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Old 02-12-2004, 08:31 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by seacher
hi bro
my last visit for package cost me 168 rm total
168 for full package with facilities
the rest i not sure cost i only go for full package
the service on my last visit is in the hotel room at lvl 17 they guide me to the room and guide me back to lvl 16 after the service
Bros, thanks for the info. Next trip I go, must stay there for 2 to 3 hours to explore that HC facilities and pricing liao.....
Old 02-12-2004, 11:30 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by gigantic_tk
Bros, thanks for the info. Next trip I go, must stay there for 2 to 3 hours to explore that HC facilities and pricing liao.....
no prob bro
be sure to check out the TV room
can ask to ppl there to let u choose what show u want to see
i watched 'a diary' on my last trip
ra show not bad the actresses all very chio
watch finish the actions then go for my own actions haahaa
Old 03-12-2004, 09:36 AM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by jameskhoa
Right dudes,

Just returned from Tropical Inn. For those unfamiliar, here is the long but simple way.

1. Once you complete malaysian customs, there are 2 routes. 1st is straight up, 2nd is to hang a right.

2. Go straight up, and do a U-Turn on the 1st available turn.

3. Keep driving and you will pass City Square (on your right hand side).

4. Keep driving straight up, and keep left.

5. The moment, you see a petrol station (I think its Shell, does someone want to confirm this?) You should hang a left. Confirm it is Shell

6. Tropical inn is on your immediate right hand side. (Its the building with AVIS CAR RENTAL).
Basically, go towards Pelangi direction after customs, passing by Citi Square on your right while keeping left. After shell, do a left turn and you will see Tropical Inn.
Old 03-12-2004, 05:28 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Yap.... thats right..... Its after Shell found on your left. Than follow the left lane to turn left and turn right immediately to the car park.
Old 04-12-2004, 12:59 PM
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Re: Tropical Inn - "Room Service"

Found the place and decided to try. Park the car in front of the hotel, it is better for at least it is open and seems to have a security there looking after. Fee is RM$3.00 per entry. Went and tried looking for the phone. Ok this is kinda confusing. Do not except the phone to be at a booth or counter or even reception, it is actually right beside the reception towards the direction of the toilet. On a small round table sat the black colour phone, looks totally out of place, more like a Bonker’s Hotline. Dial the magic no. and the other end will ask how many visitors and direct you to a room for viewing. Take your choice and if you do not like what you see, tell the gal politely and request to see more gals if they are available.

I have A*y for “dinner”, small boobs barely enough to fill my hands, cup A/B I think, light brown areola with pointing nips to match. Long perm wavy hair, dyed and touching shoulder. She’s definitely not too much of a looker; one can see the time leave it marks on her on a closer look. Anyway she’s 30. Overall she is slim, perhaps a 24” waist and quite a nice bum to match, proven when doggie. The bush are nicely trim and net but some stretch marks and scars here and there, part of growing up I guess.

The rest of the issues are SOP. Do not expect a filled tub for shower but she does shower with you and wash your little bro clean and of course clean you again after job done as well. One thing that might turn you off might be the spitting into tissues during BBBJ.

Look : 7/10 (Looks good for her age)
BBBJ : 7/10 (Hardworking but weak suction, no CIM though)
Boobs : 6/10 (A bit too small for my liking)
Attitude : 8/10 (Friendly, chatty. Was feeling some pain when doggie but she kept quiet. No rush, willing to change positions to accommodate you.)
Damage : RM$130 + RM$3
RTF : When given the time and chance, yes.

Disclaimer: How the gals react and treat you depends how you treat them. Ability to communicate with them is impt. I did not go in, strip, ram, and fxxk off. Do some small talk does you good. Above are purely base on my judgment and may not applies to all.

RE: Lots of brothers read and enjoy but not much willing to give credit when due.
Old 04-12-2004, 06:43 PM
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Re: Tropical Inn - "Room Service"

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
...... On a small round table sat the black colour phone, looks totally out of place, more like a Bonker’s Hotline. Dial the magic no. and the other end will ask how many visitors and direct you to a room for viewing. ....

sorry bro, the number you dial is a secret number or simply the direct line to the spa? Would appreciate if you could cast some light on it.. thanks
Old 04-12-2004, 06:52 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

I thought the Spa is on the 16th floor. Go direct to 16th floor will do?
Why need to make "secret call" - illegal FL meh?
Old 04-12-2004, 10:01 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

hi bro gigantic_tk and Libra
the tel no is 7139
it is for those who want only the ger without the spa
one bro say it is a different management for these gers and the spa gers
refer to the baove post for more details
i have not try before

bro OceanEleven
nice FR up u
Old 04-12-2004, 10:20 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by seacher
hi bro gigantic_tk and Libra
the tel no is 7139
it is for those who want only the ger without the spa
one bro say it is a different management for these gers and the spa gers
refer to the baove post for more details
i have not try before

bro OceanEleven
nice FR up u
So, RM130 is Gal + room.
Old 04-12-2004, 10:46 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

time for one more FR
went there today again
5 chops already 5 more for the free one time haahaa
rate is 230.0 at custom

go there TV room relax a bit then came this captain the one with a mole on his face and the mole got hair one
one thing to note the captains there like scare u dont take the service like that go there before u ask for ger the captains will came and bother u even u in the TV room
told him wait want watch show first he still hang around but no hill him after a while he went away liao

after a while went out ask for this xiao yu short hair one coz saw her on my previous visit like the way she look the captain say she working want push another ger(new ger no xx5) to me but i say i willing to wait coz previous visit push me one not that good one (new ger also) so prefer to choose myself one

so after 20 mins captain say can liao so walk outside then came xiao yu and she told the captain she wanted to eat first have not eat yet but the captain like no hill her wanted her to service me first

the way she talking to captain very cute and friendly knowing that after she eaten sure got more enegy to service me and like her attitude will sure worth the wait so told the captain let her eat first i can wait

wait some more then caotain bring me to room and send xiao yu to me
ask her her name is xiao yu or not she say is xiao ya
she climb to bed say 'wo she ni de le' woh man that is it man
take off her clothes started roaming her can tell from her breath she got smoke one

attack her little sister and she wanted me to massage her bud of her sister for her
best i like took quite some time massaging her bud kissing her boobs until she say reach high tide liao want me to stop say high tide only can one time or she will die one haahaa all the while she very wet so believe she really got her high loh so put cd and pump her

nothing much standard position pump very long until i sweat like crazy and finally cum on so shock at this time the phone rang captain call say time up liao haahaa so on time

bath and got out no frenching allowed although i try to and no bj for me also

name : xiao ya(she told me one but the captain say is xiao yu)
no: 917(first 2 no not very sure as usual only remember the last no)
short hair think not much short hair there so tell the captain short hair think they know liao face a bit too round and not that pretty but ok loh
boobs:a bit more then a handful
attitude: very friendly ,gf feeling i like her attitude alot
fj: 8/10 (sweat like crazy but she never say anything but she was sweating also so what can she say haahaa)
rtf:maybe see mood
damage:169(from what i heard this 168 promo is for dec only)

siao expose so much details wait someone print out the my FRs bring there
then me expose liao anyway up my pt if u like my FRs

as for the makan place i mention in my last FR is meldrum walk food center
although call food center but it is those movable stalls in the backlane that operated at 5 to 3 one
Old 04-12-2004, 10:48 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by gigantic_tk
So, RM130 is Gal + room.
kindly read the above post from other bros for more infor
coz i have not try before cannot confirm
Old 04-12-2004, 11:10 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

sorry damage for my latest FR is 168
just saw the typo pai sia
Old 06-12-2004, 09:09 AM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by gigantic_tk
So, RM130 is Gal + room.
Confirmed. RM$130 includes room. Please note that the gals may not be young and chio. Enjoy.
Old 06-12-2004, 05:50 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by seacher
no prob bro
be sure to check out the TV room
can ask to ppl there to let u choose what show u want to see
i watched 'a diary' on my last trip
ra show not bad the actresses all very chio
watch finish the actions then go for my own actions haahaa
Now no more the RA show in TV room already,becos there face few time of operasi (checking) at here. so u had to do it wif ur gal in room liao....
Old 06-12-2004, 06:11 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Went there yesterday with fren at 3pm, look like everything is the same, all the facility are at the same location, only the makan area and TV room had partition, the wall with new paint only.
check out the pricing with captain:
Bussiness Hour : 12pm - 11 pm (last call 10:00-10:30pm)
Normal massage : RM 58.00 net / 45 min RM 68.00 net / 1 hrs
Full package : RM 168.00

the facility they hv is : Souna room , Steam room , warm pool and cool pool ( just for 2-3 ppl to use each pool.very small) TV room , Makan area and few massage room. if u not intersted on these,just ignore it..
Captain told me that the package gal are PRC,with few local,all of them not in this spa center, need to go up next floor from a corner,then view and choose the gal u want.

becos i rush for my time, just hving the massage then out from there about 5 pm,so hope these info can let all bro here hv a referrence.

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