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Old 19-12-2010, 12:29 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Uncle lai see see look look liao
Old 19-12-2010, 12:40 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Sigh, there is always a "special person" which will always remain in one heart in every human. Whether is it man or woman, there will sure be someone or some relation that will always inside as part of your heart which is very difficult to forget until the day that is six feet under.
Old 19-12-2010, 01:33 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Camping here now~~
Old 19-12-2010, 01:46 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………


The next few days at work, were awkward to say the least, I try to treat Jenny normal like the rest, but find it increasingly difficult as that “LOOK” keep appearing before me. It is distracting and trying to stay focus on my tasks was tough. I noticed Jenny was not teasing me anymore, she was more serious with work and she was dressing up a little better with brighter colors. As the days passed, I was less distracted and thought that what happened that evening was a one off event.

How wrong can I be………….

Usually weekends are off days for the factory, however, on most Saturdays, overtime work is required to rush orders for customers. In most cases, it’s only half a day of work. This Saturday was no different than any other. It’s almost 1.30pm and I was packing up after all the operators have clocked out. I noticed Jenny was still around at her desk clearing paperwork. As I walk towards her to bid her goodbye, she approached me nervously……..

Jenny: So hard working ah, so late still around..
Me: What about you, you’re the last one ….
Jenny: Waiting for the rest to leave so that I can talk to you la..
Me: Huh?
Jenny: Want to go movie with me or not?

I was taken aback by her directness and was stunned momentarily…regaining my composure…

Me: Eh, not so nice right, if others see, then I have a lot of explaining to do.
Jenny: You ah, always like that. Really no balls one, always scared of this and that, Just watch movie only wat..
Me: I am your supervisor, if people see me with you, very difficult to explain you know
Jenny: You are so useless. I don’t care. I will wait for you at Yangtze cinema at 7pm. You better turn up, if not I will not come to work anymore and I mean it…….

Before I could reply, she turned and ran out of the door. I was tempted to run after her, but somehow I just stood there, wondering…. what am I going to do now. My trip home was not pleasant at all. My mind was in a turmoil, fighting for an answer…..

I never have someone dated me before. The feeling of being wooed by someone is very nice …… I reasoned. But she’s not my kind of girl. Showing up, means giving her the wrong signal and also facing the prospect of being seen by others….

But her threat still ring deep in my ears..….I will not come to work anymore and I mean it….. will she really carry it out??

Soon it was 5pm, my heart was racing, my mind spinning…… should I or should I not….It’s drizzling anyway, maybe she won’t turn up…I try to console myself….

6pm, last chance……. time is running out…

Finally, I made up my mind…………
Old 19-12-2010, 02:50 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

TS u sound very chicken during your youth. hahaha no hard feeling. Please carry on your excellent story, hopefully after what you wrote will make you feel better. Live is about looking forward, can't progress further if you don't let go.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 19-12-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Originally Posted by Cocky View Post
Sigh, there is always a "special person" which will always remain in one heart in every human. Whether is it man or woman, there will sure be someone or some relation that will always inside as part of your heart which is very difficult to forget until the day that is six feet under.
Agreed...Totally agreed... wife is so much better than her(my ex)...but...sigh...

...女人不坏...男人不爱...just me...
Old 19-12-2010, 03:16 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

TS a little reward for yr stories... Cheers
Old 19-12-2010, 03:43 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

'whether' not 'weather' !!!
Old 19-12-2010, 09:43 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Refreshing and promising story!

Keep it up, TS!
Old 19-12-2010, 11:01 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Sweet memories. Reminds of a gal whom i am thinking about. I am never very firm about courting her. She was someone i heard of years ago and i ever saw her on friendster, but she was attached back then years ago.

Somehow, i got reacquainted with her through a friend's friend. I wasnt really keen to court cos of the earlier heart breaking courtships which ended in naught. Courage was faint.

At times, i do ask what if i do not try n whether i would regret. It seems that nothing ventured nothing gained. Ren shen ru yi chang meng. Like ts, i know i will likely regret someday if i do not seize the opportunity. Sigh
Old 20-12-2010, 10:34 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

I appreciate all the support and comments, even grammatical correction. I apologize for the errors made. A special mention to those who upz me, thank you…..

Continuing the story………….

It was 7.45pm when I got out of the cab. I was late, but I did it on purpose. It’s still drizzling. I was wearing a light wind breaker under my short sleeve shirt. I scanned the area very quickly, half hoping not to see her. I least, I can say I turned up, but you were not there…… I reasoned, but…… no such luck …..

I saw her standing near the steps. My jaw just dropped ….

Normally she would be in her loose tee shirts, bermuda shorts and flip flop, dressed like an auntie going to the market….but tonight she was dressed in a knee length flowery red dress. She was wearing heels and carried a small sling bag. Her hair was nicely done up. She looks stunning… could be easily mistaken for a night club xiao jie. I never knew she could look so good.

She approached me slowly. In her hands were 2 tickets she must have bought earlier. I could she her eyes was a little wet and red….

Me: You….you look so different ….. very beautiful
Jenny: Thanks, I thought you are not going to show up….do you know something?
Me: What?
Jenny: I was serious, when I say I will not show up for work anymore if you don’t show up tonight. I am prepared to wait the whole night just for you…….. For a while, I thought you are going to break my heart….

I could see her eyes glistering with tears again … I was thinking….. fortunately I made the right decision to show up…..

Jenny: Let’s go. The show started already…..
Me: Love story again ah?
Jenny: Aba den...

With that she hooked on to my arm and we walk into the cinema, like a couple in love. She must have spent quite a bit of time dolling up for this. Her make up was much thicker and her light perfume smells so good. As we walked, her boob brushed against my arm, I was starting to get aroused……

I wasn’t paying too much attention to the screen in front of me. I was enjoying having Jenny so close to me, her fresh smell, her sweet smile, her childlike playfulness. She may not be my kind of girl for a partner, but who could reject a beautiful lady throwing herself at you. ….I reasoned…….and it made me feel so macho.

I turned to look at her. Once again, she gave me the same seductive look. But this time I move my lips to hers and for the first time we kissed….. how could I ever forget those strawberry lipstick laced, smooth, silky, wet lips of hers…... it felt so good. All seems so unreal now………….

I don’t remember much of the show, as my mind was focused on other things. It was 9.30pm, when it ended. We walked, hand in hand out of the cinema. Once outside, I noticed the rain has stopped..…

Jenny: Where to next?
Me: Home?
Jenny: Don’t wan la, so early…… why don’t we go somewhere for a walk
Me: Esplanade?
Jenny: Ok, sounds good.

So we hailed a cab and headed towards our intended destination. I knew it will end up more than just a walk, but I never expected what took place next………
Old 20-12-2010, 10:51 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Originally Posted by RoverX View Post
I appreciate all the support and comments, even grammatical correction. I apologize for the errors made. A special mention to those who upz me, thank you…..

Continuing the story………….

It was 7.45pm when I got out of the cab. I was late, but I did it on purpose. It’s still drizzling. I was wearing a light wind breaker under my short sleeve shirt. I scanned the area very quickly, half hoping not to see her. I least, I can say I turned up, but you were not there…… I reasoned, but…… no such luck …..

I saw her standing near the steps. My jaw just dropped ….

Normally she would be in her loose tee shirts, bermuda shorts and flip flop, dressed like an auntie going to the market….but tonight she was dressed in a knee length flowery red dress. She was wearing heels and carried a small sling bag. Her hair was nicely done up. She looks stunning… could be easily mistaken for a night club xiao jie. I never knew she could look so good.

She approached me slowly. In her hands were 2 tickets she must have bought earlier. I could she her eyes was a little wet and red….

Me: You….you look so different ….. very beautiful
Jenny: Thanks, I thought you are not going to show up….do you know something?
Me: What?
Jenny: I was serious, when I say I will not show up for work anymore if you don’t show up tonight. I am prepared to wait the whole night just for you…….. For a while, I thought you are going to break my heart….

I could see her eyes glistering with tears again … I was thinking….. fortunately I made the right decision to show up…..

Jenny: Let’s go. The show started already…..
Me: Love story again ah?
Jenny: Aba den...

With that she hooked on to my arm and we walk into the cinema, like a couple in love. She must have spent quite a bit of time dolling up for this. Her make up was much thicker and her light perfume smells so good. As we walked, her boob brushed against my arm, I was starting to get aroused……

I wasn’t paying too much attention to the screen in front of me. I was enjoying having Jenny so close to me, her fresh smell, her sweet smile, her childlike playfulness. She may not be my kind of girl for a partner, but who could reject a beautiful lady throwing herself at you. ….I reasoned…….and it made me feel so macho.

I turned to look at her. Once again, she gave me the same seductive look. But this time I move my lips to hers and for the first time we kissed….. how could I ever forget those strawberry lipstick laced, smooth, silky, wet lips of hers…... it felt so good. All seems so unreal now………….

I don’t remember much of the show, as my mind was focused on other things. It was 9.30pm, when it ended. We walked, hand in hand out of the cinema. Once outside, I noticed the rain has stopped..…

Jenny: Where to next?
Me: Home?
Jenny: Don’t wan la, so early…… why don’t we go somewhere for a walk
Me: Esplanade?
Jenny: Ok, sounds good.

So we hailed a cab and headed towards our intended destination. I knew it will end up more than just a walk, but I never expected what took place next………
Bro TS, Esplanade?? I think not your time lahz... Shld be satay club right?? Coz if u r watching love movie @ Regal or Yangtze cinema.... It shld be either later 80s or early 90s liao.... Haha.... But overall, I still love your story.... make me feel young to date again.... LOL....
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="red"]Thx to all brothers and sister who have up me.
Old 20-12-2010, 10:55 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Originally Posted by LeMans View Post
Bro TS, Esplanade?? I think not your time lahz... Shld be satay club right?? Coz if u r watching love movie @ Regal or Yangtze cinema.... It shld be either later 80s or early 90s liao.... Haha.... But overall, I still love your story.... make me feel young to date again.... LOL....
True that Yangtze is my time one which always show RA movies

Thought close down Liao.. Anyway 不认老也不行了。
Old 20-12-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Nice story TS, do continue please..

--- I come in Peace ---
Old 20-12-2010, 05:03 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Come on hurry hurry bro, we want to know what's next , cheers ...............
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