me the okay sign .. stood up and wobbled to the door... I opened the toilet door and looked out first...Great, no one around...
I grabbed her elbow and guided her to the lift ....
the moment we got into the lift, she collapsed again... shit...
There i was , half drunk as well, one hand holding janet's clutch bag , one hand trying to prop her up... impossible lah....Forget it....

Since i was in no state to drive, and i could'nt afford us to be seen by the other staff , I decided to bring her back to my room instead....
Once inside, i carried her to the bed and laid her there ... She was totally knocked out...
She still so looked beautiful in her dishevelved state..... Wished she was mine.
Buuuuuut.... Self control back in check as the alchohol had worn off a little so me not so daring liao

Left her there, turned down the lights... Stripped down and headed to the bathroom for a bath .... a cold bath.... really needed to cool down

---------------------To be continued....
Old 04-11-2009, 03:29 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

I love office milfs! More more!!
Old 05-11-2009, 06:43 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Another office romp ... I like ...
Read my Office Affair ...
Old 05-11-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Nice steamy story..camping here.


Brothers who up my points please leave behind your nick and latest posting topic for me to return favour !
Old 05-11-2009, 05:35 PM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Bro Quip, I'm also camping here with lots of ice to cool my little bro down...
Old 06-11-2009, 03:26 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

freaking hell, hardon already then story paused! waaahahahaha gogogo! Good one.
Old 06-11-2009, 03:36 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Thanks for yr story.
Old 06-11-2009, 10:59 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Bro quip

Pls continue your excellent story!
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Real combat by the IDF.

Read about Rhys's first love.
Old 06-11-2009, 01:51 PM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Good story bro, keep it coming.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 06-11-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Sexilicious bro!
Old 07-11-2009, 10:24 PM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

a very tempting story...
Old 14-11-2009, 01:27 AM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

continue pls!!! 1 week liao
Old 17-11-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: Office Milf Encounter

Bro i am camping here to wait for an update. looks like its getting hot man...
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