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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.

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Old 19-07-2004, 11:53 PM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Here's my 2 cents worth of view. The govt have done what many countries deemed fit, legalizing the trade as with the GL150 cat and the Thai fishtank trade. I dun the reason of not doing the same for China gals or indonesian gals.

Just imagine...we walk along geylang, and see a house that offers cat150 chinses and malay gals from Malaysia, next door, thai dishes in fishtanks, then the next door we see China girls on offer. Finally we see Indonesian gals on sofas. It's like heaven for the males.

It's like the telecommunication wars between Singtel, Starhub, M1. Good competition produce competitive rates, better aftersales services and what perks u may have like accumulating reward points. Hehehe bonk a certain number of times, get one free. What a thought.

Remember the papers mentioned that prostittution is not against the law but soliciting is! Then if u can't dispose of the problem, work round it to ur benefit. Things will be in check, no illegal ones, increase tax revenue, provide variety and could be an undisclosed destination for sex starved people looking for varieties. They need oni come to Singapore as the port of call.

Just my thoughts on this issue. Cheers!
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Old 20-07-2004, 10:35 AM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by proprimate
Here's my 2 cents worth of view. The govt have done what many countries deemed fit, legalizing the trade as with the GL150 cat and the Thai fishtank trade. I dun the reason of not doing the same for China gals or indonesian gals.

Just imagine...we walk along geylang, and see a house that offers cat150 chinses and malay gals from Malaysia, next door, thai dishes in fishtanks, then the next door we see China girls on offer. Finally we see Indonesian gals on sofas. It's like heaven for the males.

It's like the telecommunication wars between Singtel, Starhub, M1. Good competition produce competitive rates, better aftersales services and what perks u may have like accumulating reward points. Hehehe bonk a certain number of times, get one free. What a thought.

Remember the papers mentioned that prostittution is not against the law but soliciting is! Then if u can't dispose of the problem, work round it to ur benefit. Things will be in check, no illegal ones, increase tax revenue, provide variety and could be an undisclosed destination for sex starved people looking for varieties. They need oni come to Singapore as the port of call.

Just my thoughts on this issue. Cheers!

I think there maybe a problem as I doubt the chinese govt woul allow their nationals to work in these profession overseas.
Old 20-07-2004, 10:59 AM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by duke
I think there maybe a problem as I doubt the chinese govt woul allow their nationals to work in these profession overseas.
totally agree wif u, dun think the great china gov will allow that, they will feel lost of face. remenber incident on our next PM visiting taiwan?
i think too many PRC ard liao. try throwing a stone in the air n chances of hitting a PRC in gl is higher than sporean. SIGH.............2 many gals, 2 little $$$.
Old 20-07-2004, 06:30 PM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

But if you had encounter one who is pretty, late 20s and good attitude, i don't think i will object them from coming.
Old 20-07-2004, 11:12 PM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by wankmehappy
totally agree wif u, dun think the great china gov will allow that, they will feel lost of face. remenber incident on our next PM visiting taiwan?
i think too many PRC ard liao. try throwing a stone in the air n chances of hitting a PRC in gl is higher than sporean. SIGH.............2 many gals, 2 little $$$.
guess that the main reason they can work here "undertable" quite freely all around GL... cos it would be hard for them to do it legally
-- Phom poot thai mai dai --
Old 21-07-2004, 04:02 PM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by toothbrush
guess that the main reason they can work here "undertable" quite freely all around GL... cos it would be hard for them to do it legally
bro, guess "undertable" is all ard the world, just tat whether is big or small. in this world oni oni $ talk. most of the PRC spend alot to b able to come to spore. matter of living, they got no choice but open legs lor.

Old 22-07-2004, 02:44 AM
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Re: the bright side

Originally Posted by Hasa Sas
China has 1 million people infected with HIV even thought their Premier insisted that the mere 0.01% is one of the lowest among the asian country.
Isn't that risky if 0.01 of the million flood to S'pore?
We Don't need that 0.01 %. Singapore is Small enough.... 1 girl can get fuck by 10 guys a day.... 1 week...

1 PRO, who purposly want singapore men to die..... can kill many of us!

don't say 0.01%, 0.0001% can already become a EPIDEMIC!
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Old 22-07-2004, 03:06 AM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

After plying the streets today and visiting some of the legalised houses...I've certainly summed up my views.

PRC Mei Meis:

Good for cheongsters: definitely variety of choices and not being held by gunpoint. Absolutely nothing negative, some of them...even just for looks alone...are delicious enough. And on the hindsight, the general feedbacks favour the punters... longer time allocation for sessions and better services rendered. Sad but truth... the MMs are a bad indulgence...but I do see happy faces of young n old men, especially those who're lonely. To them, it does not matter if it's short-lived happiness...cometh tomorrow..if their pockets are still good..they can have a wild time with another fresh beauty should the current departs.

BAD for the legal houses and WLs: business drop due to the outburst of PRCs and surely deters newer fresh girls from coming in. The money that they've used to make no longer is a reality, gone are the promises of quick money. A couple of houses I visited at around 9pm generated a mere few customers. The OKTs are in panic state now... their destiny lies on their lords - Anti Vice. They're hoping how the AVs can come up with a solution to help and cope the current situation... and it does not help when new girls are being rejected time after time.

The frequency of legal WLs' FRs compared to the FL section FRs... it's a relatively good gauge of how bad the situation is right now. I sincerely do not mind the competition in Geylang...but goodness me...the PRCs are even boldly selling themselves in neighbourhoods! C'mon lah... I may be a cheongster... the last thing I wanna see in my block's coffee shop is more PRCs!

I dunno whose undoings are these... but one advise to AV... better start releasing the new legal girls... create the hype... dat's the least u could do to cope with the side switching of cheongsters. No point raiding the PRCs everynight... remember the old saying: If u cant beat em, join em.

Passing thoughts,
The Hustler
Old 22-07-2004, 06:14 AM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Although the PRC gals have a certain influence on the legal houses business, but seriously whats the main reason the bros here had reduce the frequency of visits to the houses? Is it the career stability, sian liao or decline in sex drive due to work?
Old 22-07-2004, 06:36 AM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

PRC gals ..good looking, provides variety ... but lousy service, most of them .. if u want ur ass rim, bbbj and the whole lot , nothing beats cat$150 .. i avoid cat$40 altogether .. 90% of the time, i get rushed and no playing nipples, no this no that ..sianzz
Old 22-07-2004, 10:31 PM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by The_Hustler
After plying the streets today and visiting some of the legalised houses...I've certainly summed up my views.

PRC Mei Meis:

Good for cheongsters: definitely variety of choices and not being held by gunpoint. Absolutely nothing negative, some of them...even just for looks alone...are delicious enough. And on the hindsight, the general feedbacks favour the punters... longer time allocation for sessions and better services rendered. Sad but truth... the MMs are a bad indulgence...but I do see happy faces of young n old men, especially those who're lonely. To them, it does not matter if it's short-lived happiness...cometh tomorrow..if their pockets are still good..they can have a wild time with another fresh beauty should the current departs.

BAD for the legal houses and WLs: business drop due to the outburst of PRCs and surely deters newer fresh girls from coming in. The money that they've used to make no longer is a reality, gone are the promises of quick money. A couple of houses I visited at around 9pm generated a mere few customers. The OKTs are in panic state now... their destiny lies on their lords - Anti Vice. They're hoping how the AVs can come up with a solution to help and cope the current situation... and it does not help when new girls are being rejected time after time.

The frequency of legal WLs' FRs compared to the FL section FRs... it's a relatively good gauge of how bad the situation is right now. I sincerely do not mind the competition in Geylang...but goodness me...the PRCs are even boldly selling themselves in neighbourhoods! C'mon lah... I may be a cheongster... the last thing I wanna see in my block's coffee shop is more PRCs!

I dunno whose undoings are these... but one advise to AV... better start releasing the new legal girls... create the hype... dat's the least u could do to cope with the side switching of cheongsters. No point raiding the PRCs everynight... remember the old saying: If u cant beat em, join em.

Passing thoughts,
The Hustler
very good analysis indeed but for the last part where u say if u can't beat em,join em------well u forgot that the MIB know that they are BIGGER so their thinking is 'why should i join em,i'm the 1 dictating the RULES!'
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Old 24-07-2004, 03:03 AM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by The_Hustler
After plying the streets today and visiting some of the legalised houses...I've certainly summed up my views.

PRC Mei Meis:

Good for cheongsters: definitely variety of choices and not being held by gunpoint. Absolutely nothing negative, some of them...even just for looks alone...are delicious enough. And on the hindsight, the general feedbacks favour the punters... longer time allocation for sessions and better services rendered. Sad but truth... the MMs are a bad indulgence...but I do see happy faces of young n old men, especially those who're lonely. To them, it does not matter if it's short-lived happiness...cometh tomorrow..if their pockets are still good..they can have a wild time with another fresh beauty should the current departs.

BAD for the legal houses and WLs: business drop due to the outburst of PRCs and surely deters newer fresh girls from coming in. The money that they've used to make no longer is a reality, gone are the promises of quick money. A couple of houses I visited at around 9pm generated a mere few customers. The OKTs are in panic state now... their destiny lies on their lords - Anti Vice. They're hoping how the AVs can come up with a solution to help and cope the current situation... and it does not help when new girls are being rejected time after time.

The frequency of legal WLs' FRs compared to the FL section FRs... it's a relatively good gauge of how bad the situation is right now. I sincerely do not mind the competition in Geylang...but goodness me...the PRCs are even boldly selling themselves in neighbourhoods! C'mon lah... I may be a cheongster... the last thing I wanna see in my block's coffee shop is more PRCs!

I dunno whose undoings are these... but one advise to AV... better start releasing the new legal girls... create the hype... dat's the least u could do to cope with the side switching of cheongsters. No point raiding the PRCs everynight... remember the old saying: If u cant beat em, join em.

Passing thoughts,
The Hustler
Yup... so many girls for the last 2 mths, AV rejected. So how?

Cat 40 thai were also hit hard.

PRCs are everywhere! in the coffeeshop, i see more PRC than Tiger Beer.
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Old 24-07-2004, 11:53 AM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by Ah Dez
Yup... so many girls for the last 2 mths, AV rejected. So how?

Cat 40 thai were also hit hard.

PRCs are everywhere! in the coffeeshop, i see more PRC than Tiger Beer.
It's "PRC" time....
-- Phom poot thai mai dai --
Old 25-07-2004, 04:10 PM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

PRC FUCK UP !!!!!!!!!!!

before fuck tok so sweet, hold your hand and hug you...

fuck man, collect money inside room face black like i owe her money

"ordered me to strip"....followed by fucked up dead fish fuck.

cannot kiss, cannot touch, only missionary position.......

worse part is kpkb all the time" oei....why u taking so long to cum".....


$80 i feed to fish i also more shiok

Old 25-07-2004, 04:53 PM
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Re: PRC, Good or Bad?

My half cent worth of idea.

The first impression vanishes in less than ten minutes of the time in room. The attitude, cooperation and service capability matters for the rest of the time.

The dead-fish will not satisfy our needs. I had a couple of similar experiences, where I booked for night and walked away after one hour.

We are doing lot of combined research of who are good and who are bad in GL and sharing for the benefit of other brothers.

I sincerely feel. AVOID PRC's.
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