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Old 03-03-2011, 09:34 AM
9dragon 9dragon is offline
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Originally Posted by Skypiea View Post
please faster cum back for your stream stream story
Originally Posted by DC0203 View Post
Nice one..keep it coming
Thanks guy...stay tune for updates
Old 03-03-2011, 10:02 AM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Bro 9dragon, Chris just have sunny side up eggs instead of papayas only...
but have abalone what... still can let hotdog meet abalone...
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:03 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian


After I met up with John, I shared with him about Fiona...John has already met them so he knows who she was. Andy supported me to screw her..haha..wat a pal! But we both knew it was quite impossible cause she's a lesbian. I need to find out more about her before making any move...

I went back home that night, thinking about how would her breast looks like since I've never come into contact with any girls whom is more than 33B That fantasy made me even more determine to go after Fiona! The next morning, I went to work, surprisingly Chris was earlier than me...She greeted me with a smile and thank me once again for sending her gf back (it was definitely my wld be even greater if i cld bonk her..hahaha)

I dated the both of them for dinner & drinks tonite together with John...John came up with this ingenious idea to keep the both of them thinking that we're really gay to gain bigger trust from Chris that Fiona will be safe in my hands. After work, we headed down to boat quay for dinner..John was already there, I went down with Chris but Fiona was late. So we ordered food 1st while waiting for her to come. When Fiona finally came, she was in this 1pc dress with a belt, showing off her slim waist..that dress came with a plunging neckline which shows her deep cleavage so clearly. I almost salivate upon seeing her.

"Sorry Sorry...i'm late, got presentation in school!" she said

"Wah, what kind of presentation man! That you gotta dress like this & 'kill' the judges ah!" i disturbed Fiona

"No was more of a business presenting for my this term module lah..i dun have any other dress liao lah..I know this pc is a bit too revealing but no choice lor!" she sulk!

"okok..dun disturb u liao..come, her's a beer for you...cheers!" i said

With that, she happily took her mug & cheers with me before downing the whole mug! Boy was she thristy! haha....Fiona was seated beside me as it was a square table so me & john sat opp each other while Chris & Fiona too so we can face our "partners" respectively. Chris was in a mood to drink (as usual) so she ordered a bottle of vodka to be mix with some other drinks. It wasn't long before Chris was already high from the potent alcohol content...Fiona too had a sip too much but she was more sober than Chris...

"Guess she gotta stay with me tonite again liao...look at she go back?" Fiona said

"Your house like a Inn for drunkards next time if I drunk, u take me in too can?" I disturbed her!

"Hehe...u dun need me...u got John to take care of u..." she rebutted me....Nabey, like that also can...I can't lose to her so I said "Yah..just in case John not around how? He's always away on business trip and I always hang out with u girls mah""

"Like that also can...haha..I think my parents will be shocked if I bring a guy home! Dunno if they'll be happy or not...maybe happy lor since u're a guy..but then when they find out u gay, they will be disappointed again...hahahaha!" she said

"Well, if that day happen..we see what's your parents reaction!" I told her

Fiona's parents are pretty cool with her..The rules are no drugs & cigarettes...the rest they're ok. They have come to terms that their daughter is not interested in the opp sex and they do not wish to force her too! What cool parents she have I tot to myself.

When we called it a night, on my left arm I have Chris & on my right, I have fiona...both were unbalanced hence need my support to walk back to the car..As i held Fiona by her shoulder, she almost fell so I held her waist instead..even with so much beer inside her..she barely got tummy! I felt like her bf holding her..Chris was too drunk to know wat's happening & started mumbling nonsense! Suddenly, Fiona tripped over something & almost fell down..As she was falling forward, my hands automatically when upwards to support her..that was when I "accidentally" touched her breast for the 1st time..She was busty enought not to wear padded bra..I could feel her whole breast when It brushed against my hand! I had a hardon immediately! She managed to get hold of her balance and probably din know what happened....

........more to come when we reach her place
Old 03-03-2011, 10:06 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Originally Posted by rob_onny View Post
Bro 9dragon, Chris just have sunny side up eggs instead of papayas only...
but have abalone what... still can let hotdog meet abalone...
Hi bro..good to see u around..always love your comments & advices..
Honestly speaking,its ok to bonk a "sunny side up eggs" gal but her despite having sharp features & flawless skin,its the haircut like a guy..crewcut leh..cannot take it lah..hotdog see the abalone also become from Frankfurter to Cocktail sausage leh
Old 03-03-2011, 10:19 AM
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Arrow Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Bro 9dragon, thanks & u'r most welcome...
BTW, like one of the bro in SBF had mentioned (can't remember who leow)...
U may consider using a pillow 2 cover either her face or ur eyes... lol...
Originally Posted by 9dragon View Post
Hi bro..good to see u around..always love your comments & advices..
Honestly speaking,its ok to bonk a "sunny side up eggs" gal but her despite having sharp features & flawless skin,its the haircut like a guy..crewcut leh..cannot take it lah..hotdog see the abalone also become from Frankfurter to Cocktail sausage leh
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:26 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Originally Posted by 9dragon View Post
Honestly speaking,its ok to bonk a "sunny side up eggs" gal but her despite having sharp features & flawless skin,its the haircut like a guy..crewcut leh..cannot take it lah..hotdog see the abalone also become from Frankfurter to Cocktail sausage leh
Originally Posted by rob_onny View Post
BTW, like one of the bro in SBF had mentioned (can't remember who leow)...
U may consider using a pillow 2 cover either her face or ur eyes...

Simple mah , cover the face and fire the base
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:47 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Camping for more ....
Do Believe My Tongue IS As long As my Avatar .Not my cock !!!!
Old 03-03-2011, 10:54 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Camper reporting in too...
Old 04-03-2011, 12:02 AM
tromba tromba is offline
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

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Damn i am late
Old 04-03-2011, 03:11 AM
samster1911 samster1911 is offline
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

My god, bonking a lesbian (or both of them tgt) has been my life long dream and fantasy and mission. Salute to you bro if you've succeeded (which im sure you did). Wish me luck i'll need a lot.

Old 04-03-2011, 09:31 AM
9dragon 9dragon is offline
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Originally Posted by rob_onny View Post
Bro 9dragon, thanks & u'r most welcome...
BTW, like one of the bro in SBF had mentioned (can't remember who leow)...
U may consider using a pillow 2 cover either her face or ur eyes... lol...
Wow cannot lah bro..the body may be willing but the mind overcome the body
Originally Posted by beary View Post
Simple mah , cover the face and fire the base
Cannot fire bro..sure come out blanks..hehe
Originally Posted by ahbengsony View Post
Camping for more ....
Tks bro!
Originally Posted by Eric22 View Post
Camper reporting in too...
Enjoy your stay =)
Originally Posted by tromba View Post
reporting in
Damn i am late
Never too late for reading
Originally Posted by samster1911 View Post
My god, bonking a lesbian (or both of them tgt) has been my life long dream and fantasy and mission. Salute to you bro if you've succeeded (which im sure you did). Wish me luck i'll need a lot.
haha...lesbian Yes..Before my gal turn Butch Yes..TGT nope...wish u luck bro
Old 04-03-2011, 09:55 AM
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Arrow Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Bro 9dragon, y not drink some alcohol... plus pillow & long-hair wig??
W/these things... may b u'll miss-fire??
Originally Posted by 9dragon View Post
Wow cannot lah bro..the body may be willing but the mind overcome the body
Cannot fire bro..sure come out blanks..hehe
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Old 04-03-2011, 10:09 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian


When we got back into the car, Chris said she needed to go home as she had some documents back at her place which she need to present to boss tml.."Lucky Bastard" I tot to myself since I can drop Chris back home 1st then have Fiona all by myself Fiona was fast asleep at the back of the after I dropped Chris off, as usual, a 'thank you' hug from her then off she went...I was smiling to myself as I drove off with Fiona. I kept looking at the rear view mirror to steal glances at her, she looks good even when drunk & sleeping..I wonder how good will she look naked! haha....Anyway when I reached her place, I went to the back of the car to wake her up:" Hey girl..we're back liao..wake up"

She mumbled:" Praise the lord..let's drink!" before slumbering back to the seat...I dunno how come she got this drunk cos before that while at the restuarant, she was more sober than Chris...I just sat at the back seat, with her head resting on my thigh. I was so tempted to open this revealing plunging neckline dress of hers to peek at her breast but I had no balls to do it! Looking at her tits screaming to come out has already led me to another hard-on again. I know nothing's gonna happen if we stayed in the car so I whispered to her ears "Let's go home..I send you up girl!" she just nodded her head.

As I helped her outta the car, she accidentally zaogeng! Saw her translucent black panties but couldn't see her pussy as it was too fast...Wah, at this point, I really wanted to rape her lor! I held her by her waist while she rested her head on my shoulders. In the lift, I just rubbed her waist, hitting the side of her breast occasionally. She was took drunk or high to notice! I asked for her keys to open the door and she fumbled to find them so I had no choice but to go thru her bag and find her keys...Guessed what I found instead? A mini vibrator! Fuck man...this girl must be horny! WTF is Chris doing to her I tot to myself!

I'm already more horny..After I found her keys, I managed to open the door and led her back to her room. Guessed it was easy to find cos her room was the only door opened! I helped her back to her room and laid her on her bed after closing the door, didn't wanna wake her family up!

"Hey girl, u're back home safe & sound...I'm leaving already k!" I whispered to her.

"Tks gay boy....u're so sweet..too bad u're a gay if not many girls will fall for u!" she replied with her eyes closed.

I dunno what gave me the guts but I just gave her a peck on her forehead and patted her head before leaving. As I got up, she opened her eyes slowly..looked at me, smiled and closed back her was she thinking...How I wished I had the balls to plant that peck on her lips instead!

I went back home that night...smiling to myself the whole journey and kept thinking of our next meetup!

The next day...When I went to work, Chris did managed to wake up too!
"Chris, surprised u can wake up man! I'm damn seh already...even I drank less than u guys!"

"Nah, LL man..if I din have to present some documents to boss, I wld have took urgent leave...btw tks again for sending Fiona back last nite...wanted to stay over her place so u dun have to run two places." Chris replied

"Always my pleasure Buddy...u girls are nice lah!" I just smiled at her

Back in office, I kept thinking of Fiona...couldn't focus on my work but I didn't dare to sms her too! At about 12pm, my hp was an SMS from Fiona.."Tks Sweetie for sending me home & putting me to sleep..i had the sweetest dreams last nite!" i was stunned...was there any hidden meaning behind her sounded so much like I was her BF! I kept telling myself she probably treated me like a "SIS" & not a guy anyway. I just replied her "It's my sweetest pleasure" via sms. We exchanged a few more sms that afternoon and I was smiling the whole day at work till even Chris noticed I was super happy! be cont
Old 04-03-2011, 10:31 AM
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Arrow Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Bro 9dragon, if i were u... i guess i would grab some papayas...
Originally Posted by 9dragon View Post
I dunno how come she got this drunk cos before that while at the restuarant, she was more sober than Chris...
In the lift, I just rubbed her waist, hitting the side of her breast occasionally. She was took drunk or high to notice! I asked for her keys to open the door and she fumbled to find them so I had no choice but to go thru her bag and find her keys...Guessed what I found instead? A mini vibrator! Fuck man...this girl must be horny! WTF is Chris doing to her I tot to myself!
I dunno what gave me the guts but I just gave her a peck on her forehead and patted her head before leaving. As I got up, she opened her eyes slowly..looked at me, smiled and closed back her was she thinking...How I wished I had the balls to plant that peck on her lips instead!

I went back home that night...smiling to myself the whole journey and kept thinking of our next meetup!
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 04-03-2011, 11:26 AM
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Wink Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Originally Posted by 9dragon View Post
At about 12pm, my hp was an SMS from Fiona.."Tks Sweetie for sending me home & putting me to sleep..i had the sweetest dreams last nite!" i was stunned...was there any hidden meaning behind her sounded so much like I was her BF! I kept telling myself she probably treated me like a "SIS" & not a guy anyway. I just replied her "It's my sweetest pleasure" via sms. We exchanged a few more sms that afternoon and I was smiling the whole day at work till even Chris noticed I was super happy!
Sounds like flirting.. Chances very high.. BTW, nice story..
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