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Old 23-04-2004, 01:24 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
Part 6...

After I refused to expose my didi, I was shocked when 'HE?' asked for more. Now 'HE?' requested me to masturbate in front of 'HIM?'. 'HE?' juz curious how man masturbate. To 'HIM?', 'HE?' is virgin and innocent. (Haa haa)

Again I refused. Frankly, I dont think my didi will 'Mari Kita' if I am going to masturbate. I guessed 'HE?' was not happy. And again I had to tell 'HIM?' that I can accused 'HIM?' a molester if 'HE?' put 'HIS?' hand on my didi.

Then we continue to TCS....

After about 45 mins, I told 'HIM?' that I had leave. Guess wat...

'HE?' invited me to have dinner with 'HIM?'.... SIAO! I told 'HIM?' I had to be home to have dinner with my family...

Opening up the door, as a gentleman to 19yo virgin, decent girl, I told 'HIM?' that I am giving 'HIM?' the cab fare. 'HE?' asked for $50, inclusive of 'HIS?' dinner. I refused and gave 'HIM?' $30...(as a gentleman but no intention to encourage 'HIM?'). 'HE?' was not happy and again wanted to make police report. I challenged 'HIM?' and again tell 'HIM?', me as a policeman, I know the law.

I jus took the key and walked out. Took the same lift down. But instead at ground floor, 'HE?' stopped at level 2. And I juz left 'HIM?' in the hotel as I took taxi home...

(BRB - there's more.....but later at night)

Quick quick..where is another part..i wanna know the endings...hehehe
Old 23-04-2004, 02:14 PM
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Re: Sherine

I think for the first time, I encouraged you to post his handphone number openly for all to see so that we know

(you all can cursed or flame me, but I was hoping AV see his(or her) handphone no.)
Old 23-04-2004, 03:53 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by supercheongster
Quick quick..where is another part..i wanna know the endings...hehehe
Hi Supercheongster, why are you just so pushy and happy wanting to see the ending?

Imagine if happens to you one day, what will you opinion be?

I think we should give our support to Bro Schwing instead as he is brave enough to stand out to tell the horror story of this bloody heshe that has been using different name to get his prey.
Old 23-04-2004, 04:30 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by schwing
As the door was opened....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!

I saw a SUPER-BIG size 'HE?'. Frankly, I don't know how to describe 'HE?'. The way 'HE?' dressed like AQUA. Even the voice.

I was hoping 'HE?' was at the wrong door. Later, 'HE?' asked if I had made appointment with 'HIM?'. I asked for 'HIS?' name. And 'HE?' introduced 'HIMSELF?' as Sherine.

(BRB. Sorry I have to multi-task so that no one can peep at my monitor )
i salute you..for you are warning the bros here....
Old 23-04-2004, 04:40 PM
t123ang t123ang is offline
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Re: Sherine

wah low si peh heng,....... reminds me of an incident many yeras ago. I was workin in the police force and was on duty. "hello sir, lost ic report referred for your attention" .... call from the charge room downstairs. normally the person making a report has to wait becos we are very busi attending to many other cases. Suddenly many of my colleagues rushed into my office and pretend to do their work there. I was surprise but couldn't care less.

after i had finished my case on hand i was ready to see the person who made the report and on reading the report i realised it was a malaysian lady. knn no wonder all the alligators were in my room... the lady while waitin outside my office must have caught their attentions.

wat to do got big fish mus share with the all rite.

So wpc brougth in a very sexy busty lady into my room and sat down infront of me and all the alligators were jus swamping nearer to noe more abt her and hopin to get her contact from me later not uncommon in this buaya world. wah low eh si peh siang so many hungry wolfs staring in our directions.

actually this kind of report 1 day easily 10 to 20 cases but this kind of goods very hard to come by. Usually those lost ics are the " lau ah peh and ah ng" the veri careless breed.

"Yes wat can i do for you miss" my usual startin question also lookin very lusciously at her

"sir i lost.................." the lady said and b4 the 3rd words were spoken all the alligators and wolfs rushed out of my room.

y becos the only thing that betrayed the lady was her VOICE......knn otherwise we police also kena conned.

come to think of it the wpc was giggling when she showed her into my office ....

Last edited by t123ang; 23-04-2004 at 04:42 PM. Reason: typo error
Old 23-04-2004, 04:49 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by t123ang
wah low si peh heng,....... reminds me of an incident many yeras ago. I was workin in the police force and was on duty. "hello sir, lost ic report referred for your attention" .... call from the charge room downstairs. normally the person making a report has to wait becos we are very busi attending to many other cases. Suddenly many of my colleagues rushed into my office and pretend to do their work there. I was surprise but couldn't care less.

after i had finished my case on hand i was ready to see the person who made the report and on reading the report i realised it was a malaysian lady. knn no wonder all the alligators were in my room... the lady while waitin outside my office must have caught their attentions.

wat to do got big fish mus share with the all rite.

So wpc brougth in a very sexy busty lady into my room and sat down infront of me and all the alligators were jus swamping nearer to noe more abt her and hopin to get her contact from me later not uncommon in this buaya world. wah low eh si peh siang so many hungry wolfs staring in our directions.

actually this kind of report 1 day easily 10 to 20 cases but this kind of goods very hard to come by. Usually those lost ics are the " lau ah peh and ah ng" the veri careless breed.

"Yes wat can i do for you miss" my usual startin question also lookin very lusciously at her

"sir i lost.................." the lady said and b4 the 3rd words were spoken all the alligators and wolfs rushed out of my room.

y becos the only thing that betrayed the lady was her VOICE......knn otherwise we police also kena conned.

come to think of it the wpc was giggling when she showed her into my office ....
so that time U must be a AIO or IO?? hehehe.........which DIV? Maybe we know each other??? kekekee..........
Old 23-04-2004, 04:55 PM
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Re: Sherine

Bro, first of all. Hope nothing happened to you....Who gave u the hp nos..After so many years, that Sherine still alive n kicking, still a nus medical students, still having phone sex, still wana have sex with guy.......

To all NEW SAMSTER, pls be very careful when dealing with IT....pls read up the previous threads regarding Sherine.
Old 23-04-2004, 05:13 PM
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Re: Sherine

yes cupid , the div with the most high jumpers (ppl who jump to ground flr from the highest point) . cannot divulge too much here becos each batch onli very few clowns like us.
Old 23-04-2004, 05:25 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by t123ang
yes cupid , the div with the most high jumpers (ppl who jump to ground flr from the highest point) . cannot divulge too much here becos each batch onli very few clowns like us.
oic.....and by end of one year become SIO liao.....then post it!!! Fun right when doing yr GIT rounds? But siong hor?
Old 23-04-2004, 08:28 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by Jin Shiyi
This Sherine aso very daring huh....said u r police and yet "he" still staying on....any following parts bro??
brather, even if the COPS come in.. this SHE-male ( confirm a GUY.. a super disgusting CHAO GAY ) is not afriad of the law and men in BLUE! trust me.. he is THAT BRAVE.. not that we don wan to one to one .. but IT is actually a HE and not a SHE. I WAS LIKE 60KG THAT TIME, A FEW YEARS AGO.. WHILE IT ( HE ) WAS A GOOD 120KG. u tell mi... any chance of me surviving??? somemore HE knows where i stay.. bastard.. after 2 years of gym, i weigh a good 80kg now.. am afriad to say that I still wouldnt ONE to ONE with this "BIG SHOW" ....

why??? tell u pple in my next msg.. about my unprecedented story..... sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor me....
I like Pulchritudinous and attenuated Ladies....
Old 23-04-2004, 09:12 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by Orgasmic
brather, even if the COPS come in.. this SHE-male ( confirm a GUY.. a super disgusting CHAO GAY ) is not afriad of the law and men in BLUE! trust me.. he is THAT BRAVE.. not that we don wan to one to one .. but IT is actually a HE and not a SHE. I WAS LIKE 60KG THAT TIME, A FEW YEARS AGO.. WHILE IT ( HE ) WAS A GOOD 120KG. u tell mi... any chance of me surviving??? somemore HE knows where i stay.. bastard.. after 2 years of gym, i weigh a good 80kg now.. am afriad to say that I still wouldnt ONE to ONE with this "BIG SHOW" ....

why??? tell u pple in my next msg.. about my unprecedented story..... sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor me....
guess we are in the same boat. luckily for me, 'HE?' does not know where I stay, my real name and my real job... hope this will lasts as 'HE?' might be capable to find out my REAL identity...
Old 23-04-2004, 09:28 PM
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Re: Sherine

Part 7...(hopefully the last part)

In the taxi, 'HE?' called me. 'HE?' hoped to meet me again and TCS. I guessed 'HE?' enjoyed chit chatting with me....LOL. 'HE?' even told me that 'HE?' is hoping that I can help 'HIM?' if 'HE?' is facing problems...I guessed 'HE?' was totally convinced that I am a policeman.

Back home, I realised that 'HE?' need to be taught a lesson. SMS 'HIM?' using my other no. Pretended to be another guy. Asked 'HIM?' for quotation. Booked 'HIM?' the next day.

Next day....

Early morning, 'HE?' SMS me and I booked 'HIM?' 9am at Hotel 81. However, the thing is I did not made things clear...meaning, the SPECIFIC Hotel 81...


'HE?' SMS me and asked me where am I...I gave 'HIM?' a room no... Later, after a while 'HE?' SMS again to ask me where am I...This time asking me which Hotel 81. I guessed 'HE?' went to the room and found no one or wrong occupants.

Found out that 'HE?' was at Hotel 81 Lavendar, I told 'HIM?' that I was Hotel 81 Joo Chiat. I guessed 'HE?' travelled there...

At about 9.30am, I SMS 'HIM?' again to ask 'HIM?' where 'HE?' was at. 'HE?' told me that 'HE?' was reaching the hotel. Later, I told 'HIM?' that I could not wait any longer as I need to report for work. And straight away SMS saying me leaving and will make appt with 'HIM?' again later. I guessed that made 'HIM?' mad!!!


'HE?' SMS me at my first no. to ask me when we can meet for TCS. I told 'HIM?' that 'HE?' is always welcome to meet me at Bedok Police Station. Then, 'HE?' did not SMS me again...

hhhhmmm....I guess that is all I can tell u guys...Yeah, I broke the story to many parts. But these many parts have ONE objective, beware of 'HIM?'. Now, frankly, I dont know if I can trust the FL contact list anymore. Frankly, I had to put to a brave front after I met 'HIM?'. Luckily, I had survived....
Old 23-04-2004, 09:34 PM
schwing schwing is offline
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Re: Sherine

I had read your views, bros! Thanks for your views and wishes! Received PMs from some bros too...

Yeah. Some bros here requested for 'HIS?' contact no. Yeah, I think 'HE?' is ought to be taught some lesson. But any suggestion?

Well for the no. I guessed these digits will help you better... 943341**

Many ppl might have same first 4 digits but lesser ppl have same first 6 digits. If there is a good suggestion how we can deal with 'HIM?', I dont mind to join in and teach 'HIM?' a good lesson!
Old 23-04-2004, 09:34 PM
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Re: Sherine

Hahaha.... very nice & real FR!

Old 23-04-2004, 09:36 PM
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Re: Sherine

Originally Posted by skyrider
Hahaha.... very nice & real FR!

Yupe, super real life experience...haa haa
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